Chapter 14

Passion and Power.

CT wakes up by the something brightly lights afternoon hit her vision she rubs her eyes looking up in the wall clock she pushing herself in the sit position she smiled looking at the food on the bedside table and there's had a note.

She smiles while reading the letter.

He was so sweet.

In what he did she was even more in love with him.

he did what he said last time that he could do everything to make her fall in love with him completely.

She was ignoring what she thought and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

She felt her down and there was still a little pain and swelling.

"hay" Because of what happened she was afraid to have sex with him again when she'd recovered from this situation now and maybe this will not happen again she has neglected her obligations here too much because of those sex but she could not deny that she was also enjoyed.

she finished bathing and got dressed immediately to eat.

but she called Jake, first.

"Hi Dear, how's your feelings now especially your down?"He asks her in a soft voice.

"Still but I think this becoming will be fine anyway have you already eat breakfast?"She asks.

"Yeah and there's had a food I left in the bedside table eat a lot," He said.

"Yeah And thanks to you my love, "She said.

"Ahmet's nice to hear it feels so good," He said. that he seems floating.

"Okay from now on I will call you that, "She said mixed the mushroom soap.

"Yow I got it anyway eat Well I'll be there at the lunch," He said.

"Okay and I think I can walk I'll be there later," She said.

"No Dear please stay there You had to heal first don't worry about the cows I can handle Everything just rest," He said she just rolled her eyes.

"So I had a choice," She said.

"Okay bye love you, "He said.

"Love you too take care," She said then drop the phone on the bed and then eat.

After eating she was walking slowly.

makes fast healing her wounds down she needs to be there at the castle for Tomorrow night aside scaring of her grandma she had to go back because in the rancho and hotel.

Her grandmother could handle Everything but she might be stressed not good for her health.

So she needs to be there As soon as possible no matter what the promise is promised.

Otherwise, her grandmother might be mad at her but aside from that, she was nervous too about introducing Jake as her boyfriend her grandmaster might against them.

but if that's happening and her grandmother makes her choice of her over Jake. That's really what she's afraid she doesn't want to choose because she loves them both.

And hope there will be no problem with her grandmother.


She knows.

her grandmother strict when it comes to lovers so She wishes it was just not now. and besides, she is at the right age for that kind of thing.

She went out and went to the balcony to get some air she slowly walked and grabbed the table then looked at the bright sky.

It's different here,

there's had also fresh in the castle, but it's better here, there is a lot of wood that produces the fresh air. She took a deep breathing and sat on the seat while scrolling her phone she decided to call Mira,.

she is not answering her phone maybe she was busy.


Hi Ct, I can't talk to you.

I'm in the class right now I'll call you later.

Mira, text her.

To: Amega.


She replied went to youtube on her phone to watch a movie passing the time.

She rested her back put on the headphone.

Jake, were standings opposite the build structures check carefully the structures holding the papers plan him with the foreman and he already discusses him about the plan and style he handled also the architecture.

"Sir engineer so this the factory?"The foreman asked him.

"Yeah," He said.

"Nice place," He said.

"Yeah Maybe next week I haven't here make sure this did properly"

He said.

"Yes sir we will do our job well," He said.

he nods.

looking around places.

"Kuya can you buy my all Sampaguita"A cute girl approaches him offers the Sampaguita flower to him.

"Ahm what am I going to do that I'm not religious," He said.

"You can give that to your love ones," She said.

"Okay how much all?"He asks.

"100pisos only," She said to give it to him he handed him a wallet and paid her she just smiles at him.

"I'm sure your girlfriend will fall in love more with you because of that," She said.

the corner of his lip rise looking at her.

"Really," He said.

"Yes sir anyway I had to go I'm late for my class," She said quickly ran.

He smiled and looked at the flower and then put it in the hut and walk towards the Pasto de Lambarde to check the cows.

he walks nearing the one worker.

"Hi how's the cow"?He asks the worker.

"They are good SIR, "The worker said.

"Okay, good anyways had you eat all for breakfasts?"He asks.

"Yes, sir, "The worker said.

"Okay back your work," He said watching the cows.

His phone suddenly rang he took from his pocket it's Nato,

"Hi, Jake it looks like we will never be back at work together.

Dad will make a decision and he changed the companies he made a team worker architecture and I am the directors and dad in contraction's engineers"Nato, said.

"Ow that's sad," He said.

"Yeah" Nato, said.

"Anyway next week Mr.Merrit weeding at the Boracay Resort are you came?"Nato said.

"If he gives me an invitation card why not, "He said.

"Yeah me too you know her wife?"Nato asked him.

"In personal but I saw her in the magazines she's a famous Australian model," He said.

"Oh I see"Nato, said.

"Oh anyway, I had to go do bye for now, "He said.

"Okay bye"Nato, said.

he put his phone in his pocket then walking back into the structure.

Rancho Del soiko.

DONA, Pasi. was sitting in her seat reading some papers.

she was always waiting for the call from Spain.

captain Kamin will call her the last night to informs her that the case of her nieta was closed she will be sad.

No matter how rich you are if you're enemy good hiding clean that there is no trace of evidenced work.

you have a hard time getting the justice you deserve.

She just sighed and Prepare the documents papers of the new buyers.

"Dona" The buyer was here," Flavio said.

"Okay let his in," She said.

"Okay Dona"Flavio, said.

The buyer's come and they are talking about the payments and health of the horses.

after they talked She finished what she was doing to go to the hotel.

They are different from her Nieta. because in a month she only goes there for a week.

While she was going there every day from those days when her granddaughter went to Batangas and tomorrow night she will back there and take care of everything.

While she was back in her usuals life.

Resting chilling home.

when Starting those times that she had a heart attack Her granddaughter wasn't allow her to go going back to work again.

because according to her she can handle Everything from the Rancho and hotel and it was true her Nieta was very She was a very hardworking and smart woman she was like her when she was a young.

she looking up at the ceiling and blink when her cellphone suddenly rang.

cut off her deep thoughts.

She took her cellphone and answer her Nieta.

"Hola'Grandma how are you my dear"Her Nieta(Granddaughter).

"I'm okay how about you there?"She asks back to her Neita.

"I'm also good grandma," Her Nieta said in warmly voice she was smiled.

"She Has in the good mood now maybe her nightmares weren't visited her".

"grandma still there?"Her Nieta asks.

"Yeah, I'm just happy for you.

for sure your usual nightmares didn't visit you again last night" She said.


Hearing Those voices from Ct's Grandma

she was silent at the moment realizing something.

just now she'd noticed since Jake and her slept side by side she was not visited by her horrifying nightmare and it was two nights that she has slept peacefully on her mind she smiled.

"I hope this will be can continue forever so that my day will not be ruined,"  She said her grandma just sigh.

"hopefully my dear anyway captain Kamin was closed your case, "Her Grandma said.

"Is that so what's the unluckiest life and look the also case of mama and papa until now justice can't achieve funny grandma.

Is that how They are very influencing people our secret opponent who attacked us behind" She said.

"But that is not a reason for us to stop seeking justice, is it right that we will not stop just because of this"Her Grandma said she just sigh even if she says I don't want. I'm tired of being the hope that someday we took the justice but the desire to achieve justice for her mama and pala prevailed in her heart.

"Okay Grandma let's continue this," She said.

"Alright I've had to back my work bye, my Dear Nieta, "Her Grandma said.

"Bye Abuela(grandmother )I love you," She said drop the phone.

She took a deep breath looking at her phone.

"What kind of person of our opponent? Hays"She said went into her room.


After the acquaintance party it is now almost the whole university topic about the acquaintance party all of the students here including Nelly's friend this is just a story about she and Dennis but she is the only one sitting because she is confused with herself right now.

She did not know how she felt about Fueron.

She was smiled at her Idea she doubted that this feeling is something like him or Love him just because he's the guy, not her friends.

She smiled immediately ran into the computer room searching for love.

Adriana was shocked as Nelly, immediately ran she was going to chased her but she was tired so she was better sat her chair plugging the headset on her ear make A sound trip.

Nelly, immediately open the computer.

searching what's the feelings of love her eyes winded As she was matched her feelings for Fueron she smiled got out from the computer room walk towards the department law school she heard something screaming so she traced the voice she saw the plaza and someone was playing basketball she slowly approached and sat at the very top she smiled as they Fueron turned out to be playing.

She was waving her hands calling him at but she was gulped when he just looked at her without emotion and went to the woman holding mineral water and give it to him.

She just ignored it and she was shouted cheering him up when he can shoot the ball he was a good shooter.

Until the end of the game, she immediately approached him to congratulate him but he ignored her and walk together with his friends she was just sad looking at him away.

even though She looked stupid she was chasing him.

"Hi, Fueron your too good lately you are such a good shooter where are you going hi everyone"She smelled greetings from Fueron, friends.

He stops looking at her before held her hands walking onto the bench.

"Aren't you heard me lately why are you ignoring me weren't be friends but it's okay from now I'll consider you my love one because I already know about my feelings for you?"She said.

"Forgat your feelings for me, And from now on we're not friends just mind your businesses must of all focused your studies didn't that's your fucking feelings for me, "He said immediately leave her alone stand opposite in the bench.

She does not know what should react if she will hurt by what he said or angry with him.

Why did he do this

they are was still okay at the acquaintance party but now he suddenly changed and the hurts, even more, is that she is just an air for him who just doesn't care about her presence.

She was decided not to go to class she wanted to be alone her feelings now were weakening what happened between them.

She saw the small swing immediately boarded.

She saw a couple kissing together on the side and she ignored them took her books to read something.

Adriana was becoming worried about Nelly, in her seat their class already started but she was not there until their next subject followed.

Fueron, with his friends, walk towards the canteen.

He sits in the chair opposite Dennis he didn't mind the all-girls shout his name he just thinking about Nelly, confession lately he was bothering those words he also had a special feeling for her but this can't be they're still too young and he had to focused on his study.

For him study first before entering that relationship.

he knew he had hurt Nelly, earlier but that's had to do would be good for the two of them.

"Hey Fueron have you Seen Nelly, she did not enter the class"Adriana, approach him.

"Call her she might be around, "He said.

"But she did not answer my call I was worried about her.

"I looking for her all over the campus but I could not find her," She said.

"Hi Adriana I'm here" Nelly, and he was looked at her from head to foot checking her body.

"Nelly where have you been I've been looking for you"Adriana, said.

"Long story let's go to our table," She said. Dennis kicks his toes he narrowed his eyes to him.

"What?"He asked him.

"I saw are you avoiding her?"He asked.

"No" He denies.

"Ow, why does it seem like something happened between you and her.

she has just ignored you why?"Dennis, asked him he just rolled his eyes didn't answer his question.

"Oh come on bro are you afraid that entering a relationship might neglect your studies you such a coward we know that there is a love affair between you and her don't deny it I know you" Dennis, said.

and he was silent.

"I don't want to be like my older brother before that he almost broke down because of a woman and I want to enter about that if everything is okay with me and I can achieve my dreams.

I do not want to combine a study and love life I want to focused the one thing and that was a study.

If we really For together and we are separated and never meet again the destiny itself made way for us to meet again soon" He said.

"If you say so you are weird bro" Dennis,  said.

"Speaking of love life how about you with Adriana?"He asks Dennis was Lough.

"Are you kidding me bro she's like a kid "Dennis, Said to him.

"Okay but she's pretty too interested," He said to try to piss him.

"Yeah she was but she's too young for me," Dennis said.

"Oh, how old are her?"He asked.

"16" Dennis, said.

"Ow and age is a number," He said.

"I don't think so" Dennis, said.

"You had a special feeling for her Don't deny I saw you in your eyes and the way you look at her, "He said.

"I admit it but she was too young" Dennis, said.

"Okay age doesn't matter you know but you'll better wait for her until she was turned at the mature age then you can court her whenever you want, "He said.

"Yeah we're the same idea" Dennis, said.

"Anyway, we have to go, "He said getting up.

"Okay" Dennis, said walk towards Their Nelly's Table.

"Bye baby" Adrian, shock by the whisper of someone in the ear.

"Grrr you go away," She said.

"I'm just saying goodbye," Dennis said wink at her.

"Okay bye, "She said turned back her food.

"Hoy Adriana, did you hide me something?"Nelly, asked her.

"What's hiding?"She said.

"Seriously you don't know that meaning?"Nelly, said.

"Of course I know I mean what did I hide from your were friends right I should not hide you," She said.

"Did Dennis, flirt with you at the acquaintance party night I've noticed it"Nelly, said narrowed her eyes.

"Auh nope I don't know,"  She said.

"Okay" Nelly, said.

🇪🇦 Madrid.

Gabriel and Sarah were going back to the abandoned airport to investigate they are already talking to the old guy they'd meet yesterday and he can't remember everything.

And that was difficult for them finding the suspect they saw someone guy delivered something ruins car in the garage.

They approach him.

Asking something but as expected he was just a carwash man and he doesn't know what's happening for many years ago.

They are just looking for a restaurant to eat at.

While Gabriel forcing her to wear his jacket because she was only wearing a sleeveless t-shirt in the days they are together he was becoming so possessive when it comes to her.

She was sighed took a jacket to dress it Face at him.

Showing him.

"Happy?"She asks in a sarcastic voice he just smiled embrace her.

"Thank you I just don't want someone's guy saw your body,"  He said.

"You too greedy," She said.

"I don't care as long as your mine, "He said.

"Selfish," She said.

"I don't care," He said.

"Greedy," She said teasing him.

"I said I do not care, "He said.

She wants to Lough.

"Selfish," She said again he has pulled away from her.

"Are you trying to pissed me off I warning you to stop it you will not like what I can do you" He said.his voice rough which makes her feather stand.

"Selfish," She said.

"One" He counts grabbing her waist closer to him.

"Two," She said fought his gaze.

"Self--"Her voice stuck. as he kisses her torridly she was gasped responding to his kiss.

He pulled away together himself looking at her.

"Want?"He asks in a husky voice.

"Want," She said raising her Brown brow's him.

"Okay let's go, "He Said Encircled his arms around her shoulder.

Entering the restaurant.


-de Ignacio.-

Señora Margarita, sitting on her chair she's now in his office after those happens she had a lot of paper works she was taking off her eyes glass facing one of her men's worker.

"Yes please speak I had a lot of works," She said.

"Señora, Someone's investigated for the delsoiko case a years ago are you know this until now they are was still finding a justice, "He said.

"Mierda okay," She said back in her seat.

Thinking about her brother.

"Will they are wasting their time and money I make sure they can't find out me the suspect"She smirks by her thoughts stand up to take some vodka.

"A'MOR" Her husband came to her office.

"Yes," She said took the one glass give it to him.

"You Hadn't a plan to take back Your daughter from those danger guys," Her husband said.

"Por favor A'mor stops she was safe there," She said.

"You cannot stop me I will make them married,"He said.

"Oh that's your concern no worries I'll talk to Riojeblahmar soon about that," She said.

"Okay," He said to sit on the couch.

"Anyways I'll visit tomorrow at the airport, "He said.

"No!"Margarita said.

"What why?"He asked her.

"Nothing just don't go there," She said makes him curious.

"If you say so but tell me why "He said.

"Just follow what I said to you understand," She said back in her seat.

"Okay," He said looking outside.

"Anyways I was here to give you this report," He said.

She opened the folder immediately her eyes narrowed at him.

"Are you kidding me this is true?"She asked him.

"Unfortunately yes our sales were slowly going down than before and we have a lot of client backing out our company if this will survive next month we're going to bankrupt, "He said.

"No I won't let that happen never," She said immediately took the client's documents papers.

"No!No! this is can't be"She said immediately took the telephone call her secretary to prepare the conference room.

Quería was sitting down on the bench As usual time she'll be waiting for her boyfriend.

She took her camera walking into the garden taking a picture.

When she was about to press the bodyguards blocking the flowers.

She was annoyed looking at him.

"Hey can't you see I will taking a picture go away," She said.

"I'm sorry queen but you can't do that my Lord will going to kill us, "He said which makes her Lough.

"Are you kidding me I'm her future wife" She said.

"You'll better to follow me Queen or else the passed were repeated, "The bodyguard said her eyebrows tingled.

"What those about the Passed?"She asks him.

"I have a no position to tell this about, "He said.

"I don't care to go away I'll take pictures of those flowers go away," She said.

"Okay, queen as long as I already warned you, "He said immediately took the picture she was smile looking at the picture of the flowers, and immediately enter the household went straight to her room tomorrow she was going duties her work at their company.

She was open the laptop watching a movie.


Mira was walking into her office she went first her school took her schedule.

She sat in her office checking all patients she was taking a deep breath rested her back in her seat.

"Good morning ma'am here's your tea, "Her secretary said to give her one glass of tea.

"Thanks," She said sips her tea.

While reviewing the Health record of the patients then she went out of her office walking out towards the gym.

She saw all Patient was busy zomba.

She has approached them.

"Good morning guys I'm here to check all of you please stop for a while take a breathing exercise, "She said and then check them one by one.

And then clawing back into her office.

She took her phone.

There's have a 3 missed calls from Nato, she fixes the records and calls at him.


Nato was finished talking to their Clients he stepping out of the restaurant boarded his car.

He has middle driving in the road when his phone suddenly rang he connected as his car and answer it her Sexy babe.

"Sexy babe I miss you," He said.

"Miss you too how are you today?"She asked him.

"I'm fine how about you?"He asks her back.

"Slightly tired," She said.

"Sexy babe what if you stopped working and served me as your husband, "He said.

"Are you kidding?"She said.

"I was joking anyways have you eat already?" He asked her.

"Yes, how about you?"She asks him.

"Same to you can we invite you a dinner with my family they are wanna meet you but even it's a one night," He said.

"Okay I'll fix my schedule," She said.

"Ow, really that's nice anyway how's your study?"He asks her.

"Good anyway I have one friend there in one Classroom we've 4 students," She said.

"I she/or he?"He asked.

"Of course She, "She said.

"Hasty good, "He said.

"Yeah anyway I had to hang up this phone I had something to do," She said.

"Okay sexy babe you take care there I'll be there very soon," He Said.

"Okay bye, "She said.

"I love you sexy babe!"He said.

"Lower your voice you going ruined my eardrum," She said.

"I'm still waiting for your answer have a great day sexy babe," He said dro the phone he was smiled before turning left his office.

He Enters his office took water.

"Hi sir this is the orphanage together works from the team you can review if you had put something style additional do it, "Her secretary said.

"Ahm I think this okay I'll talk to dad later about the contractions," He said.

"Okay sir," His secretary said before getting out of his office.

He took off his coat hang it in his chair before work towards his dad's office.

"Morning dad Can we took about the project?"He asked pulled open the door.

"Sure come in, "His dad said.

"SO dad this is the orphanage what do you think about this dad?"He said handed the tarpaulin.

"Hmm this is okay I'll already take the foreman," His dad said.

"Okay dad," He said.

"Good thing that mom allows you to go back here the company, "He said.

"Yeah and I'll already take the Chief, "His dad said.

"That's good anyways I'll be my office," He said.

"Okay," His dad said and went back into his seat.


Jake, was walking into the hotel.

He immediatelyake, was walking into the hotel.

He immediately quickly walk as he saw Lemon,    see him.

He was avoiding her she was a bitch.

He did not afraid of her he was afraid what if Ct,   saw them he was avoiding the trouble of love.

He pulled open his unit and he saw immediately Ct, laying down on the bed while confronted with her laptop.

"My love, "He said kissing her forehead.

"You're here let's go I'm hungry," She said.

"No!"He said.

Her eyebrows tingle looking at him.

"Why No?" She asked.

He simply swallowed.

"Ah eh. let me breathe first," He said.

"Okay," She said.

He was afraid what if Lemon still there.

Knowing those women.

"Fuck this is shit".

"What shit?"He was shocked looking at her.

"What?"He asks.

"You said fuck this is there have a problem tell me," She said.

"Oh nothing let's go," He said.

"Damn it"

when they walk towards the elevator he secretly roaming his eyes looking around.

He blew relief breathe when they arrive at the buffet peacefully.

They immediately sat on the table but he was surprised as Ct, grabbed his neck shirt glared at him.

"Love, what's wrong? He asked.

"Are you hiding something from me?" She said in a hard time voice.

"Ah ahh, nothing Love why would, "He said.

He let go of his neck and kiss him.

"Just makes sure nothing," She said point her two fingers to him he was smiled.

"Promised I don't hide something," He said.

"Okay let's eat," She said.

"What if I have a woman what would you do for her?"He asks her.

"Simple I give her a lection," She said.

"What's kind of lection?"He asked her.

"I buried her face in the water," She said in a serious voice.

"Rea-really," He said In a stuttered.

"Yeah, "She said.

"Yearly u so much more than my life," She said.

"And I love you too more than my life," He said holding her hands.

"Good," She said.

"Oh that's too sweet" They are both stop gradually looking at the woman.

And Jake was surprised.

To be🔰◉‿◉.