
Shiro" Ai-chan you can show me the store"

[of course oni-chan






Shiro" first of all ai-chan you can buy shadow clone jutsu(don't worry he won't use the clones for the deed I don't understand the people who like it), the three types of haki, eidetic memory and all the elemental magics(fire,lightning,earth,nature etc)"

[ok oni-chan....



Shiro" ai-chan I think I should go in the ID for a while because I will have a lot of strength but I don't know how to use it".

[ you're right oni-chan how smart you are ]

After ai-chan has given me the go-ahead I raise my hand and say.

Shiro" id create"

.....Nothing has changed

Shiro" ai-chan why nothing has changed? "

[because oni-chan has entered the empty id so nothing will change baka oni-chan]

Okay, ai-chan is right, that was stupid, but let's start training.

/Time skip 1 year/

In this time while I am training my relationship with ai-chan is already that of two lovers, and I have improved a lot in everything and I can say calmly that I am the strongest in this world.

Shiro" ai-chan can you show me the results of this year"

[of course oni-chan

Name: Shiro


Breed: Primitive 9-tailed fox, primitive dragon, god saiyan, otsutsuki

Bloodline: primitive 9-tailed fox, primitive dragon (Big Red, Ophis), god saiyan, otsutsuki

Titles: The Shadow, Reincarnation, Guest of the System, 9-tailed Primordial Fox, Primordial Dragon, King Beast.


Hp: infinite(4th wish)

EC: infinite (ophis)






Luck: 10.000

Chr:10(you still have to choose how to look)

System point: Infinity


Immortality Max

Universal Journey

Stealth 7/10

Mastery of the 6/10 dagger

weapons competition 6/10

sniper's competence 7/10

Driving 4/10

actor 5/10

physiological knowledge 5/10

creation of poison 4/10

cooking 6/10

sing 5/10

draw 5/10

martial arts 7/10

fencing 7/10

Shadow clone jutsu 8/10

Eidetic Memory Max

Kenbunshoku haki 7/10

( 10 seconds in the future )

busoshoku haki 6/10

haoshoku haki 6/10

Regeneration 8/10

(It doesn't matter how much damage is done to you, it will regenerate in seconds if you still have energy)

Fusion Max

Bloodline skills:

Age Manipulation Max

Fox Authority Max

Fox Transformation Max

Primordial Illusion Magic Max

Primordial Fox Fire Masx

9-Tails Fox Aura Max

Primordial Fox

Concept of dreams and illusions Max

Dragon Form Max

Dragon Authority Max

Primitive Dragon Aura Max

Dragon Elements

The dragon's resistance

The magic of the Primitive Dragon


Battle Bost Max

(every time you fight you are stronger,if you figth against stronger enemys the stronger you become)

Super Saiyan Max

(I don't think I need to explain)

otsutsuki eyes

(sharingan,MS,EMS( all skills) Rinnegan,Rinnesharingan, Byakugan, Tenseigan, you can se things that for normal ey would ve impossible(invisibility, sprits, etc))

Unique skills:

manas ai-chan


Pain Resistance

temperature cancellation

Corrosion resistance

Electrical resistance

Resistance to physical attack

Resistance to paralysis


All the elemental magic 8/10

Space-time magic 8/10

Denial of nothingness Max

ID creation Max

Id Escape Max

Inventory: tent, knife, normal sword, normal shield, normal dagger, infinite bag of beans senzu, katana of origin]

Shiro" ai-chan can you repeat me why they don't give me tickets for the gacha"

[oni-chan even if you said to get tickets every once in a time, I will only give them to you when you spend real time not on the ID]

Shiro" *Sigh* well I think it's time to transport myself to the verudora cave"

[ok oni-chan...


Name that will give you verudora:

Human Appearance:

Human appearance with ears and tail of a fox:

9-tailed fox:

Human Appearance with horns, wings and Dragon scales:



Shiro" ready"


Name that will give you verudora: Shiro

Human Appearance: Hair whiter than snow, androgynous but beautiful face, swimming type body.

Human appearance with ears and tail of fox: ears whiter than snow, with a tone more black than the space at the tip, same in the tail

9-tailed fox: a fox like kurama but whiter than snow, and with black lines on its body making a chain pattern.

Human appearance with horns, wings and Dragon scales: completely black hair with blood red horns and wings and shiny black scales.

Dragon: Western Dragon with four horns replicating a crown, completely black with blood red on the tip of the horns and on the wings


Shiro" ai-chan transport me to the verudora cave"

[ok oni-chan...


Suddenly I feel a tug and I find myself in the verudora cave in my fox form of the size of a slime, it is very comfortable to be in this form.

Everything is full of plants and minerals, I am going to devour them as rimuru and make potions with them

/ 30 minutes later/

[oni-chan you have a new mission]

Shiro" hmm can you tell me what it's about"

[Mission, make sure you get a name from verudora


1 Skill Plot-armor

1 Skill lucky protagonist

1 ???]

After collecting all the plants and minerals, and receiving the mission I am heading towards verudora

In front of me I see a verudora but there is something different with the verudora I know.

Verudora" you hear me little one"

I hear a female voice coming from verudora, it seems that he is now she.

Shiro" I hear you I can ask who you are Mr. Dragon"

Verudora" I am surprised that you are not afraid of me, you are very brave, and as for your question, I am one of the four dragons".

There seems to be no change with the number of dragons.

Shiro"Verudora can I be your friend? "


Shiro" if you don't want to I can go"

Verudora" Ba..Baka! who has said no, if you insist I can't do anything, I will be your friend"

Shiro "verudora can you tell me how you got stuck here"

Verudora" 300 years ago after destroying a city without realizing it a hero came to kill me but she couldn't so in the end she sealed me here"

Shiro" verudora can I send you some memories of myself in your head?"

Verudora" hmm of course I don't see why not"

After sending the memoirs of her Anime and my conversation with God

Shiro" Do you want to accompany me inside me like your other self did, but don't worry you can talk to me but we will do like the anime and you will go out in the meeting with the King of the Dwarves".

Verudora" HAHAHAHAH never expected this, I would love to do that I want to see how are the other universes you've seen, but first of all from now on your name will be Shiro Tempest and Iwould be Verudora Tempest"

[Mission completed, get Verudora to give you a name


1 Skill Plot-armor

1 Skill lucky protagonist

1 3...



Verudora: "another thing from now on will be my mate, I hope we get along from now on shiro, ai-chan"

Suddenly I feel a connection with verudora

Shiro" eh wait..... WHAT!?!?!

[ *Sigh* I knew you wouldn't be mine alone but I didn't expect it to happen so soon]

Shiro"why, just why verudora"

Verudora" you are stronger than me, you are a primitive dragon and because I like you, that is enough reason for me".

Shiro" *sigh* well at least I'll make you not regret it"

Verudora " I know I won't do it, when a Dragon decides on a mate it's because at first sight the Dragon will know that person is his mate and for me it's you"

Shiro" well I hope we get along from now on veru-chan"

Veru-chan" *blush* W..WHAT YOU JUST CALL ME"

Shiro "HAHAHA my dragon is so cute"

Veru-chan" *Blush*S..STOP"

Shiro" ok ok I'll stop, but I should continue as in the anime to go to the huge door, you can guide me veru-chan"

/30 minutes later/

(I'm still in my fox form, it's very comfortable to be like this)

In front of me is the door that leads to the Jura forest

Just when I go to open the door, someone opens it from the other side.

When I see who are the people who enter Veru-chan's cave I hide as fast as I can

It seems that the Plot-Armor works well because these three should have arrived here a few days later

Gido(the Thief with the bandana) "Uff, It's finally opened!

Even the lock was rusty..."

Cabal(the Blond Warrior) "And what did you expect? nobody has taken care of the maintenance of this door in 300 years"

Ellen (the magician and the only girl in the group) "Well, I don't understand what we're doing here, don't you think it's strange that the master of the guild has sent us to investigate this cave?

Cabal "Don't worry, that dragon is only a big lizard".

Vera-chan "Shiro"

Shiro "Y...YES

Seea-chan" can you kill him in the worst way you can think of"

Shiro" I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to do it they are important for the future, why don't we calm down and I let you give me an order that you want"

Vera-chan/ai-chan "WE ACCEPT"

Luckily I was able to change the subject

While we were talking they were already preparing to go and explore the cave

Gido" Come a little closer I'm going to use my art of stealth"

Gido uses his art of stealth and they become invisible but for me it is as if they were visible because they cannot hide from my haki or my otsutsuki eyes".

After they become invisible they go into the cave

After watching them go into the cave, I look at the open door and pass by.

When I leave the cave I can only say WOW, forest as far as the eye can see, sky blue without any pollution.

Shiro' to see it from a screen to see it with my eyes there is a big difference'.

The first thing I do after leaving the cave is climb a tree and sleep until the next day

Many things have happened in such a short time and I am mentally exhausted.