A Winter Summer

Jolande stayed quarantined during the summer, because she doesn't want people after her, and because she wanted to stay cool inside. She passed almost sixty days in her house, she was safe all the time. Ten days before she left to Sweden and the doorbell rang, she went there and found a nice package.

She picked it up and it suddenly splattered glitter everywhere, Jolande was fast enough to kick the package away from her and it suddenly hit the head of someone after her, he fell to the ground. Jolande immediately went to send Lián through his heart, but he didn't die or sleep.

After looking in detail, he is wearing a sound insulator - Lián travels by vibrating particles with very high frequencies at roughly the speed of sound, wearing a sound insulator might help a little with deflecting Lián. In this case, he was wearing a vest full of fibreglass, this didn't completely stop his heart, but it caused bruises on his body.

He got up rapidly, pushing Jolande backwards into the door of her house. She can't afford to lose to a cheap trick like this, "Who are you? And why are you after me?" she asked, and he answered, "You now have information we don't want anyone to know about, prepare to die without saying goodbye to your family and friends!".

Jolande kept on Kung-fu fighting and eventually she beat the him unconscious, he was so fatigued to fight Jolande. She ripped his vest and hit a full shock Lián through his chest, killing him. But he didn't die quickly of heart failure, then what killed him?

She looked into it and figured that he had 'situs inversus', a very rare deformity in which his body organs are mirrored along the y-axis without even noticing, many people live their lives without ever knowing. Jolande knew she didn't hit the heart because she didn't sense the vibrations returning like always, this is why he didn't die instantly.

Jolande had a collection of phones, wallets and items from people who tracked her in her bag. She knew a lot about Helga when the organisation tried to get rid of her before, the main reason of them being behind her is that she knew something about Helga, and they did exactly the opposite without knowing.

In the phone of the person she killed in her house, she found pictures of kids in a closed place, looks more like a basement, these kids were held for ransom by this guy and were forced to stay hungry. She tracked down the place where the kids were and tried to find each and every kid's family number, and she did. She dumped his corpse, got the keys and went to his basement. There were nine kids there with ages varying from five to ten years.

She looked for contacts on his phone but she never found any, she looked in the basement and found papers with numbers and names written on them, she called the numbers one by one, informing them that their children are safe and that they should come pick up them up ASAP. She found nine papers and called all nine numbers on them, then the parents came to pick up their children crying and happy at the same time.

Not only that, but she saw a person with a tattoo, it was odd, she remembered seeing it on that guy's chest, it looks like a small ghost figure. Where did he come from? Jolande called all nine numbers, but one of them wasn't a family number, it was his friend's number, and she later realised that there are only eight families, and two of the children are brothers.

He thanked her, but the moment he turned she grabbed his shoulder and asked him, "What's his full name?", he was sweating and didn't know what to say... "Umm, why do you need to know? He's my son, after all". "Put the child down now..." Jolande said, and quickly delivered a punch.

She didn't use Lián because she noticed he was wearing a vest, she picked some stones and sent Lián through them onto his head, this busted the veins in his head and fractured his skull, making him vulnerable to death with one touch. She didn't want the children to have PTSD, so she grabbed him outside the basement and fought him there till she did the final blow to his head.

Jolande didn't want to repeat this mistake, so she verified each parent's kid and that they're the real parents by comparing IDs. This took about four hours for Jolande to complete, but it didn't matter to her - she wanted justice. She read messages on both their phones with things saying like, "IF YOU CALL POLICE THEY DIE" "RANSOM IN ONE WEEK BEFORE THEY ALL DIE OF HUNGER" "LUCKILY NO ONE DIED, DONT MAKE YOUR KID THE FIRST".

The victims described to Jolande how scared they were and uncomfortable, they described how their child was lost, "We were in a crowd, I was holding his hand till I realised it wasn't his hand, it was another woman's hand! That woman's son also disappeared, and we were left clueless till we found a phone number inside our purses. I kept searching and saying 'I lost my child did you find him?' and as soon as I was home I called the number, I had to pay a ransom in one week"

Jolande doesn't know kidnap is a common thing in Germany, and it wouldn't be common. We can still see the effect of world war two on Germany; it's not as bad as some people said it to be, Hitler was the greatest warlord of all time - he was an efficient leader, great writer, good influencer, and all he did in his entire life was dedicated to his love for Germany.

The point is, Hitler banned all sorts of stuff like kidnap, human zoos, and criminalised many acts that people find it as "normal". As a result, he sent defying people to concentration camps to become better human beings, and those who didn't improve were killed. Hitler cleansed and sanitised Germany from all faulty people and built it to become greater, therefore crimes are less common in Germany.

After some time, Jolande and Sarah depart from Germany to Sweden for the next school year. They said their goodbye's and headed to the airport.

Jolande and Sarah arrived at Sweden, while in the airport in Sweden waiting for luggage to arrive, Sarah needed to take a leak, so she went to the toilets, the room was clean, tight, and the floor was dry. After Sarah finished, she washed her hands and noticed something wrong in the mirror, it's not Sarah's reflection! Turns out there was no mirror, it's directly open and showing to males toilets.

This person was wearing a black ninja suit, and Sarah was unable to know if it's a he or a she, but Sarah thought "It's more likely a she because her balls are jiggling in this tight ninja clothing". She jumped onto Sarah, but Sarah dodged, leaving her to land on the ground. She delivered a side-kick to Sarah, a punch, an uppercut, but none hit Sarah, because she either dodged or deflected the hits.

"It's my turn I guess, I've had enough" Sarah said. Sarah charged onto her, she punched, kicked, and jumped but they both dodged all their moves, neither one of them hit each other. She picked up something from a small pocket, a white powder suddenly diffused into the air, forming a white cloud, blinding Sarah. In this split second, that woman comes from behind Sarah and choked her till she fell on the ground, knocked out.

Jolande waited for Sarah, browsing Facebook on her iPAQ, for roughly ten minutes. She got bored and decided to check what's up. "Yo Sarah wha-..." suddenly stopped talking because she saw Sarah on the ground not moving, "Huh? What's the deal?" she approached that girl and started fighting her.

They both were fighting until that girl eventually hit Jolande's chest and sent Lián through, propelling Jolande against the wall, luckily, Jolande's Lián protected her. The impact was so loud the entire bathroom was shaken and heard screaming from people outside. She was propelled because two waves hit together, deflecting each other. Jolande knew that she had Lián as well and had to do something to trick her... While on the wall, unable to move, Jolande said, "Your next line is: My name is Olivia, I'm German, but I live in Sweden".

Olivia: My name is Olivia, I'm German, but I live in Sweden. WHAT? How did you know, you bastard!

Jolande: I knew your name because you're right here on Facebook on 'Nearby Friends'! And your bio says the same you said just now!

Olivia went to check 'Nearby Friends' and found tons of people: But how did you know which one was me??

"Easy, the girl in the picture has the same boobs size and face muscles", it was really that easy to know who she is. Olivia was amazed, she still wanted to fight but before that, she wanted to introduce herself to Jolande. "As you said, I'm Olivia. I saw you've been doing some problems in the last year, is that true?", Olivia looked somehow scary to Jolande, her bio said that she trained in China at the Shaolin Monastery for three years, and she was 19 years old at the time.

Her muscles were big that you can't tell she's a female, she is fast, smart, crazy strong and beautiful. "I'm a hired hitwoman, on your service! Now, die, Jolande Evi!". Jolande was defenceless; she was sitting and her back on the wall after the Lián dose she got, she looked for something to do, but she got desperate now... "I'm sorry Sarah, I didn't come earlier, I'm ending like this now. What is mom doing? Ah, bet she's watching her TV shows again", they didn't have anything to do but die.

"Stand still!" a sound suddenly arose... Jolande didn't die, "What? Ah I see, this brave person, shot Olivia the idiot with a normal police teaser. Thank you..." Jolande was unable to walk, her leg was twisted, and her back was bruised. Sarah, on the other hand, had her neck stiffen, so Jolande headed to her immediately and did something... "Sendo Hamonnnn! Wake up now Sarah" and fell asleep on the floor. Sarah woke up, also lying on the floor saying, "Thank you JoJo"...

To Be Continued
