Chapter 5

"What are you doing here?" Mary asked calmly as everyone was on edge. The young girl smiled "You guys are the talk of the town, I had to see what the fuss was about" The girls were looking at each other and then back at Ava. "Now I know why everyone is so interested in you. You guys are witches!" Sara looked like she was going to have a heart attack "Why would you think that, you don't have proof that we are" Emily said.

Ava smiled again "True but around here being a witch is a serious crime, if someone were to say then the whole town will believe it" Mary looked at Sara who was looked like she was not breathing. "Sara are you alright?" Sara shook her head Mary held her in cause Sara were to fall (Isabelle make this girl forget everything and let's move on) Mary said telepathically to Isabelle on queue went up to Ava and her eyes glowed a golden colour.

Ava smile disappeared and was replaced with confusion "Where am I?" She asked the girls as she looked around her, Emily stepped forward and said "You came to our house because you wanted to be neighborly" Emily smiled Ava nodded her head and took her leave. The girls waited for to leave and they all sighed very loudly especially Sara "Isabelle thank god for your gift" Sara said Isabelle flicked her hair over her shoulder and said "I know" they all headed inside and resumed their event for Sara and Jon.

"Do you guys have to go?" Sara whined as the girls were putting the finishes touches to her hair. "We just want to make sure that Ava girl doesn't come around and start asking questions and also we went into town earlier and there was this strange girl that kept giving us glares". Sara took a deep breath as they all heard a knock on the door. They all motioned for Sara to answer the door, they followed down the stairs and Sara opened the door and saw someone they did not expect to see. "Mayor Sybil what a surprise" Sara said, Mary and the rest hid at the top of the stairs and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"Might I say Sara that you look lovely this evening" Sara smiled "Thank you" the mayor stepped forward which made Sara take a step back. "I am having a gathering at my house and I wanted to personally invite you to come with me" Sara did not know what to say to the mayor's offer. She wanted to refuse flat out but she didn't know how she got from her door into the mayor's carriage. Emily and Mary went to the door to only see the carriage riding away. "Well this just got interesting" Mary said as they closed the door, "Now what are we going to do when Jon gets here?" Elizabeth said.

"We will just tell him and then take it from there" Isabelle said. The carriage stopped at the mayor's house and Sara saw all the lights off, she was getting suspicious of the intentions of the mayor. "Why are all the lights off?" she said as she was playing dumb. "Oh must have lost power" mayor Sybil responded as they got out of the carriage. Sara wanted to just knock him out and go back to the house, but the mayor had power and the last thing she wanted was to be accused of being a witch and then burned at the stake.

She hesitantly followed him into the house, every inch of her body was screaming run away! Sara sended a telepathic message to Isabelle saying: Help!. The girls were trying to stay calm when they heard a knock on the door, "That must be Jon" Elizabeth said. "Well anyhow we have to hurry I have a feeling that Sara is in trouble" Isabelle said as Mary went to the door. They all looked at Jon as if he was a entirely different person "Too much" he said and they all giggled.

"Well we have some good news and some bad news" Emily said which got Jon curious "What's the bad news?" they all looked at each other and Mary spoke out "How well do you know the mayor?" Jon's face showed a hint of hatred which made the girls more worried "Let's just saw that we have a mutual understanding but we do have some unfinished business that needs settling" Mary spoke again "Well he came a few minutes ago and took Sara to his house" Jon stiffened and Emily mentioned "He said that there was a gathering at his house" Jon sarcastically laughed "There is no gathering or else everyone in the town would be there" this made the girls and Jon more worried than before.

"Let's go before something happens" Mary said and Jon agreed but paused at the door. "Hold on, before we leave what was the good news?" Jon asked them "If you wanted to eat the food was ready" Elizabeth said. No one said anything and Isabelle hit her shoulder. They all left the house in awkward silence, Sara was waiting for the mayor to turn on the lights in the house.

She studied the room she was in so that if needed she could get out, "Well looks like it going to be a while before the lights come back on if you wanted there is a place to freshen up" Sara smile and nodded. She followed his directions and carefully guided herself in the dark. She opened the door and saw that it was a bedroom, more like a couple's bedroom. Why would he tell me to go here to freshen up? This was a room not a bathroom! Wait a minute no lights, no one is here, sended me to a bedroom without hesitating Sara rushed to the windows and opened it.

She was on the second floor and no way she could make the from the window without injuring herself. What to do? Sara thought to herself she heard the door close and her worst fear was coming to life. There was a creepy smile on the mayor's face that would make Sara's skin crawl. "Don't come any closer" Sara said trying to distance herself from him, her only option was to jump out the window. "No need to be scared Ms. Sara, there is nothing to be worried about" the mayor said closing the space between them one step at a time.

(Nothing to worry well let me make a list and I'll get back to you) Sara mentally cursed herself for cracking up jokes now of all times. The mayor kept coming closer and closer to Sara, he offered his hand towards but Sara shy away from him. "Don't be shy Sara no harm will come to you" the mayor said as he tightly grabbed her wrist making Sara shriek as he pulled her close to him. Sara struggled to get away from his grasp but mayor Sybil's grip was getting more rougher by the minute. Jon and the girls were at the mayor's house when they heard a shriek.

"That has to be Sara" Mary said, Jon began to climb the side of the house mentally thanking the gods for the vines that grew there. "What are you doing Jon?" Emily said as they watched him go up to the second floor "What does it look like?" he responded when he jumped inside the house through an open window and beginning his search.