Full moon

I wake up by myself in the morning. Eli must have gone to class without me. I pick up my phone to look at the time. It was 9:30 and class ends at 10:15. There's no point in going. I'll just stop by the cafeteria a grab breakfast. As I leave my dorm my head starts pounding. Its from lack of food. Ugh. I quickly head to the eating hall. There wasn't much of a food choice left so I grabbed eggs, toast and bacon. As I went to go find a seat I see Julius sitting all by himself. I mean sure why not. I head over to him and sit across his table, then begin eating. After I take a bite of toast I look up at him. Well say something.

"Hey June. How have you been? And were is your little girlfriend?" He chuckled. I sighed. The food that I wanted so badly 15 minutes ago now looks completely unappetizing. How pathetic. I spit out my food mid chew and throw my toast on the plate and push my plate away. I look back up at Julius who seemed to look confused. "Eli thinks I'm a vampire because I can't eat food anymore and that my skin looks so pale." I laugh. Julius didn't seem to find that sentence the least bit amusing. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned in, resting his elbows on the table. "That's not funny. That can actually be serious." He says with a shadowy look casted over his face. So solemn and dark. I roll my eyes and rest my chin in the palm of my hand. "Oh great don't tell me your apart of the outside realm too. What are you? A werewolf as well." I asked. Julius looked away and cleared his throat. My eyes widened. No way! How many outsiders actually live in this place? What the hell!

"Your not wrong. So I guess you already know about us creatures and the outside realm? Although my folks like to call it the shadow realm. Sounds more peaceful." He chuckled. I sit back in my chair and take a deep breath. What a great start to my day. "Yea my mom never stopped talking about the outside realm." I finally answered. I saw Julius smile. "I've never heard of a human entering the shadow realm in my lifetime. That's crazy. I should tell my parents." He said. Why is everyone so happy about that? It makes me wonder.

"Do you think that I may not be human myself?" I ask Julius. He nods. "Oh your definitely human, but you have a very odd scent on you that I just can't seem to figure out, but don't worry your scent smells absolutely amazing. It's part of the reason I'm so attracted to you." He says. I laugh quietly but try to hide it with my hand. Julius looks away from my gaze and and stands up. "Welp I should get going now, my next class starts soon." He says. Oh yea I guess he didn't go to class either. I wonder why. I watch him leave the cafeteria over to a group of boys. Then they all disappeared around the corner. I get up and head to class as well.

                                     ~ .   .   .  ~

"Hey June there's a party tonight if you wanna come. I won't go if you won't but I do want you to go." Eli asked as we were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. I've never been to a party so why not.

"Sure that sounds good to me." I say. To be completely honest I was super nervous since I don't know what to expect for a first college party, and I'm sure it's nothing like the movies.

      "Yes! That means we can get dressed up!" Eli said with a smile. Oh no. "No I think I'm gonna go just wearing my casual clothing." I awkwardly chuckled.

       "Hey, it's not like I'll put makeup on you and throw you into a sparkly dress Cinderella." She teased. I laughed and I watched as she ate. I wonder if food taste good to werewolves. Well I'm sure since they love eating meat. "I'm glad we have one more class after this." I say. What a relief really. Eli looks up and smiles at me. "Well at least I've had you to keep me going this week June." She says I smile and and bite the tip of my thumb while she eats.

When we head to class Eli grabs my arm and brings me under the stairs. "Is something wrong?" I panicked, but Eli was just smiling at me. "Just act casual June bug." She says as she leans closer to me. She was so close I could smell the hot skin from her neck. "Smell and see if maybe you'd want a taste. I think you may be a vampire." She continued, staying still. I could feel myself blushing. "Eli I- I don't think this would help." I say quietly. I can feel her breath tickle my back as she inhales deeply. "Just do it. I'm only curious." She insisted. I hold in my breath as I wrap my left hand around her neck to bring it closer to my mouth. I exhale slowly and breath in her scent. It did smell really good. I stick out my tongue a little and lick the spot I smelled. I could feel Eli shiver under my grasp. I lean over to her ear. "Eli are you ok? I can stop." I whisper. She shivered again, and shook her head. "No keep going." She said. I go back over to her neck and brush my lips along the side of it. My heart stopped. I could feel myself salivating. No way, no way, no way. My body felt hot. At this point I wanted nothing more than Eli herself. I gasped and pulled away quickly. Eli looked up, her face nearly screaming the color scarlet. "We should get to class." I choked. My heart was nearly about to beat out of my chest. I just wanted to calm down. I leave first with Eli behind me.

After class me and Eli head for our dorm. I jump right into bed and stay there. "Sooo I believe what happened has answered my question." Eli giggled and sits next to me to pat my back. "I'm gonna go grab some food, so take a nap and when I get back we can leave." She continued. I don't turn around until I hear the soft click of the door closing. I sit up and slap my cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid! What is WRONG with you June. I'll just call it a bluff. That's all. I sigh and lay back down. I need to take a shower though. I groan and get back up. After my shower I get dressed and lay back down to rest. I decided to read another entry from my moms journal. "Today me and Aro visited the outside realm. He showed me his friends, and boy were they interested in me. I told them not to bite me because I wanted to remember them. I'm glad we didn't go on a full moon though. vampires were scary when they were controlled by the shadow moon.'' I closed the book and hesitated. So I guess Aro is a vampire then... I guess it was a lot easier to read my moms entries now that I know what I am.

     The party was outside at a park but a little ways away from campus. We had to wait till after curfew before we began so that it wouldn't be so easy to be caught by the cops. Security was quite low here anyways.

"Here try it! It taste gross but it's tradition." Eli said as she's handing me a corona from a wooden table.

A couple hours go by and I drink lots of different variety drinks while I watch Eli play beer pong across the park. I start to hiccup and realize I should probably stop drinking. I knew you could get drunk but I've never known what it felt like. I set my last beer down and try to walk towards Eli but I could barely feel my legs. I started to cry because I was panicking. I sat on the floor and sobbed. I had no idea why but I had just felt like it.

A slender man with black hair and glasses came up to me. My vision was blurry when I looked up to try and see his face.

"Hey are you ok? Do you want me to set you down somewhere? Do you want some company?" He asked.

All I did was nod and he lifted me up.

"But Eli where is she? I have to find her, she has to stay with me." I whined in his ear.

He started to get irritated as he walked me to a dark corner and set me down letting my body envelope into the cool created shadows under a nearby building. I realize we were by an ally way.

"Where *hiccup* are we?" I asked. Everything was spinning out of control and I was starting to feel nauseous.

The man was still standing up when I asked.

"You know your pretty hot for a girl wearing just jeans and a shirt to a party." I heard him say. He bends down a little bit by my ear. "If you wanna know where we are, you have to do something for me in order to get that information babe." He continued to say. I wanted to scream but I was so scared and confused. He grabs me by my neck and pins me against a cold wall. I flinch and begin to tear up. I try to stop it by swallowing as hard as I could but his hand was pressed hard against my trachea. It was getting a little harder to breath.

"S-stop p-lease *hiccup*." I barely whispered. At this point I was trying hard to fight for air.

The man finally let go and I started a coughing fit and fell to the ground. The man laughed and stood up. I heard clinging sounds of metal and was assuming he was unbuckling his pants. I tried to get up and run but everything was still spinning so it was still hard to walk properly without falling down again. It felt as if I were trying to walk for the first time again. I chuckled. I'm so thirsty. I realize my attraction to blood was getting worse. I think Eli made it worse.

     "What the hell are you laughing at slut?" I the slender man asked. I was able to use the rocky wall as support so that I could stand up again. It took a lot of my strength out of me. My knees were trembling. I've never felt so weak in my life. I hated it. The man realizes I've gotten back up and stops focusing on unbuckling his pants. He lunges at me and grabs me by the neck again. I do the same and pull him closer. I smell his neck and and rub my nose along the side. Warm. I could feel his pulse. His heart was beating like a drum. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I smile. I wanted more. So badly I wanted more. I can't stop myself. I lick his neck to taste his skin. I shiver. I use my free arm to pull him closer to my body. I'm breathing so heavily I can't hear myself think. I bite his neck hard so that I break his skin. The man pulls away quickly. He looks scared. "Did you just bite me?! What is-.." before he continued to speak I pull him back in. He was struggling to leave my grasp but I was determined. I see a slight trickle of blood escape his new wound. I lick it up and let go of him. I guess it doesn't taste as good as I thought.... I think. My vision was blurring worse than before. I could barely hold my self back anymore.

   "June what the hell are you doing?" I hear a familiar voice yell. I was in too much pain to think. My head had started to hurt so bad that the pain was piercing my skull. I yelped in agony. The pain was unbearable. I could feel pain in my mouth like my teeth were growing. I close my eyes and block out the noise. I let the ground take control. I feel an arm grab me before I fell completely. When I open my eyes again I could feel Julius's warmth underneath me.

I take my heavy arms and wrap them around his neck. He looks down and notices that I'm awake. He takes his free hand and shoves my head into his chest. The most secure I've ever felt in my life. It made my heart beat 10 times faster.

"Ok you can let go. I get it your muscles are hard, you don't need to flex." I teased, And rolled my head back to look at his face. His jawline was a sharp as ever. I guess I might still be a little tipsy.

"Hey! WHY are YOU clenching your jaw??" I laughed, and stabbed my finger into his cheek. I gasped a little bit at his eyes. They were a beautiful dark yellow under the mellow moonlight. I place my hand firmly on his chest. With him near me seemed to have reduced my pain.