Chapter 12

 passion and Power.



Afterwards the dinner between CT, and Jake,They are going back in their  hotel unit.

Jake' accompanied her into her room  while talking,about random.For  the short time they are talking he was took A lot of  information about her

Ct, was very amazing woman a decent woman and not materialistic woman she always truth herself  and she is not a shytype woman.

Sometimes she become a amazona .Jake was really sure about his feelings for her and He wanna spend his life with her ti'l for the rest of his life no matter what.

"Ahhmm--Why are you serious there'?"He blinked twice when she asked him.

"Ahhm, nothing Im just happy thoughts about you"He answered with a  shrugs she nods before held her key cards for opens her  hotel unit

"Ahhm- is that so okay good night Me A'MOR"She said kiss his lips but it was a smack kiss.

He gulped then grabbed her waist and kiss her back

A rough groaned escape on her lips As he kiss her turridly slowly nibble her lower lips.her heart was pounding echoed her body.

"I love you dear"He said.his voice was enticing  sexy that full of desires before continue kiss her lips.

his lips slowly down to her  neck and  that caused a  strange tickle on her whole body he suck her skin and it was a little pain she felt Electricity Flows her body when his hands starting caress her back up to down while they continue kissing his lips sometimes up to her earlobe which makes her feel  a weak  the  sensations engulfed her whole body the strange pleasure was makes her body shaken.

He immediately Carries her in to the room she held her hands around his neck while  they are continue kissing--licking nibbling he landed her on the bed and he was top of her.

They are frowning chasing  their heavely breathe even their saliva was mixed she were gasped as his hands remove her blouse his frenzy eyes gazed at her.

"Are you sure about this me A'MOR'?He asked in a Husky voice slowly nibble her lowered lips makes her gasped of the sensation.

"Mierda fuck don't asked me im ready"!She said in erateted voice his fingers played her cheeks before give her a seductive winked  immediately kiss back her lips while his one hands was manage her one breast that will still covered on her bra.

He started remove her bra and sucked played her hard nipples using her magical Tongue she gasped and gripped tightened the bedsheets her body arched.

She gasping becoming crazy his Tongue played on her nipples  and his one hands squeezing played her one breast his kiss moved into  her collar bone up to her neck nibbling sucking her flawless her body arched.

His lips down to her

abdomen stripping  her pants off  parted her legs she closed her eyes bitting her lips against the moaned wanna let out of her mouth he kiss her thighs makes her weak gasping snapped the bedsheets.

She groned as his hands stroking  her wet feminist rubbing her center.

"Ahh feels good"She mumbled moaned the pleasure when he kiss her nibbled her thighs.

"Ughhhh!She was moan loudly as his fingers rubbing faster her wetness feminist she was going like crazy pulled out her own her.

His fingers was becoming aggressive while her tongue continue suck, played her hard nipples.

Her moaned becoming louder as he inserted his one middle fingers Inside her she was scream of the pleasure as his hands moved in and out deeper harder she was chasing her breath her body were shaken trembling.

"Ah-!fuck that's good ahh"!She was scream he winked at her deepens his fingers Inside her while his tongue licks her hard clit she was arched snapped the comforter.

"Can't Jake, ahh it was something wanna came out ughh"She screamed try to push him but he did not listen her instead makes his tongue hard then inserted her  she saw gasping her legs were wobbling.

"Jake, can't ughh"!She wanna get up but she was weak.

"Let her out Dear"He said continue fuck her using her magical Tongue she was weak as something' warmth liquid cumming out she scream as Jake, sipped, lapping her orgasm.

"Ahhmm-it taste so good"He said lap,suck her clit she was held the head board rolling up her eyes.

She moaned loudly.

gripping tightened in the bedsheets he  continue licking,her she gasping her body shaken at she cums twice she took a deep breath fell her head in the bed she was feel fathoms exhausted.

She opened her eyes looking at him Remove his pants her eyes winded when she saw how big is him.

"Oww that's big that's not fitting mine are you killing me"She said he just shrugs.

"If you are not ready I understand"He said.

"Na it's okay we continue"She said he look at her.

"You sure Dear I have a big lenght I'm going to hurt you"He said in a worries voice.

"It's okay I can handle this"She said he was position top of her and  parted of her legs was closed her eyes as his lenght rubbing her center.

"I'll be gentle"He said.his voice was soft tenderly kiss her Temple.

"Ahhhhh fuck shit it's hurt"She complained of the pain she it's seems broke into two pases she bit her brim's against the pain.

"You okay I will stop"He said.his voice panicked when he saw her tears dripping from her eyes.

"Just stay I will tell you if I'm okay I need to adjust"She said he kiss her forehead wiping her tears.

Until she was already adjust he slowly moved her nails buried her masculine arms every moved his inside her deeper her body was move spontaneously too accept him she was screamed moaned Jake, pleasuring fuck her harder he flipped her behind and fuck her harder she was groaned in a raspy voice until she will cum again he flipped her front and kiss her while he still inside her his hands stroking massage her breast his lips sliding on her collar bone licking, lapping her small mole while he continue ramming her feminist.

He suck her hard nipples her  arms encircling around his neck they changed position now she on top of him kiss him in her chest played her tongue on his hard nipple stroking her hands on his abs he groaned what she did and she slowly move her hips up to down his Hands caressed her buttocks while he guide her move they are both moan as they reached the ecstasy she was fell on his chest passed out.

Jake, slowly moved pulled out  his lenght from Inside her before gaze at her he smiled stroking his hands on her face

He climb from the bed cleaning up her before he wrapped the comforter on her body.

The next day Ct woke up with the bad feelings she was grunts of the pain when she sit the edge of the bed she

Went the bathroom but she was fell on the floor when her feminist getting hurt.

While Jake, prepared their breakfast he put the food on the tray and went back in Ct's room he put the food in the table while roaming his eyes looking for her.

"LOVE,where are you'?He called stopped when he heard someone crying in the bathroom he Immediately enter and he saw her sitting on the toilet bowl crying.

"Love are you okay"He asked her.

"Mierda I couldn't able Walk it hurts"She sobbing said he approached her held her face.

"I crawling into here it really hurts ahhh!"She said,he was panicked and carry her into the bed.

"I'm sorry I hurt you "He apologize she just shook.

"No one should be  blame we both did this because we want"She said he kiss her forehead.

"Okay eat first I'm just call a doctor okay"He said.She held his hands.

"No You can't do that I can handle myself "She said moved but she grunts of the pain making him worried about her.

"Mierda!!"She hissed he doesn't know what will going to do he can't stare her straight of her eyes this his fault.

"Let's eat together"She said making him smiled.

"Okay "He said.his voice was mute and they eat together

Castle island🇵🇭

-Rancho Delsoiko-

Doña woke up early and immediately prepared her breakfast she landed the foods on the table Alone.

When she finished eating she prepared the coffee breakfast

For the bodyguards and brought immediately outside,

"Oh have breakfast"She said to the two bodyguards.

"Thank you Doña,"Said the two bodyguards and ate as soon as she walked towards the Rancho office works of what needed to be done.

"Morning Doña,"Flavio, greeted her with slightly bowed.

"Oh Morning Is the there have a lot of grains"?She asked while Open the office.

"Yes Señora," Flavio replied.

"Okay feed them"She said once Enter and sat in the swivel chair.

Mira, was cleaned at their whole small house while her mother prepared for they're breakfast she swept outside just after she did her laundry.

She took the dry clothes after she swept and entered their home.

"Mira, let's eat" Her mother said she landed all the clothes in her Bed and stepping towards the table.

"Mira,can you go to the market now I'm not feeling well "Her mother said.

"Of course mom just rest okay  did you have a fiver or something wrong with your feelings just tell me anyways I already boil your turmeric and Ginger with the lemon grass drink that 3 times a day hmm mom"She said and she was startled by her mother crying.

"Mom why are you crying oh"She asked her mom.

"I'm just happy that the lord gave me a child like loved me so much eventhough im not a perfect mother for you"Her mom said and her face softened immediately embraced her mother in full of love and care.

"Mom don't think of that your my perfect mom ever" She said and kiss her mom top of head.

"Thank you Mira" Her mom said and she shook her head.

"No mom you don't have to say that I should one who was say that okay"She said and her mother cried even harder.

"BUT I have a lot of things to hide you"Her mother said and there She was curious.

"Mom tell me but if your not ready I won't mind"She said and careess her mom hairs.

"I'm ready now and I want to tell you about this your my daughter so you have to know about my secrets"Her mother said and she nodded.

"Remember those letters yesterday from my dad"Her mom said which surprised her.

"Hoh - but I don't have a Grandpa yet"She said.

"No listen honey I was running away from my family before because I'm Inlove your daddy I can't handle anything leave the place that I wasn't like a normal person.since I meet your dad I experienced a lot of things I saw a very Nice nature at there island and I  experienced how to express my feelings and live peacefully and I experienced to Inlove with the guy and that's all  impossible happened when I'll stay in my Father side until now.

Because I'm a Royal Princess"

Her mother said and her eyes widened.

"Mom really"!She said in shock and her mother nodded.

"As a princess is very difficult for me I'm always staying in the palace and will only come out if there is a program like celebration in the other palace and we still have a lot of army troops included just because we're life is always a danger anytime someone wants  killed us .-- and now your Grandpa wants me to go back to the palace with you because of his condition "

"So are you going there"?She asked her mom shrug.

"I don't know Mira, -i don't know I can't deny that I already miss your Grandpa but you are the one I worry about "Her mother said she was  sighed.

"Yeah mom If I go too how can my Carrer be here and Nato" She said and her mom hugged her.

"Yeah I know that's feeling" Her mother said.

"But now Hayyst let's forgat about that our rice is cold" Her mom  said and they ate but she could not forget the confession from her mom.

🇪 Madrid.

Quería held her head she have a hung over now.

"Mama!"She called her mom and rolled her eyes she winded her eyes when she noticed that there's not her room.

"No I'm here on Ríos room ahh what happened"? She asked closed her eyes to remember last night.

"No it'can't be we made love again my god" She said and immediately wear her undies and dress.

"Where are you going"? She look up when Riojeblahmar enters the room.

"Home" She answered and immediately looking at her sling bag.

"No you can't go home until you accept the fact" Riojeblahmar, said she raised her eyebrows.

"What's the fact? That's fuck that we can't for each other that's a fact" She said and Riojeblahmar embrace her she gasped.

"Me A'MOR we both know that we love each other we can't breakup up that because of we are a relative's situation I won't matter about that" Riojeblahmar, said and she shook her head.

"No this is wrong" She said and Riojeblahmar glared at her before giving her a smirk.

"You stay here wether you like it or not period." Riojeblahmar, said In serious full of danger voice and immediately stepping out from the room and luck it

She immediately walked towards the door.

"No you can't do this to me open this door Rio I wanna go home"!She shouted and knocked the door.

But no one answered.

"Rio open this door"! She shouted again she was just tired and sliding leaned the door.

Riojeblahmar went the bar counter room and immediately drank the whiskey he heard Quería's voice and he didn't mind he won't let Quería, loss of hes figure he loved her so much.

He walked towards the kitchen.

"Manang brought Quería's food on the room and don't let her out of there if you have to cuffed her do it" He said and went the guest room for taking a bath.

Quería looking down the Terrace over the room and she felt a fear when she saw a lot of men standing and held a gun and besides it's really hights she Blow's a breath and looked at the door open.

"Hey I'm going out" She said and stopped when the servant held her hands.

"Please Señorita don't you dare out of this room" The servant said and she smirked and hurried out.

"Ohh Señorita come back her guys don't let Señorita get out"! The servant shouted and a lot of guy block on her way.

"No I'm going home" She said and held the door knob but someone hands held her arm and immediately carry her.

"Ahh! I wanna go home let go of me" She shouted.

"Don't makes me angry Quería You know what I'm going to do if you lose my patience you better shut up" Riojeblahmar's, said to her and she better Quiet.

"There stay here I'm going to go somewhere I'll be back before getting night you'll better be behaved there or else I cuffed you"He said and kiss her lips she pout and nod.

"Okay bye"He said goodbye to her and her tummy growled and she looked at the food at the table then ate.


-de Ignacio-

Margarita, and David was having a breakfast together and usuals time Margarita still mad at her husband's.

Someone's calling...

"Hello-" She answered at her phone.

"This is Riojeblahmar, don't worry about your daughter she is with me now"Said the other line she Blow's a relief breath.

"Okay for me it's okay were you still together now most important of all that you both inlove to each other  don't worry im not one who was against your love and I will always suffort what's my daughter decision" She said.

"Good alright bye"Said the other line and he drops immediately.

"Quería is there in safe place now por pavor don't you did something ruined them"She said.her voice was threatening.

"If you say so" David just answered while shaking.


QUNGKO Mansion

Nato just came home, from their company he has arranged something 'project with his new clients.

"Oh son your here anyways your cuzzin tommorow will go there"His mom said and he exited.

"Is Aida really mom"He asked at his mom.

"Yeah we pick her up tomorrow at the airport anyways let's have a lunch" His mom said and she sat down at the dining table.

"Mom, dad can I take a leave if I finish fixing my new clients I just miss my sexy babe"He said and his mom nod.

"Sure son and if she has a time can you invite her to go there so we can meet her.According your telling story about her she saw very nice I am even more excited to see her because of your story about her"His mom said.

"Sure mom but I can't promise she's a busy person" He said.

"Yeah we understand right dad"? His mom said to her dad.

"Yeah"His dad said.

"Mom where's Fueron, will the Acquaintance party start at 6pm"?He asked.

"He has basketball game" His mom answered and he smiled.

"Okay" He said and they ate.


Since CT, is not able to walk now after what happened between them last night, Jake,who was handled the construction and he also talked to the workers he just looked at the workers while watching what they were doing ..

While Ct lying on the bed,she never thought it would lead to this. She doesn't be able to walk because of those horror Jake's length when she just moved a little, she couldn't help but frowned and grunted the pain on her down.

"Grrrr my feminist was broke very very " She hissed and played a remote control she want to watch some movies but she don't even know what kind of movie her gonna be watch she press the Chanel ETC and she saw a very  pretty woman so she looked at it first it was a Romance's movie.

The woman and guy kiss each other and because she opend minded about the Romance drama she watches while eating chips.

Before Jake, left her he make sure a food water on her side and she don't need to stand and walked.

"What a nice telenovelas huh" She comment this story is from Turkish drama it's really beautiful.

Telemondo telenovelas is also good but since She is tired of the Espanol language she better watching other movies.

While Jake, looking up when someone 'hemm'

"Hey Misis Lambarde right" He said to the woman next to him.

"Yes Lambarde and you"? Mrs. Lambarde asked him.

"Engineer GREEKLESS" He introduced.

"Oww nice meeting you anyways where's miss Delsoiko"?  Mrs. Lambarde asked him.

"She's in here hotel unit now having a rest and anyways I'm her boyfriend"He said and he saw the shock on his Mrs Lambarde's face.

"Oww, that's great I'm happy for both of you and if you are getting Married don't forget to invite me in your wedding"Mrs. Lambarde said to him and he just nodded.

"Sure" he said and smiled.

"Alright good luck at this estructure I'll go ahead" Mrs. Lambarde said goodbye to him. he turned his attention back to the building he looked at at his wristwatch.

He approached the head and was given a time out sign before walking towards the hotel.

When he arrived at the hotel he heard Ct laugh, from inside and he immediately entered room.

"I'm here" He informed and approached his girlfriend who was smiling watching a TV  he frowned at it's Turkish telenovelas.

"Oww I didn't know you love Romance love he said and reached out to his girlfriend and kissed her on the forehead.

"Yeah anyways I was bored earlier it was good to see our Telenovelas and I was a little amused"She replied and he looked at the chips that were going down.

"Love let's have a lunch" He said at his girlfriend.

"I'm full and I can't walk"She said and he played with her hair.

"Sure Dear anyways I'm not hungry yet let's just watch together" He suggested to her.

"That's good"She said and they just watched.


The time had passed Quería stay on Riojeblahmar's room she hasn't did of all kung hinde nabagok sa kwarto she felt so bored.

Someone Opend the door and he just doesn't look at It.

"I'm here me ríena I bought some food now your favorite cake, bubble tea and a lot of food you want.wanna joined me to eat a dinner" Riojeblahmar said and she still look at the outside.

"Me ríena shall we go" He said.

"Pretty sure they are worried about me now" Instead of answer she tell those words still facing at the window.

"Ow I already tell them nothing to worry"He said and grabbed her shoulder to face him.

"I already talk to your parents and they give us a freedom they suffort our relationship"He said she smiled for some reason.

"Really"? She asked and her novio*Boyfriend's*nodded with a smile.

"Auhm love you" She said and embrace him.

They are going down together towards the dining table.

🇵🇭 Castle island.

Mira is busy, buying for vegetables in the market and ignoring the guys.

"Here" She said and gave the payment of the cashier  and she also bought groceries and her  personal things.

After buying everything she walked towards the sea port and rented a boat.

"Hey Ms nutritionist"!She heard a shout and looked behind her.

"Ow Doctor Stephen your here"She said and smiled at him.

"Yeah anyways where have you been?"He asked her.

"I was from the market actually going home"She said and looked at the boat coming.

"Okay bye"She said, and immediately boarded the boat.


After watching Jake's movie, and with Ct,he left immediately, and going back into the estructure.

Ct continue watching the movie while still eating the chips she becomes worried of her feminist she feels swollen and It seems she can no longer feel her she wanna tell Jake, about her situation but he it seems busy now so she better keeps

If her grandma know about this  she might grabbed them into the church to getting a married but they are still busy now.

So it's better to keep when they already fix there they are going in Castle to formally introduce Jake to her Grandmother as her boyfriend.

Jake, become a worried about his girlfriend he  knows there is something really wrong with her she always frown grunts at the pain but she endured and pretend to be fine

But that's not good tommorow he will bring her  in the  hospital he does not want to be called a useless boyfriend.


While this story is getting be longer a lot of new characters will be added and this is going to be intense and more, happened of this story a lot added places, profession, and events.