
The next day I wake up with the rays of the sun on my face

Shiro' the first thing I'm going to do now is to look for the goblins, when I find them I'll stay near their village and let them notice a little bit of my aura'.

/2 minutes later/

If the village is far away while looking for your village with my haki I have found several races in the forest

[ oni-chan you know you could have asked me, and I would have used the map and we would have finished earlier]

Shiro" *sigh* you could have told me before ai-chan, well it doesn't matter now I've found it"

I go to the village of the goblins with the calm seeing the forest in its splendor.

When I get to the vicinity of the village I start to leave a little bit of my aura loose, and walk around

(in my foxy shape the size of a slime)

After a few minutes I see some goblins approaching me.

Goblin 1 (future rigurd)" or be powerful we can ask you if you can appease your aura"

Shiro "hooo and who do you think you are so you can ask me for something"

Goblin 1" forgive me, it's that his aura makes the children of our village unconscious"

He says doing a dogeza

Shiro "upss sorry" ' I didn't expect such a small aura to render them unconscious'.

I say absorbing my aura

[oni-chan that is because even though for you it is only a little bit for them it is the strongest thing they have seen, and because you are a primordial being your aura is much more condensed than any other]

Goblin 1" thank you very much to be powerful, I can ask you if you can come to our village

Shiro" I'm going to comply and go with you since I have nothing to do"

Goblin 1" Thank you very much for being powerful"

After walking with them, as we speak we arrive at the village, they leave me in a hut while they bring the chief

Goblin chief (future rigurd)" forgive us for making you wait, I am sorry we cannot offer you much, I am the chief of this village"

Shiro "Don't worry about that, if I've been invited it's because they need something, isn't it?

Goblin chief "would be so kind as to help us"

Shiro" Depends on what you're talking about"

Goblin chief" a few days ago the Dragon God who protected these lands disappeared, for that reason the monsters that live near here have kept an eye on our territory. The most powerful clan is the wolves, to defeat one of them we need ten of us, and it is still difficult".

Shiro" And they how many are"

Goblin chief" there are about a hundred in the herd. and I denounce all of us including the women, there are only 60 of us who can fight".

Shiro "You're sure there's a hundred of them"

Goblin 1 "yes, without a doubt. Rigur fought to the death with them to get this information "

Shiro "Rigur? "

Goblin 1" My older brother. A demon gave him that name. He was also the strongest warrior in the village.

Goblin chief" If we are still alive, it is thanks to him"

Shiro" and where is he? "

Goblin chief" Died. I will always be proud of him. Maybe wimps like us are destined to disappear ..... But we want to survive as a tribute to him.

Shiro "A question.... If I were to help you now, what would I get in return? What can you offer me?

Goblin chief" we will consecrate our loyalty to you"

Suddenly you hear a howl

Goblin 2" That howl... It's the wolves! "

Goblin 3" They are very close!

Goblin 4" They've come to attack us?! "

Goblin 5" OH NO !! "

Goblin 6 (future gobta fucking sissy, no way I'll let him combine with ranga)" WE'RE DEAD! THEY'RE GOING TO EAT US ALL!"

Goblin 7 "WE HAVE TO RUN!!

Goblin 8" But where?! We have nowhere to run! And what do we do with the children and the wounded?!?!"

Goblin chief" Calm down !"

Shiro "Don't be afraid, I'll defeat them"

Everyone turns to look at me

Goblin chief" So...?"


After saying that ALL goblins kneel before me

All goblins" Please protect us! From now on we will be your faithful servants!"

After calming them all down and promising to save them from the wolves, I tell them to dismantle the huts and build a fence with them, I ask them where the wounded are and ask them to take me to see them.

Entering a hut I see about 10 seriously injured goblins

Goblin chief" They are all victims of the wolf clan, *sigh* some of them do not have long to live...."

After seeing them I start throwing potions on them and healing them completely.

Goblin chief" Wha...What? His wounds have closed!

When I leave the hut with all the goblins I see how they have already finished making the fence, but it is not very stable so I reinforce it with viscous steel wire

[oni-chan you have received a mission I'll show it to you....

Make the wolves surrender to you with the least amount of casualties (on both sides). Reward:

1 piece of primordial bloodline ticket1/10 ]


when i see them approaching i go directly to the boss of the wolves and with the threads i cut his head

When the wolves see their boss fall to the ground without a head, they all stop

After cutting off the head of the wolf I go crazy with a predator and I imitate him turning into a wolf of the storm

Shiro" to dare to attack the village that I protect only death is an appropriate punishment, and I'm giving you two options: serve me or leave with your tail between your legs.

All the wolves said without hesitation "We are at your service sir"

After the wolf pack surrendered to me, we entered the "village" and I stood on a stump and changed my shape from a fox to a human with ears and a fox's tail

Shiro" Everybody come here I will give you all a name"

Goblin chief "Are you...sure there's no problem?"

Shiro" Of course not, get in line I'm going to start, let's see the chief and his son first. You said you were related to Rigur, the strongest warrior in the village.

Goblin chief and Goblin 1" Yes"

Shiro" Can the father be called Rigurd"

After naming him I feel a connection with him and I feel that he can never betray me

Shiro" and as you inherit the brother you will inherit his name: Rigur"

After naming these two I start naming all the other goblins like in the anime, it's my turn to name Ranga.

Shiro" from now on you will be the new leader of the pack and your name will be Ranga".

After naming everyone, I don't feel any lack of magiculas, why is that ai-chan?

[oni-chan that's because your magic is infinite baka oni-chan it doesn't matter how many monsters you give names to, you won't lose any magicula if you have infinite ones]

After naming it, they all start to shine and goblins evolve into hobgoblins and wolves evolve into storm wolves they are all the same but Ranga has a horn on his head

Shiro" now that you've all evolved let's have a banquet and celebrate in style"

All" EHHH"

After celebrating for all that is left of the day we will not sleep

/Next day/

After waking up I call rigurd and tell him to call everyone in the square

After everyone arrives

Shiro" as you can see there are more and more of us and I thought that to avoid problems, we should establish some rules: The first rule is no fighting between us. We're partners now. 2nd rule is no disparaging other races. The fact that you have evolved does not give you the right to do so. 3rd is not to kill humans without any reason, if a human tries to kill you, first try to cut off an arm or a leg if you can't, kill him".

Rigur" May I ask a question? "

Shiro" of course Rigur, what do you want to ask?

Rigur" because we have to try not to kill humans?

Rigurd" You're questioning Mr. Shiro"

Shiro" Relax Rigurd"

Shiro" For a very simple reason: I like humans, period.

Rigur" AH, I get it"

They really accept such a stupid reason?

Shiro" Well, it's not only that when we are more we will have to try to have a good relationship with the humans, but if they try to attack us don't worry that I will destroy the country that tries"

Shiro" The other thing I have called you here for is to name Rigurd as the "Lord of the Hobgoblins" I trust you will know how to run the village"

Rigurd" I promise you that I will leave my skin to fulfill the work you have entrusted to me"

After the meeting was over I left them to make the "house", to tell them to go to the kingdom of the dwarves

After going out for a while and talking to ai-chan and vera-chan, I come back to see the "house"

Shiro" Rigurd, this is supposed to be a house, isn't it?

Rigurd" I'm ashamed to say it but yes"

Shiro" Don't worry, it's just that you lack knowledge of architecture, I wish we knew some engineers.

Rigurd "Ah.... I know someone who could be useful we have.... traded with them several times, they are very skilled and may know how to build houses".

Shiro" and you say that you have traded with them? who are they?

Rigurd" The Dwarves, To go to the Kingdom of the Dwarves you have to follow the great river in a northern direction. Usually about two months, although on the back of the wolves in the storm we would go much faster.

Shiro" I understand....and just follow the river, right? I'll go and negotiate with them personally. Rigurd, can you take care of the travel arrangements?"

Rigurd" Of course! Everything will be ready before noon!

After noon I and a few other hobgoblins headed for the Kingdom of the Dwarfs, riding on top of the wolves we go about 90 km/h for me is a little slow, but for the hobgoblins seems to be a little difficult

After traveling for three days we are at the entrance of the kingdom, in the end we decided that only I (in my fox form) will enter the city while the others wait near the entrance.