Walking Down Memory Lane -14

"Huh?" John was startled, what kind of trouble was this? He had seen the president's foul mood and hoped he wouldn't say anything that would get his head served on a platter.

"Why would she leave?" Jasper was anxious to hear his opinion.

The secretary scratched the back of his head awkwardly before pushing his glasses up to his nose and answered.

"Well, such a case is rare but does happen especially if it's a matchmaking date set up by both parents to make the kids romantically interested in each other when they despised each other in reality."

"It wasn't an arranged date besides, the girl in question was clearly having the best day of her life"

"Then the partner must have a bad breath"

"What?" Jasper was stunned.

"His breath must be so bad the girl was in a hurry to get fresh air" John gave his view.

"So," Jasper said, pointing to his chest, "You're saying that my breath is bad?" 

John's eye almost popped out of his socket, the CEO was relating his date? His mind suddenly flashed back to the girl he saw visit the president yesterday.

He had not put much thought into it since he had gone to start the car for the president's departure. When he had returned and saw a girl in his office, he had no interest since madam once in a blue moon, sends girls to her son's office.

But the son in question just indulges them and sends them back disappointed. John thought that was the same case with Scarlett.

Who knew their CEO had finally found the one and by the look of things, he was planning to tie the knot.

"Of course not, president" he clarified briskly, "If your breath is bad, I'll be offering you breath mint every morning" Sweat beaded John's forehead as he said that, praying this was enough to save his head.

Jasper rubbed his chin contemplatively with endless thoughts running through his head.

"So if it's not because of an arranged date or bad breath, what could prompt her to just leave?"

John felt like crying, what's it with these rich people? He hardly escaped death, however here was the president setting another deathtrap for you.

"Perhaps, she came for your money but seeing you're not easy to be fooled, decided to flee before the connection between you both gets deep."

John felt his heart jump out of his throat when he caught the burning scowl Jasper gave him as he defended his girlfriend.

"She's not a golddigger!" He yelled.

"Then go settle the problem with her, why are you bringing me into your mess?!"

Of course, John said mentally. He was not daring enough to say that to the president's face unless he was asking for a death wish.

"Then, you might need to speak to her one on one, sir " John suggested meekly; he hoped his voice was low enough not to agitate the president.

Jasper thought over it, seek out Scarlett? Impossible.

The way he saw it, it seems she has been playing games with him. The first time he asked her out, Scarlett failed to show up and when she did show up the second time, she left midway. Wasn't this one of her unique tactics to captivate him?

Jasper didn't have much experience with women but he had heard tales and seen how manipulative they could be. 

Still, his heart told him the girl who enjoyed serving those less fortunate people was not that type of person but his mind was saying the opposite.

Fine, he would not search for her. However, if Scarlett comes looking for him, she better have a good reason cause he was now getting sick and tired of this cat and mouse game.

"You can leave now" He dismissed his secretary who looked relieved to be away from him - he would consider giving him a bonus for his hard work.


Determined not to seek her out, Jasper threw himself into his work and kept his mind so busy that he had no time to think about irrelevant stuff.

But the moment work was over, the bothering in his heart returned and it ate at him so much that Jasper didn't know when he got into his car and raced to L&L soup kitchen.

He had heard yesterday that Scarlett constantly helps out there, so he was sure to get her. Jasper was determined to have a down-to-earth conversation with her - She needs to make herself clear and stop confusing him. 

Since he had served for a day and got to know some of the volunteers, it didn't feel awkward to him walking up to a server.



He watched the girl's eyes widen slightly before a pleased smile played across her features. Jasper surmised she was close to Scarlett, he had seen both interact sweetly yesterday.

"Jasper" Suzie was surprised, "Are you here to volunteer again? Trust me, it would be such an honor" she winked at him.

"No, I'm not here to volunteer, I'm here for Scarlett," he told her at once.

A flicker of confusion passed over her face, "That's funny because Scarlett called this evening saying she wouldn't be able to make it today" 

Jasper sighed, she was purposely avoiding - she had guessed he would search here. But why?

"Is there something wrong? Scarlett was so excited to go on a date with you?" She asked out of concern.

"I don't know, she just left in the middle of our date" 

"What?!" The girl was stunned once again, "That stupid girl" Suzie cursed under her breath. That girl has done it again.

"Hold on a second" Suzie told him and left.

Jasper was curious about what she was going to do and was surprised when she returned with a short piece of paper in her grip.

"This is where she lives and I'm only doing this because I can tell you're a good person" 

Jasper was stunned, was he really a good person? Was it written on his face or something?

Yet, he never expected her to add with a threatening tone, "But as much as I love pretty faces, hurt her and you got me to contend with. Good luck" she patted him on the chest and left for her duty post.

Wow, her sister and the friend; Scarlett got scary people surrounding her.