
The morning sun shines down on a typical day on the city of cape town. The city moves on with it's daily routine....well all but one who's routine has gained a massive shift. A young half-Indian man with light brown skin,black eyes and black hair fidgeting in his dads car having mild panic attack, sitting on pins and needles from the nerves that comes with the destination. His dad looks over at him thinking he needs to say something, but is unclear of what to say, he breathes in and decides to say something " You know son everyone's nervous on their first day of work" the father say looking over to his son who's sitting in the passenger seat. The young man who's still fidgeting looks over at his dad and softly says "yeah I know but not everyone manages to get a job for Heroes Fricking International...." his father looks over him with a raised brow by the exclamation he uses causing him to retreat back slightly " I mean Heroes International, it's a company that functions on a whole other level than others" the young man says looking down very meekly. "Now, now my child this is just a normal company everyone dresses up in the morning to and takes their time to drive to work, work their 9 to 5 and then head home to prepare to do it again" the father says calmly but the young man is not so easily swayed, he speaks up with an odd amount of excitement "but this is Heroes fri....." he looks at his dads face and decides to change his tone "Heroes International I mean the premiere superhero company of the world, this place owns the Star 8 the top superheroes of the world and that's just their big names they have so many more heroes working for them it's ridiculous and I get to work with well more likely for them but either way I get to be the people who helps people, it's awesome and next level". The young man's father gives the boy a coy smile as he sees the excitement take over the nerves and just on time as they arrive at the famous Heroes International the company that is behind the Modern Hero. "alright we're here and as far I can tell you seemed to have calmed down, even if just a little" the young half-Indian boy looks over towards the towering skyscraper that would be the his work place, his nerves returning but his father would not let that happen "you have good heart my son and you've earned the position hear because you put in the effort so go there and enjoy your first day and just remember that your mother and I are very proud of you". The young man looks at his dad and takes a deep breathe, " I know and thank you for everything" "my pleasure my son" his father says as he pulls his son into a hug and kisses his sons forehead, he then pulls back and says "now get going my boy and have fun" the young man smiles "I will" he then leaves the car and makes his way towards the tower that fills him with excitement and mass amounts of nerves.

The young man breathes in as he walks towards the tower that will be his place of work, a shining beacon of light in this city and many others with the letters H and I marking it as the renowned Heroes International, with these thoughts all adding up to his increased nerves. 'man I'm super nervous but I can't back down here' he thinks as he moves forward towards the tower overcoming his nerves with every slight step as he draws closer to the door.

The young man steps through into the shiny interior of this incredibly advanced office building of Heroes Incorporated, his dark brown eyes wonder all around the building losing his way as he locks eyes at the holographic projections of all the different superheroes owned by the company including one that singles out as one of America's star heroes, Stars and Stripes. His so excited to see him even rushing over to his hologram scoping it out entirely until he notices a small brief on the hero. He clicks a button that triggers a digital text scroll, "Stars and Stripes is the first hero to be formed by the company that would become Heroes Incorporated, he served in the military as Captain Anthony Storm during World War II, he has lead his men through countless battles with the prime goal of saving as many lives as humanly possible. This however would be his downfall as he would have suffered major injury during a raid on a concentration camp which is where he would encounter Inferno for the first time. His injuries very devastating but thanks to the our found father Alexander Murphy who was able to miraculously heal him as well as grant him the amazing powers that he used to end WWII..." the young man while reading would get a tap on his shoulder causing him to jump out of fright. The young man after quickly readjusting himself notice a tall slender woman with dark skin and weaved hair going straight down her back," I presume your our new recruit for the technical department, Ravee Pillay..." she says before flipping through the file with a coy smile "ye...yes th...that would be me" Ravee says fumbling his words, the woman raises an eyebrow before starting again "and judging by your credentials you'll prove to a very valuable asset to our company" she turns around flipping her hair as she does this she says, "follow me and make sure you don't fumble like that when you meet your boss" she says as she looks forward and makes her way to the elevator. "yeah I'll ummm keep my cool" Ravee bucks up and follows the lady 'yeah I can't be nervous I need to prove my worth to this company so maybe just maybe I can join their next generations Hero Program and stand alongside the guys with Stars and Stripes.'