Chapter 2: Operating Room

Ravee had declared his thoughts out loud which gets Kyle's attention,"I assume you are quite the superhero buff ; so tell why is this fight of any importance" he asks, Ravee looks over at Kyle "well firstly because Buccaneer is a very dangerous villain who had fought Gentleman a few times and it's always been a win lose fight with each one taking turns ;winning and losing and Gentleman lost the last time so this is his chance to redeem himself and not to mention that's where I used to live for most of my life" Ravee replies which causes Kyle to raise an eyebrow. Ravee flinches slightly "well that last part isn't very relevant but I just had to say it" Ravee says rubbing the back of his head, Kyle then turns back to the monitors "well your not wrong anyway so why don't we give the world a show then, go live boys and enjoy" Kyle declares as notifications begin to pop up on phones, laptops and pc's around the world including Ravee's.

Ravee checks the notification which turns out to be a live stream of the fight he was currently watching,'no way, I'm watching a live fight before the fight even went live' Ravee thought as he closes the phone and looks back at the PC's where the two rivals would begin their brawl.

Buccaneer the technically advanced pirate villain, a man who looks like pirate from a cyberpunk universe with a crimson pirates coat that had a black skull and crossbones on along with his pirate hat that flipped the colours of the jacket a black hat with a red skull and his next most defining trait a crimson mask that resembles a skull, a mask that comes from his nose down to his jaw, stood ready for a brawl; unarmed. On the other end of the map Gentleman was raising his sword to eye level, so much so that he looked down the blade, he took one small step that was enough to crack the ground as he dashed at blinding speeds towards his foe. The blade came straight at his foe only to miss or rather the attack was dodged by Buccaneer who had a glint in his eye as if to confirm that he was grinning under his mask. Buccaneer swings his arm out as he starts to generate this cutlass looking blade made out of this blood red energy, he quickly swings his arm under Gentleman's arm ready to remove it but Gentleman caught the movement and was able to pull his arm back catching Buccaneer's sword with his own. Buccaneer wastes no time stepping on the ground to get some distance from his adversary which only gives Gentleman another chance to swing out at Buccaneer only for him to block the attack with the blood red cutlass using the force of his enemies attack to boost his slide away from Buccaneer.

Buccaneer got this intense glint in his eyes, as we peer on him through the lense of the drones from the control room, 'man this is so cool, I can't believe i'm witnessing the process of making these streams' Ravee thinks as his eyes travel from from monitor to monitor as well as everyone hitting the keys to adjust where the drones were placed which drone is broadcasting the stream. 'this is so cool, all the effort they put into making these videos so cinematic, man I can't wait for the hands on experience' Ravee thinks to himself as his face lights up with excitement. Kyle notices this and adopts a bright little grin on his face before he looks back at the monitors as Buccaneer disperses his sword.

Buccaneer stands unarmed against his gentle foe raising a hand towards his hat before he begins to speak "you're slowing down with your old age i'd at least expect a small cut from those two swings" Buccaneer speaks with an arrogant tone causing the Gentleman's eye to twitch under his mask "you dare mock me child" he declares swinging his sword down cutting the ground slightly before swinging his arm around and dashing forward to pierce Buccaneer's heart. The moment the blade draws near to his heart its trajectory changes sending the blade up towards the sky with two crimson red cutlasses in a X formation holding the blade up. Buccaneer's eyes shine with a smug glee before raising to boot the Gentleman away sending him rolling off the pavement and onto the sand of the beaches behind him.

Ravee is complete in shock after seeing the Gentleman take such a hectic hit, "no way, I can't believe Gentleman is on the back foot in this fight, he's got as much of a legacy as Stars and Stripes" Ravee exclaims with a bit of a massive shock in his voice and on his face, Kyle peers at Ravee from the comment "well he doesn't have the luxury of vanishing for 67 years and popping back up in his prime" Kyle's comment had an odd hint of distain in his voice, 'huh, does Kyle not like Stars and Stripes, that's strange but.....' Ravee's eyes wander to the monitors as he thinks on Kyle's comment which allows him to notice that Gentleman has gotten back up and is heading towards his sword.

Gentleman takes a deep step into the sand and stops "reasons why I despise the beach" he sighs out his comment before taking another few steps towards his sword which is piercing the sand. Gentleman's steps are deep and steady but consisting of this odd level of irritation as he walks past and grasps the hilt of his sword with his right hand. Gentleman quickly spins his blade before pointing it up towards Buccaneer who is standing on the elevated pavement.

Buccaneer's eyes twinkle as he spins his dual blades exclaiming "Come at me you old geezer" before jumping up and swinging down towards Gentleman, who calmly scoffs and swings his sword across his body from left to right stopping Buccaneer, "you shall not be set me again" he declares forcing Buccaneer slight up and back which allowed Gentleman to deliver a powerful left hook to Buccaneer's jaw, creating a small crack in his mask.

Buccaneer manages to regain his composure, flipping and landing on his feet and right hand sliding back onto the pavement nearly slipping into the road. The end of the pavement came near allowing Buccaneer to stand back up straight, his eyes land on Gentleman jumping on to the pavement slashing his sword in a mocking gesture, "this "old geezer" still got a lot of fight in him, so don't underestimate me" Gentleman says with this grin hiding under his mask. Buccaneer gets this odd glint of excitement in his eyes before doing a quick draw with crimson flintlock, sending an energy bolt towards Buccaneer which Gentleman easily deflects with diagonal slashes from the bottom left to the top right, he then takes his arm down and points it towards Buccaneer.

Ravee continues to keep his eyes on the monitors keeping his eyes on every movement they made with this incredible level of investment like he was trying to predict their movements which was something that Kyle soon began to notice 'his eyes seem to move to the monitor with the best angles before Gentleman or Buccaneer are in focus on that cam' Kyle thinks as he keeps his eyes on the younger man 'he'll definitely be a very good asset to this team' Kyle thinks with an intrigued look and grin on his face which changed to confusion as Ravee's face turned to shock. Kyle turned his head towards the monitor and notices something that completely shocked him, 'No way, why the heck does he have that' Kyle thinks completely in shock.

Buccaneer had glared down at Gentleman with a cocky gleam in his eyes, "you know what's interesting about our superpowers...." he starts as he reaches for his right ear which puts an odd look on Gentleman's face despite the lack of visibility through his mask, "well that's quite simple, our powers are all tied into this odd frequency that Heroes International managed to tap into and you know what we have a way of boosting our power output not sure if you have it but I'm pretty sure you do let me show my max frequency and you can show me yours" Buccaneer say in a cocky tone as he increase what looks like the volume on an ear piece which caused his powers to begin to flare generating what looks like a giant crimson-blood red Kraken around his body. Gentleman was completely stunned by this output especially since 'it's been years since I could release more than 35% of my true power' Gentleman is completely stunned by the actions of his adversary. "Let's end this bout so the real show can begin" Buccaneer leaps up as the tentacles press down cracking the ground as it boosts him high above Gentleman before spinning and spinning then slamming the tentacles down on Gentleman creating a massive shock wave that shatters the ground below and cracks the ground around him leaving Gentleman out cold with his metal mask shattered.

Buccaneer lands beside the now out cold Gentleman, "that was fun but now let the real show begin" Buccaneer says as he grins at a drone focussing on his face. Which put's a ghostly fear on everyone in the room, everyone just stared at the monitors completely stunned with Kyle murmuring a name which Ravee notices. Ravee turns his head "huh what did you say" Ravee asks with a hint of fear in his voice as well, Kyle turns towards Ravee and looks at him for a second before turning towards the rest of the crew and shouting "Call in Superion!!!". The name rings out through the whole room and after a quick second the team rushed back in attempt to get a hold of Superion and after a short while they finally made contact with him "what's the situation" a hardy voice asks over the phone "South Africa, Gqeberha, summerstrand, shark rock beach, Gentleman is down, I repeat Gentleman is down, Buccaneer has been upgraded to an Alpha Level threat we need you on site yesterday, I'm sending you the location" Kyle declares over the coms, "I'll be there as fast as I can" the hardy voiced man declares.

High above the clouds stands a man floating on nothing but air as the man reached up to his right ear "hear we go" Superion says as he reaches for his right ear as he increases what looks like the volume of an ear piece which he turns up to thirty percent declares an AI voice as it reaches that thirty percent. Superion puts on a deep smile before boosting at max speed towards South Africa from all the way over at the China seas, "It's time to save the day" Superion declares as he travel at superhuman speeds across the skies.