Chapter 7

Jon looked at Serena "How?" Serena smiled when she leaned in close and whisper "The mayor and I made a deal Jon, as long as you stay with me he won't harm Sara or her sisters". Jon's fists clenched and Serena smiled triumphantly "I told you that we would be together someday and that day is today" Serena giggled as she rejoined the mayor and James's side. Sara as she listened felt something inside of her; was it jealousy or anger she didn't know. But what she did know was she couldn't take it anymore and stormed inside to find all eyes on her. "Sara" Jon said and instanly a smile crept onto the mayor's face. "I am here to bail Jon out" Sara said firmly avoiding eye contact with the mayor and Serena. She walked past them and stood infront of Jon, his eyes softened when he saw her.

"You shouldn't have come Sara" he said Sara smiled "If I didn't then how would I then thank you for before" Jon chuckled and then Sara turned her attention to James. "How much?" James was a little confused "How much what?" Sara sighed and asked again "How much much for the bail?" the mayor stepped in at that moment "I'm afraid the bail has already been paid my dear" Sara then looked at the mayor "Then why is he still locked up?" she said as she motioned to the cell where Jon was. "Because they will opened the cell door when I saw so" Serena said confidently and Sara chuckled. "Wow you people are something, never I thought in my life I would come across people like you. But there is always a first right" Sara said and walked towards Serena and slapped her face. Everyone stood still with a shocked expression on their face at what Sara did.

"That was for threatening me with a knife" Sara said and then turned to the mayor, she kicked him hard where the lights don't shine and he fell onto his knees. "That was for trying to rape me you bastard!" Sara was now angry and looked at James who was now scrambling to get the door opened as he hoped to be spared and let Jon go. Jon walked out of the cell with a smile on his face "Remind me not to get on your bad side" they both laughed and Sara led Jon to their horse. "Well that was entertaining" he said with a smile on his face as he helped Sara onto the horse "Well stick around and see what happens" Sara said as Jon mounted the horse.

"Love too" Jon said with a wink, as he urged the horse forward and they headed towards the forest that was near the village. They both wanted to get away from there for a while and when they were far away Jon stopped near a river and dismounted the horse. Jon also helped Sara down as well, they walked towards the river and sat on the ground in silence for a few moments. Jon looked over at Sara and saw frustration and anxiety on her face, "Are you alright?" Jon asked her and Sara shook her head. "I think it was a mistake to come here" she said softly and looked at him with sad eyes. Jon pulled her close to him and rubbed her back "It will be alright, I mean look at me I have been here all my life I think I turned out okay" they both laughed a little.

"That's true" Sara said "But" Sara began to say "Things now will only get harder for me and my sisters". Jon could understand the situation that Sara was in but what could he do to help.

"Whatever happens always know you got me on your side" Jon said with a smile which made Sara smile too. She leaned her head on his shoulder and snuggled closer to him. Jon didn't flinch but he was startled on the inside, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Jon?" Sara said and he hummed in response, "Is there something between you and the mayor?" Jon stiffened a bit and Sara felt like she just hit a nerve. Great Sara now look at what you did now he probably doesn't want to talk to you. Or worse he will leave you here! Sara mentally cursed her subconscious self for speaking.

"His brother is the reason my parents are dead" Jon said coldly and Sara was frozen with shocked. "And it happened the same way as tonight" Jon said as his hands turned into fists. Sara could see the anger on his face and the hatred he had for the mayor. "The mayor had a younger brother, he was a drunkard and thought anything was his because his big brother was the mayor". Jon began to tell his story "One day he saw my mother in the market and became obsessed with her, the fact she was a wife and a mother didn't even faze him". Sara wanted to stop him but she wanted Jon to continue. He had all this anger bottled up inside of him and the best way to get rid of it was to let it all out.

"He started to harass her everyday, he even came to our home. My mother always turned him down she never looked his way or felt the same way he did". Jon recalled in his head of every attempt the mayor's brother made. "He then became jealous whenever he say my mother and father together and his obsession just grew from there. Then one night me and my father came home and saw our house in a mess and my mother was missing".

Sara could tell where this was going and she shivered when her own memories flashed in her brain. "All I remembered was seeing my mother's dead body in the town square and my father getting hanged for killing the mayor's brother".

Sara placed her hand on his back for comfort which made Jon flinch but only for a second. He has lived alone all this time Sara thought and he saved me from such a fate, who knew what would happened if Jon hadn't come to her rescue. Sara mentally smiled at the thought but it disappeared in a second. "I was only 5 when they died" Jon head was down and Sara saw a tear fall and on instinct she hugged him.

Jon hugged her back and quietly sniffled as he tried not to cry, Sara understood how he felt because she too lost her parents at a young age. She remembered growing up alone in the cruel world and then she met Eve and the coven. When they broke away they stared at each other's eyes. Jon leaned in close and Sara didn't flinch or move away, Jon kissed Sara's lips softly and Sara kissed him back, the kiss started slow then it turned into a more passionate and deep kiss, when they broke away they were catching their breath.

They didn't say anything to each other as they kissed again, Jon laid Sara on the ground and kissed her lips again then he kissed her neck and collarbone. A small gasp escaped from Sara's lips as Jon kept going down her body. She didn't want him to stop at all, Jon looked up and his eyes asking for consent to continue and Sara responded with a nod. Jon slowly lifted the bottom of her dress up exposing Sara's legs. They both heard a branch snap and they froze, they quickly pulled away from each other and fixed their appearances. "Guess we are not alone" Sara said breaking the silence between them.

Jon nodded as he lead Sara through the forest he found footprints in the dirt and followed them. Sara was closely behind she looked at the size of the footprints and was puzzled. "These are very small footprints" Jon said "What would a child be doing in the woods at this time?" Sara asked and Jon shook his head "I don't know but I do have a bad feeling about it" Sara was confused about what Jon said. "Meaning what?" she asked again "The footprints go more into the forest then going towards the village which means one of 2 things: witch hunt or a nomad". Sara looked at the footprints and mentally sighed it was going to be a long night.