Chapter 3: Superion

Superion travels at incredible speeds moving through the skies with ease, like he was born to fly; like it was in his very nature to be above the cloud; like he was born to exist at the upper echelon of humanity. He rushes to South Africa with an incredible amount of speed with the sole desire to make sure that he can save everyone from whatever the threat may be from the actions of some villain, he can't allow more people to suffer, 'He was able to best Gentleman but that was never any reason to call me in before which means that There's a more terrifying reason for calling me, which means I need to be there yesterday' Superion thinks as he boosts forward with an even greater speed than before with the hopes of making it to South Africa before anyone else is hurt.

Meanwhile Kyle stepped back and sat down before he rubbed his temples as he began to be overcome with stress; Ravee looks over at Kyle before saying "What was that? How did he get so much stronger so quickly?" which stopped Kyle's temple rubbing and changed it to running his hand through his bright red hair, Kyle looks up at Ravee with a quizzical look on his face as if he knew the answer but was unwilling to answer the younger man's question until he finally caves in and begins to speak "You see that device on his right ear?" he asks wanting Ravee to respond before he continues and he gets that response when Ravee nods. So Kyle continues "well that device is a Frequency Modulator and it's something that Heroes International Invented to control the output of our Heroes abilities" this put an odd look on Ravee's face; this look of shock and confusion with this question written on his face 'Why just why' so Kyle continued "I know you're wondering why, and the only answer I can give is that the source of all human powers can be very dangerous and we need to control it so that our heroes don't get killed by their own powers" Kyle says as he stands back up and rubs his hand through his hair with his eyes falling back at Ravee who now had a contemplative look on his face before he turns his head back to the Monitor and sees something that puts a grin on his; "listen Ravee you can think on this later right now focus on the smack down by Superion and worry about any questions later" Kyle says causing Ravee to focus on the monitor which shows Superion hovering over the Mall across from the beach where Buccaneer stands.

Superion hovers over the mall and slowly moves down to the ground in front of Buccaneer. His eyes wander in confusion as to find the answer to the question repeating in the back of his mind 'since when could he output this level of energy' Superion thinks as his feet touch the ground. Superion locks eyes with the man consumed by this tentacle creature which forces a question to slip from his lips "how the heck are you outputting this level of energy." Buccaneer get's the odd glint in his eye as he displays his right ear which throws Superion for loop 'what the...why does he...' before he could even finish his thought Superion was slammed by three of the Kraken's tentacles sending him flying through the front of the mall behind him and out of the roof.

Superion did however manage to prevent him from flying any further; stopping his body midair. His eyes locked on the super enhanced Buccaneer; blood dripping down his lip which stunned him for a quick second but it wasn't very long as he just wiped the blood away from his lip with his right thumb. 'His outputting some serious next level power' Superion thinks as a slightly worried expression appears on his face but he casts his worries aside to handle the current situation. Superion boosts through the sky's straight towards Buccaneer slamming against the outer shell of the Kraken launching Buccaneer off the ground and straight towards the beach causing him to roll the across sand and straight towards the shallows of the ocean water. Buccaneer rolls and finds his balance with his right hand in the sand as he finds his footing with the sea lapping his hand and feet. Buccaneer stands tall as the tentacles begin to smack the oceans around him; his eyes leering at the hovering Superion "that's quite the powerful strike Mr.Superion but I would expect nothing less from you" Buccaneer says with a gleam in his eye as he raises his arms up and over his head along with the tentacles before he slams his arms down crashing the tentacles down and boosting him upwards and forwards straight towards Superion with incredible speed that catches the powerhouse hero off guard for the briefest of seconds allowing Buccaneer to slam Superion straight into the sandy beach releasing a massive shockwave from the impact of the attack.

Superion lays in shock for the quickest of moments before throwing his weight from right to left pressing his hand to the ground as he lifted his body to get himself back on his feet. As Superion straightened himself out; cracking his neck before planting a death glare on the falling villain as he dropped at the edge of the newly formed crater. Superion's eyes were steeled as he glared at Buccaneer; "Listen using a Frequency Modulator at max output for too long is dangerous; it will kill you; it's exactly why I don't push one hundred unless I absolutely have to so please turn down the dial" Superion declares trying his hardest to convince Buccaneer to bring his power back down to normal levels. Buccaneer was not buying it "Don't come and play that noble hero act in front of me; you're their number one which means you must know what's going on behind the scenes and if not you're as naive as I've heard" Buccaneer declares before leaping down and towards Superior which only results in the tentacles being blocked digging a deeper crater and sending a massive shock wave that blows massive piles of sand away from them.

The drones that were normally fine with handling the fights were now feeling the impact of the shock waves causing the drones to shake and shutter from the sheer pressure of the two clashing.The monitors were freaking out from the way the drones were affected by the attack. Superion Drops to one knee by the force or the attack; he staggers but he isn't down he lifts his head and locks eyes with Buccaneer "if you won't listen then I'll just knock you out and reset your output myself." Superion declares as he swings up his defending arm up tossing Buccaneer slightly higher than he originally was before sending his left fist straight at him and launching him high into the sky; followed up by a dashing strike to his back and launching him towards the ground shattering it and dispersing his energy.

Buccaneer lays in a near unconscious state trying to get back on his feet; blood dripping from his mask caused by an unexplained nose bleed. Superion Drops down In front of Buccaneer and quickly grabs him by his jacket and attempts to remove Frequency Modulator only for it to shock him with this devastating charge that knocks him back slightly dropping Buccaneer. Buccaneer crashes back into the sand his body reaching its limit as he looks up at Superion "you can't remove this,not here any...way" he says before passing out.

"Operators we've got quite the issue; his frequency modulation has some sort of defense system I'm gonna have to take him to the Cape Town Branch of Heroes International to see if we can remove it" Superion states as he grabs Buccaneer and puts him over his shoulder; Kyle would speak before Superion leaves "bring Gentleman along with, we will be able patch him up here as well." Kyle's words reach the now red faced Superion "oh man I completely forgot about him" Superion says as he slams his left hand on his forehead. Feeling like an idiot he quickly rushed over to Gentleman and quickly checked his pulse; after seeing that his still alive Superion breathes a sigh of relief before he picks up the older hero under his arm and prepares to leave "alright you two let's get you over to Cape Town" Superion says in a hardy tone of voice as he launches off towards the direction of the Cape Town Branch of Heroes International.

As Superion travels to the Cape Town Branch of Heroes International Kyle ends the stream as he slumps down into his chair; "man that was oddly stressful" Kyle says taking out his ear piece and placing it on the table behind him. Ravee lets out a massive sigh as if his letting go of a breath that his been holding in for a very long while. Ravee turns to look at Kyle "does it always get this intense." which causes Kyle to look over at Ravee before he gets up again "sometimes but it's not every day that the number one makes an unplanned emergency call of this magnitude." Kyle says as he begins to walk away prompting Ravee to call out "where are you going" he asks wondering why his leaving "gonna meet up with Sipokazi and head down to the medical bay to meet Superion he should be here soon" Kyle says walking out of the Operating room which put a weird look on his face "who's Sipokazi and why does he need to meet Superion?" he asks looking around hoping to get some kinda answer from the rest of the crew which never comes. Ravee keeps looking for a bit longer only to shrug and slump before someone throws his arm around Ravee's shoulder "listen dude don't worry about it, why don't you just take a seat and get to your monitor won't you" the man leads him to his monitor and sits him down before taking the seat next to him.

This left Ravee a bit confused but it wasn't for long before the man reached out and grabbed his shoulder "listen you don't need to ask questions that won't come with answers so just chill and get into work" the light brown skinned man says before letting go of Ravee's shoulder and turning back to his monitor. Ravee was a bit confused but decided to let it slide for now "sure I'll get to work then" Ravee says turning to the monitor ;not really sure what to do before the man spoke again "oh I forgot my name's Nathan by the way and don't worry I'll help you get the hang of the job" Nathan says as he gave Ravee a friendly smile.

Meanwhile Kyle has met up with Sipokazi Mthabo so the pair can meet up with Superion at the labs. The pair stand in the elevator as they travel down to the underground labs "are you sure that he had a Frequency Modulator" Sipokazi asked wondering how this could be; she only got a dull response from Kyle "yes, I'm certain." his tone is driven with this absolute annoyance in his voice. This puts an odd look on Sipokazi's face "but the only people who have access to those devices are Heroes International Heroes" "I know and this doesn't make me happy because it means his got my tech" Kyle jumps on Sipokazi for her thoughts. Kyle grew more and more frustrated as they traveled down "I'll get him to spill where he got that Modulator" Kyle says as his anger continues to boil as the elevator dings allowing him to continue his trek to the lab that his meeting Superion in.