Chapter 9

Passion and Power.


Ct, Was sitting down on the bench facing the shore sea the breeze air embracing her body, she can't sleep the soft kiss of Jake, was messing her mind.

"What did I feel"?

She asked herself while hugging her folded toes up and leaning her chin tip.

"CT, the night is about to go deep"

Her Grandma said rubbed her back.

"Grandma, I'll just sleep next to you don't worry about me"

She said still down her chin.


Her Lola said and Left her.

She just sat down and felt the cold air.

While Jake was still awake in the middle of the night he didn't feel drowning thinking of Ct,.

"What was she doing right now

Is she already sleep"?

He asked himself while smoking his cigarettes.

Her alluring kiss lately was given him temptation and desires his body, he didn't even know just because of those his body reacted immediately but he can control himself besides Ct, was different Woman she deserves a respect and love from him although she's a Savage antics woman and Queen of the cursed she still special for him.

And she felt was pity for her earlier, it was not easy for her parents to go through. "What will I do to make her happy"?

Kapagkuwan he sighed and put the cigarette on the ashtrays.

finally, Ct was feeling asleep she left the balcony and went to her room.

Rancho de Ignacio.


David was countless times da-iled her daughter's phone number to try to call her but it cannot be reached.

He'll pretty sure her daughter was in the Mafia house now.

Those guy getting his nerves.

Those father of moron was his older brother who was running away thier family when they were still young men and it joined a mafia boss and he forgat them.

"The fuck"

A lot of times he tries to admit her daughter how they are relative's of them but it's really hard for him his words will always be swallowed by the air when he tries to tell the truth.

he doesn't know what we're going To do even his wife doesn't know also.

He tried to call again but it's the same way.

"Tsk, Mierda! Stupid this is my fault I'm such a coward"

He hissed and he turned his wife when grunts.

"Margarita, you awake"

He said and rubbed his hands on his wife's forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine but still I felt hazy"

His wife said in a weak voice.

"It's okay you need a lot of rest okay I'll call the doctor first hold on"

He said and immediately left the room and walked towards the nurse station.

"Nurse, my wife's already awake where's doctor Calderon"

He asked.

"Wait sir I call"

The nurse said and immediately took the telephone.

The doctors came and they walked together into the room doctor already checked his wife tell the instructions before living the room.

"Margarita how's your feeling hmm"

He said and kissed his wife on the temples.

"Where's Quería"!

Instead of answering the questions, his wife asked him he blows a heavy sighed.

"We're fighting yesterday and maybe she got mad at me right now there 'in her novio' gangster's home"

He said.


He couldn't believe look at his wife and instead of argument he sighed and sat

On the section couched he pulled off his hair of the frustration he wanna asked his wife how to tolerate their daughter's love life and for the god sakes they are was a cousin couple, .no one should be blamed why this leads difficult situation nothing should be him.

Gabriel 'was finished wiping Sarah's body using the wet cold face towel trying to reduce the heat on her body.

Her pale lip was shaking while hugging the comforter around her bodies he was worried about Sarah 'she groned of the pain her wounds were swelling and she becomes a redness and she has a fever.

"This can't be I need to bring her to the hospital"

He said and immediately took his key car.

"Sarah we should go to the hospital"

He said,.

"Ga-b please don't bring me to the hosp-ital" She said he shake his's head.

"No Sarah don't be hardheaded your in danger you've sick for the god sakes"

He said and trying to carry her.

but he stunned when he saw Sarah's tears filling down on her cheek.

"Okay don't cry I shouldn't bring you to the hospital instead I will send them here okay"

He said and took his phone.

After a couple of minutes, the doctor came and treated her immediately the doctor injected the Td vaccines she had tetanus and she got It from the wounds she sustained.

Also, the or give her (TIG) or Tetanus immune globulin and tetanus antitoxin, is a medication made up of antibodies against the tetanus toxin.

"Get well soon Sarah"

He said and kissed her forehead before living the room to prepare some breakfast.


Mirá's woke up at the usual time to prepare for work.

She went to their small bathroom and took a shower.

Afterward, she left the bathroom and changed her clothes she tied her hair before leaving her room.

"Mira,Hija eat first"

Her mother said to while landed the food on the table.

"Okay, mom next Sunday were start my Class I'm so busy I couldn't help you there"

She said while sipping her milk.

She does not want coffee to be.

"It's okay Hija I support you"

Her mother said and she smiled just and looked at her mother.

"Thank you Mom"

She said.

"That's okay and besides this is my fault"

Her mother said she was stunned and confusion's her mind.

"Ho? Why couldn't"

She asked.

"Just eat don't mind me"

Her mom said and because she knew her mother was not forced to tell. she better quiet and eat.

They knocked on their door was got her attention.

"Good morning Aunt I just fetch up Mira"

Nato arrived.

"Hay such a sweet"

Mira thought and smiled at him.

"Coffee down"

As soon as her mom stood up,she fixed herself.

"Naku Auntie No Thanks but I think we're going"

Nato said.

"Okay be careful huh"

Her mom said.

"Bye mom"She said and went out. "Sexy babe I have something to tell you"He said, to her as they walked.

She glance at him.

"What is that"?

She asked.

"Tomorrow I was going back in manila" He,said and she felt sad.

"Is that so"

She just said.

"I'll be back, don't be sad sexy babe," He said to her and walked away.

"I'm not sad no why would who do you think you are"?She said.

"We don't have a level but always remember sexy babe your special to me so I will miss you," He said, to her she felt butterflies on her tummy.


She said and boarded the boat first.

"Sexy babe are you sure you don't miss me it's unfair"

He complained to her so she was  pinched his cheek and smiled.

"Of course I can miss you. I don't have anyone to bring me up here" She said and Nato's face turned sad.

"Seriously sexy babe you miss me that because of that"

Its resentment.

"Okay l miss you too"

She said a sarcastically voice.

"Sexy babe, I'm serious don't answer me like that way"

He said and start maneuvering the boat with brushing his teeth to control his tempered.

She blinks and bit her lower lip.

"Miss you too"

She Said she saw how Nato's pout lip turned to brightly smile stared her.

"Yeah" !!

I got it "!!

He  said to her she just shook her head and then smiled as well.

Ct, groaned when her usual nightmares visit her again.

She panting gripped her comforter tightened.

She gets up and wipes away her sweat using her hands.

"Those fucking nightmares"

She hissed and went to the bathroom to calm herself.

She sunk herself into the bathtub and took a breath.

Those nightmares it makes her grump head and not always in the mood she made busy herself the way of the work she tries to make happy herself the way of being childish to forget the reality but it isn't it hard for her to pretend her true feelings and behaviors sometimes she called weird because of her name, and personality especially when she was a high school student a lot of her classmates wanna be her friends but she always ignored them she always said "Mira, was my only friends she's enough"

She considers Mira as her little sister.

She took a while until she was satisfied and getting up from the bathtub and facing the shower.

Doña, Pasi was in the middle of cooking for breakfast when her phone was rung.


She answered.

"HAHAHA, HAHAHHA, hi me ríena how are you dare"?

Doña's eyebrows raised.

"Loco '! Why are you calling"

She asked annoyed voice.

"Is it wrong to call my dear"

The answer to the other line.

"You're crazy"

She was annoyed and the other line just laughed.

"Hehehe anyways I just wanna meet your granddaughter Miranda was in sick now"

The other line says.

"And what can my granddaughter help your girl"?

She kept asking questions on the other line, she was more annoyed his laugh.

"Miranda is not my woman she's my dog ​​HAHAHHA '!

The other line says.

"Okay bye"

She said and went down.

"His insane "

She said and she was shaken and asked her look at her granddaughter when come out from her room.

"Hi grandma"!

Her granddaughter's greeted her in a slow voice she didn't anything asked instead she prepared the food for us she know that her Nieta now is not in the mood when her Nieta's act like this she visited her nightmares again she landed the food bowl in her Nieta's front still she was quiet sipped her coffee.

"Her just eat a lot"

She said and sit her chairs opposite of her Nieta they were eating.

Jake, was looking up the structure tomorrow they will be going back to manila he has planned to talk Ct, but why? There is no need for her

He knows Ct, she doesn't care about him.

He saw Nato walking towards him Nato's face was so sad and suddenly hug him.

"This one is crazy"!

He was mentally Lol

"Hey what the hell is your problem"?

He asked Nato,.

"I'm going to miss my sexy babe"

Nato said he just rolled his eyes.

"So don't leave here that's a simple problem you make it difficult"

He said and Nato just thought deeply.

"Yeah I want to but I need to go back to manila you know Jake I have an obligation in the company you forgat I'm a boss"

Nato said and he just shrugged.

"Why are you sure you have a chance with Mira,?

He asked and Nato, was wink and he turned to smile on his lips.

"Yeah she said later when I accompanied her into the hospital she missed me"

Nato said and he raised his eyebrows.

"That's good anyways I think everything is fine we can go home this afternoon or tomorrow"

He said.

"Okay tomorrow i will go back and now I spent my time to my sexy babe and you why don't you spent your time with miss Beautiful I think you'll okay now"

Nato said he was silent.

"I try you know those woman hard to get"

He said.

"Oww what if we invite their for a dinner what do you think"?

Nato's asked him.

"I don't think so Mierda is just had Curfew in the evening you do know that he is not allowed to go out at night"

He said Nato, just curious.

"Ow is that so sad"

Nato said and he just shrug.

"So anyways what's happened to you between miss Beautiful yesterday"?

Nato, asked him he was silent and smiled when he remembered they kissed together her soft sweet lips.

"You might Inlove her don't you like women"

Nato said and he glanced at Nato before looking up.

"She's different even though she has a Savage personality she always cursing but she's very special to me I would like to say her goodbye before we leave but I was scared If her Answer she might be saying what the hell i care so

much better I didn't see her until tomorrow, maybe I won't be able to leave if I saw her "

He said Nato, just chuckled.

"We're sames brad we want to stay here for our love ones but we can't just neglect our responsibilities in Manila"

Nato, said and sad voice he blink.

"Yeah, so what's your plan"?

He asked Nato.

"As can i say lately I spent my time with my sexy babe"

Nato, said.

"Good luck so are you in a relationship now"?

He asked Nato, shake his head.

"Its courtship maybe Mira not just ready to enter a relationship will i understand her she's busy her work and next week she starting Learning school about Dietitian nutrition and I should do nothing Instead suffort her"

Nato said and tapped his shoulder.

"Hopefully you too brad don't give up your feelings I know miss Beautiful was like you too we fight our feelings for them"

Nato said and he just smiled because he knew he was still hopeful because she kissed him.

"Yeah" He said.


"Ma'am Mira, the all patient already be there at the gym"

Mirá's sectretary came on her office and she nodded.

"Okay I'll be next"

She said and took the belongings.

"Ma'am I'll help you"

Her secretary offered and she just smiled.

"Nope i can handle this You can go"

She said and immediately took the things need she took.

She stepped out of her office and walked towards the gym she was about- going turn left when someone bumped her so she let go of what she was carrying and sat down.

"Aww god it hurts "

She said and held her buttocks she massaged when someone hands offer her so she looked up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bumped you came here"

The man said and clung to his hand.

"Hmm it's okay"

She said and looked at the item she was carrying that was handed to him.

"Hi I'm Stephen"

He introduced and she just smiled.


She said the guy in front of her was halp Russian and also handsome but Nato, was most handsome in her eyes she felt sad when she remembered Nato, was going back in Manila.

"Okay I'll go first"

She said and walked she caught up with five patients who were busy with Zumba and exercise she smiled looking at them sweater.

"Okay guys ma'am Mira, is here okay let's take your weight and let see if do you some improvement "

Her sectretary shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked at her and nearing her immediately and check their weight.

She sighed relief breath when they all have improvement of their body.

"Okay guys you'll do good you have all improvement keep like this okay soon you will be healthy and always remember lifestyle is than cure okay"

She said and they smiled gladly.

"Ma'am Mira your tea"

Her secretary said.


She said and sipped her tea while facing her computer.


"Good morning everyone please proceed at thier many stage we are have an announcement today"

Nelly, was immediately took her belongings and left the library she walked the stages and many others were already there who were exited.

"Okay everyone are you excited the announcement today"!

Emcee shouted she was sitting down the full stage was loud.

"Wooooh yeah we are" "!

Everyone shouted.

"Okay next week is acquaintance party get ready"!

emcee shouted .She was confused, they don't have Acquaintance party in Saudi Arabia that's only for college students. Because that was held every semester beginning of the entrance school to knowing each other but here there's have Even it's highschool.

"Wohhhh I'm so exited"!

They girl shouted she stood up and walked into her room.

"Hi I'm Adriana can you be my friends were classmate"

She stopped and looked at the girl who was talking at her .She smiled.

"Hi I'm Nel-"Her words stuck on her guts when The gurl speak.

"I know you I always look at you in the upper seat"

Adriana said she just smiled she wanted too have a friend's there but those not mean full of artfully. She think Adriana was good friends for her.

"Hello do you have any friends here"?

She asked while they walked through the locker first.

"Hmm no I want to have friends like you"

Adriana said.

"We're sames"

She Said and opened her locker.

"Anyways are you going to the acquaintance party next Monday"? Adriana asked to her.

"Yes I'm exited Actually"

She said and Adriana just pouty lips.

"Yeah I hope no one chooses us"

Adriana said and she curious asked.

"Why what's up"?

She ask.

"FLIRTY DANCE, just example that we all put our name in the box and Whoever is chosen and she will stand in the center stage and all the men will dance with her once the man touches the woman it's not a crime I'm really nervous if we could just not attend the party in case it can't be "Adriana said and she just frowned."

"What seriously what kind of policy is this"

She said and Adriana just shrugged.

"I don't even know too"

Adriana said she sighed.

"Okay let's go our next subject"

Adriana said and they immediately stepped out from the locker room.

"Hey Fueron catch"

Tantan said and Catching the mineral water him they are her in the basketball court break time with hes two friends Jonathan and Paul.

"You know next week acquaintance party of senior highschool since next day with us what if we attend they have some chicks"

Tantan said oh Jonathan.

"As long as I don't want to upset me with Nieves"

Paul refused because he was taken.

"Okay Let's attend the Party Tan"

He said he want to attend he need to make sure Nelly's was secure he know what's the deal when Acquaintance party it's dangerous for her will not used this situation she need a friend's to protect her Against them.

"Hahaha, Who can a woman go to the center stage If she have lush curve her body I will dance with her"

Tantan said he was chuckled and wiped he's sweat.

"Tsk but me I have a dinner date with Nieves"

Paul said in proud sound voice he just smiled he was happy for Paul and Nieves,. Nieves is also their friends since elementary and highschool until now .They're 4years as a couple they going better and stronger they love each other eventhough Nieves mom and dad against them relationship but Paul was fight their relation until Nieves family accept him he and tantan was witnessed Nieves and Paul relationship they are always suffort them when Paul confess he's feeling with Nieves they had did a very special efforts that's it all worth because Nieves also love at Paul and she answered him a short time court according to Nieves relationship Should be prolonged and not courtship will she have point she decent woman kind and she also like an older sister eventhough they are old than her.

"Okay let's go"

Tantan said and they walked through the locker room.

Rancho Del soiko.

Ct, was busy to did the paperworks in her office while sipping her coffee.

"Señora, miss Lambarde is here" Flavio came her office.


She said and getting up her chair and stepped out.

"Miss Lambarde why brought your here"?

She asked and sitting down opposite chair.

"Yeah i would like to remind you remember last month we talk about my cow now I already decided to sell my half cow and property"

Miss Lambarde said she just smiled.

"Ow, that's great"

She said and miss Lambarde handed a folder.

"There are documents with the title of half Loti and half cow"

Miss Lambarde said she was accepted and review the documents.

"Okay tommorow I'll go your rancho to look at the cows there okay and I'll find some cow-workers to take care of them"

She said.

"Okay I'll wait you there good day Amega"

Miss Lambarde said before stood up and gave her a kiss.

"Take care"

She said and clawing to her office the Rancho of Miss Lambarde is there in batanggas far away.

She took the telephone to call Flavio.

"Señora,"Flavio, answered in telephone.

"Okay just contacted miss Layla's agency we need more cow-workers maybe 10person the cows is 40+"

She said.

"Noted señora"

Flavio said and she just dropped the call she took a deep breath "we have a new business self Is you can handle this"?

She laughed at her question to herself from now on she could need to find some engineers and architects to build her cow house there for her Diary farming she should talk her Grandma first.

"Señora, there are papers coming from CT, hotel"

Flavio said and she accepted a box it's to much.

"Señora, You has alot of responsibilities and now the cows in Batanggas your going hagard and stressful"

Flavio, said in worries voice.

"It's okay Flavio I can handle this thanks for your concern I appreciate"

She said and Flavio just bowed.

"Okay señora as long as you don't neglected yourself"

Flavio said.

"I will"

Ow Flavio can you find some engineer while I will still talking about diary farming in batanggas can you find a good engineer and architect I will take care of that rancho and hotel first okay "

She said.

"No problem señora" Flavio said.

"Thanks to you"She said and turned her attention in the paperworks.

Flavio shuddered as he came out. Nothing could really beat the diligence of her boss,she just did everything and now they have a new business diary farming.

Then he looked at Doña and handed the toper well


He said and bowed.

Doña smiled at him before entering Ct's office.

When Doña entered her granddaughter office she saw her granddaughter was busy analyzing the paperworks she sighed before slowly landed the food on the table She did not notice her.

"Ct, that's alright eat there first"

She said and Her Granddaughter smiled at her.

"Thanks grandma"

She said with a smile.

"Oh hey there while you are eating I will replace your position let me handle this documents"

"Thanks Grandma"Her Granddaughter said and she just nod before sitting down the swivel chair and started signing the paper she read first before reading after a couple of hours her Nieta's hug her neck she smiled at the good mood of her Nieta.

"Grandma, I'm done"

CT, said and her Lola getting up.

"Okay I'll be out" Her Grandmother said goodbye and left at her office.

Rancho de Ignacio.


"What dad are you joking us"?

Quería asked her Papa was telling that she and Riojeblahmar they are a cousin.

"I'm sorry me Hija if now I tell this I'm sorry for hiding this Margarita"

Her Papa said and she ran away she couldn't handle what her dad was saying- about "What we are a cuzzin for the good sakes yeah I'm a Savage bitchiest but I also believe in love can't be if you are a relative's no! ! I love him to much but we are a cousin"

She said and pulled off her hair and cry eventhough her eyes were becoming blurry cause of the tears she dialed Riojeblahmar's number they need to break up even it's too suffocating for her this is a big wrong.

"Hello me A'MOR"

Riojeblahmar answered in tenderly voice she couldn't help but sobbed.

"Hey me amore you okay"?

Riojeblahmar asked in worries voice.

"We need to talk I meet you in the casino restaurant"

She said and hung up the phone she immediately left thier house and entered her car to drove into the casino restaurant.

"David how could you hide this secret you must have been said earlier. Now it's really hard for our daughter she loved Riojeblahmar '"

Margarita said.

"I'm sorry Margarita"

David said and Margarita just hissed.

"Mierda and what would we do now I'm sure Quería was really hurt"

Margarita said and held her head it's pain.

"Margarita just rest okay I'll take care of our daughter okay"

David said and Margarita was lay down on her bed.

"I had a lot of problems in the company"

Margarita said while closed her eyes cause of head painful David massage her head.

"Me amor what's wrong"?

Riojeblahmar asked Quería was sitting down.

"Riojeblahmar we need to broke up we are a cuzzin"

Quería said Which made Riojeblahmar stunned and turned hes frowned.

"What are joking me a'mor"

Riojeblahmar asked with a laugh Quería just sobbed.

"I'm not kidding Riojeblahmar papa told us earlier that we are a cuzzin we can't be together"

Quería said and Riojeblahmar hugged immediately Quería who was still cried loudly.

"Me a'more that's not true we both know that your papa didn't like me for you maybe he try to ruined our relationship that's not true me amor"

Riojeblahmar said and stroking Quería's hair.

"But that's the fact Riojeblahmar"

Quería said.

"Okay that's have a solution we need to take DNA test so we know the truth okay we did this"

Riojeblahmar said and Quería just Stop cried.

"If she doesn't your papa I will kill him right away"

Riojeblahmar said and Quería glared him he Lough.

"Hehehe I'm just kidding me a'mor"

He said.

"Okay let's go"

Quería said and they are going into the hospital.

"Sarah 'You need to eat for the med okay"

Gabriel 'said while feed Sarah who was still a sick.

"I'm not hungry"

Sarah said he blow's a loudly breath.

"Sarah you need to eat this"

He said.

"You may leave I can handle myself"

Sarah Gabriel's was tempted brushing his lips to against the gromp he already pissed off Sarah,was very have a hardheaded personality he can do all instead more extended patience.

"This woman lossing my patience she was a sick for the god sake and she have the appetite to fight me"He mumbled and landed the food before living.

When Gabriel 'left the room Sarah immediately get up from the bed even she felt hazy she wear her Jacket and stepped out the room she went home to her condo she saw Gabriel' sitting on the couch and sipped he's coffee she slowly approached him.

"Thank you for taking care of me I'll be leave now"

She said she did not wait for the him response and turned the doorknob she stopped when Gabriel 'grabbed her waist.

"You are really stubborn you stay"

Gabriel 'said in strong voice.

"Gab-" her words swallowed by the air when Gabriel 'immediately carry her in to the room.

"Tsk-- I wanna go home"

She said and Gabriel 'landed her in the bed.

"You can't go home until you're not becoming well"

Gabriel said firmly.


She said.

"Here eat first "He said and feed Sarah,who was confusion looking at him until she finished eat and hi prepare the med.

"HERE drink please Sarah don't refuse it's good for you"

Gabriel 'begged she raised her eyebrows and glared him.


She asked.

"What, why "?

Gabriel asked with shrug.

"Why are you doing this"?

She asked Gabriel 'was swallowed.

"Because we're friends right and also partner in crime"

Gab said and she disappointed nodded.

"Friends partner in crime"

She mutterd is that all for him?

"What do you expecting from him your such a assuming"

She mutterd said and leaned over the couch she picked her arm and see her wounds.

"How's that"?

Gabriel 'asked she shrugged.

"It's okay now than yesterday"

She said and took her phone to call her mom maybe they are already worried about her.

"Me Hija My god are you okay"?

Her mom asked the other line.

"Yes mom I'm fine nothing to worry about me I was survive"

She said she heard her mom sighed relief breath.

"Thank God "

Her mom exclaimed.

"So where are you now when you are came back her"?

Her mom asked.

Gabriel 'was listening Sarah talk on her phone with her mom he blow's a loud breath. "Whats a feeling when someone worried about you"

He asked himself he did not experience a love of his parents he has not that he grew up in the orphanage he is a scholar according to the sister he just left at the church.

"What those kind of parents they had the courage to give birth to me while but they was just abandoned afterwards"

Instead of remembering his past he walked towards the balcony and bring tequila.

He's phone ring it's detective Lieymotiente he immediately answered.

"Sir" He answered.

"Gabriel 'hows Sarah"?

Mr Lieymotiente ask him.

"Going better sir but she still hard headed Earlier she wanted to go home to her condo but I did not allow her"

He said.

"Okay that's good I will call you if you need to start your new mission and for a meantime just rest and relax"

Mr Lieymotiente said.

"Thank you sir"

He said and Mr Lieymotiente dropped the call and Sarah behind him.

"Hmm it's sir Lieymotiente" He said and Sarah was nodded and sat the Stool.

"Sarah when are you going back home to Miami"?He asked.

"When I'm okay"

Sarah responded to him while focusing her attention on her sniper game.

"Can I go with you I miss tía and tío"

He said.

"Sure" She answered still played.

🇵🇭 Castle.

"Jake, let's go"

Nato's said Jake wear his sunglasses and Look at Nato.

"Okay let's go"

He said and they walked into the hotel after their work here they just went here back to check up.

"Jake, what do you think it's too early so let's go to Rancho Delsoiko"

Nato's suggest.

"Sure let's go"

He said instead they were at the hotel. They went straight to the Rancho Delsoiko.

When their was arrived, the voice of the workers greeted them.

"Good day what do you need"?

The man asked them.

"Ahh, we would have been here to ride can we"?

Nato asked the man while Jake was busy roaming looking for Mierda.

"Okay wait up I'll call Señora first"

Said the man and entered.

"Señora, there are two men outside they want to ride"

Flavio said she stood up and went out she looked at the two men who also looked at her.

"Oww" she mutterd and walked towards them when she approached it seemed like her heart was pounding.

"Miss Beautiful can I ride here"

Nato, said but she could only see Jake while smiling she glanced at Nato,

"Sure ENJOY Flavio you will take care of them"

She said and get inside.

"Mierda -" She stunned by the call of Jake she slowly face him she felt akward when she remembered they kiss together and she was the first she swallowed before speak she felt her throat was dry.

"What" "?

She asked in rude voice.

"You can join if you want"

Jake, said and she gulped.

"NO, it's just you"

She said and stepped in her office ..


"Let's go sirs"

The man said and assisted them.



He gives her a flower his such a speed

Tsk eventhough he give one million $ I'm not accepting his offered to have a dinner with her now I want to be with Nato, he's living tomorrow morning.

"Oyy ma'am the depth of what you are thinking is what you are thinking about doctor Steph"

Her secretary teasing her she just smiled fake,

"He's not my type Mer"

She said.

"Ow I know ma'am because you have a boyfriend right now"

Mer said.

"No his not yet my boyfriend"

She said.

"Okay well ma'am he more than handsome "

Mer said she just smiled.

Rancho del soiko.

"Yahhhhh" !!

CT, was laughing while watching Jake ride a horse and it always falls He dont know how to ride he just peeked out the window of her office.

"Tsk you moron you're great while I'm not it's unfair"

Jake complained, that Nato, was already having fun with the horse but he fell a few times, it's a good thing he didn't break her bone.

He try to ride again.


He said and the horse run he lost his balance again and he fell Nato, just laughed with laughter as well as the workers.


Jake watched as Ct approached him, grabbed the horse's leash and jumped on the horse, Jake was stunned.

"Ow what are you looking at ride it at my back"

Ct, said and he smiled.


He said and boarded immediately.

"Owwwww" -

He screamed when Ct, the horse, suddenly ran and hugged Ct,waist.

Ct, actually gasped when she felt electricity flow her body by Jake hugged on her waist.

Then the corner of her lips was slowly turned into a smiled.

"What ?you are Man and you afraid of horses fuck you"!

She cures at Jake,

"Tsk tell that because your a good rider but me this is my first time "

Jake,said behind her his hands went up to her left shoulder which She jerked has a tickled.

"Tsk, Mierda don't hold my shoulder"!

She said and Jake,hands went straight to her neck so she was even more tickled.

"Motherfucker get off of my neck "

She said.

"But Mierda I don't want your waist i feel temptation of my body"!Jake,said honestly said over her shoulder and his breath hit her neck so she was really terrified.

"Mierda,! You are a temptation there as long as you do not touch me there I have a tickle that parts so get off if you don't like to fell on the ground we will fall here If you do not let go"! She said.

Jake was forced to return, his arm around the CT, waist and ignored what he felt he noticed they had gone away.

"It's feeling good"

He felt like floating in the cloud while hug Ct, he just wanted them to be like this ever he wish that time was stop this like of position forever but it's really impossible nothing ever think something about work and only feel the warmth moment while hugging CT,.


"Tsk, hey brod please tell my companion if he come back here.I have to fo I will fetch my sexy babe"Nato said to Flavio.

"Okay sir"

Flavio answered him and immediately walked to the port when he arrived he immediately started the boat he was running fast so he just arrived as soon as he got down he immediately frowned as Mira talked happily with a doctor.

He slowly approached them and Mira walked away immediately.

"Sexy babe"

He said and he looked at the man and he also looked at him and he just nodded.

"Ow Nato, your here anyways this is doctor Stephen Stephen this Nato, my suitor"

Introduce Mira, to him.

"Hi I'm Stephen Nice to meet you"

The doctor Introduced at him and shake hands he smiled.

"Nice to meet you too so we're go ahead"

He said goodbye and put his arm around Mirás shoulder.

"Ouchh! sexy babe what"?

He asked when Mira, pinched he's ear.

"Your hands"

She said and sighed when he got serious.

"Those guy flirt you"?

He Seriously asked but Mira, Lough.

"You know lately he give me a flowers"

Mira said, frowning.

"And you accept it"?

He asked Mirá nodded.

"Sexy babe" ??He said in the tenderly voice.

Mira, could help but to laugh Nato was cute when he 'was a Jealous.

"Sexy babe, I'm going home tomorrow, maybe you'll trade me for him I'll be sad if just gonna be happen"

Nato said with pouty lips.

"Will see"

She said and walked first she was surprised when she didn't hear a step Nato, followed her so she turned back and she saw Nato sat on the Stool and looked at her badly she Lough and approached him.

"Hey let's go"

She said and Nato looked like a child sulking, so she approached and pinched his ear.

"Let's go you look like a kid there it's embarrassing you stand up"

She said and Nato, doesn't listened.

"Sexy babe promise me you don't let him to flirt you I will be getting Jealous and hurt"Nato, begged her and she smiled.

"Nato, i can't promise because sometimes the promise is going to broke you but just believe me I'm yours"She said and Nato's face turned softly and immediately hugged her.

"Thank you sexy babe as long as I'm in manila we always do vedio call okay"

Nato, said still hug her Mira, closed her eyes when she smelled Nato's sweet fragrance.


She said they were in a few minutes in the same position and walked to the boat while they were holding hands.


"MIERDA, what are your feelings about me"?

Jake asked her

Ct, was speechless and also asked herself what she felt for Jake, this is the first time When the men asked her about her feelings.

All she knew was that she always wanted to see Jake, everyday and only Jake,made her heartbeat going crazy when it came to Jake, she was felt so secure and contented It's unfair but Jake was complete to her life she is not the type of woman that going with the men and trust and telling her horrible Story about her Personal life she swallowed before glanced at Jake but Jake, already stare at her and their eyes meet.

"I don't know maybe I'm Inlove with you .You are the Only makes my heart throb and I'm feeling always safe with you and comfortable "

She said and jake, was smiled at her.

"You know we're sames feelings but they say make sure everything is. What if these feelings of ours are only temporary and Years month came this might be disappear"

Jake said and she agreed.


She said.

"But don't worry Mierda if it my feelings for you doesn't disappear even though I'm far away from you I'm promised I will came back here"

Jake said.

"Fuck it's getting dark I have to go"

She said and ran into the horse as she rode she turned Jake and smiled at her.

"Be careful Mierda see you soon"

Hearing those worlds from Jake she wanted to get off the horse and hug him and tell him not to leave and because she did not want to look desperate she immediately left before she becoming a fragile.

Jake just looked at the distant bulk of Ct, he was right he was saying about how if he returns to manila and he will lose his feelings for Ct, but if he does not he find a way to make them together maybe in the eyes of others He is stupid because the woman has already admitted her feelings too for him but he even said that maybe for a moment he just wanted to make sure they had feelings for each other.