Aztec bliss 1

"One out of every ten Americans thinks that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, as the news state. Another study found that another one out of ten Americans believe that HTML is an STD, how ridiculous!", the broadcaster on the radio said before Sarah turned it off saying, "I'm not in the mood to listen to this crap, I can't believe this" and she dropped the newspaper.

Second day at John's house, and Sarah started feeling better. She wandered around the house which brought back her memories as a happy child, "I wonder what happened to my room!", Sarah said cheerfully.

After a few minutes of going around, she found her bedroom, just like she left it a few years ago. But the thing that grabbed her attention the most was a small amulet, reflecting sunlight to Sarah's eyes. The most tempting thing about it is the carving on it, "More like something from the Aztec!" she said.

"This is the newest thing in the room, and it's really seducing". She was thinking of taking a look of what's inside, so fast to not bring any attention.

When she opened the amulet, a very strange yet beautiful loud sound arose from it, "OH NO! WHAT'S THIS" Sarah said before she closed it immediately, "Did John hear this?"...

"One last look", Sarah once again tried opening quickly but this time, not only she looked, a small book fell out, with many notes and writings in it...

"What is this and why does John have it?", questions were going around her head about the origin of this amulet. She then picked up the book that fell and tried reading the content. "Equestrian Statue of Kaiser Wilhelm II, at a bearing of 112°, 32 kilometers and something there is waiting".

Sarah recognised the statue, "It's a few kilometers away from here in Cologne!". She brought a piece of paper, a large map and a few mathematical tools like a compass and a protractor. Before she starts she needed to know what she was going to do, "Where is Jolande with the big brain? Maybe I should call her".


"Ringing and no answer! I need you, idiot. I should probably delay this thing till she calls back, I left her a message".

She grabbed a trench coat, boots and a backpack. She also looked for tools and equipment like a multifunctional knife, a compass, a hand map and first aid kit, "I should be prepared 1 day before, I'm not doing the same mistakes".

She went to John, and asked "Gramps, do you know how to read a map?", "Of course I do Sarah, why did you ask?" John said. "We're going somewhere".

John was curious about her plans, so he asked "When and where?". "Not now, but very soon, probably tomorrow, not sure" Sarah said.

- Back to China, Zhengzhou at 13 o'clock:

Jolande was approaching Achen's room, before she was stopped by the monk saying "I think you should surprise her, go to the reception please". "You're right, I already have this pile of cash with me" Jolande replied.

When Jolande reached the counter, she said, "Achen, patient in room 420, how much is in the account?". The lady replied "5,000 euros, 3,000 for the surgery and another 2,000 for treatment and service. We'll give you a detailed receipt later. Are you gonna pay?". Jolande thought "That lucky bastard, I managed to get the exact amount of cash with me", then said "Does she have insurance?".

The lady replied "She's not registered in any of them here, nor in any in Uganda, so she won't be payed back". Jolande was really sad to hear that, so she decided to pay the 5,000 euros. She said "I'm paying the account".

The lady was surprised, "Oh really? You're a real hero, please register your name, age, birth and details around here". "Thank you! But lastly, can you please state where you got the money?", "From the kung fu tournament, I won!" Jolande said with pride. "Wow! Congrats, that's the biggest achievement of your life!" the lady said.

The monk patted her back, complimenting her, "You did what no one did, spend a great percentage of your own money for your opponent".

While Achen was in her bed, she was arguing with surgeons about not doing the surgery, "But miss, please understand the consequences! Do you want to confirm to leave?" said one of the nurses. "I agree, let me sign" Achen replied. Before she was handed the pen, someone knocked the door saying "Am I welcomed, Achen?", that was Jolande!

Achen said "What is that girl doing here? Apologise?". As Jolande walked into the room, she was holding a button saying "Good luck with the surgery". As she handed it to Achen, she asked "Who payed? Am I gonna do the surgery?".

"You are goddamn right" Jolande said, "Your surgery starts in two hours, good luck!".

Achen was amazed, "Is this real? No one would pay for my surgery, but my opponent did!". Achen was at a state of shock, how this one person would do this, "I'm grateful for her forever".

"Her surgery will be over in 24 hours, please give us a contact method" the lady at the counter said. Jolande gave her her social media and phone number, "Thank you, Jolande, my nickname is Hinshano Dames, you can call me Aisha for short". "No problem, I'm there any time!".

After two hours, Jolande took out her IPAQ and saw two missed calls, "What! Sarah! What did she want? She left a message over here! I will call her when I arrive at the temple". She felt like it was an emergency, but her messages didn't show that.

Two hours passed and Jolande is ready to video call Sarah after arriving at her room in the temple.


Sarah: Heyy Jolande!

Jolande: Hey Sarah, did you need anything?

Sarah: Yes I did, well two things actually.

Jolande: What are they?

Sarah: 1) Why are you in your underwear? 2) How do I work with the bearings?

Jolande: 1) It's my room and I'm departing in five hours, no one has access to my room. And 2) show me what you're working with.

Sarah: *Took out her items...

Jolande: So you are trying to find something on a map?

Sarah: Yes.

Jolande: Are you in a hurry?

Sarah: No, but do it asap.

Jolande: Okay, I'm going leaving China in a few hours, they already booked tickets and now I'm packing things.

Sarah: Which means you'll arrive in a day?

Jolande: Yes, which will be the end of August.

Sarah: Okay then, I'll be waiting, I will pick you from the airport okay?

Jolande: Wait you're in Germany?

Sarah: Oh, forgot to tell you, I went to Germany for a week, I will stay longer after I heard this news.

Jolande: Ah I see, tell me everything when I'm back.

Sarah: Okay peace out.

Jolande: Peace.

Jolande didn't know what adventure was waiting for her, "I think I'll fit this in my list, this is going to be the next thing". She was wondering what is her next trip will be...

"Ok enough underwear, I have to call in people to help me carry my items", she packed her items already, awaiting for departure to the airport.

During this period, she had to put her money in the bank because airports won't allow more than 10,000 dollars in cash to pass. This number is different from airport to airport, but it's usually 10,000 dollars.

Before Jolande would leave, she had to go thank each monk and master in the temple, thank them, "Xiexie, shifu", with a slight bow. They made the final meeting together before departing, "Will this be the last time to see you?".

"Who knows, young girl, I don't see the future nor anyone of us, but we hope to see you soon", Xiaolong replied to Jolande, not letting her down and confronting her that this is not the last time they meet.

Jolande left the temple and headed to the airport on her way back to Germany. "Here we go, back to the fatherland, Germany", Jolande said while waiting in the airport for the call.

"Flight LH 1249 please head to gate C. Boarding now, take off: 20 minutes... Last call", said a sound that suddenly arose from the airport speakers, "That's me, to gate C, 1 stop" Jolande said.

While in the airport, Jolande sat on one of the chairs waiting for the queue of boarding people to end, and like usual, the thought shower started raining on her...

"They call themselves an organisation or mafia or whatever, they're so weak an 18 year old beat their people. Oh wait, why didn't they threaten my family or friends?", Jolande had a striking thought about her family and loved ones, "I shall call Sarah now in the bathroom" she said.

Jolande headed to the bathrooms of the toilet, and a memory flashed in her eye, "Olivia fought us in restrooms identical to those, well I guess toilets around the world airports are the same".

She called Sarah... *Ringing...

*Phone picked up...

Sarah: Oh hey Jolande what's uppp!

Jolande: Me, in 20 minutes...

Sarah: What?

Jolande: I meant, I'll be flying up, hahaha!

Sarah: Nice joke, but anyway, why are you calling?

Jolande: I had this strange idea...

Sarah: Which is?

Jolande: Why didn't Helga threaten my family?

Sarah: Oh, that's a critical question we never thought of...

Jolande: Any thoughts? I think, probably because I will tell everyone...

Sarah: No idea...

Jolande: It's either that, or they're really the weakest "organisation" on earth.

Sarah: Wait, I have a thought, it's probably one of the "head chiefs" had an idea.

Jolande: And that idea? What do you hypothesize?

Sarah: What do you think kills the parents other than killing their grown up responsible child?

Jolande: Ohhh yeah I know, but we really won't know unless we dive deepe--

*On the microphone: Last call, please go to the counter and board the plane!

Sarah: Think you should go?

Jolande: Oh yeah I do.

Sarah: One second! Can you tell me when is your arrival date?

Jolande: It's in about exactly 36 hours I think--

*On the microphone: Jolande Evi to the counter in 10 seconds!

Jolande: Okay bye!

Jolande hung up immediately so she could reach the counter in five seconds of running, validate the ticket and board the plane.

She was so lucky to make it in time and board the plane; as she arrived at the door of the plane, the flight attendants were closing the door saying "You're so lucky to make it in time!". Jolande stepped into the plane and went to her seat, "A day of relaxation in the sky..." as she described it.

To Be Continued
