Boris races for lead

The final two days of the tournament, and Jolande is anxious. "Only two stages left, I gotta stay high, and never get down, only two fricking candidates left to fight!", she was thinking positively, and complimenting herself, self-confidence is the key.

The next stage begins in five hours, and Jolande is in deep sleep at the moment. At 4.30, o'clock she woke up with no alarm, just her body clock. She went outside of her sleeping room and saw the beautiful night sky around her. She kept prayed, "Gotta stay high, God help me please".

One hour later, the bells and drums started playing, announcing the audience and candidates to head to the stage and watch the last two stages of the tournament. The first round is Jolande against the Russian guy, and the second round is the other two candidates.

"Jolande Evi!", she went running to the ring to fight after her name was called, "This is really getting scary, how can I beat this guy?", Jolande was so anxious, and that made her body weaker. During stress, Jolande will breathe carefully and deeply to avoid losing body strength.

Jolande: Pripraveni prohrat? [are you ready to lose?]

Boris: My name is Boris and I'm Russian not Czech.

Jolande: Gotovy proigrat? [are you ready to lose?]

Boris: Eto russkiy seychas, udachi Jolande. [This is Russian now, good luck, Jolande]

Jolande: Analogichno, udachi. [Likewise, good luck]

Jolande felt kind of bad to start the conversation with "Are you ready to lose?", when he replied with "Goodluck Jolande". Jolande didn't mind and started fighting the moment the counting finished. Instead of playing with full body strength, she thought of playing smart more than strong.

"I can't cheat, or use anything other than Kung-fu, otherwise I'll get disqualified", cheating is banned as well as killing you opponent, so Jolande thought of setting up a trap to Boris. When Boris punches her, she traps his fist and spins, when she reaches his head level she can tangle her legs around his head and knock him out. This was her last card up her sleeve.

Jolande punched, kicked, so did Boris, they kept fighting for two minutes, brutally hurting each other; Jolande kicked Boris' chest, he may have a broken rib, and Boris hit Jolande's jaw with full strength, she might need a surgery afterwards.

The fight proceeds and Boris was eventually tired, Jolande took this opportunity, she punched his shoulder, kicked his abdomen on the right side aiming to his liver, leaving him with a dislocated shoulder and a strong belly ache. They had to reduce the fight intensity, because one will die if they don't, so Jolande had to do her last card up her sleeve.

Boris knew she was going to play smart, so he switched to smart mode rather than strong mode. Boris' punches were fast and strong, although he is on the edge of fainting. He was trying to trick Jolande and act like a fool that fell in her trap.

He knew what she was trying to do, the moment he punched, Jolande didn't do her trap, which made Boris feel something wrong, "What? Wasn't she going to jump over my head?", he was afraid he really fell in the trap so he didn't let his guard down.

"If she isn't jumping over my head, she is kicking it!", he waited till she kicked his head, and she didn't. She just wanted to delay her actions, to trick Boris for real. Then she jumped just like she planned, and Boris didn't do anything as a reflex. "What the!! When did she jump around me?".

Jolande performed her trap as planned, and Boris fell on the ground. The counting started, "5, 4, 3...", and Jolande was happy to see him on the ground about to lose. On the last split second, before the counter said 'one', Boris jumped suddenly high in the sky, falling onto Jolande. She wasn't paying attention to Boris as she thought he was knocked out.

Just a few centimeters between Boris and Jolande, Jolande noticed and dodged in a blink of an eye. She kicked him in a flash, not even Boris noticed. Jolande was so lucky to dodge the falling kick, which would break all her ribs if it hit. "Thank GOD I survived, he was strong and good, but I'm better. Now faint away Boris!". Jolande hit his neck with Lián, knocking him unconscious on the ring.

The judges thought she killed him, so they went ahead to investigate. "Boris! Boris! Wake up! Check his heart beat!", they were in panic mode, about to disqualify Jolande from her position. The counting started, and if it finished without Boris showing signs of living, Jolande will be taken to custody.

Only the last second before the counting finished, Boris was breathing lightly, Jolande noticed and told the judges. "Ta huozhe! Ta houzhe! Kan!" [He's alive! He's alive! Look!], if Jolande didn't say this, she would've been delivered to jail, but luckily, they saw signs of living when he was breathing and moving a wilt leaf with his breath.

Jolande was noticeably proud and happy to be qualified to the next stage, and win against Boris. Minutes passed and the next round started, and the African girl was qualified to the last stage against Jolande. Jolande was brutally injured during the fight so she had to recover, Boris was muscular and tall, and Jolande withstood the fight with all the injuries.

Her jaw was almost torn apart, and she had to treat it before it becomes serious. Jolande asked for some ice, bandages and pain killers, which she could wrap around her jaw to speed up healing. Her jaw hurts when she tries closing it, and she couldn't chew food.

A few hours later, the monks announced that the last stage is next week, to give champions enough time to rest and recover. Jolande was relieved to hear the good news, so she asked to go to the hospital for treatment and talk to her family and friends.

Jolande first went to the hospital for treatment, luckily, her case wasn't fatal and could be healed in a few hours. After she was treated, she returned to the temple and called her friends, Ema, Ilse, Leoni and Heid. "New injuries my friends! Check me out!", Jolande introduced her injuries to her friends, "Oh my god! Was your jaw dislocated?".

Jolande: No, it's just an injury, no worries.

Heid: Have you told your parents?

Jolande: Not yet, you were the first I called.

Leoni: Where is the sphere Jolande?

Jolande: I left it in Sweden with Sarah, we'll call her afterwards.

Ema: How did they do it without your parent's permit?

Jolande: This wasn't a surgery, it was a treatment alone, and I did a surgery before, and they asked for their permit.

Ema: Oh wait you're 18, why did they ask?

Jolande: I turned 18 recently, and I look younger, plus they needed money, so they asked.

Jolande shared stories, talked, impressed and had fun calling. After several hours, each one went on her own, except Leoni and Heid. Jolande called Sarah and added her to the call with them, to talk a little about the organisation.

Sarah: Why did you join a tournament first?

Jolande: This way I ensure I will beat every one of them. Don't forget the money prize!

Sarah: We should pay our loans, I remember.

Heid: So, what will you do next, Jolande?

Jolande: I must finish my tournament, and then start with going after the organisation.

Heid: They really have been after you. I shall come and help you!

Jolande: NO... No one is coming, it's me alone. If I die, you can continue.

Leoni: We pray that you never die Jolande, you're strong, and already winning!

Jolande: Thank you, you can rely on me! No worries!

They kept talking, and discussing Jolande's plans. They didn't agree with Jolande, but what can they do? She's independent...

Jolande went to sleep that night, and a stream of thoughts started, disallowing her from sleeping. One thing she thought of and never stopped thinking of is that her opponent wins next stage. "Can this be real? I hope not", the girl was from Uganda, and her name is Achen. She is 19, a year older than Jolande and looks way stronger than her.

Jolande's last thought was, "Her name happens to be my birthplace's name hahaha. Will she win?". Her mind was full, so she went to sleep, ending the stream of thoughts.

Jolande had a week to rest, before she fights against Achen, either winning or losing. The next day, Jolande went to have a talk her during lunch, and probably make friends. It went good, they were happy to meet each other, Jolande introduced herself as "Jolande" not "Jolyne", because the judges would yell her real name.

Jolande: Hey Achen! Nice name, it's actually my country's name - Aachen!

Achen: Ah really? That's nice.

Jolande: So, why did you start kung-fu?

Achen: Why did YOU?

Jolande was in the middle of an awkward, her goals are secret to herself. It all started because she wanted to remove the leviathan, and now she's a kung-fu champion. "But I can't tell her! What can I do?", Jolande thought. "Why not?" Jolande replied, a genius reply in its place. Achen said, "Why not!" as well, Jolande acted as if there is no goal from training, and Achen really didn't have a goal in mind.

Jolande called her family and friends to say, "I inform you that after six days, I will be standing proud if you all pray for me! Make me the first thing you remember in your prayer haha". Jolande wasn't serious, she was just messing up and having fun, because if one will benefit her, it's herself, Jolande prayed alone wishing to really stand proud in six days.

The last stage will be broadcasted as well, so Jolande had to play the best she could, unlucky for her, a fortune teller made her lose hope because she claimed that Jolande will lose the last stage awkwardly, and Achen was an African girl, like all Africans, her stamina and durability surpass Jolande's abilities.

The day went all normal, and Jolande went to bed in time. The next day she called her family and friends to inform them that she will be on TV, "Yoo, make sure you're watching my fight live! I either win or lose". Jolande was so excited about it, but she didn't want to let all the world know about it, because Helga might still be looking for her and might see her on TV.

Jolande called Sarah to know how her chameleon has been doing, "Hey Sarah! What's up!"

Sarah: Oh hey!

Jolande: Watch me tomorrow when I'm fighting, okay?

Sarah: Haha sure I will!

Jolande: How is the chameleon doing today?

Sarah: He's okay, I just face some resistance taking him out of the terrarium.

Jolande: WHAT? NO don't do that! You may tear his nails off!

Sarah: Then how should I?

Jolande: Pat his chin till he puts his hand on your fingers, and just keep patting other parts of his body that are attached to the branch.

Sarah: He keeps hissing and biting, but it's okay, he will get used to me.

Jolande: I hope so, he's only 5 months when Alice gave him to me.

Jolande continued talking about other stuff as well, "Where is the sphere now?", Jolande was concerned about it, and Sarah said, "It's in Adolf's safe, 100% safe!". Jolande was happy to hear her say so, and said "Okay, goodbye, lovebird haha!", she called Sarah a lovebird with Adolf, "Haha okay goodluck! I want to hear that the champion is Jolande Evi!". They hung up after they finished and Jolande went to sleep.

After the three remaining days have passed, Jolande and Achen climb to the ring to start the fighting, to see which one wins. In this particular stage, judges are so specific adding points and noting. The one with the most points wins in twelve minutes, and who falls and doesn't get up on time loses regardless of their points.

At this moment, both girls are stressed out, they don't know what will happen next. Jolande is full of energy, and Achen is determined she will win. Both climb up to the ring and shake hands, "Goodluck!", both said to each other, only one will be lucky enough to win and become the champion. "3, 2, 1! GOOO!", and the timer started...

To Be Continued...
