Blood lust

I wake up with an ear splitting migraine. I groan and roll over to my side. I hear Eli walk over to my bed. She was awfully quiet. "Good morning June. Julius sent you here last night and told me to get you medicine and some water. Are you ok? He told me what happened." She explained. I guess they'd know each other considering where they both came from. It was obvious. I get up to take the medicine and push myself up so that my back was laid up against the wall. "I don't really understand what happened last night. I guess I was really drunk." Then it hit me... literally every detail last night. I widened my eyes and put my hands to my mouth. My teeth, they hurt... I search the roof of my mouth for fangs. When I didn't find any I sigh in relief. I can hear Eli chuckle bedside me. I look over at her and sneer. "Why are you laughing? This is horrible. What I did to that man... oh my goodness I have to apologize." I say and get up quickly to find clean clothes. Eli grabs my arm and sets me down on my bed.

"His memories of last night have already been erased thanks to the moon. Any human affected by a vampire bite or a werewolf bite won't remember the next morning, unless it was during the day. I should've known about your actions sooner before sending you out into a full moon so quickly. I mean I thought you weren't going to act as bad as a full vampire but I was wrong. I apologize." Eli says with her head down. I cup my hand under her chin so that she was facing me. "It's not your fault. I just lost control. I know to be more cautious now, that's all." I reassure her. My stomach starts growling. I'm starving. Maybe my body will allow me to eat today. "Let's go eat breakfast Eli." I suggest and we head out to the cafeteria hall.

I pile my plate with hash browns, bacon, eggs, sausage, toast and grab a large mocha to finish it off. It's like I'm a 12 year old boy hitting a growth spurt, eating everything in my path. I can feel Eli stare as I scarf my food down in huge bites. When I finish I look up at her then look at her plate. She's finished but she left a lot of food leftover. I pointed at it. "Can I finish that for you?" I ask. Eli nods and then folds her arms as she sits back in her chair to investigate my eating habits most likely. When I'm done I lay in my chair as well, now with a full belly. I smile. "Do you have any idea what I just witnessed?" Eli asks me. I look at her and shake my head. "That I was only able to eat after I've tasted blood?" I ask. Eli nods her head. I guess we have both came to a consensus.

"I guess you could say that. When vampires are young they get to a certain age where they start their cravings. That's when they start to feed. I guess you started late being that your half vampire, but unlike a full vampire you only have the taste for human food. But after some time, your vampire side will get hungry again for a taste of blood only then are you able to eat food normally again." Eli states. She is truly smart. I laugh. "Then I guess I'm just going to have to control my vampy side when I need to feed. Wait but what if-..?" I start. "If you want to feed more and more because your vampy side will start to mature and you'd need the actual blood intake of a fully matured vampire? That is very likely." Eli finished for me. Well said. I smile. "I guess when the time comes you and Julius will need to train me." I smile. Eli smirks. "Yea I guess Julius has already figured it out by now." Eli says.

Later that day Eli goes off campus to look for any nearby stores so that we don't have to spend money at the cafeteria everyday. Again.. I'm all by myself. I guess it would be the perfect time to try and find Julius. I start my journey around campus. It's probably been 10 minutes of walking until I finally see him with those guys I saw the other day in the cafeteria. I walk over to them. As I approach closer one of them notices me walking toward them and walks up to me. He looked angry. When he got closer I had noticed that his eyes were the same color as Julius's the night of the full moon. I stepped back. This may not be a good sign. I already knew if I ran then he'd catch me. So I stopped backing away. As he approached me he held a grip of my arm in anger.

"What the hell are you? Tell me! Your scent is unfamiliar and dangerous." He scowled. His expression was ravenous. I swallowed in fear and I bite my lip to stop from screaming. Who is this man? Before I could respond I hear Julius yell behind his friend. "Ron let go of her! Before I rip you to shreds!" I jump. Maybe this wasn't his friend? I'm scared. Julius gets closer and pulls Ron off of me. He had yet to pull his eyes away from my gaze. I wanted nothing else in the world more than to attack this man right now. Julius whispers in Ron's ear and Ron seems to settle down. I hear him clear his throat. "I'm sorry June." I hear him say under his breath. I take a deep breath and loosen my guard. Julius looks at me and points to the two men. "These two idiots are my brothers. Jaime and Ron, they are older than me by 2 years, they're juniors here." He explains. I slowly wave to them both and try to smile. "They already know who you are and now know that you aren't a threat." He continues staring intently at his brother Ron. Ron puts both his hands up in defeat and awkwardly laughs. "Bad temper." He states. Julius rolls his eyes and we start walking.

"Now leave me alone you two." He says then walks away with my arm in his grasp. I didn't know where he was taking me but I didn't really mind. As he let's go of me we are in front of the community kitchen doorway. "I thought you could make us some tea." Julius suggests awkwardly. It did feel a little awkward with just the two of us in here. I start a pot for water and set it on the stove, then I lean my head against the cupboard. My head was starting to hurt. I hear Julius get up and walk over to me. He leaned up against the sink. I look down from the cupboard and see that his hands were gripping the counter. I look up at his face and his jaw was clenched. I giggle.

"Is something wrong with you?" I ask him. He looks at me while my head is still in the same position, and furrows his eyebrows. "June, I have something to tell you." He says. I lift my head up off Of the cupboard so that I was properly looking at him. "What's up?" I asked. I was a little concerned. Julius had almost looked pained. He looks at me and holds my gaze. I could tell honesty was pouring out of his pretty hazel eyes. "I think I might love you." He says. His expression held only pure sincerity. I sighed in relief. I thought he was in trouble. "You scared me, I thought you were gonna say you were dying." I say with a hand over my chest. "I love you too Julius. I think now the only people I love in the world are you, my mom and Eli." I say. I go back to leaning my head on the cupboard. I hear Julius chuckle by my ear. I look back at him from the cupboard. He leans closer to me. "No, I'm IN love with you, June." He says. I get back up and walk over so that I was facing him. I cross my arms over my chest. "Now how is that any different then from what I just told you?" I ask. Slightly amused.

"That I have romantic feelings for you. It's different then how you would think Of a friend. Are you serious? Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asks me. At that point my eyes widened. I'm such an idiot. I've never had a romantic love before, I've only ever seen it in the movies. All my life I've been taking care of my mother I guess I never really had the time to be an actual teenager. I could feel my face heat up. I guess Julius had understood my realization. Did I feel that way about him? Do I even know what that feeling is? This is frustrating. "I- I um I've never felt that way about someone before. I was mostly with my mom my whole life, I've never really thought about things like that.. I'm sorry." I say with my head down. I feel Julius reach his hand over and caress my cheek.

"Your so warm." I say. Then I close my eyes to feel his warmth. I did feel my heart beat faster... was that a sign? "And your cold as always." I hear him chuckle. I look up at him. "How do you know that you feel that way about me?" I ask. I see Julius bite his lower lip, but he bit it hard. "Oh I guess I do that out of habit I'm sorry." As he turned around to grab a paper towel I grab him. I was mesmerized. My eyes had already had the best of me. "No d- don't." I say quietly as I pull him closer into my grasp. I was completely drawn to the blood. I licked his lower lip where the blood had started to trickle. I felt Julius cup the back of my neck lightly so the our lips met. I stopped for a second to watch the blood fall again and then I sucked his lip. I was trying to be gentle. I feel Julius moan and he kisses me. I kiss him back. I swear I think I'm going crazy. I feel hotter then the day me and Eli were under the stairs. This felt a little different. I guess this is what lust feels like. I was completely enticed. Dazed by the heat of our skin together in complete contact. I feel like I'm melting under the hot sun. I only cry for more. We let each other go to breathe. Julius starts kissing my chin and then my neck. I flinch as he softly bites my collar bone. We both jump by the scream of the tea pot, asking us to remove it from the heat. What a selfish tea pot.