Back and forth the pendulum went.
John Layeville had no idea as to how long he had been imprisoned.
" Days… months… years? I have seen children grow old and die. I have seen the wind wear down the mountains. And there is only me and the robot guards left… "
The prisoner now noticed a human.
" Ood "
Ur-bar-ra, a Meluḫḫa, smiled.
John looked on, as Ur-bar-ra approached.
That was when something new and strange happened.
The pendulum started to slow down.
As each swing became slower and slower. John could more clearly see the smile on Ur-bar-ra's face, and The Manual of the Forgotten Church in his hand.
A gust of wind befell Mr. Layeville, as his cell-doors opened.
It had been many years since John could feel the wind. It had been many years since John could feel the warmth of the sun. And it had been many years since John had stepped onto solid ground.
" Please… just give me a moment… " said Mr. Layeville, as his senses took in everything.
John was now ready to ask:
" Why? "
" I have a mission for you "
" Who are you? "
" Just call me - Bad Wolf "