Sweet Toffee Apples

The storm roars as the great weapon of it flood the ground. There were droplets of liquid dripping from her face, that you couldn't tell whether it was her sweat or tears, maybe it was just the rain itself, either way, no one can really tell.

She was standing by herself in the large garden, the grass was green with all the types of flowers a girl can ask, the place was surrounded by tall trees and fences for security while the sound of nature resonating the lonesome area. In front of her stands a ballistic gel dummy, the hole in its eyes staring deeply into her soul as she grips her hold to the dagger, her eyes never left the statue as it bleeds furiously like a living being, her breathing was ragged and her arms were tired from all the stabbing she's done.

She looked at the two, her eyes were covered with a cloud of exhaustion, the two nodded which she replied back with a nod. She took the figure with her as she moseyed to the two, it has been three hours and within those three hours, the girl never stopped training like a madman however all three of them knew that it wasn't enough.

Those were merely figurines with no sense of pain and fear, but in the real deal, they knew that a person who's desperate enough to live can kill without blinking an eye and it made Everett's heart race. The first stab she's ever done to the figurine felt like she daggered an innocent human, its blood rushed to the blade, making her eyes swirl in disbelief and so she thought how much more if it was a living being?

A human that was being played for a fool for a person who only wants despair. She gulped thickly, imagining those images gave her goosebumps, it was even colder than the rain itself eating her milky skin. When she got to her dorm, she moseyed to her phone, brushing her wet hair away from her face, three missed calls appeared in her eyes, Joe and her auntie.

The corners of her lips stretch a little but then a frown came, how bad she wanted to talk to them but she was just tired from all these things and she hated to lie to them. She wanted to surprise her auntie with good news, not some disturbing thing even she couldn't grasp.

Slowly she dialed the number, it rang for a few times then finally a voice boomed in her ear, her brows twitch and her vision became blurry. The sweet voice from the other side making her smile in misery. "I love you so much. I need to rest now, ok?" The girl covered her mouth as a sob escaped her lips, she ended the call quickly as she threw her phone away, it echoed throughout the dead quiet room as she falls on her knees, sobbing her pained thoughts away.

Time was moving fast and so is her death, this may even be the last time she talked to her loved ones, she was breathing heavily as she laid on her wooden floor, her eyes facing the white wall. The crispy cold platform was eating her behind and she remembered the time when she was working, her feet were always cold from the rain yet it always made her smile for it reminded her that she was indeed living.

And so she sprung to her feet, wiping her tears away. She wasn't dead and she could still live- her anxiety was only making her die quickly and so she headed towards her bathroom, it was perfectly white like her room, while the tiles were made of royal tumbled marble. At the end of the bathroom was the standard top mount oval sink and at the top of it lies a rectangular wall mirror.

There was a mattress at the doorway and at the side of it was the standard cadet elongated toilet and in front of the toilet was the small corner shower place, its transparent glass, making it easier for you to see the small space, she placed her towel by the side, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her face was pale as snow with bleary-eyed with bags underneath it, her lips were dried and dusty like the dead's with her hair all over her face, greasy and dirty. The girl was physically and mentally tired and all she needed now was a nice hot shower.

Removing all her clothes, she stepped into the shower and opened it, a scream echoed through the bathroom, her eyes wide open while her mouth hung and her body trembled to the cold water. After the quick fixed a sigh escaped her lips.

When the girl was finished, her hair was up in the towel walking naked inside her room as she picked her clothes from the storage of her bed. Suddenly her door burst open, making her gasp and face the front, there stands the man all her hatred bottled.

"What the fudge! What are you doing here?!" the man made no replied instead he eyed her from head to toe, she looked at herself for a second as a scream invade the room, she quickly unwraps the towel from her hair and covered herself.

"I knew you were crazy but you only made it worst- you deviant!"

"There wasn't anything to see anyway." she frowned at him as she looked around the place and seeing her phone laying just near her made her hand twitch. Speedly she took her phone and threw it at the man's face but him being him caught it.

"Nice try but better luck next time."

The maiden groaned as she crossed her arms and looked at him like a disgusting sh*t he is. "So what are you doing here? Can you try and play games with me at school?!" The girl pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt her world slowly spinning. "I heard you joined the game held this weekend so I wanted to ask you why."

"Why do you care anyway? It's not like we're friends or anything. Just so you know you tried to kill me once."

"That's the thing. I am supposed to be the one to kill ya. It wouldn't make sense now if you're dead, wouldn't it?" Everett eyed him, her brows were kissing each other with wrinkles forming at the top of her orbs and the man did not miss the look of disgust that was painted on her face. "If I were supposed to die, my blood will not be in your hands. I rather die in the hands of others than yours, you filthy excuse of a human."

"Well, you wouldn't die if you're able to kill me. Aren't I fair?"


The man's lips curled at her fiery sentence as he moseyed to the girl, making her step back however her back felt the storage of her bed which she cursed at, her world was still spinning like a little ball thrown in a washing machine. She pressed her fingertips to her forehead as she felt a prick of pain, by now the man was in front of her, blocking the light to her little figure.

A spit was sent to his face, making him chuckle. He wiped the girl's spit out of his face as he looks at her straight in the eyes, slowly he licked the girl's saliva that was resting in his hands. The way his tongue flicked on her spit as if it's some type of candy made her gag, she wanted to throw up but nothing came out instead her eyes slowly closed itself without her consent as she drifts into the world of dreams.

Asher was fast to take her into his arms as he chuckled, knowing how he can easily kill her right at the moment. And the idea that he thought did not sound so bad to him, if she died in the games everything he planned will be gone in just a blink and so he carefully laid the girl on her bed as he danced around the house, looking for something...sharp.

Finally, his eyes landed on a small dagger, that was settled on her table, a crazed smile appeared on his stunning face as he licked his teeth.

Like a hungry predator thirsting for blood he took the dagger, examining it a little before approaching the sleeping girl, he positioned the knife above her chest, raising it up to stab her.

But then another idea popped into his wicked mind and so he lowered the dagger and gave the girl a quick peck in the lips. To him, it felt amazingly soft and sweet like his favorite toffee apple, he smiled softly and it appeared to be genuine then he repeated what he'd done before raising the dagger once again to her chest.

With all force he could give he stabbed the girl as she gasps in pain, her sweet lips were slightly ajar as her blood shot eyes stared at the knife that was plunged in her chest, slowly she looked at him with so much hatred.

Her blood was as red as he imagined it to be. The sweet cherries he always adored. It sticks with the dagger-like magnet as it continues to flow to her abdomen, slowly her eyes began to close as she breaths her last.

A groan resonated throughout the girl's bedroom as the man's shut eyes flutter as he looked at his surrounding, his eyes caught the creamy ceiling as he felt a warm and soft flesh laying at his chest, his eyes caught the silky hair of the girl whose eyes were close so peacefully as she cuddles with the man she called wicked.

He lightly pats the girl's head, looking over to his right hand was the girl's dagger, he looked over her again before chuckling lightly and hiding the dagger in his pocket, he carefully moved the girl's head back into her pillow.

As he walked back to the table, he pulled the dagger out of his pocket, looked over to the girl, and cut himself, again he stared at the girl for a second before he chuckled darkly and left the dagger on the table. His left bloodied hand continue to prick as the droplets of blood splattered unto her table.

He made no effort, swiping the blood away from the dagger and the table, he only continues to chuckle as he moseyed to her door. "Ironic."