Chapter 1

A few days later...

"How long more till we are there?" Mary whined, they were sailing non-stop from the town they left, they didn't even stop ports to gather more supplies. "We will be there soon, thanks to Isabelle we have had smooth sailing so far" Sara said to Mary, Mary looked at the vast blue ocean. Sara too wanted to get off the boat and walk on land once more. Isabelle was getting a little winded from using too much magic Mary noticed that she was getting tired "Isabelle why don't you rest a bit" Everyone was worried about her because her gift of controlling the weather, she was the newest member in the coven before they were annihilated by the townspeople.

She had a long ways to go before she could master her gift like the rest of the girls. That was now Sara's responsibility now to teach her about her gift and the destination they were headed was not the best place to teach a witch magic without getting yourself caught in the process. Sara placed a hand on Isabelle's shoulder "Rest now, it is best to save your strength than to waste it" Isabelle only nodded and went below deck to take a nap. The sky turned to an orange-red colour as the sun settled on the horizon

"By noon tomorrow we will reach the docks of Salem" Sara said looking at the map they had and then at the ocean. "I hope everyone remembers what I said before we departed what each of us does affects us all" Mary was getting irritated from Sara repeating herself over and over again "Look Sara we know that you're the leader now but we are not children that you need to keep reminding us over and over again" she snap at Sara which shocked the other girls. Elizabeth and Emily never saw Mary acting out like this "You need to watch your tone Mary" Sara said

"I know that your a little cranky from the voyage but being cautious never harmed anyone". Mary scoffed and went below deck before a confrontation started and no one could beat Sara since she could foresee her opponents attacks. That's why she learned how to fight with swords and daggers, instead of learning spells it helped her conceal her magic from other people. Sara took the first watch as usual as the rest of the girls went below deck to sleep. Sara was in deep thought when Isabelle tapped her shoulder signalling to switch, Sara waved her off "I'm ok for another few hours you need more rest than anyone since you have used most of your power getting us this far". Isabelle silently went back as she came and Sara looked at the ocean, she pulled out the previous leader's talisman.

As a last resort the previous leader Eve sealed her spirit inside her talisman and gave it to Sara, since then she tried to communicate with Eve's spirit but all she got back was silence. Knowing it was futile to try she tried again anyways, "Eve if you're listening I need your guidance more than ever" the talisman began to faintly glow in her hand and Sara almost dropped when she the light emitting from the stone. "I see your doing well Sara" Sara looked towards the other end of the boat and saw Eve sitting on the edge of the boat. She almost lost balance and fell into the water when Eve grabbed her hand helping her regain her balance. "Jumpy as ever I see" Sara was at a lost for words "How?" was all she said. Eve smile dropped and she began to explain

"When the townspeople massacred us all I knew there was no hope in escaping from them, but I knew you would save a few girls from our coven and keep them safe. So I casted a spell to transfer my spirit from my body into my talisman and handed it over to you. So whenever you call upon me this is the form I take". Sara was slowly understanding Eve was telling her, "Can the rest of us see you or is it only me?" Sara asked her Eve smiled and replied "All of you can see me, child. But is troubling me is that why have decided to go to Salem?" Sara took a deep breath before answering that question. "I didn't know where else to go Eve, I was strongly against it but the other girls convinced me.

I had no other plan I tried to see into the future but all I saw was nothing, I didn't know what that meant so now we are headed to Salem where we will most likely die" Eve raised her hand and striked Sara's face " I did not teach you to give up Sara" Eve was getting mad " Salem might not be your only destination Sara, it could be a starting point to be making a fresh start". Sara held one hand on the cheek where Eve hit her and bite her lip to stop herself from whimpering, Eve's face soften a bit "Come now child I know you are stronger than that, or else why would I pass the leadership to you" Sara smiled a bit "Because there was no one else willingly to take the chance" they both giggled, Eve pulled Sara into a hug "Just promise me and yourself that you will never give up" Sara nodded and Eve vanished into thin air.