Chapter 1: Ravee Pillay

Ravee is walking behind the the older woman slightly nervous as he heads towards the elevator ; his eyes wondering all around the busy ground floor but his eyes tend to stick on the holographic monuments including those of the superpowered legend of the modern Superion, the dark and technically minded Dark Crow along with Amazon Woman a warrior far beyond your typical warrior. This group are the top three members of the Prime Star hero team, which makes them the best of the best in regards to hero society ; a near invincible trio but his little distraction caused him to go head first into the person he was following. Ravee steps back slightly as the woman turn around with a raised eyebrow "I thought it was heavily implied that you drop the nervous and flighty energy it will look bad when you meet your boss" she says turning her head back towards the elevator and stood still which left Ravee a tad bit confused as he looked around waiting for the elevator doors to open.

The woman with him was also waiting which made him confused until she began to fake cough, which caught his ear, his eyes glancing over to her as she gestured with her head for him to open the door. It take him a second or two to realize what's going on before the light bulb goes off and he reaches over to quickly call the elevator to them. The woman looks at him with a dull eye before typing something on the tablet in her arms. "ahhhhh what are you typing... " Ravee asks with a worried expression on his face as he looks at her name tag "Ms. Mthabo" , the woman did not respond as the elevator came down which turned into a horrible wait for Ravee as he grew more nervous, 'oh man this is so scary did I do something wrong, was she noting down a flaw or something oh man, am I going to lose my job on the first day, oh man this is...." *ding* the sound of the elevator door opening shocking him from his thoughts.

Ms. Mthabo walked forward which also had Ravee's brain jumping back to reality as he rushed in alongside her. "thirty-eth floor if you please" at Ms. Mthabo's request Ravee jumps at the button, closing the door and sending them up towards the eighth floor. It might be a short journey but it made Ravee feel very tense especially after the elevator situation, which put him back in his mind as he got lost worrying about his future so much so that when the elevator dinged again his brain forced him to move immediately but Ms. Mthabo stopped by swinging her arm against his chest, "this is not our floor someone's just getting on this ride" this stuns Ravee "oh, my bad I got a little lost in my head", this didn't stop Ms. Mthabo from giving him the side as a man dressed in dark armor like tights with cape resembling feathers but all in all its a pitch black look. Ravee looks up at the figure and starts to freak out, 'oh my gosh that's Dark Crow, thee Dark Crow, the number 2 star of the Prime Star Hero team, oh my gosh his like a next level hero and I get to meet him on my first day', internally of course his mostly calm outside, well calm enough for Dark Crow to not care but Ms. Mthabo on the other hand noticed the slight change in his stance, demeanor and expression which is that of a man who's really trying to hide his smile.

Ms. Mthabo leans in close "you know you can have a bit of reaction he loves the attention" she says before straightening herself up like she wasn't just giving the kid the order to geek out. Ravee's face lights up as he turns to the dark cloaked bird themed man and begins to freak out, " Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm meeting thee Dark Crow, the number two hero currently working for Heroes International, and defecto leader of the Prime Star superhero group..." the rest of what he said was lost in mass rambling similar to that of a young green haired hero in training in a popular manga. His reaction caused the Dark Clad figure to wince in shock but he was able to calm himself enough to respond to him with his well known brooding demeaner, "slow down, you seem like your quite the superfan, so I assume you'd want an autograph or something" Dark Crow says as he puts his hand on the shoulder of Ravee. This interaction causes Ravee to freak out mentally 'I can't believe his touching me, this is the best day of my life' Ravee thinks not realizing that Dark Crow had taken out a pen ready sign something which brought him back to life quickly. " Oh yeah sorry I have something" Ravee says as he reaches for his bag and pulls out a note book designed for these specific interactions. "Here sign this" Ravee says as he takes out a book and flips to a page specifically made for Dark Crow, "would you mind signing here" Ravee says as he hands Dark Crow the book. Dark Crow takes the book and signs it before handing it back "here you go, and since you are here with Ms. Mthabo your a new employee, so maybe we'll see each other again" Dark Crow says as the elevator dings followed by the doors opening and the exit of Dark Crow with a nod towards the two other elevator passengers.

They watch as Dark Crow turns off to the left heading towards who knows where before the door closes and prepares to move up another few more floors to arrive at their stop. The rest of the trip up wasn't as eventful as encountering the number two superhero which basically meant the pair traveled up in silence.

Ravee had been calm for the rest of the trip as the elevator travels up to their destination trying his hardest not to provoke her to hit him with what he has deemed as the tablet of his head. 'the silence is really choking the air out of...' the ding of the elevator doors opening stops his thought as the door opens and Ms.Mathabo begins to head off which was an indicator for Ravee to follow step for step, they have arrived. Ravee's nerves kick back into high gear as they begin to walk into the office floor of the technical department. As the pair move towards the room that Ravee will be working in Ms.Mthabo begins to speak. "listen here Ravee, judging by your CV you were deemed perfect for our technical control department or TCD if your into that, and I'd assume you read through your job description..." she says before looks over towards the younger man which causes Ravee to flinch slightly,"I figured as much considering the fact that I had seen you staring at the hologram of our first and most well known superhero, Stars and Stripes and your reaction to Dark Crow, which means you saw Heroes International on the application form and applied without thinking" she says looking down at him despite only being a few cm's taller than him.

"well yeah, but I assume since I'm here I met the requirements for the job" Ravee says rubbing the back of his head with his right hand, "indeed, you very much fit the bill but for the next month or so you will be under supervision so that we can see if you truly are fit for this company" Ms.Mthabo says looking back at Ravee again who puts a determined look on his face before exclaiming "I'll prove my worth" he says clenching his fist in a half raises fashion with a determined smile on his face. Ms.Mthabo looks at him and grins "I hope you will" she says as they enter a control room area.

As the pair enter a room filled with wall to wall computer monitors and guys either on the computer or are relaxing in their chair until they jump up and pretended to be busy. Ms.Mthabo was looking around the room with a scary look in her eyes which clearly was the reason they all jumped into action, she looks around for a good few seconds before fake coughing and beginning to talk, "Good morning everyone, today is the day you meet our new employee, Ravee Pillay, he was a Gqeberha resident who graduated from Technical Advancement University(TAU) at the top of his class in IT Technical Support and Software Development he will be a valuable asset if he survives his first month so run him the riot act will you, he in your hands now" Ms.Mthabo says while spinning on her heels and stepping out of the room leaving Ravee in the room with what seemed like a pack of hyaenas staring at him with mad grins waiting to devour him.

That was until one of the other employees walked up to him with a cup of coffee on hand, "Don't worry about them their harmless, I'm Kyle Shaw by the way" Kyle says as he reaches out to shake Ravee's hand. Ravee quickly reaches out to shake his hand, "Hi I'm Ravee and thanks that's ummmm..." he says looking around at the rest of the employees as they grin at him, "that helps" he says nervously.

Kyle lets go of Ravee's hand begins to walk through the office gesturing for Ravee to follow him which he does, Ravee begins to note more things about Kyle he was a white man with red hair of a medium build at about 188cm tall making him a good few cm's taller than the 178cm tall Ravee. "so kid I assume you're aware of the job we do here" Kyle asks as they travel through the room full of PC's that have views of every city in the world keeping track of any and all situations on Earth. Ravee looks around as his mind is running until it clicks "no way your....." the room turned red and the alarms started to blare, "what's going on, what's happening" Ravee shouts as the noise and lights freak him out, "Don't worry Ravee this is when we get to work" Kyle says before pressing on an ear piece.

"What's the situation" Kyle says over the ear piece which causes one of the other employees clicking and pressing his PC to respond "Buccaneer, Summerstrand, Gqeberha, he seems to be attacking the shark beach area" the employee exclaims. Kyle pauses for a quick second before shouting "who's closest to the scene?" Kyle asks causes another to respond "it seems that the Gentlemen is the closest, I've already informed him of the situation he is on his way". Kyle put a massive smile on his face while pressing the glasses he wore back onto his face, "Excellent, everybody loves a grudge match...." Kyle places the mug down by the PC in front of him before exclaiming "Send in the drones" he throws his arms out wide after the declaration which causes the employees to trigger the drones launch down to Gqeberha from one of the many satellites orbiting through space,rushing and bursting towards earth fully unharmed as they make their way to the site of Buccaneer causing mayhem while a man dressed in a pitch black tuxedo with a metal helmet that has an old face design with a massive mustache design on it with his metal gloved hands either gripping a sword or clutching a fist with the arm behind him.

Ravee's eyes grow wide as he looks at the situation,"No way this is the heart of the operation, the people that brings the world of hero fights to the general public, this is gonna be my job, man this is awesome and boy oh boy the first fight I get to see from behind the scenes is an old school grudge match been Buccaneer and Gentleman oh man this is going to be awesome".