Ben the bugger

Scarlett woke up with a throbbing headache, where the hell was she? The last thing she remembered was - oh shit! She sprang up at once, searching for her phone wherever she had dropped it. Where was it? She sought desperately until she found it beneath her pillows.

She couldn't say, "Oh thank God," yet since she had a dreadful feeling in the pit of her belly. What has she done?! 

A loud gasp was drawn from her mouth, her eyes wide like a saucer as she stared at the one hundred and fifty calls she had made to Ben. What in the name of God was wrong with her?! What has she done?! 


"Ben is gay!" Scarlett announced at the top of her voice. She didn't mean to expose his secret, but the secret was weighing down on her conscience and she needed to breathe; she needed to let it go. 

"Franklin is gay!" She screamed again. But this time, she was in the middle of screaming, when her sister pushed her back in and rolled up the window.