Vol 1 : Cleaning Up ⭐

If this was Denis intention, Faye wouldn't do it.

"Sorry for leaving out of nowhere, honey," whispered Denis in Faye's ear.

Faye wonders why Denis changed drastically out of sudden. She chose to stay silent for Denis to continue his explanation.

"Sometimes within my happiness in the present, the past likes to bother me."

"The past?"

Denis nodded at Faye's shoulder, "You know, earlier I felt like even if I have moved forward, I will always face obstacles."

Faye who didn't understand about the obstacles Denis was talking about so she just nodded once, "So? Can you let me go?"

Denis's tone began to sound ignorant, "What if I don't want to~?" he asked, even giving a brief kiss on Faye's seductive neck. 

"I'll make sure you sleep outside," Faye threatened sharply.

"Eh, evil~"

"You're the one who keeps teasing me," Faye mocked him back.

"We have become an official husband and wife, so it's normal if I asked for it right?" Denis asked casually.

"Contract." Faye added sharply.

Denis gave up and took her hands off Faye's body, "I prefer to be your Sugar Baby, honey. You are more fun that way~"

Faye rolled her eyes, "Clean this up."

"Aye-aye, Captain Faye!"


They started tidying up Denis's stuffs. Faye was packing the small and light stuffs while Denis took care of the big and heavy ones.

Faye found out that Denis likes soccer. It can be seen from the frames with photos of him and his friends wearing soccer uniforms, "Did you join a soccer club?"

Denis approached Faye, who was holding his photo frame, "Yes, I like soccer, it is the most popular sport in my country."

Faye looked at the photo again and saw that there is a small flag on the left shirt with a red and white logo on it. She thought of which country has red and white flag, "Are you from Monaco?"

"What? No! I'm from Indonesia, honey~" Denis sounded a little annoyed, but since it was Faye who guessed it wrong, his tone was softer. 

"Hm ... Indonesia?" Faye thought hard whether she has ever been there or at least if she has ever heard of it.

Nothing came up.

"Bali." Denis added.

Denis's word succeeded making Faye remember, "Bali is in Indonesia? I didn't know that, I am sorry."

"It's okay, you're not the first person who didn't recognize Indonesia," said Denis.

Faye felt a little better after Denis said that.

They registered their marriage this morning, yet Faye wasn't interested in getting to know Denis and his identity at all, so the question made her felt apologetic because she couldn't recall it. 

Denis returned to pack his things.

Faye who was already embarrassed also continued to do her job, "Oh." She looked at a graduation book from Denis's school which is  a good thing to help her getting to know Denis a little bit more, but isn't it rude to open it without the owner's permission? She glanced at Denis who is now putting his clothes in a box!?

Faye should have brought a suitcase earlier. Denis asked her to pack his stuffs out of sudden, so she didn't have time to prepare anything.

Faye glanced at the graduation book again. She was tempted to open it again and shook her head to get rid of the temptation. 

She had to wait for Denis to finish packing his clothes in his suitcase.

But ...

Faye glanced at it again.

Just for a moment, it's okay.

Faye picked up the book from the floor and went into the living room. She flipped through the pages "Eh!?" the photos inside the book turned out to be the photos from his high school era, not personal data like in America. 

Their culture is different.

Faye turned the pages and all of them were photos, mostly the photos of Denis with his male friends. There were only two girls in the photos. It seemed like they were friends because there wasn't any intimacy between Denis and the two girls. Denis's face didn't show much difference with his face now, maybe this is what they called as baby face. There were only several photos showing Denis's haircut that Faye thought was cute because it seemed messy and it was as if he got the haircut because he was forced to. 

Feeling addicted, Faye flipped the page again and she was so surprised to find another photo of Denis with a girl but they were so intimate. Denis hugged the girl from behind while lifting the girl up, the view of the scenery was also good. It shows the scenery of sunset on the beach. 

This must be Denis's girlfriend. Denis's taste has always been quite high, apparently, the girl in this photo is very beautiful as well. 

The middle pages of the book is filled with their photos, they sat together, gazed lovingly at each other in the cafe, and crossed each other's faces with playful markers. Such a sweet photos, Faye admitted that.

"What are you doing, Fay?" Denis' voice startled Faye, not only that, he even took the book from Faye's hand. 

"I accidentally found it," said Faye nervously.

"You can't just open someone's stuff carelessly," Denis advised, his face displayed his annoyance clearly. He looked very annoyed.

"We're married, isn't it normal if I want to know your friends?" Faye asked. She was shocked when Denis didn't allow her to look at Denis's friends at school who might not be in America right now. 

What's wrong with looking at your husband's friend's photos?

"Contract," Denis said coldly.

Faye ducked her head down hearing what Denis said. He repeated what she said and somehow it hurt much more than she thought, "I'm sorry. I won't do it."

Denis sighed. He couldn't stand the sadness in Faye's face. That made him feel guilty too "Come here," he pulled Faye's hand gently into his warm embrace, "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to see it."

"But why? You look normal in those photos, nothing is strange," said Faye.

Denis let out a forced laugh, "I'm normal? Well, yeah, I guess you could say that," he said, "don't open it again, okay?"

"Hm ..." Faye who was still curious, replied indifferently.

Who wouldn't?  Only the photos of Denis and the girl that were put in the middle, that definitely made Faye felt more curious about the photos on the next pages. Will there be another picture of them? If no, it means that the girl is special, because for Faye, the middle part of the album is like the heart. 

"Are you listening to me, honey~?" Denis loosened his hug so he could meet Faye's eyes.

Faye nodded, "Okay, let's get going."

Denis just smiled meaningfully without letting go of the hug, his hands were stroking Faye's back gently up and down to explain his point. 

Faye let out a tired sigh of Denis's behavior who always tried to grab his chance every time he sees one, "Don't start."

This time Denis did not flinch, instead he tightened his embrace, "Why do I have to obey you if I could make you sleep soundly like yesterday?"

Faye swallowed her saliva at Denis's words, "Don't test me, Denis Annora," she warned again.

Denis chuckled and finally let go of his hug, "Just kidding honey~ your face is so cute when you blushed, especially if I was the cause~"

"So you like to make fun of me? You're so weird, Denis," said Faye as she took a step back just to make sure that Denis couldn't attack her again. 

"I like to make your heart flutter to be exact honey~" said Denis with a wink.

"God." please strengthen Faye's heart to survive living under one roof with this seductive man. Wait! Did she just say that Denis is a seductive man? "No! It's impossible!"

Denis was surprised by Faye's sudden shout, "What's impossible, Fay?" he asked anxiously.

Faye shook her head vigorously. If he knew why, Denis would hold her again and he might do more than that. 

"Oh yeah, are you hungry, honey~? I'll make a meal~?" Denis offered in a seductive tone.

To be honest, Faye just ate at the cafe, did Denis forget that? She was really full, but she was curious about Denis's cooking, "Give me a surprise, Chef Denis."

Denis nodded, "You can just take a rest, I'll bring the food to you."

Faye refused, "I want to see you cook."

Denis who looked nervous, scratched his nape, "I don't know Fay, I'm not comfortable if someone's looking at me when I do something, especially you, you know how it was when we went bowling, how bad I was at playing."

Faye remembered that very clearly and unconsciously laughed, "You're not an expert yet, so it's normal if you aren't good at it. It doesn't mean that you are bad."

For some reason Faye saw the faint pink shade on Denis's cheeks, "I am sorry, but I can't help it, you don't want me to fail the meal, right?"

Should Faye watch Denis cook and let him fail or let him cook a good meal, but a good meal is better?

"Ugh, fine I won't look at you, but if it's not good you have cook again with me watching you cook," said Faye annoyed.

Denis nodded, "You will not be disappointed, my hands are skilled, honey~"

Faye sighs in disappointment, waiting is boring, and there is only a television here.

Denis looked at Faye intensely as if he was trying to read her minds. Denis walked over and Faye did not avoid him since she couldn't sense the threat, she thought Denis wanted to comfort her or inviting her to watch him cook so she put on her sad face, but instead of comfort or invite, Denis pressed a soft peck on her forehead.


Faye froze in shock while Denis grinned and fled to the kitchen.



When Faye showed Denis her sad expression, she wasn't asking to be kissed!