Two Sides

Breakfast was relatively uneventful. The usual feast laid out for the king per his nightly drunken requests. This morning it was eggs, sausages, potatoes, toast, assorted jams, marmalades and other fine spreads, decoratively sliced fruits, and - of course - champagne, no juice.

Fortunately enough, he was still asleep. There is no telling what (or whom) he got into last night. And it was one less horde of shameless women I had to deal with.

If not for the Beautiful Stranger who haunted my Dreams the entire night, this would have been a day that started off right.

After a light meal of fresh fruit and hot tea, I gathered my wits about me before meeting with The Council. Today's topic of Discussion: The Beautiful Stranger.

"We must strike now! It will be too late if we wait any longer!"

"We Know nothing about him! How can you be so sure?"

"If we attack The Northern Kingdom and your allegations turn out to be false, we will be in over our heads!"

"You fools! This is clearly a trap!"

Chaos. Total chaos. I allowed the heavy doors to close loudly behind me and cleared my throat. The room went silent.

"Your Majesty," Branson bowed his head Respectfully before continuing, "Tomás Believes that this unknown man is a spy from The Northern Kingdom."

He paused, allowing me the Opportunity to Speak before he continued. I gave him a slight nod.

"There is very little evidence, if any, that this man belongs to their Kingdom. However, we cannot be certain as he appears to be a hired mercenary. He carries no Symbol of Legion, yet he was armed. We found this on his person." He waved his arm toward the center of the half-moon table.

I glanced over to see a dagger, a crossbow, a satchel of finely-pointed arrows, and a small vial.

Intrigued, I reached for the vial.

"We are uncertain of its contents, your Highness."

"Tomás." He rose and too bowed his head customarily. "What proof do you have against The Northern Kingdom to warrant such a hasty attack? Our Troops standing Guard along the Borderlines have sent no word of invasive measures."

"Yes, my QUEEN. However, our Scouts have since reported mysterious activity."

"Mysterious activity, but nothing concrete?"

"Yes, your Majesty.

"Thank you, Tomás. I will Consider your words." Tomás bowed graciously and took his seat at the rounded portion of the table. I turned to Branson.

"And Branson. If our Borders have indeed been compromised, we must investigate this further. Mobilize our Guard to expand further into our tunnels. If we do indeed have a spy in our midst, there will be others. We must 'smoke' them out. I Trust you can handle this?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Good. Seline."

She steps forward and takes a knee.

"No need for such formalities. You are a Member of The Council now." She rises and follows suit per the men before her.

"Much Better. This is your Place." A small smile flitted across her face. I continued.

"Seline. What is the status of The Prophetess? We must Seek her Guidance in the Interpretation of a Dream."

"A Dream, your Majesty?"

"Yes. A Dream. Involving this stranger to Our Land."

"Have your Dreams returned, your Highness?" Branson cut in.

"They have. And I wish to have Spiritual Counsel when it comes to these matters."

An uncomfortable silence fills the room. I turned to Selene. "I asked you a question."

"Forgive me, your Majesty. Would you like me to send for her?"

"No. That will not be necessary. Though I would like to have a Word. Arrange a Visit for this afternoon."

Selene nodded.

"You are dismissed. Except you, Jonathan. You will accompany me to the Village. We must determine the contents of this vial prior to my Visit."

"Yes, my QUEEN."

The room emptied, leaving me alone with Jonathan.

"Let us go then."