His name is John

Sweden, Stockholm at 6 o'clock:

"Hey Adolfo, where is the... Oh, he's there", Sarah said as she was looking for Jolande's chameleon, "Why, from any other species of animals in the world, did Jolande get a chameleon?" Adolf inquired, "I would get a dog, which I have, or a fish something".

Sarah said "Who knows what this girl holds, she has potential, she might be better than both of us". Sarah's feelings toward Jolande were like a mother and her daughter, they lived together for more than two years and trained together as well.

Spending this much time with someone reveals their true colours to you, that's after gaining their trust, you can ask them as many embarrassing questions as you wish, without seeing them in the newspaper next day. Jolande and Sarah's personalities fit together as best friends, that's if there wasn't a great difference in age.

Sarah went ahead to shower, "Damn Adolf, I feel sweaty, I'll shower in 20 minutes, okay?". During that time, Sarah had lots of thoughts going around in her mind...

"Jolande, did she win? What will we do with the money?", her thoughts weren't about money alone, she was thinking about what happened to Jolande, "Kung fu, in a tournament? People almost kill each other, what were they thinking?".

Sarah's mind was full of thoughts, "Why did I marry Adolfo? I'm not sad about it but why didn't we date or something?", at that moment, she heard Adolf entering the bathroom. "Sarah, where is the shaving cream? I looked everywhere", Adolf wanted to shave, and he couldn't find the shaving cream.

"He's a sweet dude, but sometimes inpatient, what can I do? He looks super perfect to me" Sarah thought, "It's in here sweetie, come to claim it - in the shower with me". "Mind if I join?" Adolf asked, expecting her to accept, and she did.

When Sarah and Adolf were supposedly showering, Sarah's thought stream couldn't stop, "Umm, Adolf let's make it a bath, we still have 3 hours left, it's Friday as well, so work starts at 9-10" Sarah asked, Adolf accepted and said "Sure, let me just prepare the items".

"How do I feel towards Adolf? I love him! But what is this strange feeling I got?" Sarah thought, there is something she feels uncomfortable for, but what is it?

After a few hours, Sarah went to work. She didn't want to work, so instead, she went to close her clinic for a week or two. Her clinic didn't only include a therapist, it was also a dentist, and a pharmacy, "I love this clinic, but I have to close it for a week!".

But why close the whole clinic when only Sarah wants a holiday? She thought that closing the whole clinic provides others with a holiday.

Sarah called Adolf to inform him, "Adolfo, I'm leaving Sweden for a week, I will be in Germany okay? I will fly today". Adolf accepted without a word, "There you have it, my permission".

Adolf didn't know why she was visiting Germany, but Sarah had her reasons. She booked the ticket, commuted to the airport and waited for her plane. She didn't pack too much things, so it was way easier for her to do things.

After several hours have passed, she was finally in Germany, awaiting a taxi, "How do I know his address? Last time we contacted was a few years ago, sadly...". But who is this mysterious man Sarah wants to meet?

"TAXI! Here!" Sarah called, she was unsure about the destination, but she tried anyway, "I'm sure he still lives there, take me to this *points on map". Sarah hopes to see him one more time.

After driving a very long lane, she found the house as neat as always, tidy, crystal clean, and shiny from the outside. She knocked the door, and someone opened. Sarah died from happiness after she saw him, "IT'S YOU! GIVE ME A HUG!! You still look sexy as ever! Are you still 20 years? Hahahhaa".

This person is John Eichenberl, 50 years old. He adopted Sarah when she was with her family as a child and lived together for 20 years. Despite assassinating her family, she still loves him as he did it for good; otherwise Sarah wouldn't have lived any longer.

"I have been hoping to see you! And here I am finally!", Sarah said cheerfully, she showed her gratitude and bought him a bottle of his favorite champagne, "Here you go, 'father'! A bottle of your favorite, Doux: Veuve Clicquot Rich Blanc, let's just go with 'Doux' for now!".

"Sarah, sorry to disappoint you, but I no longer drink" John said. Sarah was turned down for a moment and said "Me neither, let's throw this bottle of crap". John immediately said "Just kidding! Let's sit and have fun inside!", which relieved Sarah.

They talked for a while, shared stories and had fun. Sarah ran out of things to talk about and started talking about her family, "What did you know about my family?" Sarah said. "It's a long story... Your father worked in drug dealing and my main job as a DEA agent is to get rid of those people. I cannot touch a person, all I do is arrest, but your family took it way further".

Sarah was surprised about what she heard, "First time to know! Why didn't I know earlier?". John continued telling, "You're father was the manufacturer of the worst quality of meth and drugs, that people who sniff it die from overdose of chemicals he doesn't filter, who the hell keeps a strong alkaline without neutralising it??".

Sarah was thinking, "Was my 'father' really bad?", she wanted to listen to the full story and know everything behind it, "What happened next?". John continued, "One day, I was a happy groom, I found this beautiful lady, it was our wedding, and then an unwanted guest joined, it was your father... He was sent by other gang members to burn down the whole place".

"Was he a meth head?", Sarah asked. "He was, but he also had a sense of reality" John said. "What happened next? Did anyone die or something?" Sarah inquired, and John answered, "Yes, my bride, my parents and some friends... The burning down wasn't like setting a curtain on fire, instead, they put hundreds of kilograms of gun powder and gasoline around the church, and a single spark sets the whole city on fire".

"Although your father never entered the church himself, he was the one who placed all the explosives, he even replaced helium balloons with hydrogen balloons, you have any idea how many balloons were there and how large?". Sarah said "How cruel was that! Imagine someone breathed in the balloons.... Explosion inside out!!", "Your father did things horrible... Anyway, at the night of our wedding, your father stood at 200 meters away, then he threw his cigarette on a gasoline wire he made".

Sarah felt bad that her father was like that person, and what he did to this very one person, "This is really sad, I'm sorry about all that, it wouldn't have happened if my father wasn't there...". John didn't let her down, and he interrupted her saying "It's not your fault, it's your father's... He killed everyone in the church except me, who found his way out via a trap door. The rescue team found me burnt in almost all parts of my body, so severe that I was delivered to the hospital in a helicopter".

Sarah thought these stories were only Mexican movies, "So it does happen outside Mexican movies, those people have no chill!". John said, "Of course! It's not only in Mexico, it's all over the world! At first they convicted my best friend, Abdullakh kzveruyuchisky, the one who didn't attend because of his sickness".

Sarah wondered who that person is, "Who is he and why would they convict him?". John knew she was going to ask this question, "Don't you see in his name that he is a Muslim? People these days...".

Sarah: This makes no sense!!

John: That's people's logic, even if he was Russian.

Sarah: Well, as I always say, the most pointless thing in life is humans killing each other...

John: Makes sense, but remember, some of these "humans" are animals.

Sarah: Just like my sister, I mean, when we were young...

John: Oh and did you know why I picked you and not your sister?

Sarah felt a menace, "Why?". John said "I saw her with your parents smoking, killing and doing all sort of horrible stuff. We have a record of her somewhere, but we don't know anything about her now".

Sarah had to make up things, "If he knew about Helga, he will be murdered!!", she thought. "I don't even know her anymore, is she even alive?" she said, relieved that her gramps might be safe.

Sarah didn't put this into account, Helga is looking for her... And she is in Germany now....

"Who knows what the future holds, it's a secret, only the lord knows... You still have time to live with your Adolf, take care of him" John said. Sarah said "We still have long time to go, we won't die this young!". John had a different opinion, "You will die whenever the clock ticks and points at your death. Even if you died from nothing or a gang assassinated you, you will die at this time regardless... Death is fate and it has already been decided".

Sarah said "Still as wise as ever... Gramps".

To Be Continued....
