Zodiac lights

"Jolande Evi!", it was her turn to step into the ring against her opponent, five centimeters taller than her, but didn't look scary at all. Jolande could beat him, so she had to believe in herself first, and start fighting.

Jolande's was so lucky to find an open spot, her opponent's abdomen was open - a quick pass to winning this stage by delivering a kick to his liver, knocking him down immediately. This opportunity didn't turn out well, it was a trap more than a chance to kick, he grabbed her foot and threw her.

Jolande stood right up, and ran into him trying to punch him, ten times, and only one hit... "What? I can't afford to loose!", she was self-confident, and not accepting disqualification. She stopped hitting and rather prepared a trap, and waited for him to strike her.

He didn't fall into her easy trick, and said, "Oldest trick in the book..." and kicked her. She had no choice but to bow because of the intensity of the kick, which gave him the chance to strike and land more hits on her.

Jolande was on the edge of falling of both, the rink, and consciousness. It's illegal to kill your opponent, but okay to knock them out, and Jolande was about to get unconscious, if she was hit another time. "What can I say? He's Chinese... I have no chance", she was desperate, trying to dodge and deflect until...

In a flash, Jolande dodges and kicks him on his head, she keeps kicking and punching until he was on the edge of falling. For the final blow, Jolande gave him a livershot he will never forget, so strong he fell on the ground and puked later.

The liver is a vital organ, if your liver was punched, it will cause ruptures and bleed. All these can affect you badly especially during the fight, and this is the last thing you want to show to your opponent, your pain.

Jolande's opponent couldn't withstand more punches; his nose, liver and eyes hurt from bruises, so he fell on the ground, on the edge between sleeping and waking. He was later transported to medical care, while Jolande went to rest for the night - the next stage is at 6 o'clock next day, they had enough time to shower and enjoy a restful night sleep.

Thirty two candidates remain standing for championship, these are the strongest among the total 128 candidates, Jolande didn't think a lot about the tournament and winning, because she minded something more important, "Sleep, I think of the tournament when it's time".

The next day, everyone woke up, and attended the tournament. No one was late or absent, because this is the lifetime goal they wish to achieve. Jolande's was the last to step on the ring with another female her age and size.

Thirty candidates were before her, so she could have enough time to stretch, and prepare herself. She read that her opponent is a one year long trainee at the Shaolin temple, and was one of the best students, "Not that deal, I am better than her". Self confidence is the key to maintain a stable mental state, which reduces stress levels for her.

After one hour, she stepped into the ring, to fight with her opponent, "Kaishii!" [start in Chinese], and the fight started. As you survive the tournament, difficulty increases, making it harder for some to keep up, Jolande was lucky to be a survivor so far.

Jolande's opponent seemed strong, but she was no match to her, Jolande is stronger than ever. Jolande started the fight by kicking her on her torso, and waited for the right moment to strike her head. Jolande's opponent was moving too fast, that Jolande couldn't dodge a hit from her, so she had to be careful and not let her strike.

Jolande was moving fast as well, so she could at least deflect the hits. Her opponent hit her in a flash, leaving her no time to react. Jolande's head was suddenly struck by her, and she fell on the ground.

Counting began, "... 5, 4! 3!", this pushed Jolande's soul into never surrender or giving up to something like this, she had to get up in three seconds! And she got up! he audience were amazed to see her withstand a very strong kick like this to the head...

Jolande felt all good and returned to fighting. Her opponent was really mad and surprised at the same time, "How come?! No one can just survive this kick!", she didn't know what to do because Jolande survived this one, which means she can survive any other attack.

After three minutes of fighting, and spattering blood around the ring, Jolande won the lead. Jolande delivered her last blow to her opponent - a kick to the head just like what she did to Jolande, "Payback bitch!".

This was the last match for this stage, and Jolande was qualified among other 15 people. It's impossible for someone to back up now, they will simply refuse at any cost - this is a once in a lifetime event.

Four stages remain in the tournament, for only one champion to win the tournament among all those 128 candidates who joined. Will Jolande be lucky enough to win the tournament? Jolande had one way to know...

During the break, Jolande went to a European fortune teller that will read your fortune and tell you your fate. "Will I ever win the tournament?" Jolande asked, and she answered, "No, you're not lucky at all, you will lose in an unfortunate way...". Jolande was so disappointed that she wanted to back out, but "What if that woman is wrong? Like really, who knows what will happen? No one!".

Jolande kept convincing herself that she will win, and she regretted visiting the fortune teller. "Jolande, where have you been? It's lunch time!" a monk said, when it was lunch time, they all headed to the lunch room and all eat on the same table. Just as in dinner and breakfast.

"The next stage is 8 by 8, and my opponent is that lady over there *points at Jolande*, I really question how she was qualified! HAHAHA", and he made the crowd laugh on his table, leaving Jolande so annoyed. She stood up and walked to their table, on the way, she fell on the ground off nothing, absolutely nothing - the floor is flatter than a pancake.

"See what I'm talking about! HAHAHA", he laughed when she fell, with attitude, "You will get an ass beating in the tournament moron!" Jolande thought. She couldn't stand up again, she was really weak, and feeling really annoying pain in the stomach.

"Is it the milk that took it so far like that? Or what? A hit in the tournament?", Jolande didn't really know what this was because she hasn't drank milk for weeks, but what if it was a hit from the tournament?

She puked, which grabbed more attention of the monks to her, and they immediately called the emergency to deliver her to a nearby hospital. On her way, she was unconscious, so they had to carry her from the car to the hospital bed. After diagnosis, she had internal bleeding due to a strong sudden hit in the tournament...

"Call her parents, what's this girl's nationality?", they wanted to confirm from the parents before acting or doing anything, so they tried finding her identity and call her parents. One monk brought them an ID card from her backpack and showed them her name, and after looking up, they found her parents numbers and they called them.

The monk didn't steal the card, it was Jolande who told him to freely use her backpack and in case of an emergency, the ID card was in her wallet. "Jolande must recover before the stage tomorrow, otherwise she will be disqualified...", the same monk made a really strong bond with Jolande as he trained her, and really wanted to see her be the champion.

Doctors called Jolande's parents and confirmed they wanted a surgery, "WHAT! What happened to Jolande??!" Lisa asked, "Don't worry, she was in a tournament and she is winning till now but we have to perform a small surgery on her" a doctor said. Lisa was really mind blown to hear that Jolande is winning a tournament and mad at the same time because she didn't tell her that she is joining a tournament, "She said she will only train what is she doing now?".

Jolande was delivered to the surgery theatre to operate a five-hour surgery on her head, risking her life, "Okay surgeons, here is our subject, please pray before operating, 1 in 7 people die here from the same reason during the surgery". The surgeons started doing prayers in order to perform the operation quickly and safely.

Jolande, is just a living corpse now, she is under anesthesia, and she doesn't even know what's happening. The surgery took 6 hours, "That's unusual, because it only takes 5 hours not 6!", doctors were really worried about Jolande and thought it's safer to not compete in the tournament.

The monk refused, "I know it's not safe, but she can't miss her lifetime experience", he won the tournament before, and knows how it feels to win the tournament, so he wanted Jolande to feel the same because she was hardworking with a strong will.

Jolande woke up, and doesn't know what's happened... "Where am I? What happened?" Jolande asked, and one doctor answered her, "You had received an injury from the tournament, and you have been knocked out for 7 hours. It's night time, and you have to get enough rest to win tomorrow!", Jolande was really happy to hear the doctors cheer her up!

Jolande left the hospital, and went back to the temple. On the way, she asked the monk, "Yo, who payed the money to the ambulance!", the monk said, "It's me, around 15 euros, and the hospital fees were around 17,000 Euro...". "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!? Who covered them as well?" Jolande was panicking to hear the prices, but the monk replied, "Don't worry, your parents covered it from Germany. The insurance will return the money back once you're in Germany".

Jolande is finally in the temple at 20 o'clock, sleepy, and felt pain where the surgery was done. She had to eat, stretch and sleep, so she could wake up next day energised and guarantee the qualification against that idiot.

The next day Jolande woke up at 5 o'clock due to the ringing bells and instruments playing, she was happy and ready to win the next round of hers. "I'm gonna beat that idiot for mocking me, he pissed me off!".

The fourth stage of the tournament starts in twenty minutes, so candidates had to wear their clothes, eat, and wash quickly. Jolande did all three things quickly and went to the stage to see when her fight was on, "It says I'm in the second round, let's beat that idiot's ass! Moron!".

The monk met with Jolande and told her, "Don't push yourself too hard, relax! You haven't fully recovered from the surgery!", Jolande was grateful to him, and promised she will win the tournament.

The first stage begins, two males, one 180cm and another 168cm, both fight to see who's victorious... "Pff, surely the tall guy will make it!" Jolande thought, but no, the tall guy fell immediately after his opponent hit him in a flash, not even the audience noticed!

"What? Is he going to be my opponent next stage? Impossible!", Jolande was afraid to lose, "Was the fortune teller right? I payed her 13 Euros!". Jolande's turn is now, second round against the one who made fun of her, "You will regret now just wait", Jolande was furious, and waiting to strike him with the strongest she has.

"3, 2, 1, FIGHT!!", Jolande went rushing into him, and suddenly disappeared from his sight, "What? Impossible! That must have been luck!", he turned around looking for her and didn't see her anywhere, "I'm doomed", he said before she jumped out of nowhere and onto his head. She hit his head hard enough to knock him out, "How does justice taste huh? Idiot, I could've played even more!".

The final two stages will be between one tall Russian guy, another tall Chinese male, an African girl and Jolande herself. The names were assigned, Jolande was against the tall Russian male, "This is gonna be hard, but believe in yourself Jolande, he can't beat you!". Jolande's night is gonna be praying and thinking more than relaxing. Who will win?

To Be Continued...
