The Dawn Of A New Day

Everett closed her eyes, took a deep breath before stepping out of the shower, she reached for a towel and at the same time, her phone starts ringing, dashing out of the bathroom she quickly took her flip phone that was on her study table and answered the call.

"Ethan!" The young lady smiled at the voice of her brother, it was something that keeps her on moving, after all, all the things that she was doing was for her beloved. As their conversation continues, the lady moseyed to her loft bed's drawer, taking some clothes with her she heard her auntie's voice shouting at Ethan, asking if he was talking to her, a little later her auntie's voice boomed out of the phone, saying "Everett?"

"Yes, auntie?" By now the lady was already dressed up, a plain beige sweater and high-waisted black jeans with a pair of flip-flop slippers for her feet. It was truly a shame for it was the only thing she can afford, it ruined her outfit, not that she minds, but, with her new job maybe she'll consider buying herself some shoes.

"Why is Ethan up so early? It's only six o clock in the morning."

"He'll be moving in with Lily." Her auntie replied, making the lady nod as if her auntie could see. She stared at the small mirror, fixing her hair up in a high bun, she straightens her sweater a little, dusting the imaginary dust in her jeans, took her bag along with her keys, and headed out

"Are you going to look for a job today?" Her auntie questioned her, making her almost answer back but stopped herself when she remembered she was supposed to surprise them "Yeah, my class starts at one so I'll be able to find a job."

"Aren't you in the morning shift?" a groan escaped the maiden's lips " That's what I thought as well but just as I said my class starts at one." Her auntie chuckled at the annoyance and disappointment in the lady's voice.

"As long as you're studying it's fine by me" The lady gazed at the school once more before heading in "Well, I gotta go auntie. Say I love you to Ethan for me."

When her auntie ended the call, the lady stared at her phone for a while before putting it in her pocket and heading into the library. When she entered the place, the first thing that crept into her mind was that the place gives off an aura of an abandoned warehouse with ghost lurking in. There wasn't a single student.

"Maybe because it's still early?" The lady shrugged her shoulders as she wandered around the place.

If there weren't any students then she'll just have a good time, enjoying peace, the lady smiled in delight. Everett took a book from one of the shelves and immediately her hand made contact with dust that was covering the book, the maiden sighed as she takes notice that the place was dirtier than she thought it would be and since she'll be working here might as well give the place a nice cleanup.

Everett moseyed to the circulation table, looked into the desk counter for the appliances she needed, and lucky she found a few, a feather duster, cleaning cloths, and lastly is the floor dust cleaning shoes. The lady smiled at the items she saw, gave it a big thumbs up as if they've done something, quickly she wore the cleaning shoes and waved it happily in the air as if she's got herself new shoes.

she sprung to her feet, took the cleaning materials, and ran to the first shelf, using her duster, she dusts the lowest part of the shelves, making the dust fly off the air and unto her face. The woman coughs a little, waving the dust off her face before walking back to the circulation table, she took her hanky in her bag before tying it to the back of her head, covering her nose and mouth.

She walked back to the first shelf, dusting the place when she was done dusting the place, bullets of sweats were dripping unto the side of her face, the lady took her phone in her pocket and saw it was already eleven-thirty but still she found no student in the room, even ms...

Now, that she thinks about it, she hadn't known the librarian's name and where was she? The lady gathered all her cleaning equipment, setting them back in their right place, at the same time.

The librarian arrived "Oh! Did you cleaned the place?" Everett removed the hanky around her face and smiled at her while wiping the bullets of sweats off her face.

"That's nice of you, you're almost done, it's already twelve. Here, your salary for the day." The woman gave her the white envelope while smiling sweetly at her, motioning her to go to class, she smiled back before taking her bag and putting the envelope in. By now the halls were full of students.

Again, the lady felt the menacing aura. All of them held the same emotions: Fear and Excitement, as she walks in the hallway, the heavy atmosphere continued to linger, making her heart hammer inside her heart for no reason ''s just because I'm nervous.' Everett breathes in, trying to calm herself when her eyes caught a certain boy who was being surrounded.

He was bruised, dirty, he's got scratches on his face and blood all over his clothing, just a little push and he'll break. This wasn't the thing she needed to see for her first day, but she did, she felt bad for the guy, she wanted to help but considering how small she was and how big the guys were, she stands no chance, after all, this was real life.

She wasn't a hero bringing salvation for those in need for even she needed salvation, however, she wasn't going to let the young man suffer, she'll call for help. The lady nodded to herself as if agreeing with the term she pronounced in her brain, she quickly dashed to the nearest classroom, there she carefully opened the door and immediately all eyes landed on hers, the lady gulp as she felt her knees weakening, she hated attention, nevertheless, she heads in.

The educator stared at her, her brow-raising up slightly, waiting for her to speak but even before she could, the classroom door opened, revealing a man with cerise hair like roaring fire it burns into her mind, with his perfectly symmetrical face and his sharp jaw, his brows sloped downwards into a frown but his lips say otherwise for it was curling up into a smirk, displaying his canine teeth. His eyes were sharp, it held excitement while his eyelashes flatter, it was like little needles poking out, between his hazel sunburned eyes was his slim and pointed nose.

He was indeed enchanting but the lady couldn't deny the fact that there was a dangerous air lingering in the man, and it didn't help when his eyes were practically boring hers. Suddenly she felt a tug on her shirt, her face only centimeters away from the man's face, with his towering height her eyes widen as he continues to grip the opening of her shirt, as a response to the man's act she held unto his hand that was clutching her clothing without remorse.

The man smirked, as his mouth made it's way unto her ear "Wolves game" His voice deep, sharp like a knife, cutting the life of another, it made her shiver. "What?" but he ignored her as he rummaged his pocket, showing a small container as he shakes it aggressively, the lady heard pieces of paper rambling inside then he abruptly stops, opened it, and pulled a piece.

He read the text before, motioning her to pick hers but she stared at him, confused. The man scoffed in annoyance before the lady could react, a hand flew up in the air as it made contact with her soft skin, she felt the oozy liquid dripping to her lips, her face stinging in pain, little needles pricking the side of her face with her mouth slightly open, shocked from what just happened.

Her eyes twitched. "Pick the d*mn paper." Her head slowly went back to the direction of the container, not wanting to feel the same pain she took hers, she carefully opened the paper, her whole body trembling in fear 'Human' just after the lady read the text, she felt a gush of wind in her left cheek, as the knife plunge in the educator's shoulder, a shriek echoed throughout the room, making the lady look back to her shoulder.

The educator weeps in pain as she grasps the knife and forcefully removed it, splattering the substance all over Everett's face, her breath hitch and at the same time her knees can no longer stand, the floor erupted a thud as the lady fell, her hands were shaking tremendously as it makes it way on her face, wiping the ruby substance, she heard another scream.

Her head shot forward, only to see something that will always hunt her in her dreams. The woman's left eye was gouged out, her eyeball hanging in the air as the vein of her eye tries it's best not to let it fall, blood was everywhere. From the cold ground, up to the hands of the murderer, he was smiling like a madman, laughing as if everything's he's done is some type of joke.

It scared her, no scratch that! It terrified her to the point that she can't move. Everything unfolds right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to escape the dreaded fate. The man chuckled at the lady's state, he felt power over her, dominance. Her eyes held so much fear, her breathing was ragged, she was trembling underneath him, she was completely petrified, frozen in her place.

He crouched down, facing her with his marvelous bloodied face "I'll give you a chance to run, bunny, or would rather let yourself be eaten by me?" Of course, the lady wanted to run, she wanted to escape death, who wouldn't? But with him looking at her with a bloodied knife in his hands, can she really run away without getting killed in the process?

So she stared at him, not moving an inch, suddenly she felt his breathing right next to her ear, tickling her, however, it didn't make her blush nor giggle, it only made her breathing worse. "You don't want to?" The lady flinched as she felt his canine nibbling her ear, her eyes widen as wicked thoughts came to mind.

No! She wouldn't let herself be in a situation like this and so with all the strength she could give, the lady kicked the knife out of his hand and ran away. Now she knew why he whispered 'wolves game' he was the predator, leaving her in the position called prey.

The lady continued to run, all the students by the hall were staring at her, not with pity, but with amusement in their eyes so she wasted no breath, no time, to ask for they were crazy in her eyes, all looked like a monster, striving for blood.

Her feet continued to run, her chest rising up and down, her knees were shaking as her esophagus felt dry, screaming for some liquid but she can't stop, not now. As she ran by the hall, a scream escaped the maiden's lips as she fell down unto the platform.

She looked back, only to see the knife pierced right into the muscle of her calf, stopping her from running. Once again she gathered the attention of the crowd, circling her as if she's some kind of animal. When her eyes scanned the room, it immediately caught the sight of the familiar vermilion hair, panic shot throughout her body when the oddly familiar individual began to move at her direction.

She grasps the knife as she pulled it off her flesh, she let out a screech as the knife flew up in the air, making vivid blood drip onto the floor. With the pain she felt on her left calf it was almost impossible to stand but the picture of the bloodied educator with her eyeball hanging in the air came to mind, making the young lady sprung on her feet, at the same time the man arrived at the scene.

She knew he was walking slowly, it makes the game for him much more exciting, but for her it only gives fear. The lady went in to run once more, her feet not stopping until she was far from the murderer, the woman chased her breath as she felt her lungs failing her, betraying her so without much of a choice she hid at the bottom of the staircase.

She didn't know where she was, but whether it was in the east or the west, she needed to move again, she can't risk herself being killed.

The woman chased her breath, her chest rising up and down, the lady leaned unto the wooden platform, finding the rest her body needed, she closed her eyes for a minute, trying and searching for the peace she wanted.

"Found you, little bunny."

The man's hand went straight around her neck as he licked his lip like a predator, ready to swallow up the prey. He was choking the life out of her. Her hands quickly searched her pockets, making contact with the keys from her dorm, she speedily thrusts it unto the man's shoulder, making him lose the strength he has on her neck, the woman cough as she kicked him as hard as she can.

She crawled her way out of the staircase "Oh! You've got guts." As a response to the man's act, it was normal for her to run but even before she can. The man wrapped his hands unto the maiden's ankle, making her fall flat unto the hard ground. A groan escaped her lips as her vision darkens, with him towering her "You win." With that, she blocked out.