Chapter 6

Jon was searching in all the rooms on the second floor Not again! Not this time! he kept saying over and over again in his head. Sara tried to scurry away from the mayor but he had gotten a hold on her legs and dragged her back to him. She began to plead with the mayor "Please stop! Let me go please!" she shouted. The mayor had his hand on her throat and slowly applied pressure and Sara was struggling to breath as the mayor slowly increased the pressure. "Please.....Stop....I..."

Sara became limp in the mayor's arms, mayor Sybil laid her on the bed gently and a wicked smile flashed on the mayor's face. Jon headed towards the last door that was on the second floor, he burst into the room and found the mayor hovering over Sara. He wasted no time and charged at the mayor. The mayor was knocked down and was surprised to find Jon in the room, "Well well well" mayor Sybil said.

"Look who we have here, the hero has arrived" he said sarcastically Jon glanced at Sara who was asleep on the bed. "I suggest you leave before things get more complicated Jon" the mayor said causing Jon to turn his head towards him. "I'm not stepping aside Sybil, not this time" Jon was not backing down and so was the mayor. It was like 2 lions were about to fight over a freshly made kill.

The mayor took a swing at Jon but he easily dodged it and punched the mayor in the stomach and then in the face causing him to land on the ground hard. Jon quickly grabbed Sara's cape that was on the ground and wrapped it around Sara's unconscious body and with her in his arms he ran out of the room. The girls were getting more and more antsy until they saw Jon carrying Sara as they were coming out the front door.

They all rushed towards him "is she alright? Is she going to be ok?" they bombarded him with questions. "Let's get back to the house and lets take it from there". Mary nodded and they helped Jon place Sara onto the wagon and they rode off. "She was right, it was a mistake to come here" Mary said softly as they got further and further away from the mayor's house. Jon carried Sara up the stairs and placed her on the bed he was about to leave when Sara's hand gripped Jon's shirt.

He saw her stir and grasp his shirt more tightly, Jon caressed her cheek and slowly pulled her hand away and left the room. Jon came down the stairs and saw the girls sitting at the table, "She might wake soon" Jon said breaking the tension that was in the air.

"Thank you Jon for everything" Emily said Jon smiled "Anytime" he was about to take a leave when they heard loud banging. Jon followed by the girls went to open the door. There was a man in a uniform at the door with what looked like a small army with him. "Officer James" Jon said with a serious tone "Oh Jon what a pleasant surprise, I got a call from the mayor this evening".

Everyone knew why James had come to the house. "I think you know what happens now Jon" Jon nodded and stepped out of the house. Mary grabbed his arm and said "We will get you out" Jon shook his head "Just look after Sara" and followed officer James to his carriage and got inside.

The girls could only watch as they rode away from the house. "How do we save him now?" Elizabeth said as she closed the door. "Well now we know he takes the mayor side" Isabelle said. "Guys?" they saw Sara coming down the stairs and they all rushed to her side. "Are you ok?" they all asked "I'm fine or I think so" Sara said as she was rubbing her temples with her fingers. "How did I get back home?" Sara asked "Umm well that's a not so long story" Sara was surprised when Isabelle said that. "Tell me everything" Sara asked the girls, the girls sat Sara down at the table and began to tell her everything.

After they were done Sara got up from her seat and went back upstairs and got her cloak within a few minutes she came back downstairs and went out the door. The girls saw her take Jon's horse that was attached to the wagon. "Where are you going?" Elizabeth as they all step out of the house. "I'm going to save him, I know what the mayor is going to do with him and I will not let that happen". Sara urged the horse forward and went to the sheriff's quarters. "It's been a long time since someone from your family was locked up in here" James said to Jon as he was putting in a holding cell.

"I believe your father was the last one here before you". Jon's face showed no emotion "And with the same circumstances, wow you know how to keep your family name alive" James laughed and his comrades joined in as well. "I think there was rumor that your mother was cheating and your father---" Jon interrupted him "My mother was innocent in that matter!" he screamed "My father couldn't stand the humiliation form the mayor's brother so he killed him" Jon said. There was fire burning in his eyes, the horrors of his family past was entering his mind. All those memories flooding back into his mind, all the pain and heartbreak, seeing his parents butchered infront of him, a small tear fell from his face as he tried not to look weak infront of James.

Sara stopped at a nearby post and tied the reins of the horse and walked to the sheriffs quarters but stopped when she saw the mayor and what looked like Serena entering the building. Sara hid in the bushes and found a spot where the door was and listened in. Jon looked up and saw the last two people on earth that he wanted to see. "I see you caught him already" the mayor said as he entered, officer James saluted him and then shook his hands. "Mayor Sybil it's good to see you sir" James said as Serena walked to where Jon cell was.

"Tsk tsk tsk" Serena said "Look at what that girl got you into Jon" Serena batted her eyes at him what it did no effect on him. "You will be thanking me in a minute though" that got Jon's attention which made Serena smile.