Chapter 8

Passion and Power.



MÉXICO ..... ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━ 一

Sarrieta, was starting wearing her thigh holster and bulletproof vest around her body.

She, bound her hairto tighten to make sure didn't bother her face while in the mission place her hair was wavy short ti'l on her collar bone.

She wears her earrings Bluetooth headphones she wears her ankle boots and facing in the mirror this is a very dangerous kind of mission Their enemy is the most powerful rank2 mafia is Spaniards.

She took a deep breath before handed her phone to call her mom. "Me Hija finally you called how are you dare"?

Her mom asked me.

"I'm Okay mom"

She said.

her mom wasn't agreed with her to enter the very dangerous kind of profession as an agent but they can't stop her. She entered because her older sister was dead 6 years ago cause of gangrape she already takes justice for her sister afterward token justice her sister.

her mom and dad were convinced her to stop being an agent her mom and dad don't wanna born again her daughter but she can't stop what did now.

Yes maybe she's hardheaded but she already loves her job even though the replacement is alive she hasn't even cared. "Mom, I don't know if after the mission I'm mm still alive"

She said and she heard her mom gasped.

"I'm sorry mom but Don't worry I'll do all my best to protect my self"

She mumbled her tears falling down her cheeks she bit her lips trying to stop her sobbing.

"Yes I'm strong but if I heard my mom worried about me and cry I felt so weak they are my weakness but I was able to disobey them and did what I wanted.

"Me Hija, diós mio come back here don't you dare did your mission, you'll making us worried please I don't wanna born again my daughter"

Her mom was cried she took a deep breath and hide her true feelings inside and pretend strong again.

"Yow mom I'm strong you forgat I can't promise you but I 'do my best to survive this just trust me mom"

She said trying to calm her mom.

"Hey, I can't do anything anymore Sarah only pray I wish I was alive when I come home"

Her mom said, and she smiled.

She was not afraid of what might happen to her but just because of her mom and dad she's very afraid.

"Mom, don't worry I can handle this thing I'll go home alive there okay"

She said.

"Oka,y son take care okay don't forget to pray, remembered what we say to you"?

Her mom asked.

"Do what is right and give it your best and the Lord God well do the rest make god the center of your life"!

She said, finally joy fell them. "Okay mom bye I have to go you'll take care there also"

She said before hung up the phone she holds her rosary necklace once sign Cruz.

"God, guide me my another mission today I trust you I know you can't abandon me give me strength energy for this task to against those people-amen"

She said and immediately stepped outside. She saw his comrades and ready for the war. She cleared her throat before put her arms in the back folded.

"Are you ready guys"!

She said in a strong voice.

"Yes, we are ready"!

Everyone answered.

"Let's go"!

She said and steep into the car.

🇪 Madrid.

"Sir, I think those coming will wait ina second"

Gabriel said Lieymotientewho looks so worsening.

"I almost losing out my patience Mierda"!

Lieymotiente hissed with cross arms.

"Tsk Mierda why they took so long it's almost 12: pm Sarah's mission was starting fuck this"

He hissed and was uncomfortable with where he stood.

He saw the car towards them and he immediately handed his gun under his pants.

"Mr, Lieymotiente I'm Sorry for being we took so long something happened"

Those suppliers apologized.

">> Nothing problem <

M.r Lieymotiente said.

"Gabriel the money let's not prolong it"!

M.r Lieymotiente said and he immediately handed the explorer safe box.

"The gun"!

Gabriel check it!

M.r Lieymotiente said and he checked the gun.

"Okay sir"

He said and they barter.

The transaction was over peacefully and he immediately got out of the building and immediately drive his car into his condo.

When he arrived he immediately got into his helicopter.

"Fuck hopefully I could not late Mierda"!

He hissed while maneuvering the helicopter.


">> Boogsss, Pang-pang-pang- bogs--.Gun shotting ...

Sarah held tightened her gun and hiding the wall her enemies try to shot her she find some way how to hit them she trying to get out from herhidingg place and trying to shoot but they are so many around her.Pangg !!"She gaspe and check the Enemies to shoot them. "You fucking"

She said and immediately rolled the floor and then shoos them, opponents. "Pang! --- ︻╦╤─ ҉ - -﹏﹏﹏﹏✪✭✪﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏

She shoots them countless times until they fell on the floor she immediately stood up and walking, she moves faster when one man tries to stab her she jumps and kicks the man in the Jaw, man fell on the floor.


She said and she hurried hide and sat down the side the stairs when someone going down. She slowly up her head. She saw a guy hold a gun she gets out and attacked the man her foot was flying in the air trying to kick him but she failed when the man deflects her kick and punch her abdomen she frowned and quickly stood up to retaliate, she gives the man smirk and finds some way how to attack the man she ready herself watching the man move the guy going attack her. They deflected every kick punch. She kicked the man's head plus. The man going to fell on then she adds her attacked by her strong kick. The man passes out ...


She exclaimed when the dagger hit her side she angrily looked at the man and she took her dagger in her leg. The fighting using a dagger.

The man tried to stab her in the stomach. She hurriedly deflected. The two of them acted quickly until she saw the timing and stabbed. The man lifeless fell on the floor.



She immediately turned to face the guy she gives the guy a fearful expression face.


"So, Mira, Lolita I have to go"

Ct said goodbye, they are just finished having dinner with the two men.

"Okay, be careful"

Mira said to her

"Okay I'll take you home"

She stopped and slowly facing Jake."No need I can manage myself self" She said and steep out home.

"Hey, I send you in your home to make sure you are safe "

She stopped when Jake, hold her arm she was feel a electricity flows on her body which made her feel weak.

"Tsk, whats this?

why could I ground his hold,"

She asked when swallowed and slowly facing him.


She said and they walked together she felt something inside.

Her heart was thumping and a extreme nervousness.

"What's your full name"?He asked her.

"Ct," She said.

"Ah- what does are mean,"?

He asked.

"Castle tale"

She said.

"Nice name,"He comment.

"I heard you are a good horse riding," He said trying to open a lot of conversation with her.

"Yeah," She answered.

"Oww, interested since when,"?

He asked.

"Since I was 13 years old,"

She answered with shrugged.

"So those practicing riding causes your scars a lot."

He said and She was slowly facing at him raising her eyebrows then nodded and looked at the sea.

"I see.

You don't have a plan to remove that,"?

He asks and she Immediately face him narrowed her eyes.

"You know If you have nothing to say then you better shut up,"

She said in a strict voice he was raised his two arms to give her a sign give up.

"It's not what you think you know at this time the woman ashamed of their scars especially the thigh that's blocking on their beauty,"

He said trying to calm her she's a Savage woman.

"Will I'm not like that I'm different, I love these scars and I never feel embarrassed,"

She said  and let out her chuckled he don't say instead shrugged his shoulder and walk together till they stop in the MANSION.

"Rancho del soiko" He read at the poster on the big gate is was beautiful and on the side he can see the big Qudra she was, Facing at him Crossing her arms.

"Hmm- thanks for accompanied me I appreciate anyways if you want to Learn how to ride the horse I teach but when I'm a good mood like this, "She said in a serious voice he can't stop to stare at her while talking at him

Her lights Yellow eye pointed nose thin lips he  was swallowed hard when he was lowering his gaze  into her collar bone it's was really beautiful with a lot small mole in her neck.

"Tsk- I know I'm such a pretty but don't stare me like that,"She said and blinked secretly swallowed.

"Okay -good night"

He said.

"OK" She  said and entered the home.

He was left parting his lips and he heard a Horse voice he peeked and he saw a baby horse and there's have more.

"What a nice horse's"

He said.

While Mira, and Nato, are sitting by the sea talking about her past life.

"Your mom made you kneel on the monggo,"

Mira said.

"Yeah, that time I cut class I just to join my group.

Mom were so mad at me 30 minutes I knelt. I cried so much it was very hurts my knelt were getting numb. after those time happened I have been a good son and I never joined the group I realized that They are a bad influence to me," He said  and she was just listened him.

"Have you ever experienced like that"?He asked, her she was stopped When suddenly sank into her brain The death of her father a month ago her mother ignored her she was always crying and she couldn't help but blame herself. But because of Ct and Doña maybe for the rest of her life her mother hated to her.

"Mir, why are you crying," He said in a worried voice she touches her cheek and right she was crying.

"Hmm-I just remember something,"

She said and he's face softly confronted at her and touched her cheek her heart was thumping

"It's Okay " He said and hugged her she did not know but she cried even more and hugged him.

"Nato is I'm bad daughter,"?

She asked while sob.

"Shii-- I know you are not a bad," He said while stroking her back. That is the reason why she even wanted to take a Dietitian course but she doesn't want her mother to suffer again like what happened to her father before.

When she wanted Ct to be her classmates, in private school just in case the tuision was really expensive her mom and dad can't afford the tuition payment so she forced her father to join the surfing competition for and if her dad wins she has to pay but it doesn't happen unfortunately her dad was dead.

So even though was suffocating for her to let go of her dream Course but she has to do this.

But now she was happy with the opportunities she can study of her dream Course and her mom was okay about that and suffort her.

After a while, she calmed. Nato, help her to dry her tears.

"Thank you"

She said and straightened up.

"You're welcome if you won't mind tell me, "He said while facing the sunset she took a deep breath and founding herself Leand her head over his shoulder. "Never mind let's Enjoyed the sunset"

She said and they just looked at the sunset they were both quiet.

While Jake walking into the hotel he went to Nato, in case they are on edge of the shore  was having a moment with Mira, he did not bother them.

When he got to the room he sat on the bed and took a cigarette while thinking Ct,


"hahaha, men's attack"!

The leader of them order their men to a

Attack Sarah, she got ready herself and defense fight the 4 boy's she hurriedly move her body to deflect the one man trying to Punch her she bend and punch and kick her moves fast against the Enemies four until It fell to the floor. Another two-man attack her.

She has a lot of bruised wounds on her body and she starting felt hazy weak even though her side hurt because of the stab wounds she bravely faced the two men while she spits her blood on her mouth.

She moves to attack they men around her she watches up to down wright to left over's and she alerts of their kick attack punch she kicks the one men and gives them twice kick flying in the air the two men's fell to the floor and she immediately getting down and give them another twice kick and punched.


She sunk to the floor when someone attacks her from behind she tries to get up but someone gripped her hair she felt a knife over her neck chasing her breath.

'' diós mio help me to escape this asshole muron men's "

She mumbled pray.


She screamed when they are tearing her clothes from behind.

Still, the knife her neck the man slowly getting up her and facing their boss she gives him a deadly glare.

"Who gives your permission to catch up me you wrong to fight me, "The men said, and squeezing her jaw she just looked at him badly once smirked take it quickly knelt him.

"Aww, Mierda" !!

The man screamed all the attention went to their leader she was quickly elbows strikes the men behind her once stepped on it and thrown.

She hurriedly pulled her gun and shoot them.

"Pang - ︻╦╤─ ҉ - -"

She immediately tumbles and hiding. "Shit I need to escape I think I can't"

She mumbled and held her earrings. "Jack" !! hello, you still there "!

She tries to call on one of her colleagues but no response she called her other colleagues but it's the same "don't tell me they are all dead fuck shit aughhhh"!

She gasped when her wounds hurt.

"Hahaha, You woman 'get out of the place you hide you can't escape"!

She heard the man shout she held her gun tightened. She stopped when she heard the shoot of the gun "Mean they still alive"

She breathes relief.

Gabriel was fighting their all enemies under the buildings they're enemy was very powerful he kills a lot of men but there's have more .he leaned hiden the door and watching around.

"Pang-- pang--"

He immediately runs upstairs when the bullets follow him he lies down the floor and shoots immediately the man fell down the floor.

He getting up for looking Sarah '

"HAHAHHA, You woman 'get out of the place you hide"

He heard a man's voice and he was slowly going up. he hurried to put on the earphones.

"SARAH ITS ME, HIDE THE SAFE PLACE, I catch them a bomb"

He said in heavely breathe.


Sarah answered he quickly pulled the bomb under her shirt and threw it."BoNG ----"

The impact of the bomb was strong and Gabriel immediately get down. they are all fell on the floor.


He called and she saw Sarah 'get out from hiding place in a weaker face he immediately hug her.

"Sarah thanks god your safe,"

He said and hugged her tightened.

"Gab - !!!!" She  'said and he turned around behind him stood the leader of the druglords he immediately pulled his gun and shot It immediately.

He heard Sara's sigh.

"You okay I bring you to the hospital,"

He said.

"No I'm fine I need a lot of rest now I almost die,"

She said and he removed his faded jacket put around in her body.

They walked together towards the helicopter and drove ...

While Gabriel maneuvering the helicopter he was worried about Sarah's situation she had a lot of bruised cut wounds on her body especially her face.

"I can't live without you me a'mor,"

He mumbled looking at her.


Nelly was sitting down in her chair while reading books she needs analysis her exam today it's about basic calculus.

"Hey, leave that's my chair"

The girl said in an annoyance voice she innocent look her.

"What but this my chair starting yesterday"

She said and back her attention in her book. "You don't want to huh"

The girl said and she ignored.

"Babe, that's Bitch she can't leave my chair"

The woman said artfully and because she didn't want trouble she left the chair.

Their professor came and they started answered the short quiz she took 30 minutes before she has done she submitted her papers.

"Miss, Brahms you can go"

Her professor said.

"Thank you, ma'am"

She said and took her belongings and walked into the locker.

She put her books and went Ito the canteen.

She ordered some breakfast lang.

She ate when some guy came in and the all canteen was loud "auh I thought in Saudi happened like this it's also here"

She mumbled and finished her food. Then she immediately got up to go to the library.

She walked quietly around the steep in the library and showed her ID to the librarian girl.

She sat at the vacant table alone.

She took her chips inside her bag.

And eat while reading.

She's the middle of reading when someone grabbed her book she confused.

"You, !! You dare to sit here this is our property"

The guy said and she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry I just don't know"

She apologized and took her bag.

"Wow she's a newbie dud"

Amazing says a man.

She felt scared they look scary.

"Hehehe, yeah I think so"

The man said and she immediately grabbed his bag and came out.

"Hey, woman comeback here"!

They called her and she ran.

"Chase her"! She heard the man shout and she ran quickly."Momma"

She said felt her cheeks wet.

"Wahhhhh" !!

She was surprised when someone grabbed her and faced her.

Her toes were Trimble."Do you know all the newbies here go through my hand first,"

The man said and she looked behind her to run but they're was cornering her.

She 'cried.

"Ahh- may I leave,"

She said and trying to walk but they corner her.

As Fueron walked out of their department to eat breakfast when he saw the group of guy again, "tsk"

He let out he's chuckled and ignoring them.

As he approached he saw the woman surrounded by tukmol again.

"Ahh I'm leaving,"

He heard the fear in the girl's voice he looked carefully Which woman

"She is miserable"

He 'said and ignored them again.

he stepped into the canteen but he doesn't know though he found himself standing behind the men around the girl.

"All of you"

He said and they were facing him.

"Oh, did you know this newbie girl?" The one boy asked him and points to the woman trembling and crying.

"Ahem-yeah she's my cousin" he said with shrug.

"Oww you have a nice cousin,"

As said the leader of the Jews.


He said and grabbed the girl still confusion gazing at him.

"So are we leave now,"

He said and slowly face the girl."You okay"

He asked and the girl was cried.

"Ah-im-so scared them," She  said to him and he just smiled at her.

"It's okay, from now on we're friends I protect you against them,"

He said and he saw how changed her facial expression into joy and brightly smiled.

"Thank you" She said he doesn't know but his feelings for the woman are light maybe because they don't have a sister.

"I'm Fueron QUNGKO and you,"

He introduced himself.

"I'm Nellyshane Brahms Greekless,"

She said and his eyebrows tingle.

"Greekless-how you related of Brixon jake Greekless he's my kuyas friend's,"

He said and he saw the excitement on her face.

"He 'is my Kuya, ahm No! he's my stepbrother," She  answered him.

"Oww, what a coincidence"

He said.

"Yeah and by the way thank you huh for saving me" She said.

"It's okay from now on we're friends especially your little sister of Kuya Jake,"

He said.

"Thank you so I'll go ahead," She said goodbye to him.


He said and took his calling card.

"That's my calling card just in case they mess up just call me"

He said.

"Thank you," She said and left that he looked at her bulk away then he turned to the canteen.

🏥 Hospital.

"So Nato, I'll go ahead you take care, "Mira said, to Nato when they got here in Mirás work placed.

"Have a nice day sexy babe"

He said with a matching wink at her she just smiled.

"Alright bye"

She said and went to her office.

"Hey ma'am looks in a nice mood,"

Her secretary said.

"I'm always like this Meren," She said and landed her bag in her chair and opened her laptop she already told her mom about Mr. Torre offered her mom agreed but also worried about her that she might neglect her health but speaking of health that's not happening she took this course to apply also herself.

She starting work on the paperwork reviewing them a lot of forms.

"Meren you already got the CBC Results test from one of our patients,"

She asked Meren still facing her computer laptop.

"Ahm-ma'am I have forgotten wait "

Her secretary said and she nodded.

"Here ma'am"

Her secretary said and give her the CBC Results she read and something had a problem with the patient's Blood sugar level is. 126mg / dL (7mmo / L)

Meaning to say they have a diabetic.

includes Disease's: Diabetes mellitus type 1.

That needs treatments: Exercise, insulation (medication).

This is a dangerous level.

She took a deep breath and list the good meals for the patient against the Diabetes consumed her all body cells.

1.) Fatty fish.

-fatty fish contain omega -3 fats that help reduce inflammation and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Plus It is a great source of protein that is important for blood sugar regulation.

2,) Leafy Green's.

- leafy greens vegetables rich It is in nutrition like Vitamin C, as well as antioxidants to protect the health of our heart, and eyes.

3.) Avocados.

-The avocado fruit has less than 1 gram of sugar and some carbohydrates a high fiber of the health content of fats, so you have nothing to worry about If your blood sugar rises by (15) level

4.) EGGS.

-Can improve the risk factors for heart disease, promote good blood sugar management to protect the eyes, and keep them healthy. You can eat egg but it's not much Because if you eat a lot It is also a cause's to raise cholesterol mo as I can say lifestyle is better than cure you need to apply your self-discipline in the food Kung Alam mong yang food Nayan hinde makabuti a health mo just avoid.

5.) Chia Seeds.

-Chia seeds It contains high amounts of fiber, which helps to lose weight. It also helps maintain your Glucose blood level.

6.) Beans.

-Beans are cheap nutritious with a low glycemic index as they create healthy options for individuals with diabetes.

7.) Greek yogurt.

-Jogurt promotes healthy blood sugar levels to reduce the risk factors for heart disease and helps with weight management.

8.) NUTS.

-Nuts are a healthy addition to balance the diet It has high anti fiber to help reduce our blood sugar and LDL, (Low-density-lipoprotein)

Sometimes called "bad" cholesterol levels.

9.) Broccoli.

-Broccoli is a lot of calories, low carb food with high nutrient is loaded with healthy plant compounds that help protect against various diseases.

10.) Extra-virgin olive oil.

-Extra-virgin olive oil contains healthy oleic acid. It has benefits for Blood pressure and heart health.

11.) Flaxseeds

- Flaxseeds. It helps reduce inflammation low heart disease risk to decrease blood sugar levels. And improve insulin sensitivity.

12.) Apple cider vinegar.

It can help improve fasting blood sugar levels, but it finds many that are necessary to confirm health benefits.

13.) Strawberries.

-Strawberries are low sugar fruits that have strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve insulin resistance.

14.) "Garlic.

-they have

-manganese: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)

-VitaminsB6: 2% of the DV.

-Vitamin C: 1% of DV.

. Selenium: of the DV.

.fiber: 0 .06 grams.

-Garlic can help lower blood sugar.inflammation. (LDL)

Cholesterol and blood pressure in people with diabetes.

15.) squash.

-Summer and winter squash contain benefits anti-oxidants and may help lower blood sugar.

16.) Shirataki Noodles.

-wonderful for diabetes and weight management.

-The glucosamine in Shirataki Noodles promotes feelings of fullness and can improve blood sugar management and cholesterol levels.

When she's done writing the 16good meals for against the Diabetes.

She printed.

"Mer, who are her doctor"?

She asked her secretary still facing her print machine.

"Doctor Meñoza,"

Her secretary answered.

"Okay, I'll go there later in her office"

"Okay, ma'am"

Her secretary said.

"Before I forget you better tell everyone that they need to do X-RAY and CBC to make sure they are in good health or not okay"

"These are all the results in the CBC of the patient's ma'am not everyone has tested yet maybe they have no budget how can we convince them"

Her secretary said and she thought about it.

"How about you talk Don Damian to give their free X-rays and CBC just one time"

Her secretary said.

"But, Meren I was new here Don Damian might think I'm an opportunist, "She said.

"It's just like this Mer, we try them to convince her to do the same for them"

And if not really we can do nothing"

She said and returned her work.

Rancho  Del soiko.

While Ct, preparing to meet their new buyers at the hotel.

She wears her business clothes and tied her hair till her waist.

She facing the mirror before getting out of her room and went to her grandma's  room.

She was going to knock on the door when she heard her grandma's talking inside instead she knocked she stopped and Leand her side head the door.

"Okay, it's okay he's useless to change him someone better who finds our son justice a soon as possible"

Her eyebrows tingled.

"What until now she assumed the justice of her mom and dad"

She was sighed.

Instead of knocked she returned to her room and sitting down on her bed.

"Diós mio give me a sign if there's have someone's behind mom and dad's death"

She whispered prayed.

"Fuck Mierda" She was surprised when the wedding pictures of her mom and dad suddenly fell off.

"Lord is this a sign diós whoever they are I will make sure they'll pay it,"

She tightened her jaw and handed the broken frame.

"Mama, Papa I promised you I'll find justice for you whoever's they are I will make sure they paid not just in jail I kill them just like did to you they are haven't right to leave this world happier I will ruin them until they kneeled at me to give their mercy.

She was felt pain in her Palm and the blood fell on the floor, she was grip tightened on the cracked picture, causes her palm was wounding.

She sighed and went to her cabinet to take some first aid kit.

She has the middle of treats her Palm when someone knocked on the door she landed the  and opened.

"Señora, your buyer's called "

Flavio, Said and looked at the floor with blood.

"Just canceled it I'm not in the mood to face him" She said.

"Señora, You okay what's happening in your palm"

Then Flavio asked, to her.

"I'm okay Flavio, thanks for your concern and don't tell grandmas about this my wounds okay"

She said.

"Yes Señora"

Flavio said and left as she went back to sitting on the bed and finished what she had done.

Then she looked out the window of her room.

She needs to talk to her grandma she will not let her grandma do it alone they did this together.

"Oh, jake how are you with miss Beautifull yesterday"? Nato asked, To Jake.

"Good she has a big rancho"

He said.

"I see anyways I'll go ahead," He said to him then walked away immediately.

He , was handed the paper plan of the resort he already finds the construction worker Sunday they will go back to manila.

He doesn't know but he feels comfortable with her even though sometimes she cursing at him he didn't feel like this before he has a lot of woman fling, every day has changed he treats theme like a play toy it's not important and special.

It's like a toy. When you want, you can buy it, but if you get bored, immediately change it to something new. That's what he used to believe. But when he meets Ct, everything has changed.

Ct was very important for him very special he realizes when she, got shoot he was worried about her for some reason.

"I think I'm Inlove with her"

After that he said, and None of his own looked at her house.

He enjoyed last night watching their many horses' inside the Quadra he put the plan papers and walked.

He looked at the small island.

He smiled remembering that he had fished for the first time his Dad brought him here.

Ct, was decided to get out of her room to take some fresh air outside she did not say goodbye to her Grandma.

She walking until she found herself standing under the water.

This is her favorite place when she missed her mom and dad

she looked at the side of the rather large rock.

She steps toward the rock and sitting down while facing the sea.

She Folded her toes up and rested her chin on the top.

Her hair flew in the air.


She heard someone and sat beside her.

Her eyes winded when she fully see the guy beside her.

Their eyes meet.

"Mierda! Are you following me,"

She asked in a curious voice.

"Nope, that's what a called destiny,"

He said and she looked him fantastically and she raised her eyebrow.

"Heh! Don't bother me"She rudely said before turning facing back to the sea.

"You okay," He asked her and she glared his annoyance.

"You don't fucking care"

She said in a cold voice.

"What's happened to your palm"? He asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"I said you don't Fucking care,"

She said rugged voice.

She was stopped when he was  hold her hand to show up her wounds.

"Don't move" He said in a authoritative voice she wanted to argue with him but she couldn't speak and hold her  breath she looked at him who was looked at her wound carefully she didn't even know she was calm.

And staring him.

He 'had a very perfect face he's puppy light brown eyes and he's thick eyelashes kissable lips and he's perfect jaw.

She was swallowed hard when she felt her throat was dry.

Her World seemed was stop when he smiled at her, and stroked her hair on the back.

"You know Mierda, You can 'tell me what's your problem I'm willing to listen to you They say that when you have a problem you don't' keep on your heart that might be

exploded," He said at her.


She said and facing at the sea before spoke.

"What if you found out that someone's behind your parents dead what would you do,"

She said.

"Hmm-they'll pay" She said.

"What kind"?

She asked.

"The way of sending them into the jail," He, said with a shrugged.

"I think they should also die,"

She said, in a earnest words.

"All I thought they were dead because of the plane accident but someone's killed them"

She said in an emotional voice.

"It was hurt for me many years passed when they died but they did not even find justice so that's why Grandma was strict with me because she did not want me to be like my parents,"

She said and did not stop cry.

He was, comfort her with the way of hugging her courageous words and rubbing her back.

"Shhhh it's okay Everything 'is gonna be okay you'll get the justice you are hoping for," He said and wiped dry her tears.

"Thank you" She said even when she calmed down.

"Don't mention it" He, said and smiled at her.

she stared at him then kiss him.

He was shocked when she was  kisses him.

He saw also the shock on her face when he kissed her.

She was about to pulled away but he was held her nape and moved his lips.

Ct, wants to torture herself with the stupidity she did she wanna argued pushing him but her body doesn't cooperate with her.

His, kiss which made her hypnotized she just closed her eyes and felt the moment.

He kiss her with a passionate and gentle kiss, she moves her lips and responding kiss him.

He was  slowly nibbled her lips with lick sip.

She can't help but groaned when his tongue entered her mouth and he like searching Inside some taste, she holds his neck when she was  feel weak by he's touched.

He was lick, suck, sip, her tongue.

He's Hands were starting to explore her body she was Trimble of the sensation her body even it's just a kiss It caused a strange a tickle in her.

She was stunned when she was suddenly stopped, kissing and hugging her.

"Fuck I'm sorry I shouldn't do this I respect you" He said and she blinked.

"He respects me but why I don't understand we kiss together without committed and Level,"

Oh my god Ct how could you do this CT, you became a bitch Mierda I can't control myself,"

she mumbled while they hugged.

"I'm sorry" He apologizes to her again.

"Nope it's my fault remember I kiss you first,"She said and let go and pulled away.

"I'll go ahead maybe Grandma is looking for me right now,"

She says goodbye and immediately runs.

Jake was left confused while looking at her back.

She has an antics attitude she's not a shy type kind woman' street to the point she was a good kisser also. Then Jake shook his head and stood on the rock.

🇪 Madrid.


"Me a'more what are you doing here maybe your tiger dad we've been looking for you now,"

Riojeblahmar said while sipping her coffee.

"I hate them they are controlled me so I'll stay there,"

Quería said and wrapped her arms into Riojeblahmar's neck.

He was landed he's coffee Glass before carrying her towards the room while they kissing together.

Her leg was wrapping over his body.

He was slowly laid her on the bed and start making love they're tongue fighting inside their mouth lips to lips tongue to tongue .lick, sucks, sip changed their saliva.

While her hand rubbing his abdomen down to his absences.

They are both wild and aggressive he was removed her Dress and undies and starting drive her into the heavens sex.

Riojeblahmar kiss Querías lips down to Her collar bone with suck.and lick.


Queríamoansn when Riojeblahmar's suck her hard nipples and lick.

She starting gasped groned by the sensation of her body

She gripped the bedsheets tightened and nibbling her lips.

He was kiss her abdomen navel down to her feminine and starting licking sucking her clit she was going crazy.


She moaning loudly when his Middle finger inserted her deeply harder faster move in and out she gasped.

"I love you me a'more"

He said in a husky voice before continued.

"I lo-veyouu to Me R-ey"

She said and starting moan again.

"Ohhhh-ahhh-me Reyahh-faster -Mierda fuck im Cummings"

She was moaned and he did faster deeper move his fingers inside her.

Until his semen exploded inside her.

they are was  Changed position.

He was laid down while she was busies giving him a mouths sex or BJ.

She  groaned when she was played he's two balls using her tongue.

"Ohhhhhmmm-me a'more that's was good ohhhhhmmm"! He said and she was  wrapping her two hands around his cook and slowly inserted her mouth deeply did up and down her head.

Til he was cum again and they changed again position  then he was parted her legs enter her move faster.

They both moan.

"Ohhhhhmmm-ughhhhh-me Rey faster -such"! I'm cuminggg again "!

He said Til they've done making love they are the same tired exhausted.

Gabriel 'was busy took care of Sarah' who was have sick Sarah was still asleep she has fiver and many cut wounds on her body even her face there's have.

"Get well son me ríena don't worry I'll be here in your side okay," He 'said and kissed her forehead.