Chapter 8

Jon and Sara continued to follow the footprints as they walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Sara was holding a torch that Jon made earlier and she looked around them. For some reason the forest looked beautiful at night but also she felt her magic more powerful as well.

"We're getting close" Jon said as he crouched down and examined the footprints with his hand. "These prints are fresh" he said as he wiped the mud off his hands "Didn't take you for a tracker Jon" Sara said as Jon stood up from his spot.

"Well had to learn something in order to survive" Jon said with a shrug and they continued to follow the footprints till they reached a house that was covered in vines. "This house looks like it has been here for a good time" Sara said as they approached the house.

"I don't remember anyone living here while I was growing up" Jon said looking around to see if anything was familiar. "Well whoever made those footprints came here" Jon said as the trail of footprints stops right at the front door.

Sara could feel her magic growing more powerful that she could be glowing right now if her magic could materialize like an aura. Jon remade a torch so that it wouldn't die on us. Jon opened the door and a mist of sawdust or dust fell onto him and the breeze flew towards Sara which made the dust also travel to her. They both started coughing and Jon dusted himself off before they entered the house.

"You would think if someone comes here it would be a bit cleaner" Jon said still dusting himself off. "You would think but if we are going with the size of the foot prints then you wouldn't expect a child to clean" Sara said making a point.

Sara could feel a powerful source of magic upstairs and decide to follow it and without Jon noticing she made her way up the stairs and went into the first room she saw. She looked around the room which had a little bit of light, she went to the windows and opened the curtains. She instantly regretted it when the dust fell off the curtains which made her sneeze and cough.

The moonlight gave the room a bit more light and she saw a small box sitting on a mantle of a fireplace or what used to be a fireplace. She carefully picked up the box and without disturbing the dust she opened it and saw a sapphire blue jewel necklace. It looks so beautiful and she could hear a lit hum coming from the jewel.

Jon walked around the first floor of the house and turned his around and didn't see Sara behind him. "Sara?" he said and when there was no response he began to look around "Sara?" he said again louder. He was now getting worried when he didn't hear a response.

Sara was still looking at the jewel when she heard Jon's voice "Sara?!" Jon said and Sara replied back "I'm up here" she put the box back and she heard him coming up the stairs. When Jon saw her coming out of the room he sighed with relief "Please don't do that again" he said and Sara smiled "Why? Did you get scared?" she teased and Jon scoffed which made Sara chuckle.

They then heard some shuffling coming from down the hallway and Jon held the torch higher to illuminate the hallway but they didn't see anything. Sara was now starting to get creeped out.

"Time to put an end to the mysterious noise and person" Jon said walking down the hallway and Sara was closely behind him. They reached a door at the end of the hallway and Jon tried to open the door but it was locked, Sara pulled out 2 hair pins from her head and knelt down before the door and picked the lock. After the door opened and Jon looked at Sara with a questioned look "What! I also have learned a few things while growing up" Sara said defending herself and Jon carried on but Sara knew that this conversation will be visited at another time.

They entered the room and saw sitting in the middle of the room was a child on the floor sitting cross-legged. Sara and Jon looked at each other and then at the child infront of them. "Not what I was expecting" Jon said and Sara nodded her head, Sara approached the child slowly so that she wouldn't scare the child. "What are you doing here?" Sara said and the child just looked at her with her big brown eyes.

"I live here" the child said like it was nothing, like this entire situation was normal. "Where are your parents?" Jon asked still handling the shock "They went to town but never came back" the child said and Sara looked at Jon.

"What is your name?" Sara asked the girl and the girl smiled "My name is Eve" Sara gasp softly as Eve was her coven's leader name.