Forget About Our Friendship

Warning: Do not read if you're uncomfortable with same-sex intimacy. 

"I thought I told you to stay under the radar," Jeremy told his boyfriend Richard as soon as he stepped into the car. He had stopped at an inconspicuous spot and had made sure he wasn't followed. 

While he was having a good time with Ben, the man had interrupted them and he knew better than to ignore him. Richard was the reason his secret wasn't out, and also the only person alive holding that secret. 

In one word, his boyfriend held his future in his hand right now and if he dared open his mouth, Jeremy knew his life was finished. Well, he was smart, though he had been the one who ordered Claire's extermination, Richard had been the one who actually knocked her down. Hence, both were partners in crime.

"I missed you," He said, the sexual tension between them obvious, "Isn't that enough reason?"