
"We cannot stay here Sara, its too dangerous" Sara sighed "What would you have me do Emily? Our entire coven has been massacred and you, me, Isabelle, Mary, and Elizabeth are left". Sara said to Emily raising her voice. "We have to leave, we will die here if we don't" Emily responded. Sara looked at her and then went to the window and peeked out from behind the curtain.

"Where would we go Emily? Nowhere is safe for us except if we went to the mountains and lived like shepherds herding sheep for a living". Emily walked over to where Sara stood and places a hand on her shoulder. "We will go to Salem Village". Emily said, Sara closed the curtain and scoffed "Salem is the last place people like us go to". Sara said with a sharp tone "It is the only place we can go" Emily said trying to reason with Sara. "They are crazy fanatics that with a little suspicion with no evidence to back up their accusation, they burn them Emily. They kill innocent people who were either framed or got under their witch radar. I will not risk our lives to live there where everyday will be a fight for survival".

Sara said ending the conversation at that. Emily took a deep breath and looked at the world map that was on the table in front of them. " Then where do we go Sara, where do we find salvation. No matter where we go, we cannot hide who we are to the world". Sara knew Emily was right, but she would have to think of something and fast. Their leader passed the relic onto her symbolizing that she was the new leader. But the question was not where do they go but how will they go without the townsfolk on their trail. Sara knew what would await them if they got caught but she also knew that they would face a similar fate if they went to Salem.

Sara had no idea what to do, her and the rest of the girls were not witches but branded as witches. Their gifts were a blessing not a curse but to them it feels like a curse to have them than embracing and accepting them. Sara had the power to foresee the future and ones past, Mary could manipulate the earth around her bending it to her will, Isabelle had the power over the weather and people's minds, Emily had the power to heal the sick and wounded, and Elizabeth had the power to wield fire and steel. After much thought and debating their options in her head which was giving her a headache

"Call the girls in Emily, I have decided our next step" Emily nodded and left the room. I hope I do not regret this Sara said to herself. Emily came back with Isabelle, Elizabeth and Mary behind her. "After much consideration I have made the decision that we will go to Salem Village. But there are going to be rules before we commence our journey: Rule #1 - Once we have arrived we will not practice our gifts no matter what happens. Rule #2 - We will be known as sisters whenever asked to reduce the suspicion. If the villagers asked about our parents we will say that they died at sea. And finally Rule #3 - Please dont cause attention to yourselves because whatever you do will affect the rest of us. Are we clear?".

Sara asked the girls and they nodded in response. " Then let's get going then" Sara said and they all left the room to pack whatever they needed. They all exited the house that they were in and Sara motioned Elizabeth to set the house on fire so the diversion could help them get a head start on the townspeople.