The Moons Contract

It was in the middle of the day but being stuck in the shadow realm it felt like it had been night forever. I check my phone. 6:49pm. Well I guess their sun goes down earlier than ours. I mean we did get here at around 1pm. "So your Aro's daughter?" Julius's father had concluded. He was holding my hand gently, his skin old and faintly pale. It seemed that he was starting to wither away. I look to my left at their mother. A beautiful woman with long thick black hair and a devilish physique. I loved the dark look. Her face was long and contoured. Her eyes were a bright arrogant yellow. Aside from the father he was old and hunched. His hair was grey and his eyebrows bushy. His eyes were a worn out yellow that glinted in the light. You could tell he was a kind man. I smile sheepishly at their hospitality. "Do you think I could see my father?" I ask Bane. His wife Rene looks over at Bane and they both look at me and shake their heads. "Your father had fled to the human realm after having told his clan about you. He left in shame." Bane explains. I nod my head in slight disbelief. "Thank you for the information Mr. and Mrs. Morgan." I say.

  "We can however take you to your family. Aro's parents are still there along with his siblings and their families. Their household the Knight family." Bane tells me. I smile. "That's my last name. I'd be glad to go." I say. We discussed our plan to meet my family the next day so that Julius and the others could settle in with the rest of their pack. I sit over by a fire place where Jaime and a woman were sitting closely together. His hand on her leg. I cross my arms. "Is she your girlfriend Jaime?" I ask him curiously. She was pretty with short red hair and orange eyes, her skin was fair. She looks at me and half-smiles, showing off one of her fangs. Her nails were long and sharp. Jaime looks up at me and nods. Then goes back to talking to her. They did look good together. I sigh and get up. Eli has left to go meet up with her family, they were in the same pack but her family owned a different household, near this one. They were all from the same pack because they all had the mark of the crescent. There were 5 packs. The crescent pack, the Starred pack, the Arrow pack, the blood pack (the scariest), and the rampant pack (ones who were not given a mark at birth.) It was likely for other packs to run around and fall in love and make packs of their own for strength status but the heirs of the original blood pack are deemed the strongest to the werewolf gene. So they like to keep their pack tight and in control by only mating with the unmarked so that their chances of having blood marked children increased. This wasn't even close to the amount of information Bane had given me. I was trying so hard to pay attention but it got boring after a while when he started getting into detail about the wolves ancestors and their past. I giggled to myself and walked onto a balcony, overlooking markets and other mansions near by. I looked up at the sky. Pitch black, the moon a gory yellow, I flinched at the aura. I look down again and see Julius and the female he was talking to earlier sitting in the front of the house.  They were arguing still. I see her lean in and kiss him but he pushes her off and she smacks him and gets up to walk off. I feel a tight squeezing in my chest. What the hell just happened? I was completely shocked, and angry. Was there a female that Julius didn't tell me about? Were they dating before we were? I stomp off and head back over to the couch. I see the woman burst through the front doors in anger, she looks at me for a second in complete malice. I bunch my eyebrows together in anger and look away. We both decided to be petty. I hear Julius calling after her but she heads upstairs.

  Julius notices me and I look away. I did not want to speak to him right now. I just wanted Eli, I want her to comfort me.

  Toward the end of the day everyone eats dinner and heads off to bed as do I. I get taken to a guest room and I close my door. I change into shorts and a tank top and sit on my bed. "I miss you :(." I text Eli and then flop on my bed and sigh. As expected the room was huge and decorated in gold satin. I marveled at the ceiling in awe. It was an entire masterpiece of art. Stars and the moon. The moon was gold and bright like the sun. I tug at my throat. I painfully swallowed and groaned. My thirst was getting harder to control. I hear a soft knock and then sit up on my bed. "Come in." I said quietly, my throat still in pain. I frown as Julius comes in and closes the door behind him. I shake my head and point at the door. "Out." I mouthed in anger. Julius panicked and started a pleading look on his face. "Please just let me explain." He asked. I roll my eyes and look up at the ceiling. "She's my ex. We broke up before I left to go back to Arizona for school, she was mad at me because I brought you along. She's just jealous and werewolves are known to have a temper." He explains. Maybe what I felt was jealousy as well. I cross my arms. "I'm jealous too. And mad that I saw her kiss you." I say to him, avoiding any chance of eye contact. How was I supposed to feel? "I didn't kiss her back." Julius continued. I look at him and shrug my shoulders. "That is true I guess." I say. I remember Eli complaining about my whole holding grudges thing but I couldn't help it. I feel Julius sit next to me and I look over at him. His warmth overwhelming my thirst. I hold my throat and get up. "You can go now." I whisper. Julius gets up and moves my hand from my throat. I look up to him looking down at me. I can see him swallow. He bends down and kisses me. His lips were soft and warm, I- NO! I pull away from him and turn around. "Leave me alone, Jules we cant tonight, ok?" I tell him.

  "I can't leave you thirsty like this." He says. He's noticed me fighting it this whole time. How could I be so nonchalant about it. "Just bite my arm. Nothing special." He shrugs. He comes closer and hands me his arm. It was starting to get easier for me to drink from him and Eli considering they try so hard to get me to bite them. I always give in, but I'm afraid that it'll be a habit..

  I lean in and bite Julius's arm that sticks out. He doesn't move a muscle. I keep drinking until I feel satisfied. I look up and Julius wipes my lip. I feel 10 times better. I pull him onto the bed and get on top of him. "Thank you." I smile and lean to kiss him. I cup my hand over his mouth and let my fangs out again. I move his head to the side and poke my fangs into the side of his neck. I do it in 3 different areas. The wounds are small so not much blood comes out. I move down his body to his stomach and move his shirt up to bite his torso. My head was completely clouded. Scratch him up and bite him everywhere. He heals fast anyways. My thoughts repeated themselves and I had lost complete control of my mundane side.

  I go back up his body and lick his ear. "Take your shirt off." I whisper. When he does I let my nails grow and I start scratching along his chest. I look up and see Julius smiling as he winced. I was amused. "I like that look, it turns me on." I say playfully. I kiss him again hard on the mouth and we sit up. I moved my hands around his back and his chest, down to his stomach, then his waistline. "I want you." I complained. I could feel myself in complete heat but drowning my actual feelings. In my head all I wanted was Julius. In that moment all I yearned for was Julius. "Come on play with me." I pouted. Julius had almost looked the same way I did. Completely controlled by lust. "I don't know if we should keep this going." He said as if he were in a trance. Almost like he was trying to wake himself up. Fighting with himself for my sake. Apart of me was starting to get agitated at the thought of stopping. "No let's keep going. I want to mark you everywhere Jules." I say as I take my tank top of and smile. Julius's expression became hunger. I didn't know exactly what I wanted but my body had fell completely numb to whatever spell I was under. Honestly I wasn't mad at whatever was about to happen next. I was ready. Julius gets on top of me and bites the side of my neck hard. I gasp.

  The rest of the night was a complete blur but I was more than satisfied, and I know that I would be for a while. Afterwards me and Julius had regained full consciousness. I was laying on his chest trying not to fall asleep. "Jules, why did you bite me?" I asked him. I felt as his chest would rise and fall. His heart fluttering trying to escape his ribcage. "It's what we do to mark territory. I'm in love with you so your mine. We surrendered ourself under the shadows moon. It's like signing a contract, although it's not much use in the human realm. My scent on you would fade over time. So I'd have to keep doing it often but here it's only once." He explains. Is that what Eli was trying to explain to me that night? "Then why did you bite me when we made out at the university if it doesn't work?" I say. "We do it instinctively. When we love someone it just naturally occurs to us to bite when in heat." He continues. So then Eli bit me too because she loves me back. I smile. That made me happy. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep into Julius's arms.