Chapter 4

As the girls builded their home Sara went to visit Jon from time to time, sometimes they invited him over to carve a few things or even for dinner as well. Jon and Sara became very good friends, they were walking from a local pub one evening when Sara saw a girl leaning against a wall glaring at them.

Jon saw her looking at something and looked to over what Sara was looking at and quickly lead her away. "Who was that?" Sara asked when they stopped "It was Serena, she is like the favored child here. Don't worry about her though she is harmless" Sara nodded and they walked back to Jon's shop. "So how is house coming along?" They were sitting at the table "Pretty good just a few things here and there and we are all done" Sara smiled, they chatted for a few more hours and Sara bid Jon goodbye for it was getting late for her. Sara left and was walking down the path that lead to her house, someone came up from behind and placed their hand on her mouth and a small blade at her neck.

When the person spoke it was a feminine voice. "Stay away from Jon before you regret it" The woman vanished after that and Sara picked up the pace and almost ran home. The girls were sleeping when Sara came home, she did not sleep that night at all. It was Serena, I'm sure of it. But why would she attack me like that? Does she think....Maybe I should tell her the truth, but would she believe me? Sara the entire night was debating whether or not she should tell Serena that she didn't have feelings for Jon and that they were just friends. But the question wasn't that she had feelings for him but did Jon have feelings for her? The next morning there was a knock at the door and Sara woke up on the couch. She was in her night dress and saw her clothes on the ground beside the sofa.

She went to pick them up when the knocking grew louder. Not wanting to wake the girls Sara went to their temporary front door and answered it. It was a man standing at the door wearing a suit "Can I help you?" the man turned around and saw Sara standing there at the door. The man's eyes trailed up and down and Sara was feeling a little uncomfortable. "Let me introduce myself I am Mayor Sybil, I believe you met my wife" Sara pondered a moment before the memory clicked in "Oh yes I remember" Sara said "Was there any problem?" Sara asked and Mayor Sybil shook his head.

"No there is no problem at all I just wanted to visit our new neighbors" Sara smiled and and the mayor smiled back. Sara saw Jon's wagon coming from around the bend and her face instantly lit up. "Um excuse me mayor but I have a previous appointment that I must keep but I am honored that you came to us" Sara said as she past him as Jon pulled up infront of the house. The mayor eyed how Jon and her were with each other, Jon and Sara unloaded a few items from the wagon and Jon saw the mayor standing there. "Mayor Sybil what a pleasure" Jon said "Jon it's been too long since we last seen each other, how is the blacksmith shop doing?" Jon smiled "Its doing well, lots of customers" the mayor took his leave and Jon entered the house. "Why was the mayor here?" Jon asked and Sara scoffed "He wanted to see us".

Sara made a disgust face which made Jon laugh. "I swear his face was telling me he came for something else" Sara shuddered and Jon motioned as the house was quiet. "They are asleep upstairs" Sara said Jon was about to leave when Sara stopped him "The girls wanted to invite you for dinner tonight" Jon smiled "What is the occasion?" "It is our way of saying thanks for everything that you have done for us" Sara said with a smile. Jon kissed Sara's cheek "I'll come" Jon urged his horse forward and left Sara flustered. She placed a hand on the cheek where Jon kissed her and blushed. She closed the door and leaned against as she slide to the floor, her hand was still on her cheek.

Mary came down the stairs and saw Sara sitting on the ground, Sara did not notice Mary coming over to her. Mary called the other girls, they all came running down the stairs and saw Sara. Sara was lost in deep thought that when she came to she almost jumped when all the girls were sitting around like little children. "So....." Emily teased "When did Jon come to visit?" Sara blushed "Why would you care?" she got up headed to their kitchen "Sara is falling for Jon hard" Mary said. "Please why would Jon go for someone like me?" all the girls gasped dramatically which made Sara laugh, Isabelle and Emily made breakfast for everyone while Mary and Elizabeth was teasing Sara about Jon.

"So do you guys know what today is girls?" everyone looked at Sara in confusion. "remember I said we could add a few things to the house using our gifts" Mary and the rest of the girls face lit up like a child on Christmas, Mary had vines going around the pillars of the home while Emily placed little statues that represented healing and renewal around the house, Isabelle created curtains that could capture the sun's light during the day and release it at night so that they would not need to candles, and Elizabeth created their coven crest and hung on the door that Jon made for them. "There is one other thing that I forgot to tell you guys" Sara said as everyone stopped what they were doing "And that is?" Mary asked Sara. Sara's cheek were pink and she was fiddling with her dress "I kind" Sara was trying to put the words together. "Oh come on Sara spit it out!" Emily insisted.

"I INVITED JON TO DINNER!" Sara said in one breath she looked at everyone and they just stared at her. "Awww our little Sara is growing up" Isabelle said hugging her. "Oh Mary help her pick the perfect outfit for tonight!" Emily squealed and clapping her hands. "Hold on a minute, everyone is going to be there. When I asked him I said 'we' not 'I'" that had no effect on the girls one bit. "So what we can easily make it just you and Jon, we can ditch the dinner" Mary said "Don't leave with him alone I might make a fool of myself" Sara said. Mary got a full length mirror and made Sara stand infront of it.

They each took turns giving their opinion on what Sara should wear or what hair style she should have. Sara had a weird feeling like they were being watched, she instantly turned around and saw someone looking through the window. It was a very young girl as soon she saw Sara looking at her she bolted. Sara instantly went after and caught up to her, for she was a fast runner naturally. The other girls caught up with her and saw Sara was holding the young girl's arm. "What is your name?" Sara asked catching her breath, the young girl looked at the 5 and said "Ava".