The Knight Mansion

"I see you all have made it in one piece." A short stubby old woman states. We had just arrived to the top of the stairs of the knight mansion. The old woman shuffles towards me and holds my hand as she closes her eyes. "Now I can tell through your skin and warm blood that you are my son's biological daughter." She continues. I swallow and look down to get a better look at her. Her hair was long and gray, her skin as pale as a sheet of paper. Her face had not one wrinkle and her makeup as black as the night sky. It's like she was trying to give the illusion that she was young but couldn't have the strength to pull it off. Her limbs were long and her fingers were crooked. "So Aro is my father?" I ask her. She nods her and walks over to an old man back up to the front door. The old man next to her was the complete opposite of her. He was tall, his beard and un-wrinkled face made him look like he was about in his 50s (but I know that they are both 2x older than that.) his skin was also a pale white and his eyes were unlike hers who were lifeless and brown. His were vivid. A blooming red with a dangerous intent for death. I looked down quickly, intimidated enough I couldn't  stand to stare at his beady blood red eyes.

  The grand front doors open and out comes a gorgeous young man who seemed to be in his early 20s. His hair was black and messy short unlike the old mans who's was slicked back. His skin was a translucent white and his eyes were a sunset red, no where near the red death color I just witnessed. His eyes were soft and inviting, his facial structure was strong and made him look fierce. He was as tall as the old man and had a devilish smile you couldn't seem to look away from.

  "Let's get these fine folks inside for a little chat, don't you believe father? I'm sure they have questions about big brother Aro's whereabouts." He smiled deviously. The three of them turned and we followed them inside. The interior of the mansion was of course a dark, gothic scenery. Entirely matte black, the furniture, curtains, fire place, rugs. The walls were laced with black and red. The stair case was a dark wood that spiraled into the next floor. The structure was nearly the same concept as the the werewolves hideout. It was truly eccentric. We all headed to a grand living room which had the same theme as the foyer. There we sat and began our discussion.

  "It's nice meeting you again Magnus knight." Bane says as he reaches his hand out for a warm greeting with his old friend. The old man extends his hand out for the official reunion. "Hello old friend. It's been far too long." He says without a smile. His face was like stone. Not a hint of expression. "It is also a pleasure to meet you Magnus, Katerina as well." Rene says as she bows. They both hold their hands out palms facing the floor. Rene kissed both of the back of their hands. She was incredibly courteous. It's almost as if she looked up to these two. Like they weren't on the same level. I guess Magnus did give off that sort of vibe. Vampires do live longer than werewolves, so technically the older you are the more sophisticated? Whatever.

"Oh Rene it has been far too long my sister. I have missed you dearly." Katerina said in her high pitch voice with a serene smile. Magnus and Katerina look at each other and look at us. "So I guess we aren't here for a friendly reunion. This is about my son correct?" Magnus asks as his eyes lock on mine. I couldn't look away. His eyes were breathtakingly deadly. I take a deep breath and straighten my posture. "I had a few questions. Where is Aro?" I ask looking around. I spot their younger son sitting behind his parents in a single chair, clearly invested in our little conversation. "He's not here. He fled when you were born I believe." Stated Magnus. I look down and look at Katerina who is way easier to look at. "Do you have any idea where he could have gone and why he left?" I asked her. But it was Magnus again who answered. "I believe he's still in the US. Up in New Orleans to stay with some old friends. That was the last I've heard from him, and that was a couple years ago. As to why, I believe because he didn't have the guts to face us after you were conceived. You see in our ranking as the knight family we have high standards for who we let into our family if you know what I mean. We want full blooded power. But in your case I haven't seen many half vampires, you see, vampires can't get humans pregnant.. unless they visit the shadow realm which is very rare. Your father very much loved your mother so we can see how this happened."

  That explains much. But does that mean I should go visit my father? Could it be dangerous? "I also wanted to know if my mother getting sick had to do with the realm?" I asked. "Oh very much so. You see humans are powerless and can't stay as long as one of the shadow realm. She visited many times knowing that every visit would eventually drain her body and cause her to age and whither. After she stopped visiting, Elijah told us what had happened. We are just surprised that she was strong enough for birth. How long was she able to live?" Magnus replied. I frowned. "Till I was 20 sir. She was sick my entire life." I say. I look behind the parents again to see that Elijah wasn't in his seat. "So then what about your life-span between here and the human realm." I hear someone say behind me. I jump and turn slightly to see Elijah. When did he move? I look back to see Katerina and Magnus reply, I wanted to know myself as well.

  Everybody leaned in to hear. I mean they all did only hear of legends. They wanted to know the actual truth. "We actually have someone to answer that for you. A warlock. He has lived longer than we have so I believe he has the answers we all seek." Katerina says with a smile. "Let's give him a ring." She continues and gets up and vanishes to another room. When she comes back she sits back into her spot comfortably with a huge smile plastered on her face. "He's on his way." She says. She hugs Magnus's arm and clings to it. Almost like an excited spoiled child.

  All of a sudden the doors fly open from the foyer and we all sit up quickly. Magnus and Katerina were first to greet him.