Chapter 7

Passion and Power.



"Detective, you called us there's have a mission to do"?

Agent sarrieta asked to lieymotiente that an urgent meeting with them was called.

">> I called everyone to tell them the important thing >>," Mr lieymotiente said and took a large tarpollen and smeared it landed on the table.

"We had another mission today I 'will study this case and there in Mexico. Anyway, Regino did you finally found justice for Mr & ms Del soiko 12 years passed and now you Cannot find out the suspicious that I asked are you work well?

I give you this case because I trust you but now you have not reported me about the case yet and I think you need to rest I'll take someone better to whom they handed this case I'm sorry to say I offend you but the money will pay you was in vain Doña pasi until now assume that we can find justice for her son and daughter-in-law so I'm too ashamed of her. Take care of your family first "

Mr lieymotiente said, and Regino was nodded.

"Sarrieta, you put the oustatin group to catch ut the great drug lord in Mexico and if you survive you with Gabriel, to investigate the Del socko case.

"And you Preldo, Luna's general hospital had a medical mission in the Los Angeles you need to make sure they are safe, secure them don't worry about the navy group I 'will already coordinate with General Lastimosa Fernando. "And you Gabriel meanwhile you handed arms transacción for tomorrow you will accompany me"

Mr lieymotiente, said in an authoritative voice and he took up the detective pistol that was in the folded box. This was gone so different from others weapon they only have this type of weapon the transaction was in danger so they must make sure they are always safe .put it on the rooftop or anywhere in the heights place the machine gun romps the guns handle if the person wrong movement error is dead immediately.

"Sarah Gabriel, you 'will know what to do"

Mr lieymotiente said and left out their hideout meeting place.

"Come on Sarah"

Gabriel and Sarah immediately stepped out of the Hideout and went into the rooftop of this building below the transaction opening.

"Sarah, are you seduce me why are you taking your shirt off in front of me"Gabriel's breathless said and Sarah's frowned.

"Tsk, me I seduce you stupid"!

She said and found her clothes but she can't found.

"This sucks I running out of my clothes I haven't yet wash my all clothes Mierda"

She muttered and instead she was murmured she walked over to Gabriel who was busy Asymboled the frolics gun.

She, Asymboled the snipers shooting trips while only a wearing bra I don't wear anything I don't have a choice she does not want to wear her dirty clothes again.

She has not felt malicious with her dress now.

"Tsk, holy shit this woman making me hard turn on me just can't succeed what I did I felt attractive her up the body I even avoidance will but deliberately stare at her this can't be I need to be focused Asymboled this or else I 'got Punishment no eating food in 2 days boss lieymotiente was different if we had some failed plan ipabayaan and obligation namin we have a punishment no eating 2days not just like other organizations Kung may kasalanan Kang violated the rule you might be dead immediately.

He got up and got some clothes in his belongings he took grabbed a t-shirt and threw it in Sarah's face.

Sarah's struck glared death at him and immediately attacked him.

"You! How dare you to throw your shirt in my face what do you think of my face trashcan you losing out my patience stupid"

She giggled and punch and kick him I move and deflect her every kick and punch it made me even more annoyed by the fact that he just didn't hit me.


She, said and turned around flies to the air and she was going to punch GABRIEL' back he moving fast If she turned around in the air and sliding on the floor he quickly stood up and she saw Sarah with her back turned to face him and he immediately wrapped

His arm over Sara's body and hold tightly to make sure she didn't do escape.

"Mierda let go of me"!

Sarah said angrily and he looked at her breathless from behind.

"The heat in your head I give that Shirt for you to wear okay OA"

Gabriel said annoyed Sarah's was stunned "I hurt him diós Mio"

Sarasota said and Gabriel release her hugged and she slowly faces Gabriel.

"I'm sorry thought wrong"

She apologized and Gabriel 'silently returned to symbolize the weapon. She took Shirt on the floor and guilt fell her. how could she do this kind of thing, they were together on the mission Gabriel was always a gentleman and kind to her when She put in a dangerous situation he always saved her.

"but for me, I haven't done for him instead of the thing I always fight with him even though it's a such a damn regrettable reason"

She muttered and sat down slowly next to Gabriel 'who was busy fixing the weapon.

"I'm sorry"

She said trying to ward off the bad tension between them. Gabriel was pretending not to hear Sarah's talking to him.

He blows out a heavy sigh before standing and entering his room.

Sarah's left pouting lips when she looked at Gabriel's t-shirt she needed to end a symbol that the weapon before dark she still had a mission and now she just can't be with Gabriel in our mission.

Instead of gett emoted she tied her hair and finished the work she looked at what Gabriel did and they already fix it.

she took While before she finally completed a symbol and went to Gabriel's room to say goodbye the helicopter was already here to pick her.

She knocked on the door first before inside she saw Gabriel was in front of his laptop she cleared her throat before speaking.

"Hmmm, Gab I'll move on to Mexico right now I was here to say goodbye at I'm sorry again even you won't accept my apology but I need to did this my mission was in jeopardy and I don't know if I survive this against the Sindecated they are most powerful after all, I'm sorry what I did you lately again bye "

She said and immediately left she stopped when Gabriel grabbed her arm and hugged her tightly she was so shocked and her lips were parted.

"I'm not mad at you I just contributed earlier take care After the transaction for tomorrow I will be there in Mexico to back up you okay, "Gabriel said still hug

Her heart thumping beat so fast it made her weak she gulped when she felt her throat go dry with a bitten lip. "What happened is a new feeling that I felt now that hugged me, Gabriel, before when we fulfilled a mission to Catch the hideout of the kidnappers ransom money but I can't feel the like way"

She muttered.

"Agent Sarrieta we're going to hurry up"!

She was stunned when the pilot spoke to the earing sound in her ear actually If you look at earrings only to But this will deliver information as they will fight in the war and just in case one of them needs help and connected It to the head of their organization so aware all.

She said goodbye to Gabriel 'and immediately headed for the helicopter.

🇵🇭 Castle island.

Ct was busy taking care of Taleto '' who was still sick every two hours she left her office for a check on Talento '."Señora, it's time for your lunch here's the food Doña, Pasi made this for you cause you stressful this day and also You can't sleep well cause you checkTaleto"

Flavio said and landed the food box on the table she removed her eyeglasses before face into Flavio,

"Thanks, F, Flavio,"

She said and opened the taper well and smelled the aroma of tasty food."Enjoy eating Señora, I'll be back I took your water I forgat"

Flavio said and went out.

She, starting to eat while, looked at the paperwork on her disk.

"Here your water Señora, I'm leaving if you need something just call me I'll be in the Kwadra"

Flavio said, to him and it turned out that After she ate she turned her attention to many paper works and reviewed the business proposal with Mr. Balmer's new buyers on her horses here.

"Señora, kokito will give birth"!

Suddenly one of the people here in the Kwadra arrived.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second I just took my belongings for the delivery"Ct, said and immediately left her office Ct acted quickly, while wearing an all-purpose gown for the labor and utensils and went straight to kokito's stable.

"Flavio, you know what to do"

Ct said to Flavio and immediately looked at kokito and gave birth immediately. They took while until koki to was already labored she blows a relief breath while she cut the navel of the baby horse she smiled and caress the baby horse head."Welcome to the earth baby horse I'm happy that you came out well you drank a lot of milk huh"

Ct talked to the horse and washed her hands.

"Señora, we've fixed kokito's stable just rest"

Flavio said, to CT ,.

"Thank you, Flavio."

she said to Flavio and went out immediately to rest first.

When she arrived at Rancho, she just felt so tired that she lay down on her bed when she thought of the man again, she found her hands holding her lip.

And remember the man's soft lips.

Jake, just watching the construction worker they all busy he looked at every work of the metals clinging to the Hummer.

Nato, on the other hand, is busy talking to the head man here.

Jake, was sitting down and reviewing the papers for this structure and finding some construction work for the resort.


Nato asked him.

"Yeah, you know that Don, grandson excited to contract he's building and resort do we need double-time to find 100 people contractions immediately for the resort and We need to e -analysts and e-estimate study carefully to prepare the contract and make sure when it reaches that in the contract over everything is fine you know do not want to face the Court many people have done that now. Do not want one of the engineers to appear in the Court. "

He said.

"Tsk, yeah this challenge Jake, we should be together here to take care of the building but not now. Because I will focus on resorts and cottages but good thing my brain is ready to create the resort and cottage tomorrow I show you and Don, if you do not agree, it will be up to you "Nato said, and Jake frowned,

"Oh, why are you looking face mad not in the mood"?

He asked Nato and tapped his shoulder.

"I'm just a bad trip you know I wake up early in the morning just so I can deliver Mira, where she works and it doesn't happen she is too shy when it comes to me it's hard but I try to understand her, but the annoying she rode in a knight-like appearance old man, "Nato said annoyed and was not stopped by

Jake, that's funny.

"Tsk, he was looking for a passenger no jealousy right away, HAHAHHA seriously Nato, you are jealous of that man you think that Mira will object him I can't believe you, "Jake said, and Nato thought, and laughed too.

"Hahaha you right I Fuckin moron"

Nato said and look at up his wristwatch."Kaya pala I'm hungry it's already a pala let's go, Jake, Nato's said and they walked to the hotel together.

"I'm just curious Jake, señora is said to be the owner of this hotel you know about that "?

Nato asked, to him.

"Yes, Mierda"

He said."Seriously it's señora, not Mierda"Nato, insists.


He said and took the plate they are sitting down on ton he Chairs and ate.

"Ma'am Mira, why is Chiefs Julie's blood so hot for you"?

Michelle asked and Mira was shrugged her shoulder. They are eating.

"Maybe she just insecure of you"

Michelle said and she couldn't help to Lough.

"What seriously, why is she insecure with me? She's more beautiful than me."

She Said while sipping her orange juice.

"If you look Because she's easy It looks like you're superior"

Michelle said and she raised her arms to give Michelle signs to stop. "Okay, ma'am did I too much Noisy"?

Michelle asked her when she looked at the entrance of its food service.

"Speaking of chiefs she's here"

Michelle said.

"Don't mind her.

She said and finished eaten.

After eating Mira, went to her office she still has a lot of paperwork to do she sat in hin er chair in front of her computer laptop.

"Ma'am Mira, we had a new patient now," Her secretary said.

"Okay, prepare the form documents and give them okay and submit me if they're finished fill-up the forms"

She said her secretary before turned her attention to the papers works she reviewing the Dietitian nutrition consultants and PDF files.

The telephone was rung and she immediately answered.

"Hello Fellamira prostrano speaking the nutritionist health food care in saint Ignacio hospital how I may I help you"

She politely answered on the phone.

"Hello, are you a Dietitian nutritionist too"?It's a question on the other line.

"Ahh ma'am I'm sorry to say but I'm a nutritionist ma'am we still hiring Dietitian experts"

She answered.

"Okay thanks"

The woman 'said on the phone.

"My pleasure ma'am"

She said and put down the telephone, she stopped when Mr. Torre offered sink in her mind. "Oh, I forgat to talk mom about yesterday tsk because of Nato,

She, turn back reviewing the forms.


Señora Margarita was still unconscious until now.

He's husband and daughter were taken care of here.

"Mi hija, I'll buy some foods at down remember what I said to you"?

David said.

"Yes, papa I will take care of Mama, if something went wrong with her I immediately call a doctor '"

Quería said and David just nodded kiss his's daughter forehead before living the room. Quería was left were bored so she get some magazines and her eyes were winded when she saw pictures of her cuzzin who was driving horse her eyebrows were going slowly Farrows when she read the up on her picture. "This can't be so she a good rider imagen she win champion in the big Dervie competition in the Houston this magazine was one year ago but no way I'll be a one good horse rider, after all, I'm sure I better than her well let see if we had a petition pretty sure I defeated herI'm always in though "

Quería, just mumbled and threw the magazine in the trashcan and played her phone.

"Me ríena"

She turned around when she heard her novio's voice.

"Mierda, are you out of your mind Mama, Y Papa, was here you want to die" she sarcastically said and trying to push Riojeblahmar.

"Relax Me amor they are not here and your mama wasn't wake up nothing to worry about"

Here novio's said and hug her.

"Mierda, You moron get out of my Fucking sight"!

Quería, felt nervous when here Papa, came in.

Riojeblahmar just chuckled and shaken his head.

"Don't worry, tío I haven't done something bad relax you hate me auh"

He said and David, was give him a death glare. "Son of a gangster get out"!

David shouted to him that made him Lough. "Seriously, tío You called me a son of gangster me I remind you it's maFia not gangster"

He said was still Lough.

"That's the same thing"!

David said and shook his head to turn to his novia.

"Bye me amor"

He said and stepping out of the room his one bodyguard opening the car door for him and he immediately gets in he has 5 bodyguards as a mafia his life was always put a danger even he'll go somewhere.

"Quería,! Are you out of your mind you said you already broke with him but what's this"!

David shouted, Quería was rolled her eyes.

"Papa, you can't control me I did what I want and I love him and he loves me too Riojeblahmar is a most powerful mafia I'm sure my life was happy and contend with him he gives whatever I want"!

She shouting out.


Her dad has yelled at her with slapped on her cheeks, she can stop but to cry her tears fell down her cheeks.

She looks at her dad before living the room she, ran towards the elevator. "Quería !! come back here"!

She heard her dad was called her she ignore instead and called riojeblahmar.

🇵🇭 Castle island.

Ct woke and fix herself.

She looks up the wall clock before getting up from the bed.

It's already 12:30 sleep but it's to short she went to the bathroom and brush her teeth afterward brushed her teeth she stepped out of her room and went into the kitchen she saw Lolita, with her grandma talking.

"Hi" She, greeted and kissed her grandma, Cheek.

"So how's the suckling"?

Her Lola asked.

"She, fine Lola," She answered and suckling Grandma's mention, it was the baby horse.

"I'll be out Grandma"

She said. "Okay, me Nieta Don't be far from there okay"

Her grandmother ordered.

"Yes, Grandma I will not"

She said and went in the harden and sat down when she looked at the blue sky.

"It's nice mama Papa are you see me. I miss you so much." How about me do you miss me too "?

She said and was stunned.

"Of course you are the only daughter of them pretty sure they are missing you too"?

She answered her question when she looked at her two street bodyguards who were standing and watching her. "Now I'm secure" She, said and look her wristwatch "it's time to check up koki to"

She said and went into the quadra she took a stethoscope in the med-room and walked towards Koko.

"Hi, koki to and Suckling are you okay there 'I'll check you"

She, talking koki to and the Baby horse suckling.

She put the stethoscope in Koko's chest and listen to the hearts beat, her heartbeat is still a bit weak maybe she's still weak.

"Get well soon 'huh and you baby"

She Said while careless Baby horse's hair.

"Señora, let me feed them first"

Flavio said, turning around.

"Okay, I'm just in the office"

She said.

"Okay, señora_"

Flavio said, bowing to her

she immediately left and went to her office.


"No thanks Dad but I can handle my self and besides the driver's with me just enjoy you with mommy here,"

Nelly said, she has to register in the Saint saint International school-.

"You sure Iha"?

Her mom asked.

"Of course mom maybe sometimes I've been acting childish but I can manage myself mom don't worry I updated you a moment later" She, said.

"Okay, you take care huh"

Her mom said.

"Yes mom dad bye"

She said and kissed her mom and dad check's before stepped out home she should be in college now but she stopped studying for 2 years so she is just a senior high school.

She, exiting sat the passenger seat and review her papers form

When they arrived at the VHI SCHOOL she exited stepped out off and took her belongings in the back seat."Nelly, I'll wait for you there okay just call me if you need anything okay"

Driver's order. "okay Kuya"

She said and entered university.

"ID, "The guard said to her.

"Auh, I don't have ann ID Because I'm a newbie and I will enroll"

She said.

"But the enrollment was ended"

The guard told her and he took the Authorization from her dad.

"Here my Authorization note Kuya"

She said and show it the guard.

"Okay, came-in"

The guard said and opened the gate for her.

there is The Dean's office"?

She asked himself and just looking at She roaming walking, in the field way no one students may be in class, she was walking until she saw a bulletin board.

"Department law Industry"

She read the poster words.

"Where's the Dean's office I think I far away. This is college school"

She mumbled she saw a guy came out from the classroom and she followed.

The young man noticed her.she wanted to ask but she couldn't speak when they are here in the restroom and she just woke up and stopped.

"Are you a stalker"?

The guy said in a strict voice she was suddenly nervous. "Ah-eh, I'm just-just loo-king at the Dean's office.Ca-n I asked you the direction I don't know where here"?

She stuttered asked."Don't bother me"The guy said in a cold voice but she trying to smile at him.

"Please Po"

She begged and the guy blow's a loud breath.

"There, just street that way and you can see the Deans office"

The guy said. "Oh thank you"

She said and immediately Walked and she followed the directions.

she took a while until she finally found the Deans. the office she knocked on the door first.

"Good morning sir, I'm Nellyshane Brahms" She introduced herself.

"Okay, take a sit your stepdaughter of Brenicto Greekless"?

The Dean's asked her ,.

"Yes sir"

She answered."Okay just fill up this form and submit me if you'll do"

The Dean's said and give her a form papers she immediately fill-up the form and gives it back to the Deans when she finished.

"Okay, Almira just guide her room"

The Dean's said her secretary and they stepped from the Dean's office. "Miss, section A ka"

The secretary said to her and she nodded."Yes,"

She said and they'll stop in the classroom.

"Miss, ascension this is Nellyshane Brahms your new student "

The secretary said and she smiled at her future adviser and looked at the students sitting in the chair.

"Class listen well this is Nellyshane Brahms your new classmate and hope you'll kind at her even she's a newbie okay the next year 'had a transfer but she drops out of this class because all of you"

The teacher said and she was suddenly nervous."Yes miss"

Everyone answered.

"Okay, miss Brahms you may sit"

Her adviser said and she immediately sat down at the very end she heard someone murmured may be on her side in front Just because of her attention. Even if she is only half our here she feels that she is bored all day but it's okay with her.

Castle island.

"Jake, let's go"

Nato's said when they finished eating."Okay" He said and they walked towards the building structure."Jake, I'll be on there bye"

Nato said goodbye to him and walked to the resort Loti, he sat down and open his laptop to make a contract at the resort. He thought carefully until he decided correctly.

He wrote the resort Papers contract in 2 years. He, took the measurements Folgadera and walked into the Resort. While he was measuring he forgot that he did not have a note list book he returned to the small cottage he had stayed in earlier and started working and The materials he listed for sale immediately.

Tomorrow the materials will arrive they will have to wait at the port to look carefully, and e review The materials that have arrived.

Nato was busily creating the Resort should have a good outcome when finished.

"Hi, sir coffee"

The woman who brought them coffee said."Cage thanks"

He said while sipping his coffee he looked carefully at the style of the resort he made when they finish creating Jake and he will return to their office in Manila they are only here for one week they just need to fix their work and. They just come back here when they just check the plan and the contractor's head will guide the construction workers on what to do.

, "I can miss sexy here," He thought before stood up to get some water.

Time had passed he immediately going back to their room with Jake, and prepared to go to the hospital he picks up Her sexy babe there.

It was sitting down on onnonnRodionovale reading the book of fiction she stood up to see Lolita.

"Lolita I'll go to your house with you," She said.

"Cage Señora"

Lolita said and she approached Lola, casual sitting in her Rocking chair. Grandma, I'll go to their Lolita house I just missing" She said.

"Okay be careful you go home before nightfall okay"

Her Grandmother said and she mediately left Rancho.

"Señora, why didn't your bodyguards come along"?

Lolita asked her as they walked to Mira's house.

"They're behind us" She replied to Lolita."Ahh-well then come in"

Along Lolita said to her and she shook her head. "I will fetch Mira, at the port Lolita',"

She said.

"Cage, you take care Be careful"

Along Lolita said, to her and she came out immediately she was walking into the dock.

"Jake, you'll go with me now"

Nato groaned, to him while arranging the resort plan.

"Tsk, what am I doing there your chopper," He said sarcastically to Nato ,.

"It's not like we're going straight to the bar."Nato's carving, he blows a loud breath and fixeseseses himself.


Nato said happily, and looked at Jake's plan, at the resort he nodded. "Jake is really good, in planning hehe at least he won't be an engineer if he doesn't know about planning" What are you doing, Nato, your craziness is attacking again"He talked himself and they left the hotel.

While Ct sat on the edge of the sea and wrote a letter on the sand while waiting for Mira,

Her eyes winded when she saw what she write in the sand.


"Tsk, why did I write that"?

She asked herself and stood up to take a walk. She heard somethingBoat sound so she peeked at a boat that stretched out she looked at the man sitting on the side of the immortal she could not be wrong that guy stole her first kiss.


She missed it when she heard the man's voice behind her.


'Mierda! Why I felt like this way because of he's the the the the the presence I felt so nervous"?She said to herself and pretended not to hear the an.

"I'm sorry"

Jake said when the girl ignored him. Maybe he was angry with her because he just kissed her suddenly.

"Why are you saying sorry"!

The woman said rudely, still turning her back.

"When I just kissed you suddenly"

He said to the woman.

"Why it is delicious-"She was stunned by the woman who was when smiled.


He said and faced the woman.

Ct wants to shut up, herself because of his stupid answer she wants to open the ground to swallow her.

"mierda why did you answer that tsk, but His lips are delicious"

Her and said when she thought. It was just a matter of standing up for what she was saying and bravely facing the man.

"It's true, "She said and raised the corner of the man's lips.

"I know I'm a good kisser after all"

The man said and her lips were parted.

"Tsk," She tsked and she looked at the sea.

"You want more"

The man said she turned around and stood up.

"Try, and I will cut your tongue"

She threatening with rolled her eyes.


The man said the heavily silent fell between them.


The man said that she was looking at him."Why did you know my name? She asked the man.

"I just know señora"

The man told her.

"Are you espiar" (spy)She asked the young angrily and He just smiled which made her heart beat faster.

"tsk, he's very handsome"

She said in her mind when she looked at the man's lips. Her eyes widened just one inch away from him and immediately let go and sat down.

"Ma'am Mira, a man is waiting for you outside"

Information from her secretary.

"who's the guy"?

She asked her secretary.

"I didn't know ma'am"

Her secretary replied that she fixed her hair before stepped out of her office.

"What did it do here"?

She stopped to see Nato, she walked closer to him and smiled sparingly."Hi, why are you here"?

She asked at Nato,

"I picked you up, sexy babe"

He answered and she secretly smiled.

"Thanks, t's go," She said and they walked away immediately she yawned.

"Tired"?Nato asked her.

"It's because I don't sleep well last night" She replied at Nato,.

"You think of me"?Nato said and She couldn't look at him Because he was right.

"Just," She said and they boarded the boat.

"Tomorrow I'll fetch you again"

Nato, said while maneuvering the boat. "Cage thanks but I might disturb you," She said.

"Nope don't be thinking that from now on your my Priority"Nato, said th a wink. She just sat down and she saw Ct, who stood up and with p with Nato's friends Nato's supported her down the boat.

"Hey, Date"?She asked Ct, as she got down.

"Date, September 26, 2020"

Ct's sarcastic answer to her and the two laughed she stared at Ct.

"Tsk, your so weird"

She said d looked at what Ct was wearing she approached and whispered.

"You're so sexy"

She told at Ct ,.

"Tsk, I've been sexy for a long time, you just don't know. And wait are a relationship now"?

Ct also whispered to her.

"No, let's go "

She said and they walked to Mira's house,

"Nato, are going with us until the house I'm just fine now thank you"?

She said at Nato, while they walked together.

"Yeah we wanna invite you at the bar if you'll okay"

Nato said, at her.

"If you like Mirá, go. I'm sure your mother will allow you"

Ct said, to her.

"No, I just don't want to be without you, e said.

"Why didn't you come with us "Nato, said.

"Tsk, thanks for the invitation but My Lola strick especially dark"

Ct said,.

"Is that so?" Nato said and approached, then walked over to her and Encircled he's an arm's over her shoulder. "Awww-"

Nato shouted as she pinched the side of him.

"Don't do this again your not my boyfriend so behaved"

She said at Nato, but he just smiled at her.

"It's okay now not yet but as very soon"Nato, said.

When they were got home they entered immediately.