Chapter 2

It was odd that I often dreamt being with that boy, in every dream, and that it appears that he has been growing taller and taller so it was safe to assume that he was growing older in my dreams as well.

"I wonder why I keep on dreaming those anyway, once was alright but for it to continue every night is just really odd." I thought as I read.

I look at the pile of books I read and reviewed for tomorrow's exam and I felt my head rattle for a second.

"Ah, what a hassle. I have so many things I have to keep in mind and all I can think off are those dreams." I complained, I've been thinking of those dreams here and there even thoguh I have a lot more serious problems to deal with so it's been bothering me.

"Well, whatever." I then sighed and just continued reviewing what I have to until I felt my eyes closing on their own.

"I guess it is time now..." Before I fell asleep, I heard a mysterious voice coming out of nowhere, but I was too sleepy to even react to it.

I hope I suppressed the urge to sleep that time.

After a few hours of sleep, I opened my eyes like anyone would do after waking up.

I was so horrified at the sight of my surroundings that I suddenly jumped.

Apparently, I was in a dark, gloomy forest with trees that have no leaves, basically, it was the sight of a haunted forest and I am immensely terrified of being alone in such a scary place.

I ran, and ran but it felt like this forest just kept expanding and expanding, I wanted to cry.

"Ahh... This is just a dream, right...?" I whispered to myself in a terrified tone while running.

"I bet this is just like my other dreams... Yes, yes, this is just a dream." I tried to fool myself, but I know deep inside that this is not a dream.

The fatigue I felt from running, the cold breeze touching my skin, the texture of the soil and the clear sight of everything.

It was just too real.

Since it was too real, I continued to run until I couldn't anymore, and I ended up in some place in this forest but I wasn't out just yet. It felt like this forest just expanded more and more whilst I run.

I was panting, and sweating like crazy, I don't think my stamina can last any longer so I stopped.

I don't know where I ended up but I'm sure I'm still in this god-forsaken forest.

I decided to sit beside a tree and laid my back on it.

"How did I end up here, anyway...?" I was sure no one's going to answer my question since I was all alone but contrary to my expectations, someone answered me.

"I sent you here, child." that mysterious voice I heard before I fell asleep spoke to me once again.

The voice not only spoke to me again but it also teleported me to some fancy room in the blink of an eye.

"Kya!" I squeeled, the sudden teleportation scared the heck out of me.

The moment I was able to check out my surroundings, I was taken aback. The room I was in had gold for a wallpaper, luxurious antiques for furniture and a red carpet that covered every inch of this room's floor. There was also a tea table in the middle of the room and apparently I was sitting on a chair beside it.

Despite being in such a beautiful place, I was still scared, it was an unfamiliar place and the occurences happening are taking a toll on my mental health, there's just no time for me to admire—

"Ohh.. and look at those snacks." I was drawn by the delicious looking desserts on the tea table but as soon as I noticed myself grabbing one,

I slapped my cheeks. "No, no, no, you idiot. Don't do that." For a moment, I let my guard down because of desserts.

"I can see that you are hungry, feel free to take a cupcake." said the girl who was sitting on the opposite side of this tea table, the girl that I just noticed was here.

I breathed in and out to calm myself down, the fact that this suspicious girl wearing such a luxurious aristocratic gown is in this room that I was teleported in must mean...

"Are you the one who sent me here?" Before asking such a question, I cleared my throat first.

"Yes, I am the one who has been speaking to you this whole time." she replied with a smile, while holding a teacup on her right hand.

"Why? Why have you sent me here...?" anger was rushing in my veins, but I did my best to hold those emotions in.

"I am here to ask you for a favor." she then looked at me straight in the eye.

After hearing those words, all I thought were...

"The audacity...." A favor after basically kidnapping me...? Is she kidding me?

"Wow... After sending me to such a scary place like that forest... then here... all against my will, you actually think I'm going to agree giving you a favor?!" I jumped off the chair I was sitting on and slammed the table, I was unable to suppress my rage.

The girl stood up and bowed her head in an elegant manner.

"I know that must have been a horrible experience but please hear me out." she plead, it wasn't forceful but still, it can't change the fact that she basically just kidnapped me!

"Hear you out...? Don't ask me the impo—" I was then cut off by her, the words coming out of her mouth next will be what surprises me the most today, and today has been a roller-coaster.

"Please help Ignis be happy!" her earnest request baffled me.

"What the hell is up with that request?!"
