Chapter 11

Passion and Power.

Ct was sitting down the chairs in the restaurant waiting for Engineer,

"Hi-Mierda" Her eyes winded when she heard those voices from behind her. Slowly she faces the guy.

"Tsk-the hell is your doing here and why would you know that I'm here ar/e you following me" She doesn't care if her voice rude asked him.

"I'm here for you," He said and she looks him like she was read his mind.

"For me and why"? She asked with crossing her arms.

"You forget what I say to you when the last time we meet in the castle this is it was fated," He said and the past happened between them on the island will sink through her mind.

"Okay what I asked you what are doing here"? She asked and he handed the folder.

"Nice meeting you again ma'am I'm Brixon Jake greekless and I'll be your engineer here" He said and like her, it was a very sweet voice ever she heard.

"I'll be your Engineer ahem," She thought blinked, and smiled at him.

"Really - okay I didn't know that your an Engineer," She said before pushed herself into the sit position and he also.

"So since now I'm in my work time we have supposed to know as your my Perhaps client and I'm your Perhaps Engineer so shall we go to the property," He said and they are walking into the loti.

"If I could not wrong base on my estimate this is one hectare right what do you plan to build this"? He asked her while walking.

"Yeah this is one hectare and I build a diary farming" She answered and he junodsnods while he was busy making a plan.

"How many cows you have"? He asked her.

"It's 44" She answered.

"Such a smart diligence woman," He said full of admired sounds voice and she blinked against the sun.

"So, what do you think of this," He said and show her a plan.

"This is a great Idea" She comments and looking up at him and their eyes meet his glittering eyes together his adorable smiled she blinked against the desires of him.

"Ask what the hell is that smile" She stuttered said when her heart throbs panting.

"But admit it that you attracted me" Jake, playfully said and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah," She said and turned to check her body.

"Hhmm what a very perfect body" She comments while looking at him he wears simple pants pair a simple tuxedo and folded below until his elbow's and his In fairness he has a voluptuous hips body - Wait she felt her all blood flowing into her face she swallowed and Slowly face him.

"Super cool and -" Her words stuck on her guts while he grabbed her waist she almost lost her balance and she holds his chest she felt his heartbeat fast on her Palm.

He kisses her forehead down to her nose which makes her weak her touse wobbling she thought that he was going to kiss her lips but he embraces her tightly she stunned at the moment then hugged him back and closed her eyes to felt their warmth.

"Mierda, please let me prove my love for you," He said and she gasped it takes more than minutes until she parted her lips to say.

"I want too but you know I'm such a busy person I don't have time for you," She said and he held her hands kiss her Back palm and give her an understanding smiled.

"I won't mind I understand I'm willing to wait" He, said the full sincere voice.

"Okay, but if you can't understand me anymore don't hesitate to tell me if you are already tired and broke up with me don't worry I won't be hurt and from now on let's start as a couple don't court me that was coming, "She said he smiled unbelievably and held her nape before claim her lip she closed her eyes and parted her lips.

Their catching frowning

Their breath and he released her lips and his arm's encircling on her shoulder and look at her over her shoulder.

"Let's go in the cow," He said and they walked into the pasto de Lambarde.

Rancho Del soiko.

While Doña Pasi was busy reviewing the reports of the CT, hotel while sometimes she Blow's aloud breath when she was thinking of her Granddaughter in the Batangas even she already has a bodyguard to secure her she was still worried about her.

"Doña, Someone's wanna talk to you" Flavio, came to the office and gave her the telephone.

"HOLA Doña Pasi It's more little time patience to find justice for your son I talk someone better who 'was can find your Daughters justice Tomorrow they are starting.

To investigate the case don't worry they are very great agents "The Detective said to the other line and she was hopeless.

"Okay, thanks Anyways what about the case of my Nieta (granddaughter)"? She, asked.

"Okay don't worry that's with," He said.

"Okay thanks alright," She said and dropped the telephone and turned her attention to the documents papers.

Mira did nothing else, she just studies she wouldn't be bored but Nato was just distracted, what about her because while she was busy studying she was facing Nato, while they were VC.

"Sexy babe, you destructed from meI just called you back I think I bother you okay" Mira took a deep breath, at last, he Noticed it she smiled at Nato's on the screen.

"Okay, I'm sorry huh I could not focus"She apologized to Nato, and he just smiled at her.

"It's okay sexy babe you should have said that earlier" Natos said.

"I'm just shame," She said and played her black pin on her fingertip.

"Alright bye sexy babe have a great day," Nato said,

"Bye too," She said and turned off the call and got up to prepare lunch at the usual time she ate Alone cause her Mom was still in the rancho since they have some foods left she immediately dug up and put it on the table and ate quietly. When she finished eating she immediately wash the dishes and fix some-thing scattered. She looks at the door when Someone's knock she wonders this isn't time for her mom turned going back she wiped her hands before a walk towards the door and opened.

The men wear a hoodie jacket and faded jeans with sunglasses who was knocking.

"Hi who 'are you"? She asked politely but the guy doesn't answer and offered her a note she confused looking at the guy who's still had serious emotions on her face

"What is this"?She asked.

"Are you Lolita's daughter"? Instead of answer her questions the guy in front of her asked her.

"Yes why"?She asked and the guy shrugs before walking out.

"Hey-"!She called to him but he did not listen she Blow's a sighed- and waited for her mother she wanted to look at the notes but she has no position to read this first her mother only should put the notes on the table before turning back her books.


"Cous what's your problem, and how's tío David now"? Rocky asked Quería, who looked so sad while sipping her juice they are here at him cundo now.

"Cous I was broken right now," She said in a sad voice she can't stop crying.

"What those Riojeblahmar hurt your feelings how dare him" Recky 'said in a bad voice.

"No it's not like that" She insisted.

"Then what"?Rocky asked in a lost patience voice he hates most of all when he's buzzing gotten be hurt just because of the guy.

"We're cousin," She said and cried loudly even though he was shocked he didn't mind it instead hugged her.

"Shii it's a difficult situation but that has a way we both know that you are Inlove each other if you don't want to broke him just don't mind this situation, no matter what, you'll be starting over again and forget the reality, "He said softly trying to comfort her.

"No he also suggests that but I don't want yes I'm such a bitchiest bad sometimes woman but that is a very great sin I've done ever," She said and he sighed before facing her.

"You hurt yourself just follow your heart okay," He said and she gulped sniff.

"Even it's wrong"?She asked he caress her hair before kiss at her top of the head.

"Yeah, Even it's big so wrong just follow what your heart saying okay," He said with a shrug She immediately stopped and carefully thought.

"No! It can't be, I'm not a desperate woman maybe not now but very soon I find someone better than him" She said he could do nothing but nod.

"Okay, if that's your final decision remove Rio, from your mind and heart and make sure you won't feel hurt when you saw him with another woman accompany and give him joy every day just like your did before and hopefully you won't regret your decision in the end and remember the repentance is on the end so think well, He said emphatically with tightened jaw and he pointed his two fingers into her eyes before give winked at her it took to a long time before sink on her mind and when she got tsk.

"That's not gonna be happen I'm already decided and no one can change my mind" She playfully said before getting up to go bar she needs some drink now she gonna be wasted tonight no one can ever care about her there.

"Hey cous where 'are you going"? Rocky asked but she gives only winked at him before saying.

"Goodbye, My dear cuzzin I'm gonna be wasted tonight and don't you dare suppressed me because I wanna be alone tonight and don't you tell Mama and Papa about this"She threatens him.

"Recky speechless then shaken his head and went into the room.

Rancho de Ignacio.


Margarita, and David, were at the dining table to have dinner the long silence between them no one planning to open some conversation, they eat but Margarita, look up the wall clock and she remembers her daughter wasn't yet here.

"Did Quería, call you"? She asked her husband.

"Nope why she doesn't call you"?Her husband returned asked her she just put the fork on her plate before looking at her husband.

"If she calls me why would I ask you idiot"Margarita, said and he was controlling his temper she loves her wife he doesn't want to gonna be hurt her he Blow's a heavy sighed.

"Margarita, I'm sorry okay please forgive me," He said and her wife raised her eyebrows.

"Even though when you such a coward"Margarita, said the insulting voice and he just smiled why would he got mad that is true that's a reality..that's he such a coward man she grinned at him before continue eating.

"Margarita" He called but She raised her arms to give him a quiet signal he could nothing to do afterward his wife went to their room he took the one glass of tequila and drunk it before following his wife to their room.

When Quería, got here in the bar she immediately sits at the counter and got some drinks.

"One more," She said and the bartender gives it her the very hard-hitting drink the Dos Equis she immediately drink it until running off the one-shot glass and she ordered again, and again she felt dizzy and her sights starting blurred and also her mind was Malfunctioning.

"More-"She said at the bartender give her and she walked towards the dance floor while handed the glass she stumbled walk and doesn't mind if she bumped it to someone when she got on the dance floor she immediately drinks her the cocktail and stumbled dance like she hasn't with us.

"Wohhhhhh Fiesta !! She screamed and dance-dance someone held her booty she grinned turned around.

"Hi miss beautiful"The men in front of her great and give her a smacking kiss she gulped.

While Riojeblahmar, busy at the one table with kiss another woman his on the bar now he wanna be relaxed he wanna celebrate their breakup with Quería.While the woman 'busy to kiss him on his neck he saw the familiar woman dance on the dance floor with a man who's touched her buttocks and squeezed it he gritted his teeth and the jealous fell him he approached them and immediately approached them she has enjoyed dance flirt with the men.

"Boggs" he immediately Punch the guy in the jaw and the guy fell on the floor the guy going to up and he adds kick the guy on his abdomen and he guy passes out he giggled turned to Qto uería, still dancing just like nothing happened to her surroundings he grabbed her to out of this place but she strugglings.

"Hehhmm-me amor your here let's enjoy the party"! She drunk said and dance he Blow's a loud breath and immediately carry her into his car.

"Hey I wanna dance they're and drink let's go back I don't wanna go home I want to forget the reality, for now, sake I want to waste tonight" Heard those words he felt hurt he doesn't mind her and places her on the passenger seat he immediately turned around then immediately sit to heading home she murmured something so he approached his face into her face to listen to it she closed her eyes tears fell on her cheek. He held her face to wiped away the tears before kiss her Temple and started maneuvering the car into his mansion she groaned and take off her dressed he hissed.

"Hey what are you doing shit," He asked trying to stop her.

Heat" She said and he gulped when he felt the reaction of his body.

"Damn" He hissed and focus on the road when they are got home he immediately removes his Jacket to cover her body he brought her to his room and landed on the bed he going to out when she grinned at him Mischievously with bite her lips in a kinky sexy before winked at him she gets stumble up he can't control himself and immediately push her into the bed he removed his t-shirt and kiss on her lips. She was parted her lips to welcome his Tongue they kiss lip to lip Tongue to Tongue and his hands starting exploring her body rubbing Squeezing caress on her buttocks his lips down to her collar bone sliding to her abdomen with suck bit that left the mark they wracked a pleasure.

A rough groaned escape from her mouth.

She gritted her tongue together gripping on the bedsheets her body arched when he starting rubbed his middle finger on her wetness center while they continue kissing the strange tickle sensation drew on her body.

She Groaned Loudly as he sucks her hard nipples with play his Tongue while his hands continue ramming her wetness mounds. Her body trembling from the sensation of his magical Tongue she bites her lips as he kisses her earlobe down back to her lips Sucking nipping lacking her Tongue and lips they Catching frowning their breath and no one wants to stop he gradually down and she wobbling as his heavy breath hit on her wetness mounds. She cussed moaned and clenched tight in the bedsheets he starting licking, nipping her wetness mounds down she moaned loudly as she going crazy her eyes rolling up together snapped on his hair. She moaned as he sucks her clit tasting it.

"Like it me amor," He said in a husky voice she just nods.

She loudly moaned and his two fingers insert her and move in and out faster deeper harder she catching her breath and her body's trembling she got cum he sips lapping before getting up and immediately removed hir pants and parted her legs fuck her hard she was moan and also moved her body to accept him full of desires. She growled in a raspy voice while they are body was full of sweats after he fuck her front he flipped her and fuck her from behind she cum a countless time before they satisfied and fell at the bed exhausted.


Afterward CT and Jake survey the whole property they are decided to take lunch together they are Walking towards the restaurant while they holding hands.

"Mahal are you sure you are talking about lately"?Jake, asked her.

"Yes I'm sure and besides that, all a what if. What if we missed understand worsted relationship why would we endurance it lets end that's simple?

They are talking about that maybe their relationship will not work and maybe sooner later they cold each other well what they talked about that if they are stronger lover they continue until they get reached to the point that they can't live without us that's called a Truelove. Maybe she's weird to think about this.

"If you say so I respect what your decision and always remember I won't let that happen I will make you fall in love with me to the point that you cling to my pants for begging that I won't leave you," He said and Ct's hand automatically flew over his shoulder.

"What did you say yes maybe I love you but I'm sure I won't do that never"!She said and he Lough.

"Hahahaha, why are you getting mad They say when you get angry it will come true," He said and she pissed off.

"I'm not a desperate woman," She said in a full of confidence voice.

"Well let see you might eat your words mahal" Jake, said in a tender voice before he encircling his hands around her shoulder while walking.

When there arrived, at the restaurant, they immediately sit and order the food.

"So let start knowing each other," She said.

"Okay since lady's first you will be the first, "Jake said to her she Blow's sighed-.

"Okay I'm Castle tale Delsoiko 12 year's orphan of the parents I'm such a weird person I admit that and I think that's enough, "She said with shrugs.

"Ow, so when you arrive at the castle are you know speak Tagalog"?He asked her.

"My Grandma teaches me how to speak Tagalog" She answered.

"Okay Because when the first time I went to the castle I met a little girl she likes the alien because she speaks those freak in words"Jake, said and she fell silent, suddenly sinking into her brain that happened to her passed when she was a kid.

"Youwww!"They together said and pointed at each other.They both laughed.

"Who knows that the Payatot boy before it's you now Hahahha"CT, couldn't help but laugh remembering those times that she even fought him.

Jake laughed, then frowned when he remembered those last time he saw his dad smiled and happy.

"Hoy-are You okay"?Ct, asked him he nodded.

"Yeah I just remembered something," He said and she just shrugged, and their ordered came they just ate.

Afterward eating they walking around and they talk about their past.


-Beach 💋😍💞

Sarah's and her family enjoying their Bonding in their family flouting sea horse resort they spend their time together with GABRIEL 'she wants to spend her time with her family until she was going back of her work at the Madrid Spain she was flouting the water flouting bed and the cold night breeze air embracing her she just watching the moonlight and the little star.

"Can I joined you?" Gabriel said.

"Sure there's have a little space," She said while still looking up.

"It feels so good" She heard GABRIEL muttered and she just ignored It.

"Sarah, what's your feeling"? He asked her she speechless for a couple of seconds and gradually facing Gabriel.

"Feeling happy," She said with shrugged he immediately grabbed her so she leaned his chest and held her breath.

"Gab" She stuttered said As he slowly approached his face into her and stared at her lips she felt nervous and bite her lips against the Indescribable feelings.

"I love you Sarah"Gabriel 'said and she gulped she wanna asked.

"why, when starting"

but she couldn't speak she felt weak and her chest seemed to explode with nervousness she doesn't even know what's happening to her.

"Shift I need to check up the doctor this is not good"

She said on her mind but she gasped when Gabriel kissed her with a passionate kiss and gentle that was she like a crystal Tooker for did not broke it.

She closed her eyes and felt their warmth kiss together he gradually move his lips and bite carefully.

She parted her lips and his Tongue inserted her mouth and him just like searching some sweat taste inside her mouth his very passionate gentle kiss lately was turned into an aggressive kiss.

She moved her lips and responded to his kiss.

She Groaned when he sucked her tongue and nipping bitting--they stopped when they heard her mom's voice.

"Me hija are you okay there"! Her Mom calling her from there Seahorse flouting.

GABRIEL immediately gets off from Sarah's top.

"Yes mom was okay there," She said.

"Okay goodnight to you there," Her mom said she hesitated looking at Gabriel she felt embarrassed.

"Goodnight," He said and she glanced at him.

"Gab-" Her mouth opened spontaneously.

"Stay here I want to sleep beside you tonight," She said and he smiled.

"Okay as you wish, "Gabriel said and immediately lay down on her side she breathed heavily when he embraced her from behind she just did not move and closed her eyes.

Gabriel has a bright smile on his lips before closed his eyes too

"Feels good"

He mutters while hugging Sarah's behind.



While Nato, and Fueron, were playing Basketball with Their neighbor's friend.

"Woh you boat great after all"Comment by Kemal Nato's childhood friends.

"Yeahhh," Nato said proudly, to them and sat on the stool after they played.

"Bud-hows are you doing now"?Mateo asked him.

The heir also neighbors Kemal friends.

"Good actually tomorrow I'm going back work in my office," He said.

"That's great anyways heard the news about Mr. Delafuente"?Mateo asked him.

"Yes, what about him"?He asked.

"I heard his bar gonna be bankruptcy it's a good thing that I didn't accept his proposal," Mateo said and he was curious.

"They are partners with Kalvin, why Mr. Fenero is a powerful businessman distillery," He said to Mateo while wiping his sweat.

"I don't know, "Mateo said and they just kept quiet and drank water.

"So how's your love life I heard you have a woman on the island is there have a lot of girl's"?Kemal asked him.

"Not much"He replied.

"Oww" Mateo, exclaimed and together with Kemal.

While Fueron was sitting quietly he was excited for tomorrow the Acquaintance party.

When Mira's mother came home immediately she handed the letter to her mom and went back to her room to study after she had just rested.

While Lolita handed the small envelope she doesn't even know but she hesitates to open the paper.

She Blow's a sighed- and Slowly Opened the notes she was shocked at what she read.

-My princess please come back here again I'm sorry for what I did to you many years ago but I truly apologize I'm sorry for being neglected you I need you right now.

Igive you time to think about this but hopefully, you came back with your daughters. I'm excited to see you again and my Apo.


She immediately throws the papers in the trashcan she has no plans to return those place that feels that you are not a normal person she wants this life having now with her Daughters when she returns to there maybe she looks like a prisoner again. She drank water and went to her daughter's room.

Mira was stunned, when her mother hugged her she smiled at her.

"Mom are you okay can I asked if you don't mind, "She said and her mom's eyebrows tingled.

"What is that Mira"?Her mother asked then she took a deep breath.

"What those letters for mom"? She asked her mother stunned she thinks.

"Those letters"?Her mother asked again.

"Don't worry Mira, we can't go there that's not gonna be happen?" Her mother said she was surprised.

"Hoh? What do you mean mom where are we going"? She said in a confused voice.

"You will know very soon but in the meantime, we enjoy our lives there, e," Her mom said that even though she was weird, she just smiled.

And when someone knocked on their door her mom immediately stood up to open it.

It was Flavio with his sister.


While Ct, and Jake, walking around they did not notice the Time it's getting dark they are decided to going to the hotel to have dinner.

When there arrived at the hotel they immediately went to the buffet restaurant.

"Here Dear"Jake's offer, in mussels.

"Thanks" CT, said and took the pizza and leafy foods and her favorite dried fish before sitting down at the table.

"Dear your lucky you have no competencies here and why would Ms. Lambarde did not build her Dairy farm"? Jake, said.

"I don't know maybe she doesn't want that kind of business anyways you already Contact some construction worker"?She asked.

"Yes actually tomorrow they are all here and don't worry I can handle the contract papers"Jake, said and winked at her she just rolled her eyes.

"Handsome points pretty sure," She said.

"Nope I don't need points because I'm handsome even with points and without a point "Jake, said she grinned at him flattering

"Heh, it's wind"?She asked him in a sarcasm sarcastic

"Nope I have my higher confidence and I believe myself that I am a hotties Batchelor guy," He said, with shrug.

" Great," She said.

"Do you believe I'm handsome," He said to her?

"Tsk -why? Did I call you ugly so that means you are handsome I was not just thinking earlier about those words" she said?

"They say when you speak immediately and don't even think about it that's a called brave woman," Jake said, to her.

"How could you say that"? She asked.

"Simple because I see in your personality your hottest sexy great businesswoman Wierd imagen You have a lot of responsibilities in the hotel and Rancho and also your coming Diary farming your such a diligence woman and let me ask you how's much a month you made this business plan"?Jake asked her.

"When I bought this property and cows," She said he laughed.

"See once you enter a business you better think about who knows sooner or later you change your mind," Jake said, and she nodded.

"Ahem exactly that's what my Grandma also said but maybe She is very confident in my ability and what if I was wrong in my decision she always is my side she always said that, "She said.

"That's good and I'm also here I support your craziness antics," He said she slapped him on the cutlery.

"What I'm not like that" She insisted Jake raised his hand in the air

"Okay let's eat," He said and they just ate.

Chapter 11

Hope you enjoy reading this story!💹