Chapter 9

Jon and Sara continued to look at the child infront of them that was just sitting on the floor without a care in the world. Sara who was still in shock of the girl's name, she thought she would never hear that name again.

"So Eve" Jon began to say "What are you doing here?" he asked as Sara stayed quiet, "Because of the bad man" Eve said playing with a doll that was in her hands. "What bad man?" Jon asked again "The one that lives in the town" Eve said "He said that I should stay here so no one can harm me" which made both Jon and Sara confused.

"Well do you want to come with us?" Sara said and Jon shot a look at her and Sara glared back at him. "But the man said no to leave this place" Eve said "If you come with us I'll give a nice bowl of soup" Sara said tempting that little girl to leave with them.

Eve looked at Jon and then at Sara and smiled "Ok" she got up and Sara who smiled led her out of the room and down the stairs. Jon followed after them as they left the house and began to walk back through the woods. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jon asked Sara "I was not going to leave a small child in that house" Sara said. "I agree with you on that but if the mayor is involved then we are just asking for trouble especially with what happened earlier this evening" Jon said making a point.

But Sara brushed Jon off and was firm with the decision that she made, and if this would bring problems in the future then she would meet them head on. "If the mayor is involved then there is something that he wanted to hide" Sara said thinking about the different possibilities that could be the reason of the child.

After the long walk Jon and Sara led Eve to Sara's house as it was away from town so that no one would be suspicious of them. Eve's face lit up when she saw the house and giggled. "This your house?" Eve asked Sara and Sara nodded her head "Do you like it?" Sara asked Eve and the little girl nodded her head vigorously. Sara held Eve's hand as they walked up the steps to the front door and a smile fell on Jon's face as he imagined a kid of his own and maybe Sara as the woman in his life.

"Are you coming?" Sara asked him snapping Jon out of his thoughts and he headed inside the house. "Yeah, I'm coming" Jon said heading up the steps and into the house. They saw the girls sitting in the living room with worried looks on their faces, "We're back" Jon said and the girls pounced on them like cats. "Oh my god!", "Are you guys alright?", "Thank god!" all the girls were speaking at once and both Sara and Jon were startled by them.

"Guys calm down" Sara said "We have a surprise for you and I hope you don't freak them out" Sara motioned to behind her and Eve came into view. Eve looked at Isabelle, Elizabeth, Emily, and Mary with her big brown eyes. And all the girls attention shifted from Sara and Jon to Eve. "It's like feeding a lamb to the wolves" Jon muttered and Sara smiled.

"The poor girl" Sara said as everyone went to the kitchen to get Eve something to eat "I guess I should be going" Jon said. "Do you really have to go?" Sara asked as Jon opened the front door. "Well I do have work in the morning, saving you from disaster is a non-profit side business for me but I still love it" Jon said kissing Sara on the cheek before he left.

Sara closed the door and turned around to see the girls looking at Sara with their arms crossed. "Now explain" Isabelle said "Explain what?" Sara said trying to dodge the conversation. "Eve" Emily said pointing towards the kitchen "We found her in a house in the forest" Sara said which was true. "And her name by coincidence is Eve?" Elizabeth said, Sara nodded her head slowly.

"I know its weird but come on it's not like I chose this or I wanted this to happen" Sara making a point and the girls backed off a bit. "Alright moving on to other things" Mary said changing the vibe in the room "Did something happen between you and Jon?" Sara's cheeks went red as it totally caught her off guard. "Oh my god something did happen!" Elizabeth shrieked. "Our little Sara is growing up" Isabelle said wiping away a imaginary tear from her eye.