Torn under one moon

Why do I feel so cold? I groan and flip over. I try to feel for Jules but his presence was no longer in here. I get up quickly and rub my eyes. Who does he think he is? I get up and feel a pain in between my legs. I Yelp a little and run to the bathroom. I hear water before I open the door. "Jules? Julius are you in there?" I ask as I knock on the door. I open it anyway and see that he's taking a shower. I sigh in relief and pee. It was my first time having sex I'd figure I'd go pee after we did it but whatever. I get up and wash my hands and before I leave I hear Julius whisper through the curtains. "Aren't you gonna take a shower with me?" He asks shyly. I try to suppress a giggle as I respond. "No, I'll take one after you. I'm sure Eli is waiting for me in the hall so hurry up." I say quickly before scurrying out of the bathroom. I look at the time and decide to pack up. A couple minutes later I hear the water turn off so I grab my clothes and hop in when Julius gets out.

  After I get ready I open my door to leave. When I'm about to leave I jump and gasp as I see Eli waiting for me outside of my door sitting on the ground. I grab my chest and breathe deeply. "Jesus El are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I ask her. I see her smile and she gets up to hug me. I hug her back but after a few seconds she pulls away and puts herself at a distance from me and pinches her nose. "You smell like him." And then she walks off. I cock my head to the side in confusion and shrug it off as I follow behind her. After breakfast we get ready to head out with Bane, he's going to lead us to my family's cult for a brief visit. I'm actually horrified about how this will turn out, but I'm also conflicted with joy.

  "Eli wait up!" I yell as I hurry and catch up to the rest of the group. Julius was no where to be seen so I'd figure that it would be better to stick with Eli for today. We walk a little further and I see a market, not like the building, but carts and stands all different from each other as I imagined. As we head deeper into the market place I can see what the stands are actually selling. "Viles of human blood." "I can read your future." "Hire a hitman." I blink. Is this actually real? Am I in the black market? I giggle to myself. All of a sudden my body washes over in complete fear. I shiver with goosebumps and rub my arms. Well that was a little weird. I look behind me instinctively. Nothing is there your just overreacting. I sigh and roll my eyes. My mind is always playing tricks on me. I see that Bane and the rest are heading out of the marketplace now and I was left behind for being a scaredy-cat. I try to catch up and see that Eli is just now turning the corner. All of a sudden I feel a hard force shove me. I groan and try to get up but my face is completely covered with dirt so I try to wipe it.

  "Do you know how much your worth little lady?" I hear a man behind me ask. I pull myself up to my knees and spit dirt out of my bloody mouth. "Man I hate the taste of my own blood!" I say irritated. I chuckle to myself. Well I guess not all blood can be tasteful. I turn and look up at the man that shoved me. I look around for a quick second and realize that I was in a dark ally way... again. I sigh and fully get up. "That fucking hurt you know?" I tell him, as I wipe my hands on his shirt. I hear a low growl come from his throat and try to back up a little, but he had already got a fistful of my shirt before I could even move. I frown. "I asked you a damn question you crazy ass chick. Your name is on the top of the black markets list for most wanted item. I'm here to claim you." He says solemnly. I squint so that I can see the mans face but it was covered by a face full of curly brown hair. He had a beard as well. His body was kinda big but somehow seemed to have the strength of a body builder. He had a black cloak on so I figure he has to be from some idiot cult. "Look man I don't have time for this right now. I'm heading to my family's cult to see my dad Aro." I say to the man, trying to calm him down. "A dead man can't be a threat if that's what your trying to do." The man chuckled. I freeze. Dead man? The man let's go of me before I could even respond and raises his hand at me again, I flinch and close my eyes. I hear him groan in pain and I open my eyes. I feel my head and body. How did he not hit me... was I hit? "There you are you dummy." I raise my head smiling. I knew that voice from anywhere. "Eli!" I yell running to her and bury my face in her neck.

   "I was so scared. He said I'm in the black markets list for most wanted item. I'm not an object I'm a human." I whined to her. I feel her tighten around me and her breath tickling the side of my neck. "I was panicking I couldn't see you the second I turned around." She whispered. I shivered again and pulled away so that our foreheads were touching. "I'd never leave you so early el." I whisper smiling. "I love you." I tell her, and close my eyes. I jolt as I feel her press her warm soft lips against mine. I didn't dare open my eyes. I wanted to engrave the shape of her lips into my brain for ever. I melt under her touch so easily. I pull her in and suck on her bottom lip then softly bite it as I pull away. I open my eyes and I see that Eli is crying. I blink a few times and wipe her tears quickly. "What's wrong el?" I ask her quietly. Eli pulls away slowly. "His mark on you is so strong. He's all I see when I kiss you..." she explains. I drop my shoulders and look away. "June look at me. I'm not mad just heart broken that's all. I just need some time away-." She continues. I pull her arm in complete surprise "No! No Eli please don't leave me. I'm sorry." I plead. I've had to many people leave me in my lifetime. I don't want Eli to be another one. I see her close her eyes and sigh. "June seriously, I can't be around you right now. The mark will wear off sooner or later when we are back in the normal realm. Let's just finish this visit and go home to talk about this okay?" She tells me. I drop my arm and drop my head in my hands.

  I can't decide who I'd hurt more, when I now realize that I love Eli just as much as Julius. I wait for Eli to catch up and I follow up behind her keeping myself at a distance. I feel someone touch my arm from behind me. "Sorry I was behind. I had to get a necklace I left here last time." He says. I nod my head. He clears his throat and walks past me. Is it avoid June day today?? I lightly scoff and bow my head in shame. What did I get myself into. When we finally reach the mansion, Aro's grandparents are outside to greet us.