Vol 1 : And it Happening Again ⭐

Faye waited long enough for Denis to cook. She yawned over and over again because she was so bored. She blamed the television channel because it wasn't fun. Unable to stand the news broadcast on TV, she chose to check her phone. It was full of messages, most of them were from Claudia. She opened the messages anxiously and she was right. Claudia's messages were asking about her where about and asked her to invite Denis to Claudia's house tomorrow. 

Faye can't imagine how long she would have to put her fake smile and happy expression in front of her big family. 


When she said big family, it means the family that includes all of their relatives from her mom and dad.

Faye couldn't blame anyone here, even if Claudia listened to her not to hold a wedding party, at least they must hold a gathering with her big family.

A foreign scent came into Faye's nose, it wasn't a familiar scent for her. It smelled like spices. She wondered if Denis was cooking Indian food. That is impossible, he must have been cooking Indonesian food. She remembered that Indonesian foods use spices too.

Faye has been to Bali, but it was a long time ago when she was a child. She has forgotten how it felt like, all she remembered was the faint image of the beautiful beach. Well, it's normal given that she was nine years old when she visited Bali, and kids at that age would prefer to play outside instead of eating. 

"The dish is ready."

Faye put her phone down next to her, "Finally, I almost got wrinkles waiting for you, Denis."

"Perfect meal takes time, honey~" Denis answered, giving her a logic reason.

Faye looked at the plate filled with bright yellow rice in shock, "Why did the color of the rice change like this?"

"Have you ever tried nasi goreng before?" Denis asked back.

Faye observed the yellow rice carefully, "You mean fried rice? Of course I have, but this is my first time seeing the rice turned yellow like this!"

"That's caused by Indonesian traditional spices, turmeric," said Denis.

Faye breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you put some weird stuff like a love potion."

Denis laughed, "We aren't living in a fantasy world where love potions exist. I don't need a love potions to make you fall in love with me, honey~"

Faye took a spoonful of the dish called nasi goreng. She noticed the ingredients that Denis put into the dish; eggs, peas, and small pieces of chicken. 

"Sorry, I only use simple ingredients. You know how the situation is for the unemployment like me, especially at the end of the month," said Denis shyly, "in Indonesia they call this fried rice as a boarding house style, hahaha ..."

"I think the ingredients are pretty complete," said Faye then put the food inside her mouth, "Hm ...?"

"How does it taste?" Denis asked hopefully.

"It's different from the fried rice I have tried," Faye said after swallowing her food, "you use the spices that make fried rice different and there is something strange here, it's not bad, but I can't explain it."

"I am using a powerful Indonesian weapon for food, it's called MSG," said Denis proudly while tapping his broad chest.

"Oh," So that's what makes it taste strong, "this isn't bad."

Denis didn't seem to be satisfied with Faye's responds; he should have cooked something else.

"I said it's not bad. It doesn't mean it taste bad okay?" Faye said, but Denis's expression didn't change. That made Faye felt guilty, she held Denis's hand who was sitting next to her, "It's okay, this is your first time. You can make a great nasi goreng after we live together~" she said, trying to cheer Denis up.

That seemed to work since the gloomy expression on Denis's face slowly disappeared. 

Faye took another spoon, and when she was about to put it in her mouth, she saw Denis watching her like a thirsty person, "Do you want some?" she offered.

Denis's eyes sparkled and he straightly opened his mouth, gesturing Faye to feed him.

"You're an adult Denis, why are you asking to be fed?" Faye asked as she shifted the plate towards Denis, but it was pushed back to her.

"Because it's not fun if I have to eat it by myself," said Denis casually.

Sometimes, behind Denis' seductive nature and his adult-like behavior, childishness is hidden in himself, and this moment is the example of that.

"Come on, honey. I've struggled to cook this for you~" Denis teased her again.

That wasn't wrong, Of course, Faye appreciated Denis's struggle to think of what kind of dish would be suitable for her. She took a mouthful of rice and handed it to Denis.

Denis opened his mouth happily. 

Faye put the spoon into his mouth, and then placed it back on the plate, "How does your own cooking taste?"

Denis thought, "That problem is this isn't my place to speak about it, I made this and clearly I would praise my own cooking even if it tasted bad."

Faye did not think that far, because all this time she always eats outside. She rarely cooked any dishes for herself, so she almost forgot how her own cooking tastes. Therefore it is such a big pride for Faye if she succeeded cooking her own meal. 

"So, do you want to stay over? It's late," Denis offered.

"No," Faye refused quickly. Staying overnight would be the same as suicide. The experiences she had at the hotel were enough. She shouldn't fall into the same hole, "I want to go home."

"I'm just offering you to rest in here, not to do something weird to you," said Denis, "you can sleep in my room while I sleep downstairs or the living room."

"Why don't you sleep in your friend's room?" Faye asked, surprised that Denis prefers to sleep in the living room. 

"Henry is a good man, but I really keep myself clean," said Denis.

Faye laughed at him "You admit that you like to be clean? Remember your job is dirty."

"You're wrong, Fay," said Denis slightly irritated, "you're the first woman who hire me."

Faye was surprised to hear him, "I was the first!?"

Denis nodded, "My friend was the one who forced me to apply as one, he said, if I couldn't use my skill, I should at least use my look, and boom. That was how the idea of me being a Sugar Baby like him was created."

Faye laughed bitterly. Turned out Denis's situation was similar to her. They both were forced by their friend, "You said you had Sugar Mama before me."

Denis smiled, "I just want to look mature in your eyes, how can I be honest that it was my first time, right?"

For his first time as a Sugar Baby, Denis wasn't bad; he was pretty good at flirting.

Honestly, Faye hates a liar, but when it was related to Denis, she still can forgive him, especially since Denis's lie wasn't a big lie, "Still, you have to be honest."

"I have been honest up till now," said Denis.

"Well," Faye watched with a mischievous smile, "I can't believe you."

"Honey~" Denis sulked and whined sweetly.

Faye laughed, "Honestly, my Mama is going to invite you to my family's event tomorrow," she said as careful as possible, "they wanted to celebrate our wedding and officially introduced you to my big family."

Denis's eyes widened, "Did you say big family?" he asked fearfully.

Faye nodded forcefully, "If you can't come, I'll tell my Mama."



"I will come," said Denis, "I realize this is my responsibility too. So, this time I will not run away from it, we will face it together, right Fay?"

Faye was touched to hear that, letting Denis to think for a whole day wasn't a bad decision after all. She was so worried all day too. "Thank you Denis, I'm glad you're willing to come."

"I am going to wash the dishes, okay?" asked Denis.

Faye nodded, and Denis went to the kitchen. She followed closely behind, then watched intensely.

'Because he's starting to act mature ...'

Faye approached, saying softly, "I'll do it."

"Eh? No, you're a guest," Denis refused by sitting Faye down on a short seat near the sink.

Faye tried to stand up, but Denis held her back.

"It won't be long, Fay. Just enjoy this beautiful view~" Denis tried to convince her in a seductive manner.

Faye was dumbfounded. What kind of view Denis was talking about? Watching Denis fighting with the dirty dishes? Ew. She glanced at Denis who was so focused cleaning the plate with a sponge then rinsed the plate while rubbing it before he placed it in the shelves and washed his hands, "You are suitable to be the housekeeper at home later, hahaha ..."

Denis thought for a moment before answering her teasingly, "I would love to do it~"

"Oh," Faye gasped softly when Denis hugged her, "what now?"

"But it takes a big payoff too~" added Denis, his brown eyes were fixed on Faye's lips.

"What?" Faye asked which made Denis leaned closer to Faye's face out of sudden but her could dodge it quickly too.

Denis held Faye's chin so that they could look at each other, "Faye." he call slowly.

Faye didn't know whether it was Denis's seductive voice when he called her name or his beautiful brown eyes that were staring deeply at her, when Denis tried to kiss her again. There was no rejection this time. 

Denis started off by giving a short kiss like yesterday, seeing Faye's reaction, who blushed so sweetly, and then he then kissed Faye passionately which made Faye's body crave for more.

Faye realized that Denis kiss was rougher than last night? Or was it just her feelings? Since she didn't remember what happened last night properly. 

Denis broke their kiss only to lift Faye's body up, taking her to his room while pampering Faye's lips with short kisses to keep their tension up.