Terry looked at Alison for a moment unsure what to say he just attacked the lord of the region even though he was a monster he attacked him. "I... he came after me. I defended myself."

Alison's eyes were wide as she walked into the room past Terry, "I believe you... but, we need to get him down."

Terry sighed and closed his eyes speaking to Erebus in his mind. He was suddenly standing in front of the massive eye again darkness surrounding him. "What do you think we should do?" Terry questioned.

Erebus was silent for a moment, "You're angry with him I know... I can feel it. That desire that he would just die. I'm familiar with that feeling but, we could use him."

Terry sat down in the dark void the ground felt soft almost cushioned, "Use him? How?"

"Vampires of creatures of darkness. Immortals. Almost better humans that had the ability to grow stronger with only a slight consumption of blood... but talking to Bezel it seems that somehow the Vampires were cursed to require blood to survive."

Terry looked down for a moment and sighed, "That doesn't really answer my question how can we use him?"

"I can take that away from him... he would no longer hunger or require blood. I could sire him. Which means he'd belong to us and do everything we say." Erebus continued to explain.

Terry slowly stood up and looked into the eye staring into the dark pupil, "We would control the lord we would control the whole region of Athon."

Erebus sounded triumphant, "The first step to world domination falling right in our lap."

Terry had an intense look grow on his face, "I don't want world domination! That's your goal. Not mine." Terry yelled waving his arm aggressively at the word, "mine."

A deep rumbling laugh echoed all around Terry for a few moments that was soon followed by a few moments of silence. "You know... If we did this no one would have to get hurt anymore by Bezel. We could make sure everyone was safe and out of harm's way. Safe from their vampire lord.

Terry sighed, "Can't we make sure of that by killing him like the monster he is. He killed children."

"Think though, he was cursed addicted to the blood of others. So much so that he was forced to give up his humanity. Wouldn't he deserve to live without the curse he wouldn't hurt anyone and he would get a second chance at life? To atone for his past." Erebus spoke slowly with an intensity behind each word.

Terry gulped loudly, "I.. guess your right... what do we need to do?" Terry questioned.

"Give me control. It won't take long." Erebus explained.

Terry looked at the eye for a few more moments, "Erebus I give you control."

"Terry... do something. We need to get him down!" Alison grabbed Terry's shoulders shaking him a bit, as he hadn't moved or been responsive to her words at all. Yet Terry didn't respond. Slowly Alison let go looking up at the still writhing mass of black tendrils that were squeezing Bezel tighter by the second. A drop of dark red blood dripped to the ground.

Terry though still stood unmoving his eyes closed and unphased by his surroundings.

"You're killing him!" Alison yelled as red-feathered wings erupted from her back. She jumped up and the wings flapped powerfully sending out plumes of red feathers throughout the room. She ascended upwards to the writhing squeezing mass of darkness that hid Bezel away desperately with claws forming on her hands made of fire she dug into the darkness. It didn't budge.

Erebus opened Terry's eyes they were completely blacked with his normal voice mixed with Erebus' deep and powerful voice. "Digging into them like that is just going to make it worse for him."

Alison froze recognizing the bone-chilling voice, "E...erebus?" Alison questioned stopping her digging at the darkness as it was becoming obvious it wasn't making much of a difference. "Why do you have control right now?" Alison questioned slowly descending back to the ground.

Erebus smiled for a moment that turned into a shrug of his shoulders, "Who knows. Terry wanted me to take care of some things." He said looking up where Bezel was locked away and back down to Alison, "You seem tense." Erebus said after a few moments of silence, "Why are you so nervous?"

"I..." Alison tried to speak but the moment she tried she lost her words. She looked at Terry for a moment who was standing in the doorway where the only source of light leaked into the room. Her eyes widened as she saw a black aura surrounding him. With another attempt to speak she grabbed her throat as she felt a painful lump that refused to go away.

Erebus smiled with Terry's body and walked forward, "Alison you have nothing to worry about. You've already met me a couple of times but you really do seem like you afraid this time." Erebus said with a chuckle raising his left arm and dropping it back down.

With Erebus' gesture Bezel dropped to the ground with a loud thud. The dark tendrils went in an instant. Bezel's clothes were ripped and tattered revealing his pale skin. Erebus walked forward grabbing Bezel by his black hair, "I have an offer for you." Erebus said calmly.

Alison watched in horror realizing that she couldn't move her body she was completely paralyzed as she watched Erebus lift Bezel by his hair. It wasn't fear or anything she felt like an invisible force held her still, and that same force kept her from speaking.

Bezel slowly opened his eyes cuts and scrapes covered his body, "What... are you?"

Erebus' serious face slowly crept into a warm smile, "You've had a hard life, haven't you. Being turned into a vampire at your young age mustn't have been easy. I can see what you've gone through." Erebus said looking Bezel in the eyes.

"What do you..."

Bezel was cut off, "You were a young child you don't even know how old you were in a poor worker's family. You got to watch as your parents were killed by vampires and then they attacked you. One thing led to another but you were saved by someone while a vampire's fangs were in your neck. You were able to get away but... quickly after that you started to change."

Bezel's eyes grew wide in horror as Erebus spoke, "How do you know all that."

"Soon after that, you had your first blood meal. A sleeping homeless man on the streets he didn't fight back. You were starving and you were thankful but scared. You were young and didn't deserve to be forced to kill to just survive but it's what our world has come to now, hasn't it? Now let me tell you what gift I have for you."

Bezel was quiet his eyes wide in shock as his entire life was being read by a boy who he thought was just a small snack a few moments prior.

"That wasn't what Vampirism is supposed to be." Erebus said softly putting his hand down to Bezel's hand grabbing it firmly, "I'm going take your hunger away for blood now. You will belong to me and you will do everything I say and you will enjoy doing it."

"I don't think you can take my need for blood away." Bezel answered.

"Non-sense, you just don't know who I am." Erebus paused for a moment, "I am darkness. The source that all vampires came from. I am going to make you an original vampire. What vampires were meant to be." Erebus smiled as dark energy radiated throughout his hand and spread into Bezel.

"What are you doing?" Bezel questioned nervously as a strange tingling feeling overtook him. He slowly started to move his legs getting longer his arms growing in length his face growing in maturity. With how quickly the darkness came over Bezel it was gone.

Erebus smirked patting the top of Bezel's head, "There we go you look a bit better now." He stood up and looked down at Bezel, "How do you feel now?"

Bezel was on the ground looking at his hands color returned to them they were no longer a pasty white. He turned to look up at Erebus, "T...the hunger. It's all gone!"

Erebus smiled widely, "Of course it is. This is what you were meant to be not stuck in a boy's body for millennia. You are meant to help this world not destroy it." Erebus explained, "Soon we will be using you for our own gains."

Bezel stood up getting on his knees, "Whatever you want sir. I'm here to serve." Bezel explained.


Alison the moment she got control of her body rushed out of the mansion right into Darryl. "D you aren't going to believe what happened." she was panicked and out of breath pausing for a moment to get her thoughts together, "Terry just took control of Lord Bezel."

Darryl smiled for a moment, "Does that surprise you? kind of expected it. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon."