Newest Participant

Everett pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling the sense of dizziness to the information, the two looked at her worriedly as she gripped her hair. The maiden breathes in and out, calming herself she excused herself. As she takes her time, walking to the empty halls, she felt like death is knocking on her door. What had she done to anger the god of death? The choices she had were little and as a little butterfly, she was kept against her will in a little jar with no sense of freedom and peace.

At any moment a person can try and study her, play doctor with her and try new things that are beyond her imagination. Chills made their way to her spine as she fiddle with her fingers, in the end, they all knew her choice- it was risky and she'll likely die but it's better to hope that she can survive than know that she's going to die.

With a huffed she went into her classroom, finding it empty she strolled to the window, gazing her eyes to the lovely colour that was painting the sky. She always liked how clouds were just resting above them but she hated how it was almost the same as hope and she always liked to hope yet it seems that whenever she hoped even before she could touch it, it vanishes like smoke, it was merely a hallucination.

"What does a lovely lady like you doing here?" the girl was quick to recognize the owner of the voice, she jumped and looked at him with a glare. She hated him, he was the reason why her existence was known. The man's lips curled in a teasing smile, he loved the fire in her eyes and he certainly loved how it was directed to him.

"What's got you angry? Little bunny..."

The girl wasted no breath, she ran as fast as she can avoiding the touch of the wicked man. Hurriedly the woman went back to the girls with news, she flung the library's door open and went straight to the ladies table.

"I'm joining." Alicia nodded in agreement and the maiden did not miss the look of pity in her eyes but then again, who wouldn't? for even she pitied herself.

"so how do I join?"

Everett stared at the little box laying in front of her, in her hand was a piece of paper, hesitantly the girl dropped the piece, letting the darkness devoured it whole. Her heart was like a drum beating out of her chest, she signed her life away, changed her fate into a much more horrible one and no one was at fault. She had choices and she chose the worst. The girl sighed, knowing that what's done is done and so she walked away with heaviness straining inside her heart.

The next morning the girl found herself back in the library, her job continues whether her life was sh*tty or not. It was for her family and family comes first, always, suddenly a loud voice echoed throughout the whole room- an announcement for the 'Islanders game' Everett gulped knowing too well she was a participant but even so she wished that she will never be called.

"Everett Heinsberg?" the voice questioned, they all knew that the game only requires twenty-four students but ever since the girl came the system was changed. The 'Islanders' is only one of the games that are held every two weeks, all the students that were chosen are required to join. When in the game every individual is given different survival needs, among the twenty-four students, only three of them will be counted as winners, survivors.

Winners will be given a chance to have more power, earn more money, be dominant, and the thing that everybody wants, and everybody wishes, for them to be known and to let themselves enjoy the ride of the crowd, the attention they pursue- fame. To be a legendary student who was able to survive and live for more hunting days. It's what they all called a spout of bullsh*t.

"Ms. Heinsberg please come to the secretary's office now." Her eyes widened as she gulped thickly, her frail body trembles as her fingers kept bumping to one another. She clasped the fabric of her shirt and whispering encouraging words to herself she walked out of the room, eyes trailed her once more, being a new student she already affected many and many hated her for it.

Once she safely arrived in the secretary's office for minutes, maybe hours she was thankful for the kind lady who showed her the way. The tall wooden door faced her which gave her more time to remove her nervosity, her sweaty reached for the knob, and twisting it she was greeted by a chair, that was facing the window.

She carefully closed the door behind her, walking to the large chair she saw that it wasn't preoccupied with a certain someone. Everett scratches the top of her head, as she scanned the room, she found nothing sort that interests her, a minute pass and still no one was there and so she decided to go back.

She walked back to the large door, opening it, she flinched and walks back when she saw a tall man staring down at her little form. His eyes were staring dead straight at her soul through his glasses with his sharp lilac eyes and his eyelashes, that were like little feathers that were perfectly glued in their right place making them a lovely creation. His face held no emotion, it was stoic but it was very clear that this man was striking. "You must be Everett Heinsberg, you are thirty minutes late and I do not practice tardiness"

"Yes, I am and I'm sorry, I got lost." The man walks over to his chair and sitting down he motioned her to sit as well, which she did. "Very well."

"Now, let us start. Why did you participate in the game?"

"I was dared."

The man raised his brow and so she continued explaining how everything came to be. The man nodded, with no words spoken he dismissed her. The girl's eyes were shot open and just as instructed she snuck out of her room and carefully tiptoed to the garden. When she was finally outside, a breath of relief elude from her lips, a smile etched to her lips as her eyes land on the moon that graced the sky, it's warm milky glow welcomed her along with the sequin- silver stars glistening in the uncanny darkness of the night.

The cold breeze of the late-night greets her lungs, inhaling the fresh breeze and enjoying the stillness in the garden, the beautiful scenery right in front of her eyes and so she stretched her arms, swirling like a little kid, joy bounced in grassy orbs as the moon reflected in her lovely joyful eyes as it beamed to her hair, the corners of her lips were grinning from ear to ear.

She surrendered herself to joy, to peace for she knew it would only last long until the two arrived. She felt alive like a little kid with no care for the world, laughing she continued to swirl around, laughing at the act, and when she felt tired she laid down on the grass, letting it tickle her behind,

She let out a sigh of delight, her teeth still visible and her jaws were hurting from all the smiling but the woman couldn't help herself but smile, while laying on the grass, the woman lifts her legs, letting them play through the air.

Then a sudden thought came, her eyes caught a next figure laying on the grass with her, Ethan. He was smiling just like her, pointing at the starry sky, his eyes were shining just like the dazzling stars. It melted her heart, her eyes were tearing up, wanting to reach the little boy and engulf him in her arms but she couldn't. He was so near her yet her arms couldn't reach the little boy and when she did he vanished, leaving no trace.

By now, droplets of water dropped unto the grass, her eyes never left where her brother laid down, pure loneliness succumb her heart, holding it captive. She found no one to unto, her heart was like shattered glasses, every piece of it hiding in the untold however every bit of pieces come together at the sight of her brother but as she thinks of him, she couldn't help but think about the dreaded day that was about to come.

Her hope to live wasn't for herself though it was for her selfish needs, she wanted to live for her brother, to see the sight of his lovely pearls reflecting in her eyes- to hug him and love him and give him all that he wants yet here she is crying her heart out, knowing that once again she failed to be a good sister.

The two ladies watched as Everett's pained heart jumped out of her chest, they felt utterly helpless as they observe the girl from afar, her hands were gripping the grass as her face faces the dirt, her eyes was like a river that never stops from flowing. Alicia nodded to the other girl, signaling her to walk in, carefully they moseyed to the crying woman and tapped her shoulder.

Everett gasp at the warm contact, her vulnerability caused her ears to shut. Quickly she wiped her puffy eyes and sprung to her feet. She gave them a slight smile which they returned, none of them asked her question instead they gave her a dagger and a bayonet revolver.