Chapter 11

The next morning Sara woke up with a heart attack as she saw Hope standing quietly beside the bed. "Eve is something wrong?" Sara asked the young girl just continued to look at Sara with a blank expression. Sara not knowing what to do got out of bed and knelt infront of her.

"Are you hungry?" Sara asked and Eve shook her head, Sara then asked "Are you bored?" and Eve replied with a nod. Sara then smiled and led the girl down the stairs. Sara saw Isabelle and Mary awake and sitting in the living room with books in their hands "Morning guys" Sara said.

Both Mary and Isabelle looked towards Sara and smiled, Eve was standing behind Sara's legs and peeked her head out from the side. "What's wrong with Eve?" Mary asked "Eve just wants someone to play with her" Sara said and Isabelle placed her book on the small table infront of her.

"We will keep her company while you get dressed" Isabelle said taking Eve's hand, leading her to the back of the house and Sara went back upstairs to freshen up and get ready for the day.

Elizabeth walked by Sara's room and saw the outfit that Sara had chosen to wear. "Is that what you are going to wear?" Elizabeth said standing in the doorway. Sara looked at Elizabeth and then at herself in the mirror "Is there something wrong with it?" Sara asked as she didn't see any flaw.

"That depends, are you going to see Jon today?" Elizabeth asked and Sara huffed as a response. "What I am wearing is fine and besides I believe simplicity it better than extravagant" Sara said standing her ground. Elizabeth raised her hands and walked away as Sara looked at herself again in the mirror. After deciding in her head 500 times that she looked fine she headed downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast Sara took Eve to the town to do some shopping, Sara found a seamstress and had Eve's measurements taken. Sara ordered 5 dresses for the girl and paid the lady before leaving.

Sara walked through the town as she held Eve's hand, they saw different shops and vendors as they made their way to the port. Sara saw that they were approaching Jon's shop and decided to visit when they were going home.

Sara took Eve to the edge of the port and let her look at the ships and the water. Sara smiled as she saw the young girl being curious about everything. For the rest of the day Sara and Eve watched ships arrive and leave the port, they talked to some of the crew members from the ships about the voyages and places that they have been.

The sky began to darken and Sara decided to take Eve home, she took Eve's hand and led her away from the port and back towards the town. Sara walked to where Jon's shop was and saw the light was still on on the inside. Sara took Eve to the door and opened it "Jon?" Sara called out but heard no response.

"Don't leave the shop ok" Sara said to Eve and the little girl nodded her head in response. "Jon?" Sara called out again looking the shop to see where Jon was, Sara looked around the forging area and saw no one was there.

There was a huge clash coming from upstairs and Sara headed up the stairs to the second floor. "Jon are you there?" Sara said, she could hear muffled voices coming from one of the rooms. Sara went to each door to see which room the voices were coming from. When she pressed her ear against the 3rd door she could hear 2 voices in the room.

Sara slowly opened the door and saw Jon who was standing on one side of the bed shirtless and wearing pants and Sara looked to the other side of the room and saw Serena standing there in her night dress.

Sara stood there motionless as scenarios started filling her head as both of them didn't notice her standing there. After a few moments Sara cleared her throat and both Jon and Serena stopped arguing and looked at her.

"Sara" Jon said as a shock expression appeared on his face "It's not what you think" Jon started to say but Sara left before he could continue. As Jon grabbed a shirt and went after her Serena smiled in triumph.

Sara went down the stairs and walked to where Eve was, Eve was sitting on the floor holding a flower that she got from one of the crew members at the port. Sara picked her up and Jon caught up to her. "Sara wait!" Jon said before Sara could open the door.

"Sara let me explain" Jon said pleading with her, Sara was fighting back the tears as memories of their kiss kept popping into her head. "Nothing happened Sara" Jon said and Sara turned towards him as she held Eve in her arms. "And that's is supposed to make it ok?" Sara said as a tear escaped from her eye. "What were you doing in there with her?" Sara asked Jon but Jon looked away from her.

Sara nodded her head "Nothing happened" Sara said repeating Jon's words "If nothing really happened then you would not be standing there with a guilty expression" Sara said as she then wasted no time and left the shop.

Sara walked home as tears were streaming down her face, Sara was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize when she was home. Sara put Eve on the ground and they both walked up the steps and opened the door. Elizabeth, Isabelle, and Emily were coming from the kitchen when they walked in.

Eve ran towards them wanting food, the girls greeted Eve they then looked at Sara who already halfway up the stairs. Emily took Eve to the kitchen so that she could eat and Elizabeth and Isabelle went up the stairs. "Is everything alright Sara?" Isabelle asked her and Sara replied "I want to be left alone for awhile" and closed her bedroom door.