Chapter 13

Passion and Power.


Acquaintance party

-VHI-Vaint Haint International school-

Nelly, sitting down on the table with her one friends she was watching the students having fun dancing on the Dance floor for a few hours but Fueron, is not yet here.

"NELLY, look is that Fueron oww he's really handsome" Adriana screamed and she looked at fueron who was  approached,at their table.

"May I dance you" Fueron said as he reached the table she smiled accepted his hands they walked towards the dance floor.

while they were dancing Nelly, could not explain her feelings as if her world had stopped and the only thing she saw his smile

While Adriana, smile watching Nelly,and Fueron who was dancing in floor.

"Hmm-are you jealous of them"?She turned to Dennis Fueron companion.

"I'm not jealous I shudder at them"Adriana replied him.

"You want to join them. I'm willing to be your partner" he said to her, and she thought.

"Okay  let's go"She said and they immediately went to the dance floor.

"Lady's and gentleman please I interrupt this short moment for the announcement of the Deal tonight.

The Flirty Dance tonight we're starting what name we draw today, You are the Flirt dance queen tonight.

Remember don't Kj, alright are you ready guys "!

The emcee shouted and  immediately Nelly, and Adriana, was alerted.

"Omygod I was nervous" NELLY said, and Fueron held her hand smiled at her the same time. Somehow she was calmed down.


Nelly was nervous.

"NelJane López The flirty QUEEN tonight"!The emcee announced she Blow's a relief breath.

"Omy god I was so nervous I thought you Nelly," Adriana said, and she nodded too.

"Yeah if it's me I don't know what to do maybe im going to Faint"She  said, to them.

The Flirty Dance was begin and as expected happened the girl who was selected to be Flirty Dance Queen tonight is dancing on the floor with the diferents male every moment.Any kind of boys.

There's have A decent guy.The moron bastard Maniac guy who was took advantage the opportunities to touched every private parts of the Girl body cause this is a legalized party.

No KJ no complained even such a harassment ..

As long as all they know this idea by the Dean's ..

No one complains just because this is the legacy.  the Crazy legacy by Dean's.

This is have a permit from the Administration of School.

🇵🇭Castle island.

As the usual time since Ct, is not here yet in the Rancho Doña, Pasi was turned over the business in the Rancho from the Ct, hotel and the Kwadra even she's already 72 years old she can handle this she's very Great business woman in the  Spain before.

And now they're company at the Madrid she just left to her daughter in Spain.

"Good mornings Doña," The all staff of the hotel greet her she's here of the hotel because they are having meeting with the all shareholders and boards she give them a slightly smiled and immediately walked towards the conference room with Ct's secretary.

"Is everything here"? She asked in the sectretary while they are walking towards the conference room.

"Yeah Doña, just arrived" The secretary replied and she entered immediately.

"Good morning" She Greet and sat on the Chair.

"Doña, where's your granddaughter"? A shareholders asked her.

"Ahmm in the batangas just handled the purchased property there so shall we start the meeting" She said and her secretary immediately distributed in the all hotel folders report.

"So one of the first things we look at is the projection of RevPar: [revenue per available room] going up.The real question is, where is that going to com from? Average rate or occupancy? Is it being Afsproportionate amount in specific  cities? The speculation from PKF is that the growth of RevPAR will come from the average rate increase.The first question we think about is how do we explain this our meeting planners? We can't all sudden, overnight, quote  a much higher rate and expect that everything is going to be OK. "

The one of shareholders comment and she nod with slight and smiled at them before speak.

"Okay, when I look at those projections, the first thing I think is" OK, the rates will increase. How will that affect the asking budget. As planners we manage several line items in the budget, and one is room rate through negotiation  .But you can only negotiate so low just a couple of years ago, in the buyer's market, there was more room for negotiating the rate.Now, that window is closing, so I shift my fuccus to sourcing.

Do I need to be in the downtown.

Can I afford to be there at these new rates?  I go back to the goals and objectives of my meeting; what do my stakeholders want "

She said.

"I assure all of you that's nothing to worry about the highest amount rate. And about the budget nothing to worry we can not promise you that everything is going to be okay but we do all our best" She said and nodded.  shareholders and board.

"Okay Doña, Pasi we all know that and about the rates RevPAR you can afford the budget" Said a shareholders.

"Exactly so you saw The sale's report today and the financial status there 'it seems to be okay"She said and they agreed.

After the meeting the shareholders and Board said goodbye.

Doña, walked towards the office and the secretary just followed her.

🇵🇭 Batanggas,

Jake, was prepared the food for them while Ct, still on the bed she felt her feminist worse but as long as she could bear it she could handle it.

She couldn't move her thighs,when she just made a wrong move, she was grunts she wanted to pee but the pain was very bothered on her.

"Love let's eat" Jake, stepping in the room and Landed the food on the table then  approached her.

"Love hows your down still pain"?He asked her she nod.

"Love you want we're going to the hospital that's scary that might be reached in chronic pain"?He said and sat on the edge bed before caress her hair.

"But maybe this will be okay  for tomorrow I can handle this" She said and Slowly move but she screamed of the pain .

While his, watching her suffer of the pain it's really suffocating for him she  endures the pain and purse herself to move but in the end she were scream of the pain fell her.

He Carefully Carry's her on the Chairs and she cried.

"LOVE I WILL bring you in the hospital wether you like it or not don't be so hardheaded this is good for you" He said his voice were hard he took the key immediately carry her into the elevator.

"Jake it's embarrassing I'm sure the doctor will ask me" she talked while they are in the elevator he Carrie's her.

"Shh don't think of  that.

The must important of all to check you" He said, her and he just silent until they arrived at the hospital.

They were entered immediately and the doctor took care of her.

"Okay here's the prescription this  good for one week . Take this in ones a day after dinner okay don't forget to take and no sex for one week" The doctor told her.

"Thanks DOc,"She said and stood up.

"Okay do not forget my order" Doctora said.

"Yes Doc,"She said and Jake entered, pushing the wheelchair which surprised her.

"Hi Doc" Jake greeted, to the Doctor, and turned to her.

"Hello take care of your girlfriend" The Doctora said and turned to her.

"Love sit here"He said, her and supporting her it was embarrassing for her in front of the Doctora.

"Were going Doc, thank you" Jake said, and immediately pushed the wheelchair.

"Tsk Mierda I was looking like had injury"She cursed annoyed sitting in the wheelchair did she still have a choice Hayyst.

She just sighed as Jake pushed her wheelchair into the parking lot.

Jake knew that his beloved girlfriend was very worse pissed off now as he pushed her in the wheelchair, he felt pity for her. He did not think he would end up in this such difficult situation.

He glanced at her from her shoulder she was furious It was probably embarrassing maybe she was an insult because she was not used to being weak like this she was always strong and now it is one week before she could walk again.

When they arrived at the parking lot, He immediately picked up her, and made her sit in the passenger seat. It was cursed escape on her mouth when she were finally sat down he just scratched, on his neck while not looking at his girlfriend who was suffering because of him.

"LOVE, do you want to eat" he asked softly.

"No thanks but I want to rest"She answered weakly and he just nodded while driving the car.

The silence inside the car was deafening, sometimes he glanced at her with her arms crossed, her eyebrows met and she looked bad looking outside.

He wanted to speak but he was afraid that she might make him even angrier and leave him.

"Tsk I just lost my temper" he said in his mind while just focusing on the road.

"Me a'mor I'm sorry I just especially not in the mood I know If you were worried about me "She said,he  smiling as held her hand and kissed it.

"Don't say sorry I was the one who had say that" He said.

"Okay I was scared. Doctora said one week before I could walk. I only had four days stay here and grandma would definitely ask the two security guards about me" CT said, in a worried voice.

"Sometimes we have telling lie especially in this situation I'm sorry to say but your Grandma should not see you in this situation you heal first" He said she sparingly smiled at him.

"Okay I can handle this"She said and looked out the window.

Honestly Ct does not know, What excuse reasons she will say to her grandma.

"HAYST, I'm sorry Grandma but I need to lie to you" she muttered.

Jake Blow's a breathes,hard by the traffic Ct,grabbed his hand and just smiled.

"Be patient I'm okay now"She said and smiled at him.

"Okay are you sure in the earlier You are very angry"he said her.

"Because I'm not used to being weak. I'm not used to many people who look at me and think I'm disabled"she said.

"Sorry" Jake just said, and parked the car in the basement of the hotel he immediately got out and carried CT, to His unit.

As they walked towards the elevator many looked at them and shook It.

They immediately entered the elevator.

When they arrived at his  room, He laid CT on the bed, while stripping of her shoes while ct, just looking at what He did,she could not help but smile This is the first time she has taken care of the man it's feeling good.

"Are you bipolar love?" Jake asked, with a sharp smile on his face.

"Nothing. I'm just happy that you took care of me.

"It's feeling good"She said and he sat down, on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair.

"I always take care of you I love you so much"He said,she smiled.

"I love you so much even though I am disabled because of that"She said laughing and pointed at him down he was scratchy, on his hair then stood up.

"Let's take a bath together" he said, her.

"Okay,"She said he carefully carries her into the bathroom he took off, her dress she was feel  a little  embarrassed but he just smiled at her.

And they are both naked now she was stood opposite of the shower while Jake was soaping her, and his hand was warm caress rubbed her body.

Jake's restraint was serious, as he bathed her then he swallowed deeply to calm himself.

Her body warmed up, He hurried and immediately put on her bathrobe,

And he also took a bath.

After they took a bath he picked up her went to the chair and dried her hair.

"Love I just got some food huh" He said and went out of His room and went to the buffet so that he could choose their food.

When he came out, the familiar woman greeted him.

He just shook his head.

"What's her doing here"?

He asked in his mind and was able to get pass as she was hold his hands.

"Brix what a coincidence we meet how are you it's been a month when last time we meet"? The woman asked him.

"It's okay I have to go" He said and walked to the restaurant.

It was Lemon his  fling in  One week when he was in Manila.

He immediately bought food and brought it to His room but  Lemon blocked in front of him he blow wind hit her face she smiled.

"Look Lemon I'm busy I don't have time for you" He said and he was about to left when she touched him

"Brix, let's have fun together I know your busy about your work let's spend our time together here" She said, her voice were full of temptation.

"Lemon, I'm warning you don't repeat it I already have a girlfriend" He said and Lemon raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really HAHAHHA, for sure you toy her how's pathetic woman" She said in flattering voice.

He shook his head immediately stepping out in the elevator he pushed open the door and landed the food on the table.

He approached Ct, who was sleeping.

"Love wake up let's eat first" He said suffort her into a sit position.

"Why are you taking so long?" She asked.

"I'm just choice your favorite food" He said but her gaze lower down on his arms.

"What happens your arms"? She asked he wondering looking at his arms he Blow's a breath it's small Wounds because of Lemon nails lately when she was holding him.

"Don't mind this it's a simple wounds let's eat" He said digs the food.

"Here" He said

Try to feed her but she was looking at him.

"I'm not baby why would you feed me?" She asked.

"This is a called sweetness" Hi said approach the fork into her mouth.

"Okay" She said and Open her mouth.

They are eat happily until Jake, have to go in the structure to fix something.

He prepared food water in her side before left in the hotel.


QUNGKO mansion.

Nato,were preparing for pickup his cuzzin in the airport his mom side.

He took a bath and then fix himself went downstairs he saw his Little brother sat on the couch while held his phone he approached and sit beside him.

"I was forgat to asked you in last night how was the Acquaintance party?"He asked mess his hair.

"Good"He said.

"So is she's very beautiful at the night that's like a sunshine in the star?"He asked he glanced at him before looking at the ceiling.

"She must beautiful than everyone at the night when I saw her it seemed my world were stop and she's the only one I saw that time I was stunned when I saw her beautiful smiled I felt flouting in the sky I was confused right now Kuya she always stay in my mind she was messing me up I couldn't even sleep I don't even know what's happening to me it's a new for me"He said still looking a part he smiled.

"Your Inlove"He said which makes his panicked looking at him.

"Kuya,I'm not I was just like her as a friends  I'm not inlove with her she was just my friends,just friends"He said he was smirks.

"Even could you deny it but it's was really obvious that you fallen love with her"He said his little brother took the pillow and throw it him.

"I was just saying the truth"He said defense himself.

"You two stop fighting"!His mom said approach them.

"Mom Kuya,was just annoying"His little brother said.

"Mom,I was just saying the truth"He Insisted.

"What's the truth Fueron QUNGKO tell me what's the Truth did your Kuya means?"His mom asked his little brother pout.

"That I had something feelings for the girl he said that I'm Inlove with her that's not true Were just a friend's"His little brother explains to his mom.

"Okay,stop we have to go your cuzzin was already in the airport now let's go"His mom said they are walking towards the van parked on their garage and their  heading into the airport.

When Their has arrived at the airport they looking for His cousin.

"Tita I'm here?"!His cousin wave her hands towards them she was very excited.

"Aw I miss you dear"His mom said hug his cousin.

"I miss you cousin,"he said hugged him tightens he was smiled.

After picking her they are going in the restaurant to have a breakfast together.

🇪🇦 Madrid.


Sarah,was standing infront of detective Lieymotiente who was discussed them about the Del-soiko case after those family bonding time with her family she was happy spend their time with Gabriel'.

Actually they are a couple now.

"Sarrieta, Gabriel' understands"!Mr Lieymotiente said in hard voice after discussing.

"Yes we are"Their answered.

"Alright "Mr Lieymotiente said and left them.

"Gab,what do you think we're starting?"She asked.

"In the airport,"He said.

"Okay so come on"She said.

They went out from the hide out and boarded his car heading into the airport.

When they has arrived they stepping out from his car walking into the Airport but they are both wondering that this not like the Airport all of useless car were parking and  this airport was already abandoned they are walking looking someone for asking.

"We taking so long for finding someone to Ask but no one were here"Sarah said.

He nods walking into the ruin's car.

He was chuckle he saw the old guy peeking them and suddenly Walk away he immediately follow him.

"Gab, were are we going?"She asked.

"I was saw the old guy peeking when were in the Abandoned Airport I have a doubt that he was the one help this case to solve"He said.

"But what if he was accidentally peek us"She said.

"I don't think so let's follow him"He said. the old guy turned left and enter the house.

"Let's knocked the door"He said and approach the door.

"Papa, there's have Someone's in outside"The teenage boy said she smiled at them.

"Hi can I talk to you"He said and the old guy were nervous.

"Auh, about lately I accidentally saw you"He said.

"Okay but are you heard the Airplane accident it's was 14 year's ago Mr& Mrs Delsoiko"He said and The old man thinks about.

"I don't remember but if I remember don't worry I will tell you"He said.

"Thanks to you"He said and they walk towards his car.

"What do you think of him is he telling the truth?"Sarah asked him.

" I don't know"He said.

"Okay"She said get in the car.

🇵Castle island.

Mira,was in the, Classroom she starting her class she had a 3 classmates infact They are 4 students here and she found out that Their are also Scholars.

Mr.Torre was kind a person all she has thought that she was the only person who was received his kindness but A lot of person who wanna study but they can't afford he willing to help them and she proudly said that she one of that..

But she was confused he was also rich man but he was work as HR in the Hospital but she couldn't blame him maybe he was love of that kind of work.

She keeps her all belongings and then walks into the canteen.

She sat on the table Alone and order her foods she took her books then Read while waiting her order as her food come she will eat then went back to her room.

"Hi Fella Mira, right"?one of her classmates greeted her when she was sitting down her chair.

"Yeah,hi"She said.

"I'm Finna Bridgman"She introduce herself offer her hands her.

"Nice meeting you"She said accept her hands for shaking.

She looks Foreigner.

"You know I love your skin"She said.

"Really Me too"She said.

"Anyways are you half black american?"She asked.

"No my mom was half Australian and my Dad was pilipino"She said.

"How about you?"She asked her.

"I'm american Actually I'm one of tourist this Island and I meet my boyfriend he's the son of uncle Joirge, the owner of this School for Dietitian right"She said.

"Ow I see that's good"She said.

"Yeah and you know they are very kind of me, because of them I could continue my studies"She said.

"Yeah,Me too"She said.

"So friends"She said her.

"Okay friends"She said.

They stop talking when her lecture was enter in the room and start discuss them about Dietitian.


Jake,was watching the build structure while hold the plan papers,and also check the all cow.

"Sir may I ask you "The one of the cow workers approach him.

"Sure what is that?"He asked her.

"Hmm where's ma'am Castle?" She asked.

"On the hotel taking rest"He said.

"Okay sir"She said walking into the Pasto de Lambarde.

He sat on the table while his phone suddenly rang.

"Hey Dude I heard your in Batangas now who's your client?"Nato, asked him.

"You will be shocked if I told you guess who"He said.

"Tsk,I'm not a Wich who could guess that"He said.

"My beloved"He said.

"What!?you sure?"He asked.

"Yeah actually we're a couple now"He smiled said.

"Wew! congrats Jake"He said.

"Thank you how about you with miss Sexy?"He asked him.

"Still courtship"He said him.

"And wait! did you court her?"He ask him.

"I was just confess my feelings for her and we have a SAMES feeling and according her relationship should be the prolong not the courtship"He said.

"Really"Nato said.

"Yeah"He said.

"That's good anyways remember Aida she's already here"He said him.

"Oh really that's great"He said to Nato.

"Yeah anyways would you not offense I have something to tell you"Nato said him.

"Okay what's that"?He asked.

"I have a doubt that Fueron had feelings for your step sister"Nato,said his brow's raise.

"Ow it's okay for me but they will both confused right now I know was my Lil sis had also feelings for him but because they are still a young their not gets about their feelings for each other"

He said.

"Yeah anyways see you soon I have to go back in the hotel I have a patient there"He said.

"Fuck you who's your patient?"He ask him he just smirk.

"Secret have a great day dude"He said hung up the phone.

Nato,was shook his head when the line was ended.

🇪🇦 Madrid.

Quería, Having fun watching a TV she has nothing to do here.

She was like a Princess here who is served by the butler given to her By Riojeblahmar to watch over her while he is in operation take care The organization yesterday he called her mama and papa and  they also agreed to continue Her relationship with him even though they were cousin.

And now she is happy even though he is a bit different when he becomes angry. He loves him even though he was  hurts her sometimes when  they are making love

But she was used to be like that  last night he were  sadistic claiming her when he was consumed by desires on her

Cuffed her in the bed while he putting whiskey on her body and he licked it sucked it  sipped her orgasm and whiskey on her body makes him drunk of the pleasure it until he were becoming harsh aggressive claiming her again and again but she also like that they both enjoy of what they are doing.

She heard the beep of the car she excited peek him in the window but her brow's tingled when he with a women she went back lay down the bed and continue watch a movie.

"Hi me a'mor"He greeted her kiss her forehead.

"Who is she"?She asked.her voice hollow.

"Ow,your Jealous she's nothing business matter"He said stroking her hair.

"Okay,"She said pushing herself into sit position confronted at him stripping his coat.

"Me a'mor can I go with you tomorrow at your operation"She said.

"Can't be me a'mor it  was danger operation you shouldn't go there"He said she was gulped.

"Me can't be but those woman could be your companion there"She said crossing her arms.

"Me A'mor your different her"He said.

"Yeah I'm different because I was weak while she was brave she can protect herself while me I need you for my protector"She said her voice hard.

"It's not what you think me a'mor I'm not especially in the mood to argument with you please Quiet"He said.his voice warning.

"I don't care I want go with you tomorrow"!I wanna go'!

She said,He clenched his fist together tightened his jaw.

Controlling his temper.

"Me a'mor shut up"He said his dark eyes gaze her.

She immediately lay down in the bed didn't mind him.

He went the bathroom to take a shower.


Ct,still laying down on the bed watching a TV she was feel so bored she wanna go in the pasto and the structure but she can't go there Jake, enter the room and kiss her top of head before sitting down on the edge of the bed caress her hair.

"Love were you bored there?"He asked.

"Yeah I wanna go in the pasto but couldn't be"She said.

He Blow's a breathes.

"She was already bored to be like this"he muttered.

"Anyways thank you I'm sorry if I was always complain"She said.

"No it's Okay please take care of your self here"He said kiss her palm.

"Yeah and you too"She said slowly sit on the bed.

"So how's your down you feel something"?He ask.

"It's going better"She said.

"That's good anyways I have something for you"He said took the necklace on her coat.

She was surprised when she saw a cute necklace.

"Wow really and what's a meaning of this"?She asked looking at the pendants of the necklace.

"C.B."Castle tale and Me"He said makes her smiled she was shuddered her heart were pounding.

"Thanks you"She said and he put the necklace on her neck and then she face him and kiss his lips torridly.

She closed her eyes as he kiss her back gently nibbled her lips and embrace her.

"I love you so much"He said kiss her forehead.

"I love you more my engineer"She said Which makes him Lough.

"I love you too my Client"He said and she was Lough too.

To be 🔰