Vol 1 : Unexpected ⭐

Liam closed the door gently, then got in and drove toward Midtown Manhattan through the nighttime crowds.

"Eh?" Faye realized that this was not the road to her parents' house, "why didn't you turn earlier? Where are we going?"

Liam glanced at Faye through the rearview mirror for a moment, and returned to focus on looking ahead again, "To be honest, the party is being held in a building."

Faye was surprised to hear that, before she could express her frustration, Denis embraced her trying to calm her down.

"This isn't bad news, Fay," said Denis.

Indeed not, but this is far from what her mother said.

Faye gets worried about what awaits her. She glanced outside, saw the car she was riding in entered the parking lot filled with cars, some of which had familiar license plates her eyes, "No ..."

"Honey ..." Denis stroked Faye's shoulder still trying to calm her down.

Faye didn't know what Claudia's plan was, but she was grateful that Denis was by her side, the way he calmed her was so effective.

Liam opened the door for Faye and Denis, "Please come, Miss Faye, Mr. Denis."

Denis came out first, then reached out to Faye. When she came out, he immediately hugged her shoulders again.

The cold night air immediately greeted Faye's body, but that did not break her curiosity to check her surroundings, and her eyes finally caught something, a large building not far from the parking lot.

There were people lining up to show the invitation card to the guard, nothing special, but it was enough to make Faye shocked because she recognized the people.

They are employees of the restaurant.

Her patience limit had run out.

Faye brushed Denis's hand off her shoulder and ran towards the building without even caring that she was wearing high heels.


Faye didn't care about Denis screaming, she was sure that he would come after her, there was only one goal.

Building. The employees.

"Mia!" called Faye loudly when she was near the front door of the building.

Mia, who was about to enter, immediately stopped, then turned, "Fay ...?"

Faye stopped right in front of Mia, she took a quick breath and then asked when her body calmed down, "Why are you here?"

"Ah, that ..." Mia looked nervous making Faye very suspicious.

Faye narrowed her eyes sharply, "Don't say you were invited, don't tell me you joined in planning this," she said repeatedly.

"I do not!" Mia immediately argued loudly, "honestly this is your father's idea."

Her father planned this? that's an unusual thing. Her father was not the type to intervene, let alone step in right away, but since this involved her, the only child of the Grace family, anything could happen.

"The show is about to start."

Faye was surprised to hear that, "Isn't it still an hour?"

Mia laughed nervously, "It's part of the plan too."

It looks like her father planned for her and Denis to go in last to be the stars of the show tonight.

"This won't be bad, can it?" Denis opened his voice, his tone also sounded nervous.

"There's only one way to find out," said Faye.

"You better go ahead, I feel this will be a big event," said Mia.

Big event?

Don't tell her if there are partners in the building and restaurant employees? Waiting for her and Denis to come?

Faye felt a hand wrapped around her arm, pulling closer. She glanced beside her which turned out that the hand that embraced her warmly came from Denis.

Denis smiled widely, "Remember your goal and keep thinking positive, Fay."

Faye knows because she is trying right now. She took a deep breath, then stepped in with her head held high confidently, trying to hide her true feelings.


The first thing Faye saw when she was inside was the atmosphere, which was so busy, full of people she knew. Her father actually did this, invited her work partner over here.

She tried to hold back the anger that was already burning in her heart, without caring about the appearance of a very classic room or the food and drinks that looked so beautiful and delicious.

Everyone noticed Faye's presence when her father stopped chatting with her mother when he saw her come inside.

His father's black eyes glanced at Faye for a moment then moved to Denis, his face turned flat that was hard to guess, "Welcome back, my baby," he said with a big smile.

if there weren't many people, Faye would have rolled her eyes, but because she was in a public place, she was forced to smile back as well and received a hug from her father.

"You really make Papa proud," her father whispered softly.