Chapter 4: It Came From Space

Kyle and Sipokazi travel through a hall passing by several different labs each doing its own odd experiment. Kyle however doesn't care about those experiments currently; he's got a far more important goal right now. Kyle and Sipokazi storm into a lab with the sign Medical Bay plastered above the door; the man on a mission storms through the door to the view of Superion reading a magazine in a metal chair next to Gentleman who is laid down on one of the many med bay beds with Buccaneer in another a little further off from the first only his cuffed to his bed.

"Superion you've been busy it seems" Kyle says as he makes his way over to the number one hero which causes Superion to jump up from his seat and head over to Kyle. "yes sir,I figured I could put everyone in place as I wait for the doctors." Superion gesturing towards the two patients who are now waiting for doctors to check up on them. Kyle looks over Gentleman from the corner of his eyes not really thinking about going over to him but he knows he needs to head over to at least feign care right now; so he does what must be done and heads over to Gentleman's bed.

He looks over the older man and for the briefest of moments it looks like his eyes glow this odd shade of emerald green; with myriads of data running across them. His eyes basically scan the elder for a short period before he walks away from him "looks like he'll be fine, he doesn't heal like he use to but preliminary scans dictate that he will be fine..." Kyle then looks at the doctor heading over to Gentleman and he puts on this semi-real, semi-faux smile that is oddly convincing as entirely real before saying "take care of my friend won't ya" as he walks over to the bed of the man he truly wants to see.

The young ginger man steps over to the unconscious villain and once again his eyes take on that green hue and start to scan him with his eyes locking onto the eye that houses the earpiece 'now that's interesting this isn't one of ours in fact it's nothing but a cheap knock off without limit suppression and a faulty overcharge matrix, which he most likely didn't get the chance to use during his fight with Superion' Kyle thinks as a grimace appears on his face.

Kyle turns to an approaching doctor "try and get that piece of shoddy hardware off him by any means necessary" he says as he walks away from the bed; the doctor gives out a "yes sir" as he hurriedly rushed over to examine the earpiece. As Kyle walks away he stops before saying "oh and call me when you have it removed" he says as he's about to walk out only for a call to ring out.

Kyle is baffled by the emergency warning alarm sounding off; Kyle quickly reaches out to his ear only for him to realize "dang it I forgot my earpiece" Kyle says damming himself for not keeping it on him. He wants to spiral for a brief moment before he locks eyes with Sipokazi and the idea hits him, "call the operating room I need eyes on the situation." he declares with the hopes of her getting to them in time; she quickly nods and reaches for hrt right ear only for Superion to chime in "I don't think that would be necessary, they called me in apparently something from space is heading to...well here" Superion says looking over at Sipokazi then Kyle.

The pair stare at each other before looking back at Superion; "well go!" Kyle says rather comedically which brings Superion to his senses and he dashes out of the building faster than humanly possible. Kyle and Sipokazi look at each other for a quick second before sighing "how can he be so brain dead at times?" Sipokazi asks sarcastically with her right hand over her face "I wonder that myself from time to time." Kyle responds as he continues his journey back out of the med bay with Sipokazi trailing behind.

Elsewhere Superion has launched himself out of the Heroes International branch office and straight up bursting through the clouds and stopping far above where any plane can fly; his eyes tracking for any abnormality. His eyes travel through and through not sure where to look; 'what am I even looking for, an asteroid, space debris or heck a full fledged satellite crashing to earth.' Superion thinks as his right hand travels up to his ear hoping to get some answers; "so do you mind telling me what am I looking for and where is it?" he asks hoping to get response from someone who was left in charge but the voice that came over was someone who sounded very new to the job and I mean very new like first day on the job new "well sir....well it seems like some sort of space debris.....we're not exactly sure but as for where; it seem to be heading straight at you so ummmmm catching it shouldn't be an issue once it comes into view" Ravee says very shakely "okay kid you don't have to be so nervous and..." Superion says as he trails off to notice the debris heading towards him "don't worry, you're doing a fine job, now I need to get on with saving the day." Superion says as he flies up to meet the space debris hurling towards earth.

Superion crashes into the falling piece of scrap metal forcing him to stagger slightly as his pushed back by the force of the impact and to be honest it was pushing Superion all the way back to the surface of the earth. 'Dang this is heavier than 30% can handle' "I need a boost of 10%" Superions shouts out over the coms.

Ravee jerks in shock from hearing that not exactly sure how to do that or even if he should do something; which only resulted in him freaking out before Nathan grabs his shoulder "Don't worry it's simple just like everything else I showed you when you noticed the incident from drone launch to activating the stream and now I need you to start by opening the power control functions" Nathan says as he points to the panel that is required to control the heroes power out "then select Superion; this things works by range so he should one of the closest ones" he state which is followed by a nod and selecting Superion which shows his output at 30% along with all of his stats and information showing a set limit. "Good now all you gotta do is adjust his limit to 40% and then push the output percentage up" Nathan says his last instruction which Ravee follows to the letter and slowly boost his new limit.

Superion feels his energy levels rise, his muscles enhance, hi mind sharpen, his power overwhelming. A small smile is drawn on his face as he presses against the debris releasing a shock wave of pressure; forcing the debris to stop.

Superion releases a sigh of relief as he holds this position with this piece of space junk in his hands. He stays high above the clouds for a good few seconds wondering what the heck did he just catch. His eyes travel over the weird piece of scrap metal in his hands and while everything else about it seems uninteresting there was this weird orb that was glowing with this white light, Superion reached out to try and grab the device but a shout was heard over the comms.

Kyle had by this point reached the operating room and had taken control back from Ravee; so it was his voice over the comms, "I don't think it's a good idea to touch that." Kyle says, his eyes locked onto the monitors that are circling the orb.

This drew Ravee's attention to the orb as well; he got very interested in the device as well. 'what is that?' Ravee thinks; his mind hyper focused on the device for some bizarre reason which is actually the very same mindset that Kyle has right now; 'this is quite the interesting discovery' Kyle thinks before he speaks out "Superion I need you to get that device to one of our off site labs as fast as humanly possible or better yet superhumanly possible." which receives a nod from Superion as he flies the hunk of junk with the orb down to earth in an odd direction.

Ravee while seeing this had the weird impulse to follow which he did with one of the drones for a brief moment; it was nearly impossible to fully track this level of speed but he did manage to get a general location of which way he went; noting that he was definitely heading back to Cape Town but couldn't follow him to his exact location as the drones were recalled by Kyle which also included Ravee's drone, which is triggered by an automatic return home protocol which Kyle had activated shortly after Ravee began his tailing mission. Ravee got slightly irritated which resulted in curling his fingers into a ball of frustration. Ravee would then feel the gaze of someone's eyes plastered on his neck. Ravee looked over and noticed Kyle's glaring eyes which sent a chill down his spine before Kyle's eyes diverted somewhere else as he walks away.

Nathan then nudges Ravee "hey what the heck was that" he asked completely confused which oddly enough put a confused look on Ravee as well "well ummm, I don't know I just needed to follow that think in the scrap" Ravee responds which adds to his confusion "really that's odd but in all fairness your not the only one" Nathan says as he nudges his head towards the location of Kyle causing Ravee to look over at him "yeah you're not wrong" Ravee says as he watches Kyle staring at a monitor which contained footage of the orb in the scrap which just fills his mind with all sorts of theories about the odd device they just found.