Olivia for hire

Olivia was electrocuted, she even slept because of the high voltage. The guy who saved both Sarah and Jolande grabbed the three to his home with him with the help of his friend. They woke up in a different place, it's not the airport's restroom, it's his living room. Jolande woke up saying, "Did we get in a wormhole in the bathroom?" and spotted the guy who saved them, "Oh it's you, thanks for saving us. By the way, why were you in the airport with a teaser?", "I'm a security guard there, I make sure to keep everyone safe. I heard the wall crack and came running with my gun" he replied.

"Where is that Olivia girl you teased?" Jolande asked, looking around the interior with admiration to the decore. He was surprised when he heard the name, "Oh, she is trapped in a special room. Oh by the way, my name is Adolf Baumer, I'm German but I live here". Jolande asked Adolf, "Why did you trap her but not us?".

Jolande woke Sarah up by shaking her saying, "Hey, wake up, we caught the idiot, now we're safe here", Sarah woke up and tried to understand Jolande, "Waittt, let me open my eyes first!".

After Sarah woke up and listened to Jolande, they both later followed Adolf. Adolf's house wasn't ordinary, he had a lab, a chamber with thick glass and iron bars, and a nice storage room. Jolande felt like entering a secret CIA lab, thick walls, thick glass, lots of safety gadgets and signs everywhere. This extra caution is necessary when working in a lab to ensure everyone's safety.

Inside the chamber, she saw Olivia. Jolande asked Adolf for WIFI access to check her Facebook. Adolf gave her access and looked for Olivia, "Ugh, I can't remember her last name! I'll have to browse through pictures". Sarah suggested, "Why don't you browse nearby friends?", "Her phone is powered off, Facebook can't know now".

Jolande found her on Facebook, and took a tour through her bio, "Olivia Dawes 26 years old - Hitwoman, medicine student, trained Kung-fu for 3 years, who hired her?", "Olivia Dawes??" Adolf asked surprisingly...

Olivia woke up, handcuffed from both feet and hands. The three started a questionnaire that moment, Jolande first started,

Jolande: Who hired you?

Olivia: What does it benefit me if I tell you?

The three: You'll stay alive

Adolf was holding a 20-volts teaser with him saying: 40 volts kill, 20 is only for torture...

Olivia: As if I ca-- UGYAAAA!

Adolf showed her how painful this was for five seconds on her belly, she started begging him to stop, "Please stoooooop!"

Adolf: This is 20 volts, I have more, now tell us!

Olivia: On my corpse, this was my first time every getting teased, second time will be bette-- UGYAAHAA!!

Sarah: Stop! Let us hear what she has to say first!

Adolf: I was testing if second time was really less painful, turns out it's not.

Olivia: It's painful, I won't *heavy panting*, I won't lie, but I'm never snitching or exposing my instigator!

Jolande was browsing her iPAQ while Adolf teased her saying: If you don't speak after this I will have to bring my more powerful teasers... Hurry up before you die!

Olivia: I refuse! AAGYAAAAA!!!

Adolf: Sarah please bring me the other teaser from over the shelf labe--

Jolande interrupted him saying: Stop teasing her first, and listen, *she walks closer to Olivia and browses Facebook* looks like a kid is gonna die tonight, is it gonna be this one or this one? I wonder...

Olivia: ??? What's that? SHOW ME!

Jolande: I refuse to tell, what about you? Will you change your mind?

Olivia: Uhh what's the question again?

Jolande: Who hired you?

Olivia: Okay... It's Helga, she called me, she was in a restaurant in Germany at midnight in a dark room, I didn't see her face, but she convinced me that you're making some trouble out there.

Jolande: Any other info you know about Helga?

Olivia: Oh no, no I don't, will you spare me now?

Sarah: NO obviously, you're now living here until you tell us more, I'm sure Helga told you more about her than this.

Olivia was weak, no Lián or physical strength, teasing made her body become weaker temporarily. She shouldn't share any detail about Helga, otherwise she would get tortured to death alongside her siblings.

Olivia Dawes, half-German and half-Swedish, has two younger brothers with ages 10 and 14. There is a vast difference in age, because her parents lived away from each other for a while after giving birth to Olivia. Olivia remembers that it's because her father was invited to an Italian crime gang, and he declined, which led the gang to go after him for nine years. The gang members died in a horrific death while trying to go to an airport, in that airport was her father. Her father knew about this, and returned back to Germany to live with his family after leaving them for eight years, he may have visited them often, Olivia understood he had to leave her at age of four to ensure his safety. Ever since then, Olivia wanted to become a hitwoman to protect those people, although she might be called to kill an innocent person, just as in this case.

Olivia's younger siblings were held hostage with Helga, she promised she won't do anything wrong to them as long as she listens. Helga wanted both Sarah and Jolande's heads and Olivia accepted, otherwise her siblings die with her. Olivia had to tell them before it's too late...

Olivia: I want to tell you something, come closer...

They listen to her as she's talking: Helga is holding my siblings hostage, and she demanded your heads, Sarah and Jolande. I don't know what to do, because I'll die with my siblings if I don't act.

Jolande: Sorry, I don't lend my head to people.

Sarah: I have an idea, which will spare our lives, Adolf, do you know a really good person who carves on wax?

Adolf: No idea really, but wait I'll check...

Adolf called a friend, and asked him the same question.

Adolf: Bad news people...

Jolande and Sarah: Don't tell me there aren't in all of Sweden?

Adolf: Just kidding, he told me there is someone 2 kilometers away from here, what is your plan?

Sarah: We get a real human skull, cover it with wax and carve Jolande's face as well as mine on it. We dig some holes and sink it in gasoline for a day or two and cover it with a highly flammable material.

The next day they bought two real human skulls, filled it with some fat and cotton, then enclosed it with a wax layer. They went to the carver to carve their heads on it, he did the job perfectly, it was 2,000 Krona, equivalent to 200 Euros, it's almost unnoticeable especially when viewed in a dark room.

Back at Adolf's house, they put a real-hair wig, prepared a large container filled with gasoline, and dunked the heads in it. Olivia had to call Helga and inform her about finding Sarah and Jolande, she promised her that the heads will be there in three days.

Olivia and Adolf are actually friends since elementary school, it was awkward to start a conversation after years of not talking...

Adolf: What drove you into this madness?

Olivia: What is it this time dummy? Are you investigating my shit?

Adolf: No, but I know who can, *he picks up teaser*.

Olivia was afraid, so she explained what happened to her as a kid.

Adolf: I see, that's very sad

Olivia: By the way, how old are you idiot?

Adolf: I remember that we were in the same class and moved together to Sweden, remember? Idiot

Olivia: Ah, then it's 26? I see... Are you married to that Sarah?

Adolf: I'm not, do you think I should ask her?

Olivia: C'mon, your red beard matches your pale skin, you look like a Greek philosopher if you don't change your hairstyle now.

Adolf: I see...

In the meantime, Jolande was exploring his lab and house, he had a library, full of books with interesting titles, souvenirs from around the world and very interesting artifacts, gems, statues, etc... She saw pictures of him fishing, in a lab, playing, boxing, etc... "Cultured man I see"

The three days have passed and the heads were put inside a bag ready to be given to Helga. Sarah described the procedure very briefly, to avoid any mistake in her work... Olivia received a message with text: "MEET AT RESTAURANT X". This restaurant is 5 kilometers away from Adolf's house, so they go there by car. Adolf drops Olivia off at the restaurant, she got there and headed to the storage room, dark and cold, and saw Helga there.

Olivia took out the heads and said: The heads are in the bag.

Helga: Show me...

She takes out a lit match: See these? Now they burn in hell...

Helga: I see you left some scars on them while fighting...

The heads burnt, leaving only skulls with ashes.

Helga: Go to the basement of this restaurant, your siblings are there cold.

Olivia: Thank you for sparing my life.

Olivia couldn't see Helga's face, nor she heard her voice, she was using a voice filter so she hides her identity. Thanks to Sarah, Jolande and Adolf, she can now see her siblings once more. In the basement, she saw them, "Olivia!! You're finally back!" they screamed, "I miss you both little fuckers!" Olivia was crying from happiness. She took them and went back to Adolf in the car, "Alright let's continue!" Olivia said in a cheerful manner, waiting to see Sarah and Jolande.

Sarah: How did it go? Did you mess up?

Olivia: She didn't even notice these were wax dummies!

Jolande: Where are your siblings?

Olivia: Meet my little siblings, they're safe because you're smart.

Sarah: I'm happy to see them.

Sarah and Jolande forgot about something very important, how did Helga know they're in Sweden? "Wait, how did she know we're in Sweden? Who told her?" Jolande said, Olivia had an answer, "I live in Sweden with my family, but I was in Germany for vacation last week. I am known for being a hitwoman on dark places on the internet, so Helga knew I was in Germany and texted me saying that she held my siblings hostage in Sweden. I broke down and asked her what I should do, 'Track down where Sarah and Jolande are traveling, kill them, and bring me their heads' was her reply. I had no other choice but to save them".

Jolande: What else? Is there something she told you about us?

Olivia: Yes, I was told you have been killing, murdering, and causing problems around.

Jolande: She literally messed up my name, do people know me like this?

Olivia: She asked me to follow you all the time, I even slept near your house to keep track of what you're doing. A week ago you left to the airport and I got info about your flight without you knowing. I told Helga you're going to Sweden, and she booked me a flight to Sweden.

Sarah: Oh, Adolf, where are our luggage?

Adolf: I made sure to carry them along, I checked your flight info, and looked for your luggage. They're in my room.

Helga traveled back to Germany, but how isn't her passport flagged? A criminal, a murder, travels safely without being tracked down or stopped at security checkpoints. "I wonder if they ever caught Helga in the airport" Jolande said, "They won't, her face is always changing, she made a fake identity as well with a passport and an ID card" replied Sarah. Jolande asked again, "But what if someone catches her or notices something?", "Helga uses a way of seduction as bribery, she would tell them to come with her to her house at night. She lures them in, let them have the moment of their life, and kills them, she is so hot and beautiful, she also looks very young although she's 41" Sarah answered.

Jolande continued her normal life in Sweden with Sarah, they preparing to leave Adolf's house, but Adolf refused, "No! Stay here! It's your second home, it's lonely for me alone!". They agreed, because they're safer at his house, and it's less lonely. Olivia on the other hand, returned to her family to live with them.

To Be Continued
