Walking Down Memory Lane-15

"I'm coming!" Yelled Vivian at the insistent ring as she rushed to answer the door. It was probably her sister, it was already due the time she got home.

"Seriously, staying out late would not help…." she trailed off when her eyes settled on the figure in front of her.

"J-jasper" Vivian choked, she had not expected him at all. 

Left for her alone, she would have bang the door shut in his face but this man right here was a food corporation owner; he was a man of power. 

If she does that, this man might get offended and intentionally make things hard for her and her sister. Vivian loved Scarlett so much that she would never put her sister's life and future in jeopardy.

"I wasn't expecting you," She cleared her throat, tactically putting her body in the way. 

She had blocked his number but should have known that this man had the power to track her sister's place down.

"Where's your sister?" Jasper went straight to the point. From the nervous look on Vivian's face, he surmised she knew about everything and had not premeditated his coming.

"She's not yet back home" Vivian answered.

"I'll wait for her then," Jasper told her and made a forward move but she blocked his path.

His eyes narrowed down at her,

"Do you have a problem with that?" 

Vivian gulped, his gaze was so scary and this wasn't a request, it was a demand.

"No" She shook her head, stepping out of the way, "You're welcome to our place, Jasper" 

Vivian forced those words out of her mouth and ushered him into the house. She couldn't afford to offend this man, she repeatedly chanted in her head.

Seriously, Vivian gritted her teeth. Of all people her sister had to fall in love with, it was a rich man that could have their life extinguished with a snap of his hand.

"I'm sorry, the place is a bit untidy" she apologized, clearing the snacks wrappers from the center table in the living room.

As a student on a short break from school, what more could she do but savor this limited chance.

"Can I get you something - ?"

"Yes, your sister" Jasper interjected with a vexed tone.

"I meant, get you something to drink" Vivian completed with a forced smile.

Jasper gave her a hard stare," I don't know what game you siblings are playing but tell your sister, I'm not leaving here until she talks to me," he said decisively.

Jasper laid down on the couch, stretching out his long leg with his arms folded across his chest saying, "I had a long day at work today so tell your sister that she should keep up with her hiding while I get a rest,"

"Scarlett's not hiding from you, she's just -" She was still saying 

when Jasper closed his eyes meaning she was dismissed. 

Vivian clawed the air out of anger, she felt like kicking the hell out of that arrogant man but alas, she couldn't.

"Sleeping so comfortably in a stranger's place, aren't you afraid of getting stabbed in the heart?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Sure, you can try," He dared her, repositioning his body.

Vivian rolled her eyes and left to dumb the waste in the bin. Fine, let Scarlett come back home and settle this once and for all.

The girl was clearly unsettled by Jasper's presence so one couldn't imagine how relieved she was when someone hit the doorbell.

"Thank God you're here" Vivian sighed," You don't know how nervous I was with him around. Where were you all this time?"

Scarlett was attacked by her sister's question before she was even let into the house.

A huge scowl appeared on her face," I had a lot to do today hence my late coming but who did you say came over?" 

Vivian pointed in the direction of the living room and whispered into her sister's ear with dread.

"Jasper is here" 

Scarlett's heart missed a beat while goosebumps washed over her. He found her? How did he find her? Who was she kidding? Jasper had the power to find whoever she wanted.

She gulped nervously," Where is he?" 

Vivian tilted her head in the direction of the living room and stood behind Scarlett, using her as a shield.

Scarlett took slow deliberate steps into the living room with her heart pounding against her chest. She had dumped Jasper in the worst way possible, it wouldn't be surprising if he hated her right now.

Perhaps, the fact he was sleeping calmed her down a bit. She crouched down beside the couch and tapped him gently.

"Hey, is me, Scarlett"

But the person in question didn't react rather kept up with his sleep.

"Jasper, it's me. You have to wake up" she added more force to her tapping this time which stirred him.

He muttered a few indecipherable words and went back to bed. which made her slightly vexed.

She was contemplating waking him with a glass of water on his face when her hand brushed across his forehead and drew a gasp from her lips.

"What is it?"Vivian who had also noticed the change in her demeanor asked.

"He's running a high fever, we need to get him to my room," Scarlett told her.

And together, both women brought him to his feet with an effortful grunt.

"God! Why is he so heavy?" Vivian complained as they dragged him in the direction of her bedroom.

"I thought women had more weight!" Scarlett cried out this time.

"Tell that to my waist and legs buckling under the pressure!" Her sister retorted

The women prevailed, finally dumping the man who had practically dumped most of his weight on Scarlett, on the bed.

Vivian's breath was heavy, "You own me one for this," she said, stretching her stiff waist

"Fine" Scarlett nodded, waving her away," You can leave now"

The moment the door closed, she adjusted Jasper properly on the bed. 

Fine, she'd treat him tonight and prepare her heart for the inevitable doom tomorrow morning.