Chapter 3

"Come again?!" I asked her to repeat what she just said so that I can be sure that I heard her right.

"Please give him the happiness he deserves!" at this point, she is practically begging me, but as of now, my mind still can't process what her words meant.

"Bu- wha- how is that even possible? He's merely a storybook character!" I stuttered. As much as I want to help Ignis as a huge fangirl, I can't deny that I only read his story in a book and that he's fictional...

But what if he actually is real?

All these odd occurrences happening are enough proof that things I thought to be fictional in my mindset can be actually real, I was just unaware of their existence.

"Even so, why would this strange girl request such a thing to me? Couldn't she have just done it herself? Why would she want Ignis to be happy? Do we have the same reasons? Most importantly, who is she? " I have so many questions in mind that it's starting to make my head spin.

"Your confusion is written all over face , missy." Her words pulled me back to reality, she was now sitting back on her chair in a perfect posture, she must've done so while I was lost in my thoughts.

"A- ah, is that so. Then... can I ask you these questions?" I stuttered again, I flustered at my stammering since it might have messed my chance to ask her some questions.

"Ugh, here we are at the most torturous part, the interrogation." her annoyance is visible on her face, which pissed me off. I felt one of my veins pop.

"You're the one who forcefully brought me here, so why are you complaining?!" I cursed her internally.

"This was unavoidable though, so feel free to ask what you want. I'll answer as much as I can." she wore a bored expression as if she wanted to say 'what a pain in the ass' and it seriously ticks me off but I shouldn't burst out again like I just did a while ago.

"I'll ask the most important question first, who are you?" I just asked what I had in mind.

"Hm, let me ask a question in return first, do you know of the three goddesses of fate? The Moirai?" she just went and asked me.

"Wasn't I supposed to be the one asking questions?!" I think another vein just popped.

"Yes, I do, I've read about them in greek mythology, I think they were named Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis." I decided to just answer her even though I didn't want to, and shot another question to her, "Don't tell me you're going to claim one of those goddesses names as yours?"

"Well, yeah, I'm Lachesis, nice to meet you." with a big smile, she openly claimed Lachesis' name as hers in front of me.

"Yeah, as if." I mocked her for trying to use someone else's identity in front of me, there was no way in hell I'll believe that.

If that was the case and she truly was a goddess of fate, then why can't she just give Ignis a good destiny? Afterall, that's what the goddesses of fate do.

"It's the truth, I can understand why you won't believe me though. Listen to my explanation." her tone become more serious than moments ago.

"Okay, I will." I might as well listen since she's so serious, and I can probably use her explanation as an opportunity to prove that she's lying. I don't understand why she would lie about it though.

"Ignis's fate... I've always given him the destiny he deserves, and that was his destiny to be happy, but somehow, it ended up like this, something, or someone is interfering with his destiny." this short explanation of hers shut my mind up, she really was able to tell why I wouldn't believe that she's a goddess of fate and actually provided me the answer I needed, her explanation, however, raises a few questions.

"Then, wouldn't the only suspects be your supposed sisters?" they were the only ones able to change fate.

"That's impossible, we can't interfere with each others work or else it would bring chaos to different worlds and it would mean trouble for the three of us. For short, there is just no merit in interfering with my work." she shook her head.

"I guess I have no choice but to believe you for now." I sighed, she has convinced me a bit and her words sounds eligible, and there were no reasons for her to lie about her identity anyway.

"Now, can you explain my situation please?" I have finally asked what I wanted to ask the most.

"All these explaining is draining my energy..." Instead of just doing her job and answer, she decided to get on my nerves for the millionth time.

"Should I just curse her right in front of her face?"

"Anyway, your situation is dire. Your fate intertwined with Ignis's after you read his story, and even I do not know what destiny has in store for you at this point. All that I know is that I need to have you help him so that both of your fates can get back on track." she was eager to put everything back in place, but wait.

"Why did my fate intertwine with Ignis's after reading his story though? We aren't in the same world so just how...?" all I did was read his story and develop a crush on him, so I don't know how those made my fate intertwine with his.

I heard my stomach grumble softly so I ended up taking a cupcake from the variety of desserts in front of me while me and Lachesis were talking.

"Do you remember those times when you were lucid dreaming?" she looked at me right in the eyes.

"Well, yeah. What about it?" I thought that her question was odd, what does those lucid dreams have to do with this situation?

"You weren't lucid dreaming, you were actually temporarily staying in Ignis's world."

I ended up spitting all the food in my mouth.