Chapter 2

Just as Sara said they reached the harbor by noon of the next day, the girls gathered their things and got off the boat. Sara lead them to through the town and after asking a few questions they found the mayor's house. The guard saw them coming towards the house and stopped them "What business have you with the mayor ladies?" the girls looked at each other but Sara spoke out saying "Me and my sisters are new here and we wanted to speak with the mayor about buying some land here to build a house" Sara did not break eye contact with the guard and they stared at each other for a few seconds.

Isabelle wanted to get inside the guard's head but without him noticing Sara shook her head. "I'm sorry ladies but the mayor is far too busy to discuss petty matters at the moment" the guard said and turned away. Mary got mad in an instant and grabbed the guard by collar "Listen here mister we have sailed a great deal of distance to get here so we all could have a fresh start and we are not leaving till we meet the mayor. So I suggest you go in there and tell the mayor or we will just do it ourselves" Everyone around her was in shock the girls knew Mary had a temper but she never had a short fuse like this.

The guard was staring at her with wide eyes and tremble a little in her grasp, "What is all the commotion?" A young lady stepped out of the house and Mary let go of the guard in a split second. Sara glared at Mary as she stepped forward "My apologies ma'am we didn't mean to cause a disturbance. It is just that we have been sailing for quite some time and we are all on edge". Sara said sincerely, the lady nodded and motioned for Sara to follow. Sara turned towards the girls "I won't be long just don't do anything that could have us kicked out" Sara followed the lady into the house and closed the door. Mary and the rest of the girls left as it would have been awkward to be around the guard from what had just happened 5 seconds ago. Sara looked around the house and it was beautiful the craftsmanship was breathtaking I guess being the mayor does have its perks sometimes Sara said in her head.

Sara was led to what appeared to be an office and the lady took a seat. "So what brings you here to the mayor's house?" the lady asked Sara "Me and my sisters want to buy a piece of land here to call home ma'am" Sara replied. The lady nodded her head and pull out a drawer from the desk and pulled out a small stack of papers. "Well you are in luck...." she paused and Sara spoke "My name is Sara" the lady smiled "Well Sara you are in luck as there is a piece of land here that is available to purchase".

I know that I foresaw it before coming here and I know how much the price is going to be Sara said in her head. "How much is the price?" Sara asked,the lady looked at the papers and said "The price is 500 gold pieces" Sara was shocked 500 gold pieces! That can't be! I'm 45 gold pieces short! Sara took out her purse and placed it on the table "There is only 455 gold pieces in there" Sara said as the lady reached for the purse "You are 45 pieces short girl" she said.

"I did not know the land here costed that much, our parents left us that money before they passed away" Sara said trying to get sympathy out of her instead of leaving and getting Isabelle to do the job. "Well if you can get my the rest of the money but sundown the land will be yours" Sara smiled "Well do ma'am, thank you" the lady smiled and Sara left the same way she came. She exited the house and found the girls by their boat "Well" Elizabeth said "What happened?" Sara sighed "We are 45 gold pieces short and we have till sundown to get it" the girls faces fell "Well that's it we're screwed" Emily said. Sara looked at the girls "No we are not, we just need 45 gold pieces, we can sell some valuables that we have" Mary looked at Sara "I know what you are thinking Sara, are you sure you want to do that?" Sara pulled that last thing she would want to give up, her mother hairpins.

Sara snatched them before her house went up in flames, her family along with it. "This will get us the money and that's what's more important" Sara said coldly but the rest knew her was hurt to give up that last thing of her mother. Sara went to any stall and presented them to the seller and only asked for 45 gold pieces. One person gave what she asked and she handed them over and took the gold and left. A single tear ran down her face as she saw those hairpins for the last time. It was minutes before sundown and Sara presented the gold to the lady and she handed Sara the papers for the land. "Good luck" the lady said and Sara smiled and lead the girls to their new home.